path: root/wscript
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wscript')
1 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e8ebde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wscript
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import glob
+import os
+import sys
+from waflib import Logs, Options
+from waflib.extras import autowaf
+# Library and package version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
+# major increment <=> incompatible changes
+# minor increment <=> compatible changes (additions)
+# micro increment <=> no interface changes
+SORD_VERSION = '0.16.2'
+# Mandatory waf variables
+APPNAME = 'sord' # Package name for waf dist
+VERSION = SORD_VERSION # Package version for waf dist
+top = '.' # Source directory
+out = 'build' # Build directory
+def options(ctx):
+ ctx.load('compiler_c')
+ ctx.load('compiler_cxx')
+ opt = ctx.configuration_options()
+ ctx.add_flags(
+ opt,
+ {'no-utils': 'do not build command line utilities',
+ 'static': 'build static library',
+ 'no-shared': 'do not build shared library',
+ 'static-progs': 'build programs as static binaries'})
+ opt.add_option('--dump', type='string', default='', dest='dump',
+ help='dump debugging output (iter, search, write, all)')
+def configure(conf):
+ conf.load('compiler_c', cache=True)
+ if Options.options.build_tests:
+ try:
+ conf.load('compiler_cxx', cache=True)
+ except:
+ Logs.warn("No C++ compiler, sordmm.hpp compile test skipped")
+ pass
+ conf.load('autowaf', cache=True)
+ autowaf.set_c_lang(conf, 'c99')
+ conf.env.BUILD_UTILS = not Options.options.no_utils
+ conf.env.BUILD_SHARED = not Options.options.no_shared
+ conf.env.STATIC_PROGS = Options.options.static_progs
+ conf.env.BUILD_STATIC = (Options.options.static or
+ Options.options.static_progs)
+ autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'serd-0', uselib_store='SERD',
+ atleast_version='0.30.0', mandatory=True)
+ autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'libpcre', uselib_store='PCRE', mandatory=False)
+ if conf.env.HAVE_PCRE:
+ if conf.check(cflags=['-pthread'], mandatory=False):
+ conf.env.PTHREAD_CFLAGS = ['-pthread']
+ if conf.env.CC_NAME != 'clang':
+ conf.env.PTHREAD_LINKFLAGS = ['-pthread']
+ elif conf.check(linkflags=['-lpthread'], mandatory=False):
+ conf.env.PTHREAD_CFLAGS = []
+ conf.env.PTHREAD_LINKFLAGS = ['-lpthread']
+ else:
+ conf.env.PTHREAD_CFLAGS = []
+ conf.env.PTHREAD_LINKFLAGS = []
+ # Parse dump options and define things accordingly
+ dump = Options.options.dump.split(',')
+ all = 'all' in dump
+ if all or 'iter' in dump:
+ autowaf.define(conf, 'SORD_DEBUG_ITER', 1)
+ if all or 'search' in dump:
+ autowaf.define(conf, 'SORD_DEBUG_SEARCH', 1)
+ if all or 'write' in dump:
+ autowaf.define(conf, 'SORD_DEBUG_WRITE', 1)
+ autowaf.set_lib_env(conf, 'sord', SORD_VERSION)
+ conf.write_config_header('sord_config.h', remove=False)
+ autowaf.display_summary(
+ conf,
+ {'Static library': bool(conf.env.BUILD_STATIC),
+ 'Shared library': bool(conf.env.BUILD_SHARED),
+ 'Utilities': bool(conf.env.BUILD_UTILS),
+ 'Unit tests': bool(conf.env.BUILD_TESTS),
+ 'Debug dumping': dump})
+def build(bld):
+ # C/C++ Headers
+ includedir = '${INCLUDEDIR}/sord-%s/sord' % SORD_MAJOR_VERSION
