/* Copyright 2011-2017 David Robillard <http://drobilla.net> Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #undef NDEBUG #include <assert.h> #include <float.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "serd/serd.h" #define USTR(s) ((const uint8_t*)(s)) #ifndef INFINITY # define INFINITY (DBL_MAX + DBL_MAX) #endif #ifndef NAN # define NAN (INFINITY - INFINITY) #endif static void test_strtod(double dbl, double max_delta) { char buf[1024]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%f", dbl); char* endptr = NULL; const double out = serd_strtod(buf, &endptr); const double diff = fabs(out - dbl); assert(diff <= max_delta); } static SerdStatus count_prefixes(void* handle, const SerdNode* name, const SerdNode* uri) { (void)name; (void)uri; ++*(int*)handle; return SERD_SUCCESS; } typedef struct { int n_statements; const SerdNode* graph; } ReaderTest; static SerdStatus test_sink(void* handle, SerdStatementFlags flags, const SerdNode* graph, const SerdNode* subject, const SerdNode* predicate, const SerdNode* object, const SerdNode* object_datatype, const SerdNode* object_lang) { (void)flags; (void)subject; (void)predicate; (void)object; (void)object_datatype; (void)object_lang; ReaderTest* rt = (ReaderTest*)handle; ++rt->n_statements; rt->graph = graph; return SERD_SUCCESS; } static void test_file_uri(const char* hostname, const char* path, bool escape, const char* expected_uri, const char* expected_path) { if (!expected_path) { expected_path = path; } SerdNode node = serd_node_new_file_uri( USTR(path), USTR(hostname), 0, escape); uint8_t* out_hostname = NULL; uint8_t* out_path = serd_file_uri_parse(node.buf, &out_hostname); assert(!strcmp((const char*)node.buf, expected_uri)); assert((hostname && out_hostname) || (!hostname && !out_hostname)); assert(!strcmp((const char*)out_path, (const char*)expected_path)); serd_free(out_path); serd_free(out_hostname); serd_node_free(&node); } int main(void) { #define MAX 1000000 #define NUM_TESTS 1000 for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TESTS; ++i) { double dbl = rand() % MAX; dbl += (rand() % MAX) / (double)MAX; test_strtod(dbl, 1 / (double)MAX); } const double expt_test_nums[] = { 2.0E18, -5e19, +8e20, 2e+24, -5e-5, 8e0, 9e-0, 2e+0 }; const char* expt_test_strs[] = { "02e18", "-5e019", "+8e20", "2E+24", "-5E-5", "8E0", "9e-0", " 2e+0" }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(expt_test_nums) / sizeof(double); ++i) { const double num = serd_strtod(expt_test_strs[i], NULL); const double delta = fabs(num - expt_test_nums[i]); assert(delta <= DBL_EPSILON); } // Test serd_node_new_decimal const double dbl_test_nums[] = { 0.0, 9.0, 10.0, .01, 2.05, -16.00001, 5.000000005, 0.0000000001, NAN, INFINITY }; const char* dbl_test_strs[] = { "0.0", "9.0", "10.0", "0.01", "2.05", "-16.00001", "5.00000001", "0.0", NULL, NULL }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(dbl_test_nums) / sizeof(double); ++i) { SerdNode node = serd_node_new_decimal(dbl_test_nums[i], 8); const bool pass = (node.buf && dbl_test_strs[i]) ? !strcmp((const char*)node.buf, (const char*)dbl_test_strs[i]) : ((const char*)node.buf == dbl_test_strs[i]); assert(pass); const size_t len = node.buf ? strlen((const char*)node.buf) : 0; assert(node.n_bytes == len && node.n_chars == len); serd_node_free(&node); } // Test serd_node_new_integer const long int_test_nums[] = { 0, -0, -23, 23, -12340, 1000, -1000 }; const char* int_test_strs[] = { "0", "0", "-23", "23", "-12340", "1000", "-1000" }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(int_test_nums) / sizeof(double); ++i) { SerdNode node = serd_node_new_integer(int_test_nums[i]); assert(!strcmp((const char*)node.buf, (const char*)int_test_strs[i])); const size_t len = strlen((const char*)node.buf); assert(node.n_bytes == len && node.n_chars == len); serd_node_free(&node); } // Test serd_node_new_blob for (size_t size = 0; size < 256; ++size) { uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*)malloc(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { data[i] = (uint8_t)(rand() % 256); } SerdNode blob = serd_node_new_blob(data, size, size % 5); assert(blob.n_bytes == blob.n_chars); assert(blob.n_bytes == strlen((const char*)blob.buf)); size_t out_size; uint8_t* out = (uint8_t*)serd_base64_decode( blob.buf, blob.n_bytes, &out_size); assert(out_size == size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { assert(out[i] == data[i]); } serd_node_free(&blob); serd_free(out); free(data); } // Test serd_strlen const uint8_t str[] = { '"', '5', 0xE2, 0x82, 0xAC, '"', '\n', 0 }; size_t n_bytes; SerdNodeFlags flags; size_t len = serd_strlen(str, &n_bytes, &flags); assert(len == 5 && n_bytes == 7 && flags == (SERD_HAS_QUOTE | SERD_HAS_NEWLINE)); len = serd_strlen(str, NULL, &flags); assert(len == 5); assert(serd_strlen(str, &n_bytes, NULL) == 5); // Test serd_strerror const uint8_t* msg = NULL; assert(!strcmp((const char*)(msg = serd_strerror(SERD_SUCCESS)), "Success")); for (int i = SERD_FAILURE; i <= SERD_ERR_INTERNAL; ++i) { msg = serd_strerror((SerdStatus)i); assert(strcmp((const char*)msg, "Success")); } msg = serd_strerror((SerdStatus)-1); // Test serd_uri_to_path const uint8_t* uri = (const uint8_t*)"file:///home/user/foo.ttl"; assert(!strcmp((const char*)serd_uri_to_path(uri), "/home/user/foo.ttl")); uri = (const uint8_t*)"file://localhost/home/user/foo.ttl"; assert(!strcmp((const char*)serd_uri_to_path(uri), "/home/user/foo.ttl")); uri = (const uint8_t*)"file:illegal/file/uri"; assert(!serd_uri_to_path(uri)); uri = (const uint8_t*)"file:///c:/awful/system"; assert(!strcmp((const char*)serd_uri_to_path(uri), "c:/awful/system")); uri = (const uint8_t*)"file:///c:awful/system"; assert(!strcmp((const char*)serd_uri_to_path(uri), "/c:awful/system")); uri = (const uint8_t*)"file:///0/1"; assert(!strcmp((const char*)serd_uri_to_path(uri), "/0/1")); uri = (const uint8_t*)"C:\\Windows\\Sucks"; assert(!strcmp((const char*)serd_uri_to_path(uri), "C:\\Windows\\Sucks")); uri = (const uint8_t*)"C|/Windows/Sucks"; assert(!strcmp((const char*)serd_uri_to_path(uri), "C|/Windows/Sucks")); // Test file URI escaping and parsing test_file_uri(NULL, "C:/My 100%", true, "file:///C:/My%20100%%", NULL); test_file_uri("ahost", "C:\\Pointless Space", true, "file://ahost/C:/Pointless%20Space", "C:/Pointless Space"); test_file_uri(NULL, "/foo/bar", true, "file:///foo/bar", NULL); test_file_uri("bhost", "/foo/bar", true, "file://bhost/foo/bar", NULL); test_file_uri(NULL, "a/relative path", false, "a/relative path", NULL); test_file_uri(NULL, "a/relative <path>", true, "a/relative%20%3Cpath%3E", NULL); // Test tolerance of parsing junk URI escapes uint8_t* out_path = serd_file_uri_parse(USTR("file:///foo/%0Xbar"), NULL); assert(!strcmp((const char*)out_path, "/foo/bar")); serd_free(out_path); // Test serd_node_equals const uint8_t replacement_char_str[] = { 0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD, 0 }; SerdNode lhs = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, replacement_char_str); SerdNode rhs = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, USTR("123")); assert(!serd_node_equals(&lhs, &rhs)); SerdNode qnode = serd_node_from_string(SERD_CURIE, USTR("foo:bar")); assert(!serd_node_equals(&lhs, &qnode)); assert(serd_node_equals(&lhs, &lhs)); SerdNode null_copy = serd_node_copy(&SERD_NODE_NULL); assert(serd_node_equals(&SERD_NODE_NULL, &null_copy)); // Test serd_node_from_string SerdNode node = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, (const uint8_t*)"hello\""); assert(node.n_bytes == 6 && node.n_chars == 6 && node.flags == SERD_HAS_QUOTE && !strcmp((const char*)node.buf, "hello\"")); node = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NULL); assert(serd_node_equals(&node, &SERD_NODE_NULL)); // Test serd_node_from_substring SerdNode empty = serd_node_from_substring(SERD_LITERAL, NULL, 32); assert(!empty.buf && !empty.n_bytes && !empty.n_chars && !empty.flags && !empty.type); SerdNode a_b = serd_node_from_substring(SERD_LITERAL, USTR("a\"bc"), 3); assert(a_b.n_bytes == 3 && a_b.n_chars == 3 && a_b.flags == SERD_HAS_QUOTE && !strncmp((const char*)a_b.buf, "a\"b", 3)); a_b = serd_node_from_substring(SERD_LITERAL, USTR("a\"bc"), 10); assert(a_b.n_bytes == 4 && a_b.n_chars == 4 && a_b.flags == SERD_HAS_QUOTE && !strncmp((const char*)a_b.buf, "a\"bc", 4)); // Test serd_node_new_uri_from_string SerdNode nonsense = serd_node_new_uri_from_string(NULL, NULL, NULL); assert(nonsense.type == SERD_NOTHING); SerdURI base_uri; SerdNode base = serd_node_new_uri_from_string(USTR("http://example.org/"), NULL, &base_uri); SerdNode nil = serd_node_new_uri_from_string(NULL, &base_uri, NULL); SerdNode nil2 = serd_node_new_uri_from_string(USTR(""), &base_uri, NULL); assert(nil.type == SERD_URI); assert(!strcmp((const char*)nil.buf, (const char*)base.buf)); assert(nil2.type == SERD_URI); assert(!strcmp((const char*)nil2.buf, (const char*)base.buf)); serd_node_free(&nil); serd_node_free(&nil2); // Test serd_node_new_relative_uri SerdNode abs = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR("http://example.org/foo/bar")); SerdURI abs_uri; serd_uri_parse(abs.buf, &abs_uri); SerdURI rel_uri; SerdNode rel = serd_node_new_relative_uri(&abs_uri, &base_uri, NULL, &rel_uri); assert(!strcmp((const char*)rel.buf, "/foo/bar")); SerdNode up = serd_node_new_relative_uri(&base_uri, &abs_uri, NULL, NULL); assert(!strcmp((const char*)up.buf, "../")); SerdNode noup = serd_node_new_relative_uri(&base_uri, &abs_uri, &abs_uri, NULL); assert(!strcmp((const char*)noup.buf, "http://example.org/")); SerdNode x = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR("http://example.org/foo/x")); SerdURI x_uri; serd_uri_parse(x.buf, &x_uri); SerdNode x_rel = serd_node_new_relative_uri(&x_uri, &abs_uri, &abs_uri, NULL); assert(!strcmp((const char*)x_rel.buf, "x")); serd_node_free(&x_rel); serd_node_free(&noup); serd_node_free(&up); serd_node_free(&rel); serd_node_free(&base); // Test SerdEnv SerdNode u = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR("http://example.org/foo")); SerdNode b = serd_node_from_string(SERD_CURIE, USTR("invalid")); SerdNode c = serd_node_from_string(SERD_CURIE, USTR("eg.2:b")); SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(NULL); serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("eg.2"), USTR("http://example.org/")); assert(serd_env_set_base_uri(env, NULL)); assert(serd_env_set_base_uri(env, &node)); assert(serd_node_equals(serd_env_get_base_uri(env, NULL), &node)); SerdChunk prefix, suffix; assert(serd_env_expand(env, &b, &prefix, &suffix)); SerdNode xnode = serd_env_expand_node(env, &node); assert(serd_node_equals(&xnode, &SERD_NODE_NULL)); SerdNode xu = serd_env_expand_node(env, &u); assert(!strcmp((const char*)xu.buf, "http://example.org/foo")); serd_node_free(&xu); SerdNode badpre = serd_node_from_string(SERD_CURIE, USTR("hm:what")); SerdNode xbadpre = serd_env_expand_node(env, &badpre); assert(serd_node_equals(&xbadpre, &SERD_NODE_NULL)); SerdNode xc = serd_env_expand_node(env, &c); assert(!strcmp((const char*)xc.buf, "http://example.org/b")); serd_node_free(&xc); assert(serd_env_set_prefix(env, &SERD_NODE_NULL, &SERD_NODE_NULL)); const SerdNode lit = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, USTR("hello")); assert(serd_env_set_prefix(env, &b, &lit)); int n_prefixes = 0; serd_env_set_prefix_from_strings(env, USTR("eg.2"), USTR("http://example.org/")); serd_env_foreach(env, count_prefixes, &n_prefixes); assert(n_prefixes == 1); SerdNode shorter_uri = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR("urn:foo")); SerdNode prefix_name; assert(!serd_env_qualify(env, &shorter_uri, &prefix_name, &suffix)); // Test SerdReader and SerdWriter const char* path = "serd_test.ttl"; FILE* fd = fopen(path, "wb"); assert(fd); SerdWriter* writer = serd_writer_new( SERD_TURTLE, (SerdStyle)0, env, NULL, serd_file_sink, fd); assert(writer); serd_writer_chop_blank_prefix(writer, USTR("tmp")); serd_writer_chop_blank_prefix(writer, NULL); assert(serd_writer_set_base_uri(writer, &lit)); assert(serd_writer_set_prefix(writer, &lit, &lit)); assert(serd_writer_end_anon(writer, NULL)); assert(serd_writer_get_env(writer) == env); uint8_t