@prefix mf: <http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-manifest#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix rdft: <http://www.w3.org/ns/rdftest#> .
@prefix serd: <http://drobilla.net/ns/serd#> .

	a mf:Manifest ;
	rdfs:comment "Serd pretty-printing test cases" ;
	mf:entries (
	) .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <anonymous-in-list-object.ttl> ;
	mf:name "anonymous-in-list-object" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <anonymous-object.ttl> ;
	mf:name "anonymous-object" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <anonymous-subject.ttl> ;
	mf:name "anonymous-subject" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <anonymous-subject-and-object.ttl> ;
	mf:name "anonymous-subject-and-object" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <empty-anonymous-object.ttl> ;
	mf:name "empty-anonymous-object" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <empty-list-object.ttl> ;
	mf:name "empty-list-object" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <empty-list-subject.ttl> ;
	mf:name "empty-list-subject" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <empty-list-subject-and-object.ttl> ;
	mf:name "empty-list-subject-and-object" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <list-in-object.ttl> ;
	mf:name "list-in-object" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <list-object.ttl> ;
	mf:name "list-object" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <list-subject.ttl> ;
	mf:name "list-subject" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <list-subject-with-extras.ttl> ;
	mf:name "list-subject-with-extras" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <list-subject-with-list-extras.ttl> ;
	mf:name "list-subject-with-list-extras" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <many-objects.ttl> ;
	mf:name "many-objects" .

	a serd:TestTrigPrint ;
	mf:action <named-graph.trig> ;
	mf:name "named-graph" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <nested-list-object.ttl> ;
	mf:name "nested-list-object" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <nested-list-object-with-empty-lists.ttl> ;
	mf:name "nested-list-object-with-empty-lists" .

	a serd:TestTurtlePrint ;
	mf:action <nested-list-subject.ttl> ;
	mf:name "nested-list-subject" .

	a rdfs:Class ;
	rdfs:comment "Tests that a TriG document pretty-prints exactly as written." ;
	rdfs:label "TriG Pretty-Printing" ;
	rdfs:subClassOf rdft:Test .

	a rdfs:Class ;
	rdfs:comment "Tests that a Turtle document pretty-prints exactly as written." ;
	rdfs:label "Turtle Pretty-Printing" ;
	rdfs:subClassOf rdft:Test .

	rdfs:subClassOf mf:ManifestEntry .