+ bld.install_files(includedir, bld.path.ant_glob('sord/*.h'))
+ bld.install_files(includedir, bld.path.ant_glob('sord/*.hpp'))
+ # Pkgconfig file
+ autowaf.build_pc(bld, 'SORD', SORD_VERSION, SORD_MAJOR_VERSION, 'SERD',
+ source = 'src/sord.c src/syntax.c'
+ libflags = ['-fvisibility=hidden']
+ libs = ['m']
+ defines = []
+ if bld.env.MSVC_COMPILER:
+ libflags = []
+ libs = []
+ defines = []
+ # Shared Library
+ if bld.env.BUILD_SHARED:
+ obj = bld(features = 'c cshlib',
+ source = source,
+ includes = ['.', './src'],
+ export_includes = ['.'],
+ name = 'libsord',
+ target = 'sord-%s' % SORD_MAJOR_VERSION,
+ vnum = SORD_VERSION,
+ install_path = '${LIBDIR}',
+ libs = libs,
+ uselib = 'SERD',
+ defines = defines + ['SORD_SHARED', 'SORD_INTERNAL'],
+ cflags = libflags)
+ # Static Library
+ if bld.env.BUILD_STATIC:
+ obj = bld(features = 'c cstlib',
+ source = source,
+ includes = ['.', './src'],
+ export_includes = ['.'],
+ name = 'libsord_static',
+ target = 'sord-%s' % SORD_MAJOR_VERSION,
+ vnum = SORD_VERSION,
+ install_path = '${LIBDIR}',
+ libs = libs,
+ uselib = 'SERD',
+ defines = ['SORD_INTERNAL'])
+ if bld.env.BUILD_TESTS:
+ test_libs = libs
+ test_cflags = ['']
+ test_linkflags = ['']
+ if not bld.env.NO_COVERAGE:
+ test_cflags += ['--coverage']
+ test_linkflags += ['--coverage']
+ # Profiled static library for test coverage
+ obj = bld(features = 'c cstlib',
+ source = source,
+ includes = ['.', './src'],
+ name = 'libsord_profiled',
+ target = 'sord_profiled',
+ install_path = '',
+ defines = defines,
+ cflags = test_cflags,
+ linkflags = test_linkflags,
+ lib = test_libs,
+ uselib = 'SERD')
+ # Unit test program
+ obj = bld(features = 'c cprogram',
+ source = 'src/sord_test.c',
+ includes = ['.', './src'],
+ use = 'libsord_profiled',
+ lib = test_libs,
+ target = 'sord_test',
+ install_path = '',
+ defines = defines,
+ cflags = test_cflags,
+ linkflags = test_linkflags,
+ uselib = 'SERD')
+ # Static profiled sordi for tests
+ obj = bld(features = 'c cprogram',
+ source = 'src/sordi.c',
+ includes = ['.', './src'],
+ use = 'libsord_profiled',
+ lib = test_libs,
+ target = 'sordi_static',
+ install_path = '',
+ defines = defines,
+ cflags = test_cflags,
+ linkflags = test_linkflags,
+ uselib = 'SERD')
+ # C++ build test
+ if bld.env.COMPILER_CXX:
+ obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxprogram',
+ source = 'src/sordmm_test.cpp',
+ includes = ['.', './src'],
+ use = 'libsord_profiled',
+ lib = test_libs,
+ target = 'sordmm_test',
+ install_path = '',
+ defines = defines,
+ cxxflags = test_cflags,
+ linkflags = test_linkflags,
+ uselib = 'SERD')
+ # Utilities
+ if bld.env.BUILD_UTILS:
+ utils = ['sordi']
+ if bld.env.HAVE_PCRE:
+ utils += ['sord_validate']
+ for i in utils:
+ obj = bld(features = 'c cprogram',
+ source = 'src/%s.c' % i,
+ includes = ['.', './src'],
+ use = 'libsord',
+ lib = libs,
+ uselib = 'SERD',
+ target = i,
+ install_path = '${BINDIR}',
+ defines = defines)
+ if not bld.env.BUILD_SHARED or bld.env.STATIC_PROGS:
+ obj.use = 'libsord_static'
+ if bld.env.STATIC_PROGS:
+ obj.env.SHLIB_MARKER = obj.env.STLIB_MARKER
+ obj.linkflags = ['-static', '-Wl,--start-group']
+ if i == 'sord_validate':
+ obj.uselib += ' PCRE'
+ obj.cflags = bld.env.PTHREAD_CFLAGS
+ obj.linkflags = bld.env.PTHREAD_LINKFLAGS
