#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# written by Sylvain Rouquette, 2011

To add the freeimage tool to the waf file:
$ ./waf-light --tools=compat15,freeimage
	or, if you have waf >= 1.6.2
$ ./waf update --files=freeimage

The wscript will look like:

def options(opt):
	opt.load('compiler_cxx freeimage')

def configure(conf):
	conf.load('compiler_cxx freeimage')

	# you can call check_freeimage with some parameters.
	# It's optional on Linux, it's 'mandatory' on Windows if
	# you didn't use --fi-path on the command-line

	# conf.check_freeimage(path='FreeImage/Dist', fip=True)

def build(bld):
	bld(source='main.cpp', target='app', use='FREEIMAGE')

from waflib import Utils
from waflib.Configure import conf

def options(opt):
	opt.add_option('--fi-path', type='string', default='', dest='fi_path',
				   help='''path to the FreeImage directory \
						where the files are e.g. /FreeImage/Dist''')
	opt.add_option('--fip', action='store_true', default=False, dest='fip',
				   help='link with FreeImagePlus')
	opt.add_option('--fi-static', action='store_true',
				   default=False, dest='fi_static',
				   help="link as shared libraries")

def check_freeimage(self, path=None, fip=False):
	self.start_msg('Checking FreeImage')
	if not self.env['CXX']:
		self.fatal('you must load compiler_cxx before loading freeimage')
	prefix = self.options.fi_static and 'ST' or ''
	platform = Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
	if platform == 'win32':
		if not path:
			self.fatal('you must specify the path to FreeImage. \
					   use --fi-path=/FreeImage/Dist')
			self.env['INCLUDES_FREEIMAGE'] = path
			self.env['%sLIBPATH_FREEIMAGE' % prefix] = path
	libs = ['FreeImage']
	if self.options.fip:
	if platform == 'win32':
		self.env['%sLIB_FREEIMAGE' % prefix] = libs
		self.env['%sLIB_FREEIMAGE' % prefix] = [i.lower() for i in libs]

def configure(conf):
	platform = Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
	if platform == 'win32' and not conf.options.fi_path:
	conf.check_freeimage(conf.options.fi_path, conf.options.fip)