/* Sord, a lightweight RDF model library.
 * Copyright 2010-2011 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
 * Sord is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Sord is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License for details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "sord/sord.h"

static const int DIGITS  = 3;
static const int MAX_NUM = 999;

typedef struct { SordQuad query; int expected_num_results; } QueryTest;

#define USTR(s) ((const uint8_t*)(s))

static SordNode
uri(Sord sord, int num)
	if (num == 0)
		return 0;

	char         uri[]   = "eg:000";
	const size_t uri_len = 3 + DIGITS;
	char*        uri_num = uri + 3; // First `0'
	snprintf(uri_num, DIGITS + 1, "%0*d", DIGITS, num);
	return sord_new_uri_counted(sord, (const uint8_t*)uri, uri_len);

generate(Sord sord, size_t n_quads, size_t n_objects_per)
	fprintf(stderr, "Generating %zu (S P *) quads with %zu objects each\n",
			n_quads, n_objects_per);

	for (size_t i = 0; i < n_quads; ++i) {
		int num = (i * n_objects_per) + 1;

		SordNode ids[2 + n_objects_per];
		for (size_t j = 0; j < 2 + n_objects_per; ++j) {
			ids[j] = uri(sord, num++);

		for (size_t j = 0; j < n_objects_per; ++j) {
			SordQuad tup = { ids[0], ids[1], ids[2 + j] };
			sord_add(sord, tup);

	// Add some literals
	SordQuad tup;
	tup[0] = uri(sord, 98);
	tup[1] = uri(sord, 4);
	tup[2] = sord_new_literal(sord, 0, (const uint8_t*)"hello", NULL);
	tup[3] = 0;
	sord_add(sord, tup);
	tup[2] = sord_new_literal(sord, 0, USTR("hi"), NULL);
	sord_add(sord, tup);

	tup[0] = uri(sord, 14);
	tup[2] = sord_new_literal(sord, 0, USTR("bonjour"), "fr");
	sord_add(sord, tup);
	tup[2] = sord_new_literal(sord, 0, USTR("salut"), "fr");
	sord_add(sord, tup);

	// Attempt to add some duplicates
	sord_add(sord, tup);
	sord_add(sord, tup);

	// Add a blank node subject
	tup[0] = sord_new_blank(sord, USTR("ablank"));
	sord_add(sord, tup);

	tup[1] = uri(sord, 6);
	tup[2] = uri(sord, 7);
	sord_add(sord, tup);

/** Trivial function to return EXIT_FAILURE (useful as a breakpoint) */

#define TUP_FMT "(%6s %6s %6s)"
#define TUP_FMT_ARGS(t) \
	((t)[0] ? sord_node_get_string((t)[0]) : USTR("*")), \
	((t)[1] ? sord_node_get_string((t)[1]) : USTR("*")), \
	((t)[2] ? sord_node_get_string((t)[2]) : USTR("*"))

test_read(Sord sord, const size_t n_quads, const int n_objects_per)
	int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS;

	SordQuad id;

	SordIter iter = sord_begin(sord);
	if (sord_iter_get_sord(iter) != sord) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Iterator has incorrect sord pointer\n");
		return test_fail();

	for (; !sord_iter_end(iter); sord_iter_next(iter))
		sord_iter_get(iter, id);

	// Attempt to increment past end
	if (!sord_iter_next(iter)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Successfully incremented past end\n");
		return test_fail();


#define NUM_PATTERNS 9

	QueryTest patterns[NUM_PATTERNS] = {
		{ { 0, 0, 0 }, (n_quads * n_objects_per) + 6 },
		{ { uri(sord, 9), uri(sord, 9), uri(sord, 9) }, 0 },
		{ { uri(sord, 1), uri(sord, 2), uri(sord, 4) }, 1 },
		{ { uri(sord, 3), uri(sord, 4), uri(sord, 0) }, 2 },
		{ { uri(sord, 0), uri(sord, 2), uri(sord, 4) }, 1 },
		{ { uri(sord, 0), uri(sord, 0), uri(sord, 4) }, 1 },
		{ { uri(sord, 1), uri(sord, 0), uri(sord, 0) }, 2 },
		{ { uri(sord, 1), uri(sord, 0), uri(sord, 4) }, 1 },
		{ { uri(sord, 0), uri(sord, 2), uri(sord, 0) }, 2 } };

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_PATTERNS; ++i) {
		QueryTest test = patterns[i];
		SordQuad  pat = { test.query[0], test.query[1], test.query[2], 0 };
		fprintf(stderr, "Query " TUP_FMT "... ", TUP_FMT_ARGS(pat));

		iter = sord_find(sord, pat);
		int num_results = 0;
		for (; !sord_iter_end(iter); sord_iter_next(iter)) {
			sord_iter_get(iter, id);
			if (!sord_quad_match(pat, id)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Query result " TUP_FMT " does not match pattern\n",
				return test_fail();
		if (num_results != test.expected_num_results) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Expected %d results, got %d\n",
					test.expected_num_results, num_results);
			return test_fail();
		fprintf(stderr, "OK (%u matches)\n", test.expected_num_results);

