// Copyright 2012-2021 David Robillard // SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC #define _BSD_SOURCE 1 // for realpath #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE 1 // for realpath #include "serd/serd.h" #include "sord/sord.h" #include "sord_config.h" #if USE_PCRE2 # if defined(__clang__) # pragma clang diagnostic push # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdisabled-macro-expansion" # endif # define PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH 8 # include # if defined(__clang__) # pragma clang diagnostic pop # endif #endif #ifdef _WIN32 # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __GNUC__ # define SORD_LOG_FUNC(fmt, arg1) __attribute__((format(printf, fmt, arg1))) #else # define SORD_LOG_FUNC(fmt, arg1) #endif #define NS_foaf (const uint8_t*)"http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" #define NS_owl (const uint8_t*)"http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#" #define NS_rdf (const uint8_t*)"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" #define NS_rdfs (const uint8_t*)"http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#" #define NS_xsd (const uint8_t*)"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" typedef struct { SordNode* foaf_Document; SordNode* owl_AnnotationProperty; SordNode* owl_Class; SordNode* owl_DatatypeProperty; SordNode* owl_FunctionalProperty; SordNode* owl_InverseFunctionalProperty; SordNode* owl_ObjectProperty; SordNode* owl_OntologyProperty; SordNode* owl_Restriction; SordNode* owl_Thing; SordNode* owl_cardinality; SordNode* owl_equivalentClass; SordNode* owl_maxCardinality; SordNode* owl_minCardinality; SordNode* owl_onDatatype; SordNode* owl_onProperty; SordNode* owl_someValuesFrom; SordNode* owl_withRestrictions; SordNode* rdf_PlainLiteral; SordNode* rdf_Property; SordNode* rdf_first; SordNode* rdf_rest; SordNode* rdf_type; SordNode* rdfs_Class; SordNode* rdfs_Literal; SordNode* rdfs_Resource; SordNode* rdfs_domain; SordNode* rdfs_label; SordNode* rdfs_range; SordNode* rdfs_subClassOf; SordNode* xsd_anyURI; SordNode* xsd_decimal; SordNode* xsd_double; SordNode* xsd_maxInclusive; SordNode* xsd_minInclusive; SordNode* xsd_pattern; SordNode* xsd_string; } URIs; static int n_errors = 0; static int n_restrictions = 0; static bool one_line_errors = false; static int print_version(void) { printf("sord_validate " SORD_VERSION " \n"); printf("Copyright 2012-2021 David Robillard .\n" "License: \n" "This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it." "\nThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n"); return 0; } static int print_usage(const char* name, bool error) { FILE* const os = error ? stderr : stdout; fprintf(os, "Usage: %s [OPTION]... INPUT...\n", name); fprintf(os, "Validate RDF data.\n\n"); fprintf(os, " -h Display this help and exit\n"); fprintf(os, " -l Print errors on a single line\n"); fprintf(os, " -v Display version information and exit\n"); fprintf(os, "\n" "Validate RDF data. This is a simple validator which checks\n" "that all used properties are actually defined. It doesn't do\n" "any automatic file retrieval, so all vocabularies must be\n" "passed as command-line arguments.\n"); return error ? 1 : 0; } static uint8_t* absolute_path(const uint8_t* path) { #ifdef _WIN32 char* out = (char*)malloc(MAX_PATH); GetFullPathName((const char*)path, MAX_PATH, out, NULL); return (uint8_t*)out; #else return (uint8_t*)realpath((const char*)path, NULL); #endif } SORD_LOG_FUNC(2, 3) static int errorf(const SordQuad quad, const char* fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); fprintf(stderr, "error: "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); va_end(args); const char* sep = one_line_errors ? "\t" : "\n "; fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", sep, (const char*)sord_node_get_string(quad[SORD_SUBJECT]), sep, (const char*)sord_node_get_string(quad[SORD_PREDICATE]), sep, (const char*)sord_node_get_string(quad[SORD_OBJECT])); ++n_errors; return 1; } static bool is_descendant_of(SordModel* model, const URIs* uris, const SordNode* child, const SordNode* parent, const SordNode* pred) { if (!child) { return false; } else if (sord_node_equals(child, parent) || sord_ask(model, child, uris->owl_equivalentClass, parent, NULL)) { return true; } SordIter* i = sord_search(model, child, pred, NULL, NULL); for (; !sord_iter_end(i); sord_iter_next(i)) { const SordNode* o = sord_iter_get_node(i, SORD_OBJECT); if (sord_node_equals(child, o)) { continue; // Weird class is explicitly a descendent of itself } if (is_descendant_of(model, uris, o, parent, pred)) { sord_iter_free(i); return true; } } sord_iter_free(i); return false; } static bool regexp_match(const uint8_t* const pattern, const char* const str) { #if USE_PCRE2 static const uint32_t options = PCRE2_ANCHORED | PCRE2_ENDANCHORED; int err = 0; size_t erroffset = 0U; pcre2_code* const re = pcre2_compile( pattern, PCRE2_ZERO_TERMINATED, options, &err, &erroffset, NULL); if (!re) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in pattern `%s' at offset %lu (%d)\n", pattern, erroffset, err); return false; } pcre2_match_data* const match_data = pcre2_match_data_create_from_pattern(re, NULL); const int rc = pcre2_match(re, (const uint8_t*)str, PCRE2_ZERO_TERMINATED, 0, options, match_data, NULL); pcre2_match_data_free(match_data); pcre2_code_free(re); return rc > 0; #endif // USE_PCRE2 return true; } static int bound_cmp(SordModel* model, const URIs* uris, const SordNode* literal, const SordNode* type, const SordNode* bound) { const char* str = (const char*)sord_node_get_string(literal); const char* bound_str = (const char*)sord_node_get_string(bound); const SordNode* pred = uris->owl_onDatatype; const bool is_numeric = is_descendant_of(model, uris, type, uris->xsd_decimal, pred) || is_descendant_of(model, uris, type, uris->xsd_double, pred); if (is_numeric) { const double fbound = serd_strtod(bound_str, NULL); const double fliteral = serd_strtod(str, NULL); return ((fliteral < fbound) ? -1 : (fliteral > fbound) ? 1 : 0); } else { return strcmp(str, bound_str); } } static bool check_restriction(SordModel* model, const URIs* uris, const SordNode* literal, const SordNode* type, const SordNode* restriction) { size_t len = 0; const char* str = (const char*)sord_node_get_string_counted(literal, &len); // Check xsd:pattern SordIter* p = sord_search(model, restriction, uris->xsd_pattern, 0, 0); if (p) { const SordNode* pat = sord_iter_get_node(p, SORD_OBJECT); if (!regexp_match(sord_node_get_string(pat), str)) { fprintf(stderr, "`%s' does not match <%s> pattern `%s'\n", sord_node_get_string(literal), sord_node_get_string(type), sord_node_get_string(pat)); sord_iter_free(p); return false; } sord_iter_free(p); ++n_restrictions; } // Check xsd:minInclusive SordIter* l = sord_search(model, restriction, uris->xsd_minInclusive, 0, 0); if (l) { const SordNode* lower = sord_iter_get_node(l, SORD_OBJECT); if (bound_cmp(model, uris, literal, type, lower) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "`%s' is not >= <%s> minimum `%s'\n", sord_node_get_string(literal), sord_node_get_string(type), sord_node_get_string(lower)); sord_iter_free(l); return false; } sord_iter_free(l); ++n_restrictions; } // Check xsd:maxInclusive SordIter* u = sord_search(model, restriction, uris->xsd_maxInclusive, 0, 0); if (u) { const SordNode* upper = sord_iter_get_node(u, SORD_OBJECT); if (bound_cmp(model, uris, literal, type, upper) > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "`%s' is not <= <%s> maximum `%s'\n", sord_node_get_string(literal), sord_node_get_string(type), sord_node_get_string(upper)); sord_iter_free(u); return false; } sord_iter_free(u); ++n_restrictions; } return true; // Unknown restriction, be quietly tolerant } static bool literal_is_valid(SordModel* model, const URIs* uris, const SordQuad quad, const SordNode* literal, const SordNode* type) { if (!type) { return true; } /* Check that literal data is related to required type. We don't do a strict subtype check here because e.g. an xsd:decimal might be a valid xsd:unsignedInt, which the pattern checks will verify, but if the literal type is not related to the required type at all (e.g. xsd:decimal and xsd:string) there is a problem. */ const SordNode* datatype = sord_node_get_datatype(literal); if (datatype && datatype != type) { if (!is_descendant_of(model, uris, datatype, type, uris->owl_onDatatype) && !is_descendant_of(model, uris, type, datatype, uris->owl_onDatatype) && !