buf[] = { 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; SerdNode s = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR("")); SerdNode p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR("http://example.org/pred")); SerdNode o = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, buf); // Write 3 invalid statements (should write nothing) const SerdNode* junk[][5] = { { &s, &p, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { &s, NULL, &o, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, &p, &o, NULL, NULL }, { &s, &p, &SERD_NODE_NULL, NULL, NULL }, { &s, &SERD_NODE_NULL, &o, NULL, NULL }, { &SERD_NODE_NULL, &p, &o, NULL, NULL }, { &s, &o, &o, NULL, NULL }, { &o, &p, &o, NULL, NULL }, { &s, &p, &SERD_NODE_NULL, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(junk) / (sizeof(SerdNode*) * 5); ++i) { assert(serd_writer_write_statement( writer, 0, NULL, junk[i][0], junk[i][1], junk[i][2], junk[i][3], junk[i][4])); } const SerdNode t = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR("urn:Type")); const SerdNode l = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, USTR("en")); const SerdNode* good[][5] = { { &s, &p, &o, NULL, NULL }, { &s, &p, &o, &SERD_NODE_NULL, &SERD_NODE_NULL }, { &s, &p, &o, &t, NULL }, { &s, &p, &o, NULL, &l }, { &s, &p, &o, &t, &l }, { &s, &p, &o, &t, &SERD_NODE_NULL }, { &s, &p, &o, &SERD_NODE_NULL, &l }, { &s, &p, &o, NULL, &SERD_NODE_NULL }, { &s, &p, &o, &SERD_NODE_NULL, NULL }, { &s, &p, &o, &SERD_NODE_NULL, NULL } }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(good) / (sizeof(SerdNode*) * 5); ++i) { assert(!serd_writer_write_statement( writer, 0, NULL, good[i][0], good[i][1], good[i][2], good[i][3], good[i][4])); } // Write statements with bad UTF-8 (should be replaced) const uint8_t bad_str[] = { 0xFF, 0x90, 'h', 'i', 0 }; SerdNode bad_lit = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, bad_str); SerdNode bad_uri = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, bad_str); assert(!serd_writer_write_statement(writer, 0, NULL, &s, &p, &bad_lit, NULL, NULL)); assert(!serd_writer_write_statement(writer, 0, NULL, &s, &p, &bad_uri, NULL, NULL)); // Write 1 valid statement o = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, USTR("hello")); assert(!serd_writer_write_statement(writer, 0, NULL, &s, &p, &o, NULL, NULL)); serd_writer_free(writer); // Test chunk sink SerdChunk chunk = { NULL, 0 }; writer = serd_writer_new( SERD_TURTLE, (SerdStyle)0, env, NULL, serd_chunk_sink, &chunk); o = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR("http://example.org/base")); assert(!serd_writer_set_base_uri(writer, &o)); serd_writer_free(writer); uint8_t* out = serd_chunk_sink_finish(&chunk); assert(!strcmp((const char*)out, "@base <http://example.org/base> .\n")); serd_free(out); // Rewind and test reader fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); ReaderTest* rt = (ReaderTest*)calloc(1, sizeof(ReaderTest)); SerdReader* reader = serd_reader_new( SERD_TURTLE, rt, free, NULL, NULL, test_sink, NULL); assert(reader); assert(serd_reader_get_handle(reader) == rt); SerdNode g = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR("http://example.org/")); serd_reader_set_default_graph(reader, &g); serd_reader_add_blank_prefix(reader, USTR("tmp")); serd_reader_add_blank_prefix(reader, NULL); assert(serd_reader_read_file(reader, USTR("http://notafile"))); assert(serd_reader_read_file(reader, USTR("file:///better/not/exist"))); assert(serd_reader_read_file(reader, USTR("file://"))); const SerdStatus st = serd_reader_read_file(reader, USTR(path)); assert(!st); assert(rt->n_statements == 13); assert(rt->graph && rt->graph->buf && !strcmp((const char*)rt->graph->buf, "http://example.org/")); assert(serd_reader_read_string(reader, USTR("This isn't Turtle at all."))); serd_reader_free(reader); fclose(fd); serd_env_free(env); printf("Success\n"); return 0; }