/* Copyright 2011-2020 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net> Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #undef NDEBUG #include "../src/decimal.h" #include "../src/string_utils.h" #include "test_data.h" #include "serd/serd.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include <process.h> #else #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <assert.h> #include <float.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #define DBL_INFINITY ((double)INFINITY) static size_t n_tests = 16384ul; static uint32_t seed = 0; static void test_count_digits(void) { assert(1 == serd_count_digits(0)); assert(1 == serd_count_digits(1)); assert(1 == serd_count_digits(9)); assert(2 == serd_count_digits(10)); assert(2 == serd_count_digits(99ull)); assert(3 == serd_count_digits(999ull)); assert(4 == serd_count_digits(9999ull)); assert(5 == serd_count_digits(99999ull)); assert(6 == serd_count_digits(999999ull)); assert(7 == serd_count_digits(9999999ull)); assert(8 == serd_count_digits(99999999ull)); assert(9 == serd_count_digits(999999999ull)); assert(10 == serd_count_digits(9999999999ull)); assert(11 == serd_count_digits(99999999999ull)); assert(12 == serd_count_digits(999999999999ull)); assert(13 == serd_count_digits(9999999999999ull)); assert(14 == serd_count_digits(99999999999999ull)); assert(15 == serd_count_digits(999999999999999ull)); assert(16 == serd_count_digits(9999999999999999ull)); assert(17 == serd_count_digits(99999999999999999ull)); assert(18 == serd_count_digits(999999999999999999ull)); assert(19 == serd_count_digits(9999999999999999999ull)); assert(20 == serd_count_digits(18446744073709551615ull)); } static void test_strtod(void) { assert(serd_strtod("1E999", NULL) == (double)INFINITY); assert(serd_strtod("-1E999", NULL) == (double)-INFINITY); assert(serd_strtod("1E-999", NULL) == 0.0); assert(serd_strtod("-1E-999", NULL) == -0.0); assert(isnan(serd_strtod("ABCDEF", NULL))); } static void check_precision(const double d, const unsigned precision, const unsigned frac_digits, const char* expected) { SerdNode* const node = serd_new_decimal(d, precision, frac_digits, NULL); const char* str = serd_node_string(node); if (strcmp(str, expected)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: string is \"%s\"\n", str); fprintf(stderr, "note: expected \"%s\"\n", expected); assert(false); } serd_node_free(node); } static void test_precision(void) { assert(serd_new_decimal((double)INFINITY, 17, 0, NULL) == NULL); assert(serd_new_decimal((double)-INFINITY, 17, 0, NULL) == NULL); assert(serd_new_decimal((double)NAN, 17, 0, NULL) == NULL); check_precision(1.0000000001, 17, 8, "1.0"); check_precision(0.0000000001, 17, 10, "0.0000000001"); check_precision(0.0000000001, 17, 8, "0.0"); check_precision(12345.678900, 9, 5, "12345.6789"); check_precision(12345.678900, 8, 5, "12345.678"); check_precision(12345.678900, 5, 5, "12345.0"); check_precision(12345.678900, 3, 5, "12300.0"); check_precision(12345.678900, 9, 0, "12345.6789"); check_precision(12345.678900, 9, 5, "12345.6789"); check_precision(12345.678900, 9, 3, "12345.678"); check_precision(12345.678900, 9, 1, "12345.6"); } /// Check that `str` is a canonical xsd:float or xsd:double string static void test_canonical(const char* str, const size_t len) { if (!strcmp(str, "NaN") || !strcmp(str, "-INF") || !strcmp(str, "INF")) { return; } assert(len > 4); // Shortest possible is something like 1.2E3 assert(str[0] == '-' || is_digit(str[0])); const int first_digit = str[0] == '-' ? 