(sord_node_equals(datatype, uris->xsd_decimal) && is_descendant_of( model, uris, type, uris->xsd_double, uris->owl_onDatatype))) { errorf(quad, "Literal `%s' datatype <%s> is not compatible with <%s>\n", sord_node_get_string(literal), sord_node_get_string(datatype), sord_node_get_string(type)); return false; } } // Find restrictions list SordIter* rs = sord_search(model, type, uris->owl_withRestrictions, 0, 0); if (sord_iter_end(rs)) { return true; // No restrictions } // Walk list, checking each restriction const SordNode* head = sord_iter_get_node(rs, SORD_OBJECT); while (head) { SordIter* f = sord_search(model, head, uris->rdf_first, 0, 0); if (!f) { break; // Reached end of restrictions list without failure } // Check this restriction const bool good = check_restriction( model, uris, literal, type, sord_iter_get_node(f, SORD_OBJECT)); sord_iter_free(f); if (!good) { sord_iter_free(rs); return false; // Failed, literal is invalid } // Seek to next list node SordIter* n = sord_search(model, head, uris->rdf_rest, 0, 0); head = n ? sord_iter_get_node(n, SORD_OBJECT) : NULL; sord_iter_free(n); } sord_iter_free(rs); SordIter* s = sord_search(model, type, uris->owl_onDatatype, 0, 0); if (s) { const SordNode* super = sord_iter_get_node(s, SORD_OBJECT); const bool good = literal_is_valid(model, uris, quad, literal, super); sord_iter_free(s); return good; // Match iff literal also matches supertype } return true; // Matches top level type } static bool check_type(SordModel* model, const URIs* uris, const SordQuad quad, const SordNode* node, const SordNode* type) { if (sord_node_equals(type, uris->rdfs_Resource) || sord_node_equals(type, uris->owl_Thing)) { return true; } if (sord_node_get_type(node) == SORD_LITERAL) { if (sord_node_equals(type, uris->rdfs_Literal)) { return true; } else if (sord_node_equals(type, uris->rdf_PlainLiteral)) { return !sord_node_get_language(node); } else { return literal_is_valid(model, uris, quad, node, type); } } else if (sord_node_get_type(node) == SORD_URI) { if (sord_node_equals(type, uris->foaf_Document)) { return true; // Questionable... } else if (is_descendant_of( model, uris, type, uris->xsd_anyURI, uris->owl_onDatatype)) { /* Type is any URI and this is a URI, so pass. Restrictions on anyURI subtypes are not currently checked (very uncommon). */ return true; // Type is anyURI, and this is a URI } else { SordIter* t = sord_search(model, node, uris->rdf_type, NULL, NULL); for (; !sord_iter_end(t); sord_iter_next(t)) { if (is_descendant_of(model, uris, sord_iter_get_node(t, SORD_OBJECT), type, uris->rdfs_subClassOf)) { sord_iter_free(t); return true; } } sord_iter_free(t); return false; } } else { return true; // Blanks often lack explicit types, ignore } return false; } static uint64_t count_non_blanks(SordIter* i, SordQuadIndex field) { uint64_t n = 0; for (; !sord_iter_end(i); sord_iter_next(i)) { const SordNode* node = sord_iter_get_node(i, field); if (sord_node_get_type(node) != SORD_BLANK) { ++n; } } return n; } static int check_properties(SordModel* model, URIs* uris) { int st = 0; SordIter* i = sord_begin(model); for (; !sord_iter_end(i); sord_iter_next(i)) { SordQuad quad; sord_iter_get(i, quad); const SordNode* subj = quad[SORD_SUBJECT]; const SordNode* pred = quad[SORD_PREDICATE]; const SordNode* obj = quad[SORD_OBJECT]; bool is_any_property = false; SordIter* t = sord_search(model, pred, uris->rdf_type, NULL, NULL); for (; !sord_iter_end(t); sord_iter_next(t)) { if (is_descendant_of(model, uris, sord_iter_get_node(t, SORD_OBJECT), uris->rdf_Property, uris->rdfs_subClassOf)) { is_any_property = true; break; } } sord_iter_free(t); const bool is_ObjectProperty = sord_ask(model, pred, uris->rdf_type, uris->owl_ObjectProperty, 0); const bool is_FunctionalProperty = sord_ask(model, pred, uris->rdf_type, uris->owl_FunctionalProperty, 0); const bool is_InverseFunctionalProperty = sord_ask( model, pred, uris->rdf_type, uris->owl_InverseFunctionalProperty, 0); const