#!/usr/bin/env python import os from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf import waflib.Logs as Logs, waflib.Options as Options # Version of this package (even if built as a child) SORD_VERSION = '0.2.0' SORD_MAJOR_VERSION = '0' # Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # major increment <=> incompatible changes # minor increment <=> compatible changes (additions) # micro increment <=> no interface changes # Sord uses the same version number for both library and package SORD_LIB_VERSION = SORD_VERSION # Variables for 'waf dist' APPNAME = 'sord' VERSION = SORD_VERSION # Mandatory variables top = '.' out = 'build' def options(opt): autowaf.set_options(opt) opt.add_option('--test', action='store_true', default=False, dest='build_tests', help="Build unit tests") opt.add_option('--dump', type='string', default='', dest='dump', help="Dump debugging output (iter, search, write, all)") def configure(conf): autowaf.configure(conf) autowaf.display_header('Sord configuration') conf.load('compiler_cc') conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', '-std=c99') autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'glib-2.0', uselib_store='GLIB', atleast_version='2.0.0', mandatory=True) autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'serd-0', uselib_store='SERD', atleast_version='0.2.0', mandatory=True) conf.env['BUILD_TESTS'] = Options.options.build_tests conf.env['BUILD_UTILS'] = True dump = Options.options.dump.split(',') all = 'all' in dump if all or 'iter' in dump: autowaf.define(conf, 'SORD_DEBUG_ITER', 1) if all or 'search' in dump: autowaf.define(conf, 'SORD_DEBUG_SEARCH', 1) if all or 'write' in dump: autowaf.define(conf, 'SORD_DEBUG_WRITE', 1) autowaf.define(conf, 'SORD_VERSION', SORD_VERSION) conf.write_config_header('sord-config.h', remove=False) autowaf.display_msg(conf, "Utilities", bool(conf.env['BUILD_UTILS'])) autowaf.display_msg(conf, "Unit tests", bool(conf.env['BUILD_TESTS'])) autowaf.display_msg(conf, "Debug dumping", dump) print('') def build(bld): # C/C++ Headers includedir = '${INCLUDEDIR}/sord-%s/sord' % SORD_MAJOR_VERSION bld.install_files(includedir, bld.path.ant_glob('sord/*.h')) bld.install_files(includedir, bld.path.ant_glob('sord/*.hpp')) # Pkgconfig file autowaf.build_pc(bld, 'SORD', SORD_VERSION, SORD_MAJOR_VERSION, [], {'SORD_MAJOR_VERSION' : SORD_MAJOR_VERSION}) # Library obj = bld(features = 'c cshlib', source = 'src/sord.c src/syntax.c', includes = ['.', './src'], export_includes = ['.'], name = 'libsord', target = 'sord-%s' % SORD_MAJOR_VERSION, vnum = SORD_LIB_VERSION, install_path = '${LIBDIR}', libs = [ 'm' ], cflags = [ '-fvisibility=hidden', '-DSORD_SHARED', '-DSORD_INTERNAL' ]) autowaf.use_lib(bld, obj, 'GLIB SERD') if bld.env['BUILD_TESTS']: test_cflags = [ '-fprofile-arcs', '-ftest-coverage' ] # Static library (for unit test code coverage) obj = bld(features = 'c cstlib', source = 'src/sord.c src/syntax.c', includes = ['.', './src'], name = 'libsord_static', target = 'sord_static', install_path = '', cflags = test_cflags, libs = [ 'm' ]) autowaf.use_lib(bld, obj, 'GLIB SERD') # Unit test program obj = bld(features = 'c cprogram', source = 'src/sord_test.c', includes = ['.', './src'], use = 'libsord_static', linkflags = '-lgcov', target = 'sord_test', install_path = '', cflags = test_cflags) autowaf.use_lib(bld, obj, 'GLIB SERD') # C++ build test obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxprogram', source = 'src/sordmm_test.cpp', includes = ['.', './src'], use = 'libsord_static', linkflags = '-lgcov', target = 'sordmm_test', install_path = '', cflags = test_cflags) autowaf.use_lib(bld, obj, 'GLIB SERD') # Static command line utility (for testing) if bld.env['BUILD_UTILS']: obj = bld(features = 'c cprogram', source = 'src/sordi.c', includes = ['.', './src'], use = 'libsord_static', linkflags = '-lgcov', target = 'sordi_static', install_path = '', cflags = test_cflags) # Command line utility if bld.env['BUILD_UTILS']: obj = bld(features = 'c cprogram', source = 'src/sordi.c', includes = ['.', './src'], use = 'libsord', linkflags = '-lgcov', target = 'sordi', install_path = '${BINDIR}') # Documentation autowaf.build_dox(bld, 'SORD', SORD_VERSION, top, out) bld.add_post_fun(autowaf.run_ldconfig) def fix_docs(ctx): try: os.chdir('build/doc/html') os.system("sed -i 's/SORD_API //' group__sord.html") os.system("sed -i 's/SORD_DEPRECATED //' group__sord.html") os.remove('index.html') os.symlink('group__sord.html', 'index.html') except Exception, e: Logs.error("Failed to fix up Doxygen documentation (%s)\n" % e) def upload_docs(ctx): os.system("rsync -avz --delete -e ssh build/doc/html/* drobilla@drobilla.net:~/drobilla.net/docs/sord") def test(ctx): autowaf.pre_test(ctx, APPNAME) autowaf.run_tests(ctx, APPNAME, ['./sord_test']) autowaf.post_test(ctx, APPNAME)