	// Query blank node subject
	SordQuad pat = { sord_new_blank(sord, USTR("ablank")), 0, 0 };
	if (!pat[0]) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Blank node subject lost\n");
		return test_fail();
	fprintf(stderr, "Query " TUP_FMT "... ", TUP_FMT_ARGS(pat));
	iter = sord_find(sord, pat);
	int num_results = 0;
	for (; !sord_iter_end(iter); sord_iter_next(iter)) {
		sord_iter_get(iter, id);
		if (!sord_quad_match(pat, id)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Query result " TUP_FMT " does not match pattern\n",
			return test_fail();
	fprintf(stderr, "OK\n");
	if (num_results != 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Blank node subject query failed\n");
		return test_fail();

	// Test nested queries
	fprintf(stderr, "Nested Queries... ");
	pat[0] = pat[1] = pat[2] = 0;
	SordNode last_subject = 0;
	iter = sord_find(sord, pat);
	for (; !sord_iter_end(iter); sord_iter_next(iter)) {
		sord_iter_get(iter, id);
		if (id[0] == last_subject)

		SordQuad subpat  = { id[0], 0, 0 };
		SordIter subiter = sord_find(sord, subpat);
		int num_sub_results = 0;
		for (; !sord_iter_end(subiter); sord_iter_next(subiter)) {
			SordQuad subid;
			sord_iter_get(subiter, subid);
			if (!sord_quad_match(subpat, subid)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Nested query result does not match pattern\n");
				return test_fail();
		if (num_sub_results != n_objects_per) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Nested query failed (got %d results, expected %d)\n",
					num_sub_results, n_objects_per);
			return test_fail();
		last_subject = id[0];
	fprintf(stderr, "OK\n\n");

	return ret;

test_write(Sord sord, const size_t n_quads, const int n_objects_per)
	int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS;

	fprintf(stderr, "Removing Statements... ");
	// Remove statements
	SordIter iter;
	for (iter = sord_begin(sord); !sord_iter_end(iter);) {
		sord_remove_iter(sord, iter);

	const int num_quads = sord_num_quads(sord);
	if (num_quads != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: All quads removed but %d quads remain\n", num_quads);
		return test_fail();

	fprintf(stderr, "OK\n\n");
	return ret;

main(int argc, char** argv)
	static const size_t n_quads      = 300;
	static const int    n_objects_per = 2;

	sord_free(NULL); // Shouldn't crash

	// Create with minimal indexing
	Sord sord = sord_new(SORD_SPO, false);
	generate(sord, n_quads, n_objects_per);

	if (test_read(sord, n_quads, n_objects_per)) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	// Check interning merges equivalent values
	SordNode uri_id   = sord_new_uri(sord, USTR("http://example.org"));
	SordNode blank_id = sord_new_uri(sord, USTR("testblank"));
	SordNode lit_id   = sord_new_literal(sord, uri_id, USTR("hello"), NULL);
	SordNode uri_id2   = sord_new_uri(sord, USTR("http://example.org"));
	SordNode blank_id2 = sord_new_uri(sord, USTR("testblank"));
	SordNode lit_id2   = sord_new_literal(sord, uri_id, USTR("hello"), NULL);
	if (uri_id2 != uri_id) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: URI interning failed (duplicates)\n");
		goto fail;
	} else if (blank_id2 != blank_id) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Blank node interning failed (duplicates)\n");
		goto fail;
	} else if (lit_id2 != lit_id) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Literal interning failed (duplicates)\n");
		goto fail;

	// Check interning doesn't clash non-equivalent values
	SordNode uri_id3   = sord_new_uri(sord, USTR("http://example.orgX"));
	SordNode blank_id3 = sord_new_uri(sord, USTR("testblankX"));
	SordNode lit_id3   = sord_new_literal(sord, uri_id, USTR("helloX"), NULL);
	if (uri_id3 == uri_id) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: URI interning failed (clash)\n");
		goto fail;
	} else if (blank_id3 == blank_id) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Blank node interning failed (clash)\n");
		goto fail;
	} else if (lit_id3 == lit_id) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Literal interning failed (clash)\n");
		goto fail;


	static const char* const index_names[6] = {
		"spo", "sop", "ops", "osp", "pso", "pos"

	for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
		sord = sord_new((1 << i), false);
		printf("Testing Index `%s'\n", index_names[i]);
		generate(sord, n_quads, n_objects_per);
		if (test_read(sord, n_quads, n_objects_per))
			goto fail;

	sord = sord_new(SORD_SPO, false);
	if (test_write(sord, n_quads, n_objects_per))
	  goto fail;