+ # Documentation
+ autowaf.build_dox(bld, 'SORD', SORD_VERSION, top, out)
+ # Man pages
+ bld.install_files('${MANDIR}/man1', bld.path.ant_glob('doc/*.1'))
+ bld.add_post_fun(autowaf.run_ldconfig)
+ if bld.env.DOCS:
+ bld.add_post_fun(fix_docs)
+def lint(ctx):
+ "checks code for style issues"
+ import subprocess
+ cmd = ("clang-tidy -p=. -header-filter=.* -checks=\"*," +
+ "-cert-dcl03-c," +
+ "-clang-analyzer-alpha.*," +
+ "-google-readability-todo," +
+ "-llvm-header-guard," +
+ "-llvm-include-order," +
+ "-misc-static-assert," +
+ "-misc-unused-parameters," +
+ "-readability-else-after-return\" " +
+ "../src/*.c")
+, cwd='build', shell=True)
+def fix_docs(ctx):
+ if ctx.cmd == 'build':
+ autowaf.make_simple_dox(APPNAME)
+def upload_docs(ctx):
+ os.system('rsync -ravz --delete -e ssh build/doc/html/')
+ for page in glob.glob('doc/*.[1-8]'):
+ os.system('soelim %s | pre-grohtml troff -man -wall -Thtml | post-grohtml > build/%s.html' % (page, page))
+ os.system('rsync -avz --delete -e ssh build/%s.html' % page)
+def test(tst):
+ import tempfile
+ try:
+ test_dir = os.path.join
+ os.mkdir('tests')
+ for i in glob.glob('tests/*.*'):
+ os.remove(i)
+ except:
+ pass
+ srcdir = tst.path.abspath()
+ sordi = './sordi_static'
+ base = ''
+ snippet = '<{0}s> <{0}p> <{0}o> .\n'.format(base)
+ manifest = 'file://%s/tests/manifest.ttl' % srcdir
+ with'Unit') as check:
+ check(['./sord_test'])
+ with'GoodCommands') as check:
+ check([sordi, manifest])
+ check([sordi, '%s/tests/UTF-8.ttl' % srcdir])
+ check([sordi, '-v'])
+ check([sordi, '-h'])
+ check([sordi, '-s', '<foo> a <#Thingie> .', 'file:///test'])
+ check([sordi, os.devnull], stdout=os.devnull)
+ with tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='r+') as stdin:
+ stdin.write(snippet + '\n')
+ check([sordi, '-', ''], stdin=stdin)
+ check([sordi, '-o', 'turtle', '-', ''], stdin=stdin)
+ with'BadCommands', expected=1) as check:
+ check([sordi])
+ check([sordi, ''])
+ check([sordi, '-i'])
+ check([sordi, '-o'])
+ check([sordi, '-z'])
+ check([sordi, '-p'])
+ check([sordi, '-c'])
+ check([sordi, '-i illegal'])
+ check([sordi, '-o illegal'])
+ check([sordi, '-i turtle'])
+ check([sordi, '-i ntriples'])
+ check([sordi, '/no/such/file'])
+ with'IoErrors', expected=1) as check:
+ check([sordi, 'file://%s/' % srcdir], name='Read directory')
+ if os.path.exists('/dev/full'):
+ check([sordi, manifest], stdout='/dev/full', name='Write error')
+ with'good', verbosity=0) as check:
+ suite_base = ''
+ good_tests = glob.glob(os.path.join(srcdir, 'tests', 'test-*.ttl'))
+ for test in good_tests:
+ path = os.path.relpath(test, srcdir)
+ base_uri = suite_base + path.replace('\\', '/')
+ out_path = path + '.out'
+ check([sordi, test, base_uri], stdout=out_path)
+ check_path = test.replace('.ttl', '.out')
+ out_lines = sorted(open(out_path).readlines())
+ cmp_lines = sorted(open(check_path).readlines())
+ check(lambda: out_lines == cmp_lines,
+ name='%s check' % path)
+def posts(ctx):
+ path = str(ctx.path.abspath())
+ autowaf.news_to_posts(
+ os.path.join(path, 'NEWS'),
+ {'title' : 'Sord',
+ 'description' : autowaf.get_blurb(os.path.join(path, 'README')),
+ 'dist_pattern' : ''},
+ { 'Author' : 'drobilla',
+ 'Tags' : 'Hacking, RDF, Sord' },
+ os.path.join(out, 'posts'))