bool is_DatatypeProperty = sord_ask(model, pred, uris->rdf_type, uris->owl_DatatypeProperty, 0); if (!is_any_property) { st = errorf(quad, "Use of undefined property"); } if (!sord_ask(model, pred, uris->rdfs_label, NULL, NULL)) { st = errorf(quad, "Property <%s> has no label", sord_node_get_string(pred)); } if (is_DatatypeProperty && sord_node_get_type(obj) != SORD_LITERAL) { st = errorf(quad, "Datatype property with non-literal value"); } if (is_ObjectProperty && sord_node_get_type(obj) == SORD_LITERAL) { st = errorf(quad, "Object property with literal value"); } if (is_FunctionalProperty) { SordIter* o = sord_search(model, subj, pred, NULL, NULL); const uint64_t n = count_non_blanks(o, SORD_OBJECT); if (n > 1) { st = errorf(quad, "Functional property with %" PRIu64 " objects", n); } sord_iter_free(o); } if (is_InverseFunctionalProperty) { SordIter* s = sord_search(model, NULL, pred, obj, NULL); const uint64_t n = count_non_blanks(s, SORD_SUBJECT); if (n > 1) { st = errorf( quad, "Inverse functional property with %" PRIu64 " subjects", n); } sord_iter_free(s); } if (sord_node_equals(pred, uris->rdf_type) && !sord_ask(model, obj, uris->rdf_type, uris->rdfs_Class, NULL) && !sord_ask(model, obj, uris->rdf_type, uris->owl_Class, NULL)) { st = errorf(quad, "Type is not a rdfs:Class or owl:Class"); } if (sord_node_get_type(obj) == SORD_LITERAL && !literal_is_valid( model, uris, quad, obj, sord_node_get_datatype(obj))) { st = errorf(quad, "Literal does not match datatype"); } SordIter* r = sord_search(model, pred, uris->rdfs_range, NULL, NULL); for (; !sord_iter_end(r); sord_iter_next(r)) { const SordNode* range = sord_iter_get_node(r, SORD_OBJECT); if (!check_type(model, uris, quad, obj, range)) { st = errorf( quad, "Object not in range <%s>\n", sord_node_get_string(range)); } } sord_iter_free(r); SordIter* d = sord_search(model, pred, uris->rdfs_domain, NULL, NULL); if (d) { const SordNode* domain = sord_iter_get_node(d, SORD_OBJECT); if (!check_type(model, uris, quad, subj, domain)) { st = errorf( quad, "Subject not in domain <%s>", sord_node_get_string(domain)); } sord_iter_free(d); } } sord_iter_free(i); return st; } static int check_instance(SordModel* model, const URIs* uris, const SordNode* restriction, const SordQuad quad) { const SordNode* instance = quad[SORD_SUBJECT]; int st = 0; const SordNode* prop = sord_get(model, restriction, uris->owl_onProperty, NULL, NULL); if (!prop) { return 0; } const unsigned values = (unsigned)sord_count(model, instance, prop, NULL, NULL); // Check exact cardinality const SordNode* card = sord_get(model, restriction, uris->owl_cardinality, NULL, NULL); if (card) { const unsigned c = (unsigned)atoi((const char*)sord_node_get_string(card)); if (values != c) { st = errorf(quad, "Property %s on %s has %u != %u values", sord_node_get_string(prop), sord_node_get_string(instance), values, c); } } // Check minimum cardinality const SordNode* minCard = sord_get(model, restriction, uris->owl_minCardinality, NULL, NULL); if (minCard) { const unsigned m = (unsigned)atoi((const char*)sord_node_get_string(minCard)); if (values < m) { st = errorf(quad, "Property %s on %s has %u < %u values", sord_node_get_string(prop), sord_node_get_string(instance), values, m); } } // Check maximum cardinality const SordNode* maxCard = sord_get(model, restriction, uris->owl_maxCardinality, NULL, NULL); if (maxCard) { const unsigned m = (unsigned)atoi((const char*)sord_node_get_string(maxCard)); if (values < m) { st = errorf(quad, "Property %s on %s has %u > %u values", sord_node_get_string(prop), sord_node_get_string(instance), values, m); } } // Check someValuesFrom SordIter* sf = sord_search(model, restriction, uris->owl_someValuesFrom, NULL, NULL); if (sf) { const SordNode* type = sord_iter_get_node(sf, SORD_OBJECT); SordIter* v = sord_search(model, instance, prop, NULL, NULL); bool found = false; for (; !sord_iter_end(v); sord_iter_next(v)) { const SordNode* value = sord_iter_get_node(v, SORD_OBJECT); if (check_type(model, uris, quad, value, type)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { st = errorf(quad, "%s has no <%s> values of type <%s>\n", sord_node_get_string(instance), sord_node_get_string(prop), sord_node_get_string(type)); } sord_iter_free(v); } sord_iter_free(sf); return st; } static int check_class_instances(SordModel* model, const URIs* uris, const SordNode* restriction, const SordNode* klass) { // Check immediate instances of this class SordIter* i = sord_search(model, NULL, uris->rdf_type, klass, NULL); for (; !sord_iter_end(i); sord_iter_next(i)) { SordQuad quad; sord_iter_get(i, quad); check_instance(model, uris, restriction, quad); } sord_iter_free(i); // Check instances of all subclasses recursively SordIter* s = sord_search(model, NULL, uris->rdfs_subClassOf, klass, NULL); for (; !sord_iter_end(s); sord_iter_next(s)) { const SordNode* subklass = sord_iter_get_node(s, SORD_SUBJECT); check_class_instances(model, uris, restriction, subklass); } sord_iter_free(s); return 0; } static int check_instances(SordModel* model, const URIs* uris) { int st = 0; SordIter* r = sord_search(model, NULL, uris->rdf_type, uris->owl_Restriction, NULL); for (; !sord_iter_end(r); sord_iter_next(r)) { const SordNode* restriction = sord_iter_get_node(r, SORD_SUBJECT); const SordNode* prop = sord_get(model, restriction, uris->owl_onProperty, NULL, NULL); if (!prop) { continue; } SordIter* c = sord_search(model, NULL, uris->rdfs_subClassOf, restriction, NULL); for (; !sord_iter_end(c); sord_iter_next(c)) { const SordNode* klass = sord_iter_get_node(c, SORD_SUBJECT); check_class_instances(model, uris, restriction, klass); } sord_iter_free(c); } sord_iter_free(r); return st; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { return print_usage(argv[0], true); } int a = 1; for (; a < argc && argv[a][0] == '-'; ++a) { if (argv[a][1] == 'h') { return print_usage(argv[0], false); } else if (argv[a][1] == 'l') { one_line_errors = true; } else if (argv[a][1] == 'v') { return print_version(); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown option `%s'\n", argv[0], argv[a]); return print_usage(argv[0], true); } } SordWorld* world = sord_world_new(); SordModel* model = sord_new(world, SORD_SPO | SORD_OPS, false); SerdEnv* env = serd_env_new(&SERD_NODE_NULL); SerdReader* reader = sord_new_reader(model, env, SERD_TURTLE, NULL); for (; a < argc; ++a) { const uint8_t* input = (const uint8_t*)argv[a]; uint8_t* rel_in_path = serd_file_uri_parse(input, NULL); uint8_t* in_path = absolute_path(rel_in_path); free(rel_in_path); if (!in_path) { fprintf(stderr, "Skipping file %s\n", input); continue; } SerdURI base_uri; SerdNode base_uri_node = serd_node_new_file_uri(in_path, NULL, &base_uri, true); serd_env_set_base_uri(env, &base_uri_node); const SerdStatus st = serd_reader_read_file(reader, in_path); if (st) { fprintf(stderr, "error reading %s: %s\n", in_path, serd_strerror(st)); } serd_node_free(&base_uri_node); free(in_path); } serd_reader_free(reader); serd_env_free(env); #define URI(prefix, suffix) \ uris.prefix##_##suffix = sord_new_uri(world, NS_##prefix #suffix) URIs uris; URI(foaf, Document); URI(owl, AnnotationProperty); URI(owl, Class); URI(owl, DatatypeProperty); URI(owl, FunctionalProperty); URI(owl, InverseFunctionalProperty); URI(owl, ObjectProperty); URI(owl, OntologyProperty); URI(owl, Restriction); URI(owl, Thing); URI(owl, cardinality); URI(owl, equivalentClass); URI(owl, maxCardinality); URI(owl, minCardinality); URI(owl, onDatatype); URI(owl, onProperty); URI(owl, someValuesFrom); URI(owl, withRestrictions); URI(rdf, PlainLiteral); URI(rdf, Property); URI(rdf, first); URI(rdf, rest); URI(rdf, type); URI(rdfs, Class); URI(rdfs, Literal); URI(rdfs, Resource); URI(rdfs, domain); URI(rdfs, label); URI(rdfs, range); URI(rdfs, subClassOf); URI(xsd, anyURI); URI(xsd, decimal); URI(xsd, double); URI(xsd, maxInclusive); URI(xsd, minInclusive); URI(xsd, pattern); URI(xsd, string); #if !USE_PCRE2 fprintf(stderr, "warning: Built without PCRE2, datatypes not checked.\n"); #endif const int prop_st = check_properties(model, &uris); const int inst_st = check_instances(model, &uris); printf("Found %d errors among %d files (checked %d restrictions)\n", n_errors, argc - 1, n_restrictions); sord_free(model); sord_world_free(world); return prop_st || inst_st; }