1 : 0; assert(is_digit(str[first_digit])); assert(str[first_digit + 1] == '.'); assert(is_digit(str[first_digit + 2])); const char* const e = strchr(str, 'E'); assert(e); assert(*e == 'E'); assert(*(e + 1) == '-' || is_digit(*(e + 1))); } /// Check that `f` round-trips, and serialises to `expected` if given static void test_float_value(const float f, const char* expected) { SerdNode* const node = serd_new_float(f); const char* str = serd_node_string(node); size_t end = 0; const float result = (float)serd_strtod(str, &end); const bool match = result == f || (isnan(f) && isnan(result)); if (!match) { fprintf(stderr, "error: value is %.9g\n", (double)result); fprintf(stderr, "note: expected %.9g\n", (double)f); fprintf(stderr, "note: string %s\n", str); } assert(match); assert(end == serd_node_length(node)); assert((isnan(f) && isnan(result)) || result == f); assert(!expected || !strcmp(str, expected)); test_canonical(str, serd_node_length(node)); serd_node_free(node); } static void test_float(const bool exhaustive) { test_float_value(NAN, "NaN"); test_float_value(-INFINITY, "-INF"); test_float_value(INFINITY, "INF"); test_float_value(-0.0f, "-0.0E0"); test_float_value(+0.0f, "0.0E0"); test_float_value(-1.0f, "-1.0E0"); test_float_value(+1.0f, "1.0E0"); test_float_value(5.0f, "5.0E0"); test_float_value(50.0f, "5.0E1"); test_float_value(5000000000.0f, "5.0E9"); test_float_value(-0.5f, "-5.0E-1"); test_float_value(0.5f, "5.0E-1"); test_float_value(0.0625f, "6.25E-2"); test_float_value(0.0078125f, "7.8125E-3"); // Every digit of precision test_float_value(134217728.0f, "1.34217728E8"); // Normal limits test_float_value(FLT_MIN, NULL); test_float_value(FLT_EPSILON, NULL); test_float_value(FLT_MAX, NULL); // Subnormals test_float_value(nextafterf(0.0f, 1.0f), NULL); test_float_value(nextafterf(0.0f, -1.0f), NULL); // Past limits assert((float)serd_strtod("1e39", NULL) == INFINITY); assert((float)serd_strtod("1e-46", NULL) == 0.0f); // Powers of two (where the lower boundary is closer) for (int i = -127; i <= 127; ++i) { test_float_value(powf(2, (float)i), NULL); } if (exhaustive) { fprintf(stderr, "Testing xsd:float exhaustively\n"); for (uint64_t i = 0; i <= UINT32_MAX; ++i) { const float f = float_from_rep((uint32_t)i); test_float_value(f, NULL); if (i % 1000000 == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%f%%\n", ((double)i / (double)UINT32_MAX * 100.0)); } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Testing xsd:float randomly\n"); const size_t n_per_report = n_tests / 10ul; uint64_t last_report = 0; uint32_t rep = seed; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n_tests; ++i) { rep = lcg32(rep); const float f = float_from_rep(rep); test_float_value(nextafterf(f, -INFINITY), NULL); test_float_value(f, NULL); test_float_value(nextafterf(f, INFINITY), NULL); if (i / n_per_report != last_report / n_per_report) { fprintf(stderr, "%u%%\n", (unsigned)((double)i / (double)n_tests * 100.0)); last_report = i; } } } } /// Check that `d` round-trips, and serialises to `expected` if given static void test_double_value(const double d, const char* expected) { SerdNode* const node = serd_new_double(d); const char* str = serd_node_string(node); size_t end = 0; const double result = serd_strtod(str, &end); const bool match = ((isnan(d) && isnan(result)) || result == d || ulp_distance(result, d) == 0); if (!match) { fprintf(stderr, "error: value is %.17g\n", result); fprintf(stderr, "note: expected %.17g\n", d); fprintf(stderr, "note: string %s\n", str); } assert(match); assert(end == serd_node_length(node)); assert((isnan(d) && isnan(result)) || result == d); assert(!expected || !strcmp(str, expected)); test_canonical(str, serd_node_length(node)); serd_node_free(node); } static void test_double(void) { test_double_value((double)NAN, "NaN"); test_double_value(-DBL_INFINITY, "-INF"); test_double_value(DBL_INFINITY, "INF"); test_double_value(-0.0, "-0.0E0"); test_double_value(+0.0, "0.0E0"); test_double_value(-1.0, "-1.0E0"); test_double_value(+1.0, "1.0E0"); test_double_value(5.0, "5.0E0"); test_double_value(50.0, "5.0E1"); test_double_value(500000000000000000000.0, "5.0E20"); test_double_value(-0.5, "-5.0E-1"); test_double_value(0.5, "5.0E-1"); test_double_value(0.05, "5.0E-2"); test_double_value(0.005, "5.0E-3"); test_double_value(0.00000000000000000005, "5.0E-20"); // Leading whitespace special cases assert(isnan(serd_strtod(" NaN", NULL))); assert(serd_strtod(" -INF", NULL) == -DBL_INFINITY); assert(serd_strtod(" INF", NULL) == DBL_INFINITY); assert(serd_strtod(" +INF", NULL) == DBL_INFINITY); // Every digit of precision test_double_value(18014398509481984.0, "1.8014398509481984E16"); // Normal limits test_double_value(DBL_MIN, NULL); test_double_value(nextafter(DBL_MIN, DBL_INFINITY), NULL); test_double_value(DBL_EPSILON, NULL); test_double_value(DBL_MAX, NULL); test_double_value(nextafter(DBL_MAX, -DBL_INFINITY), NULL); // Subnormals test_double_value(nextafter(0.0, 1.0), NULL); test_double_value(nextafter(nextafter(0.0, 1.0), 1.0), NULL); test_double_value(nextafter(0.0, -1.0), NULL); test_double_value(nextafter(nextafter(0.0, -1.0), -1.0), NULL); // Past limits assert(serd_strtod("1e309", NULL) == DBL_INFINITY); assert(ulp_distance(serd_strtod("12345678901234567123", NULL), 12345678901234567000.0) == 0); assert(serd_strtod("1e-325", NULL) == 0.0); // Various tricky cases test_double_value(1e23, "1.0E23"); test_double_value(6.02951420360127e-309, "6.02951420360127E-309"); test_double_value(9.17857104364115e+288, "9.17857104364115E288"); test_double_value(2.68248422823759e+22, "2.68248422823759E22"); // Powers of two (where the lower boundary is closer) for (int i = -1023; i <= 1023; ++i) { test_double_value(pow(2, i), NULL); } fprintf(stderr, "Testing xsd:double randomly\n"); const size_t n_per_report = n_tests / 10ul; uint64_t last_report = 0; uint64_t rep = seed; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n_tests; ++i) { rep = lcg64(rep); const double d = double_from_rep(rep); test_double_value(nextafter(d, -DBL_INFINITY), NULL); test_double_value(d, NULL); test_double_value(nextafter(d, DBL_INFINITY), NULL); if (i / n_per_report != last_report / n_per_report) { fprintf(stderr, "%u%%\n", (unsigned)((double)i / (double)n_tests * 100.0)); last_report = i; } } } /// Check that `d` round-trips, and serialises to `expected` if given static void test_decimal_value(const double d, const char* expected) { SerdNode* const node = serd_new_decimal(d, 17, 0, NULL); const char* str = serd_node_string(node); size_t end = 0; const double result = serd_strtod(str, &end); const bool match = result == d || (isnan(d) && isnan(result)); if (!match) { fprintf(stderr, "error: value is %.17g\n", result); fprintf(stderr, "note: expected %.17g\n", d); fprintf(stderr, "note: string %s\n", str); } assert(match); assert(end == serd_node_length(node)); if (expected && strcmp(str, expected)) { fprintf(stderr, "error: string is \"%s\"\n", str); fprintf(stderr, "note: expected \"%s\"\n", expected); } assert(!expected || !strcmp(str, expected)); serd_node_free(node); } static void test_decimal(void) { test_decimal_value(-0.0, "-0.0"); test_decimal_value(+0.0, "0.0"); test_decimal_value(-1.0, "-1.0"); test_decimal_value(+1.0, "1.0"); test_decimal_value(5.0, "5.0"); test_decimal_value(50.0, "50.0"); test_decimal_value(500000000000000000000.0, "500000000000000000000.0"); test_decimal_value(-0.5, "-0.5"); test_decimal_value(0.5, "0.5"); test_decimal_value(0.05, "0.05"); test_decimal_value(0.005, "0.005"); test_decimal_value(0.00000000000000000005, "0.00000000000000000005"); // Every digit of precision test_decimal_value(18014398509481984.0, "18014398509481984.0"); // Normal limits test_decimal_value(DBL_MIN, NULL); test_decimal_value(nextafter(DBL_MIN, DBL_INFINITY), NULL); test_decimal_value(DBL_EPSILON, NULL); test_decimal_value(DBL_MAX, NULL); test_decimal_value(nextafter(DBL_MAX, -DBL_INFINITY), NULL); // Subnormals test_decimal_value(nextafter(0.0, 1.0), NULL); test_decimal_value(nextafter(nextafter(0.0, 1.0), 1.0), NULL); test_decimal_value(nextafter(0.0, -1.0), NULL); test_decimal_value(nextafter(nextafter(0.0, -1.0), -1.0), NULL); // Past limits assert(serd_strtod("1e309", NULL) == DBL_INFINITY); assert(ulp_distance(serd_strtod("12345678901234567123", NULL), 12345678901234567000.0) == 0); assert(serd_strtod("1e-325", NULL) == 0.0); // Various tricky cases test_decimal_value(1e23, NULL); test_decimal_value(6.02951420360127e-309, NULL); test_decimal_value(9.17857104364115e+288, NULL); test_decimal_value(2.68248422823759e+22, NULL); // Powers of two (where the lower boundary is closer) for (int i = -1023; i <= 1023; ++i) { test_decimal_value(pow(2, i), NULL); } fprintf(stderr, "Testing xsd:decimal randomly\n"); const size_t n_per_report = n_tests / 10ul; uint64_t last_report = 0; uint64_t rep = seed; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n_tests; ++i) { rep = lcg64(rep); const double d = double_from_rep(rep); if (!isfinite(d)) { continue; } test_decimal_value(nextafter(d, (double)-INFINITY), NULL); test_decimal_value(d, NULL); test_decimal_value(nextafter(d, (double)INFINITY), NULL); if (i / n_per_report != last_report / n_per_report) { fprintf(stderr, "%u%%\n", (unsigned)((double)i / (double)n_tests * 100.0)); last_report = i; } } } static int print_usage(const char* name) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n", name); fprintf(stderr, "Test floating point conversion.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -n NUM_TESTS Number of random tests to run.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -s SEED Use random seed.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -x Exhaustively test floats.\n"); return 1; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Parse command line arguments int a = 1; bool exhaustive = false; for (; a < argc && argv[a][0] == '-'; ++a) { if (argv[a][1] == '\0') { break; } else if (argv[a][1] == 'x') { exhaustive = true; } else if (argv[a][1] == 's') { if (++a == argc) { return print_usage(argv[0]); } seed = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[a], NULL, 10); } else if (argv[a][1] == 'n') { if (++a == argc) { return print_usage(argv[0]); } n_tests = (uint32_t)strtol(argv[a], NULL, 10); } } if (!seed) { seed = (uint32_t)time(NULL) + (uint32_t)getpid(); } fprintf(stderr, "Using random seed %u\n", seed); test_count_digits(); test_strtod(); test_precision(); test_float(exhaustive); test_double(); test_decimal(); fprintf(stderr, "All tests passed\n"); return 0; }