/* Sord, a lightweight RDF model library. * Copyright 2010-2011 David Robillard * * Sord is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Sord is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** @file sordmm.hpp * Public Sord C++ API. */ #ifndef SORD_SORDMM_HPP #define SORD_SORDMM_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "serd/serd.h" #include "sord/sord.h" #define SORD_NS_XSD "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" namespace Sord { /** C++ wrapper for a Sord object. */ template class Wrapper { public: inline Wrapper(T c_obj = NULL) : _c_obj(c_obj) {} inline T c_obj() { return _c_obj; } inline const T c_obj() const { return _c_obj; } protected: T _c_obj; }; /** Collection of RDF namespaces with prefixes. */ class Namespaces : public Wrapper { public: Namespaces() : Wrapper(serd_env_new()) {} static inline SerdNode string_to_node(SerdType type, const std::string& s) { SerdNode ret = { type, s.length() + 1, s.length(), (const uint8_t*)s.c_str() }; return ret; } inline void add(const std::string& name, const std::string& uri) { const SerdNode name_node = string_to_node(SERD_LITERAL, name); const SerdNode uri_node = string_to_node(SERD_URI, uri); serd_env_add(_c_obj, &name_node, &uri_node); } inline std::string qualify(std::string uri) const { const SerdNode uri_node = string_to_node(SERD_URI, uri); SerdNode prefix; SerdChunk suffix; if (serd_env_qualify(_c_obj, &uri_node, &prefix, &suffix)) { std::string ret((const char*)prefix.buf, prefix.n_bytes - 1); ret.append((const char*)suffix.buf, suffix.len); return ret; } return uri; } inline std::string expand(const std::string& curie) const { assert(curie.find(":") != std::string::npos); SerdNode curie_node = string_to_node(SERD_CURIE, curie); SerdChunk uri_prefix; SerdChunk uri_suffix; if (serd_env_expand(_c_obj, &curie_node, &uri_prefix, &uri_suffix)) { std::string ret((const char*)uri_prefix.buf, uri_prefix.len); ret.append((const char*)uri_suffix.buf, uri_suffix.len); return ret; } std::cerr << "CURIE `" << curie << "' has unknown prefix." << std::endl; return curie; } }; /** Sord library state. */ class World : public boost::noncopyable, public Wrapper { public: inline World() : _next_blank_id(0) { _c_obj = sord_world_new(); add_prefix("rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"); } inline ~World() { sord_world_free(_c_obj); } inline uint64_t blank_id() { return _next_blank_id++; } inline void add_prefix(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& uri) { _prefixes.add(prefix, uri); } inline const Namespaces& prefixes() const { return _prefixes; } inline SordWorld world() { return _c_obj; } private: Namespaces _prefixes; std::set _blank_ids; uint64_t _next_blank_id; }; /** An RDF Node (resource, literal, etc) */ class Node : public Wrapper { public: enum Type { UNKNOWN = 0, URI = SORD_URI, BLANK = SORD_BLANK, LITERAL = SORD_LITERAL }; inline Node() : Wrapper(NULL), _world(NULL) {} inline Node(World& world, Type t, const std::string& s); inline Node(World& world); inline Node(World& world, SordNode node); inline Node(const Node& other); inline ~Node(); inline Type type() const { return _c_obj ? (Type)sord_node_get_type(_c_obj) : UNKNOWN; } inline SordNode get_node() const { return _c_obj; } inline bool is_valid() const { return type() != UNKNOWN; } inline bool operator<(const Node& other) const { if (type() != other.type()) { return type() < other.type(); } else { return to_string() < other.to_string(); } } const Node& operator=(const Node& other) { if (_c_obj) sord_node_free(_c_obj); _world = other._world; _c_obj = other._c_obj ? sord_node_copy(other._c_obj) : NULL; return *this; } inline bool operator==(const Node& other) const { return sord_node_equals(_c_obj, other._c_obj); } inline const uint8_t* to_u_string() const; inline const char* to_c_string() const; inline std::string to_string() const; inline bool is_literal_type(const char* type_uri) const; inline bool is_uri() const { return _c_obj && type() == URI; } inline bool is_blank() const { return _c_obj && type() == BLANK; } inline bool is_int() const { return is_literal_type(SORD_NS_XSD "integer"); } inline bool is_float() const { return is_literal_type(SORD_NS_XSD "decimal"); } inline bool is_bool() const { return is_literal_type(SORD_NS_XSD "boolean"); } inline int to_int() const; inline float to_float() const; inline bool to_bool() const; inline static Node blank_id(World& world, const std::string base="b") { const uint64_t num = world.blank_id(); std::ostringstream ss; ss << base << num; return Node(world, Node::BLANK, ss.str()); } private: World* _world; }; inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Node& node) { return os << node.to_string() << std::endl; } class URI : public Node { public: inline URI(World& world, const std::string& s) : Node(world, Node::URI, s) {} }; class Curie : public Node { public: inline Curie(World& world, const std::string& s) : Node(world, Node::URI, world.prefixes().expand(s)) {} }; class Literal : public Node { public: inline Literal(World& world, const std::string& s) : Node(world, Node::LITERAL, s) {} }; inline Node::Node(World& world, Type type, const std::string& s) : _world(&world) { switch (type) { case URI: assert(s.find(":") == std::string::npos || s.substr(0, 5) == "http:" || s.substr(0, 5) == "file:" || s.substr(0, 4) == "urn:"); _c_obj = sord_new_uri( world.world(), (const unsigned char*)s.c_str()); break; case LITERAL: _c_obj = sord_new_literal( world.world(), NULL, (const unsigned char*)s.c_str(), NULL); break; case BLANK: _c_obj = sord_new_blank( world.world(), (const unsigned char*)s.c_str()); break; default: _c_obj = NULL; } assert(this->type() == type); } inline Node::Node(World& world) : _world(&world) { Node me = blank_id(world); *this = me; } inline Node::Node(World& world, SordNode node) : _world(&world) { _c_obj = node ? sord_node_copy(node) : NULL; } inline Node::Node(const Node& other) : Wrapper() , _world(other._world) { if (_world) { _c_obj = other._c_obj ? sord_node_copy(other._c_obj) : NULL; } assert((!_c_obj && !other._c_obj) || to_string() == other.to_string()); } inline Node::~Node() { if (_world) { sord_node_free(_c_obj); } } inline std::string Node::to_string() const { return std::string(to_c_string()); } inline const char* Node::to_c_string() const { return (const char*)sord_node_get_string(_c_obj); } inline const uint8_t* Node::to_u_string() const { return sord_node_get_string(_c_obj); } inline bool Node::is_literal_type(const char* type_uri) const { if (_c_obj && sord_node_get_type(_c_obj) == SORD_LITERAL) { SordNode datatype = sord_node_get_datatype(_c_obj); if (datatype && !strcmp((const char*)sord_node_get_string(datatype), type_uri)) return true; } return false; } inline int Node::to_int() const { assert(is_int()); std::locale c_locale("C"); std::stringstream ss((const char*)sord_node_get_string(_c_obj)); ss.imbue(c_locale); int i = 0; ss >> i; return i; } inline float Node::to_float() const { assert(is_float()); std::locale c_locale("C"); std::stringstream ss((const char*)sord_node_get_string(_c_obj)); ss.imbue(c_locale); float f = 0.0f; ss >> f; return f; } inline bool Node::to_bool() const { assert(is_bool()); return !strcmp((const char*)sord_node_get_string(_c_obj), "true"); } struct Iter : public Wrapper { inline Iter(World& world, SordIter c_obj) : Wrapper(c_obj), _world(world) {} inline ~Iter() { sord_iter_free(_c_obj); } inline bool end() const { return sord_iter_end(_c_obj); } inline bool next() const { return sord_iter_next(_c_obj); } inline Iter& operator++() { assert(!end()); next(); return *this; } inline Node get_subject() const { SordQuad quad; sord_iter_get(_c_obj, quad); return Node(_world, quad[SORD_SUBJECT]); } inline Node get_predicate() const { SordQuad quad; sord_iter_get(_c_obj, quad); return Node(_world, quad[SORD_PREDICATE]); } inline Node get_object() const { SordQuad quad; sord_iter_get(_c_obj, quad); return Node(_world, quad[SORD_OBJECT]); } World& _world; }; /** An RDF Model (collection of triples). */ class Model : public boost::noncopyable, public Wrapper { public: inline Model(World& world, const Glib::ustring& base_uri="."); inline ~Model(); inline const Node& base_uri() const { return _base; } inline void load_file(const Glib::ustring& uri); inline void load_string(const char* str, size_t len, const Glib::ustring& base_uri, const std::string lang = "turtle"); inline void write_to_file_handle(FILE* fd, const char* lang); inline void write_to_file(const Glib::ustring& uri, const char* lang); inline char* write_to_string(const char* lang); inline void add_statement(const Node& subject, const Node& predicate, const Node& object); inline Iter find(const Node& subject, const Node& predicate, const Node& object); inline World& world() const { return _world; } private: World& _world; Node _base; SerdWriter _writer; size_t _next_blank_id; }; /** Create an empty in-memory RDF model. */ inline Model::Model(World& world, const Glib::ustring& base_uri) : _world(world) , _base(world, Node::URI, base_uri) , _writer(NULL) { // FIXME: parameters _c_obj = sord_new(_world.world(), SORD_SPO|SORD_OPS, true); } inline void Model::load_string(const char* str, size_t len, const Glib::ustring& base_uri, const std::string lang) { // TODO } inline Model::~Model() { sord_free(_c_obj); } inline void Model::load_file(const Glib::ustring& data_uri) { // FIXME: blank prefix sord_read_file(_c_obj, (const uint8_t*)data_uri.c_str(), NULL, (const uint8_t*)"b"); } inline void Model::write_to_file_handle(FILE* fd, const char* lang) { sord_write_file_handle(_c_obj, _world.prefixes().c_obj(), fd, _base.to_u_string(), NULL, NULL); } inline void Model::write_to_file(const Glib::ustring& uri, const char* lang) { sord_write_file(_c_obj, _world.prefixes().c_obj(), (const uint8_t*)uri.c_str(), NULL, NULL); } inline char* Model::write_to_string(const char* lang) { std::cerr << "TODO: serialise" << std::endl; return NULL; } inline void Model::add_statement(const Node& subject, const Node& predicate, const Node& object) { SordQuad quad = { subject.c_obj(), predicate.c_obj(), object.c_obj(), NULL }; sord_add(_c_obj, quad); } inline Iter Model::find(const Node& subject, const Node& predicate, const Node& object) { SordQuad quad = { subject.c_obj(), predicate.c_obj(), object.c_obj(), NULL }; return Iter(_world, sord_find(_c_obj, quad)); } } // namespace Sord #endif // SORD_SORDMM_HPP