/* Copyright 2012-2016 David Robillard Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "sratom/sratom.h" #include "lv2/atom/atom.h" #include "lv2/atom/forge.h" #include "lv2/atom/util.h" #include "lv2/midi/midi.h" #include "lv2/urid/urid.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define NS_RDF (const uint8_t*)"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" #define NS_XSD (const uint8_t*)"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#" #define USTR(str) ((const uint8_t*)(str)) static const SerdStyle style = (SerdStyle)(SERD_STYLE_ABBREVIATED | SERD_STYLE_RESOLVED | SERD_STYLE_CURIED); typedef enum { MODE_SUBJECT, MODE_BODY, MODE_SEQUENCE } ReadMode; struct SratomImpl { LV2_URID_Map* map; LV2_Atom_Forge forge; SerdEnv* env; SerdNode base_uri; SerdURI base; SerdStatementSink write_statement; SerdEndSink end_anon; void* handle; LV2_URID atom_Event; LV2_URID atom_frameTime; LV2_URID atom_beatTime; LV2_URID midi_MidiEvent; unsigned next_id; SratomObjectMode object_mode; uint32_t seq_unit; struct { SordNode* atom_childType; SordNode* atom_frameTime; SordNode* atom_beatTime; SordNode* rdf_first; SordNode* rdf_rest; SordNode* rdf_type; SordNode* rdf_value; SordNode* xsd_base64Binary; } nodes; bool pretty_numbers; }; static void read_node(Sratom* sratom, LV2_Atom_Forge* forge, SordWorld* world, SordModel* model, const SordNode* node, ReadMode mode); Sratom* sratom_new(LV2_URID_Map* map) { Sratom* sratom = (Sratom*)calloc(1, sizeof(Sratom)); if (sratom) { sratom->map = map; sratom->atom_Event = map->map(map->handle, LV2_ATOM__Event); sratom->atom_frameTime = map->map(map->handle, LV2_ATOM__frameTime); sratom->atom_beatTime = map->map(map->handle, LV2_ATOM__beatTime); sratom->midi_MidiEvent = map->map(map->handle, LV2_MIDI__MidiEvent); sratom->object_mode = SRATOM_OBJECT_MODE_BLANK; lv2_atom_forge_init(&sratom->forge, map); } return sratom; } void sratom_free(Sratom* sratom) { if (sratom) { serd_node_free(&sratom->base_uri); free(sratom); } } void sratom_set_env(Sratom* sratom, SerdEnv* env) { sratom->env = env; } void sratom_set_sink(Sratom* sratom, const char* base_uri, SerdStatementSink sink, SerdEndSink end_sink, void* handle) { if (base_uri) { serd_node_free(&sratom->base_uri); sratom->base_uri = serd_node_new_uri_from_string(USTR(base_uri), NULL, NULL); serd_uri_parse(sratom->base_uri.buf, &sratom->base); } sratom->write_statement = sink; sratom->end_anon = end_sink; sratom->handle = handle; } void sratom_set_pretty_numbers(Sratom* sratom, bool pretty_numbers) { sratom->pretty_numbers = pretty_numbers; } void sratom_set_object_mode(Sratom* sratom, SratomObjectMode object_mode) { sratom->object_mode = object_mode; } static void gensym(SerdNode* out, char c, unsigned num) { out->n_bytes = out->n_chars = snprintf((char*)out->buf, 10, "%c%u", c, num); } static void list_append(Sratom* sratom, LV2_URID_Unmap* unmap, unsigned* flags, SerdNode* s, SerdNode* p, SerdNode* node, uint32_t size, uint32_t type, const void* body) { // Generate a list node gensym(node, 'l', sratom->next_id); sratom->write_statement(sratom->handle, *flags, NULL, s, p, node, NULL, NULL); // _:node rdf:first value *flags = SERD_LIST_CONT; *p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_RDF "first"); sratom_write(sratom, unmap, *flags, node, p, type, size, body); // Set subject to node and predicate to rdf:rest for next time gensym(node, 'l', ++sratom->next_id); *s = *node; *p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_RDF "rest"); } static void list_end(SerdStatementSink sink, void* handle, const unsigned flags, SerdNode* s, SerdNode* p) { // _:node rdf:rest rdf:nil const SerdNode nil = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_RDF "nil"); sink(handle, flags, NULL, s, p, &nil, NULL, NULL); } static void start_object(Sratom* sratom, uint32_t* flags, const SerdNode* subject, const SerdNode* predicate, const SerdNode* node, const char* type) { if (subject && predicate) { sratom->write_statement(sratom->handle, *flags | SERD_ANON_O_BEGIN, NULL, subject, predicate, node, NULL, NULL); // Start abbreviating object properties *flags |= SERD_ANON_CONT; // Object is in a list, stop list abbreviating if necessary *flags &= ~SERD_LIST_CONT; } if (type) { SerdNode p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_RDF "type"); SerdNode o = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(type)); sratom->write_statement( sratom->handle, *flags, NULL, node, &p, &o, NULL, NULL); } } static bool path_is_absolute(const char* path) { return (path[0] == '/' || (isalpha(path[0]) && path[1] == ':' && (path[2] == '/' || path[2] == '\\'))); } static SerdNode number_type(const Sratom* sratom, const uint8_t* type) { if (sratom->pretty_numbers && (!strcmp((const char*)type, (const char*)NS_XSD "int") || !strcmp((const char*)type, (const char*)NS_XSD "long"))) { return serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_XSD "integer"); } if (sratom->pretty_numbers && (!strcmp((const char*)type, (const char*)NS_XSD "float") || !strcmp((const char*)type, (const char*)NS_XSD "double"))) { return serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_XSD "decimal"); } return serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, type); } int sratom_write(Sratom* sratom, LV2_URID_Unmap* unmap, uint32_t flags, const SerdNode* subject, const SerdNode* predicate, uint32_t type_urid, uint32_t size, const void* body) { const char* const type = unmap->unmap(unmap->handle, type_urid); uint8_t idbuf[12] = "b0000000000"; SerdNode id = serd_node_from_string(SERD_BLANK, idbuf); uint8_t nodebuf[12] = "b0000000000"; SerdNode node = serd_node_from_string(SERD_BLANK, nodebuf); SerdNode object = SERD_NODE_NULL; SerdNode datatype = SERD_NODE_NULL; SerdNode language = SERD_NODE_NULL; bool new_node = false; if (type_urid == 0 && size == 0) { object = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(NS_RDF "nil")); } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.String) { object = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, (const uint8_t*)body); } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Chunk) { datatype = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_XSD "base64Binary"); object = serd_node_new_blob(body, size, true); new_node = true; } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Literal) { const LV2_Atom_Literal_Body* lit = (const LV2_Atom_Literal_Body*)body; const uint8_t* str = USTR(lit + 1); object = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, str); if (lit->datatype) { datatype = serd_node_from_string( SERD_URI, USTR(unmap->unmap(unmap->handle, lit->datatype))); } else if (lit->lang) { const char* lang = unmap->unmap(unmap->handle, lit->lang); const char* prefix = "http://lexvo.org/id/iso639-3/"; const size_t prefix_len = strlen(prefix); if (lang && !strncmp(lang, prefix, prefix_len)) { language = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, USTR(lang + prefix_len)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown language URID %u\n", lit->lang); } } } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.URID) { const uint32_t urid = *(const uint32_t*)body; const uint8_t* str = USTR(unmap->unmap(unmap->handle, urid)); object = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, str); } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Path) { const uint8_t* str = USTR(body); if (path_is_absolute((const char*)str)) { new_node = true; object = serd_node_new_file_uri(str, NULL, NULL, true); } else { if (!sratom->base_uri.buf || strncmp((const char*)sratom->base_uri.buf, "file://", 7)) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: Relative path but base is not a file URI.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "warning: Writing ambiguous atom:Path literal.\n"); object = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, str); datatype = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(LV2_ATOM__Path)); } else { new_node = true; SerdNode rel = serd_node_new_file_uri(str, NULL, NULL, true); object = serd_node_new_uri_from_node(&rel, &sratom->base, NULL); serd_node_free(&rel); } } } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.URI) { object = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(body)); } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Int) { new_node = true; object = serd_node_new_integer(*(const int32_t*)body); datatype = number_type(sratom, NS_XSD "int"); } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Long) { new_node = true; object = serd_node_new_integer(*(const int64_t*)body); datatype = number_type(sratom, NS_XSD "long"); } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Float) { new_node = true; object = serd_node_new_decimal(*(const float*)body, 8); datatype = number_type(sratom, NS_XSD "float"); } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Double) { new_node = true; object = serd_node_new_decimal(*(const double*)body, 16); datatype = number_type(sratom, NS_XSD "double"); } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Bool) { const int32_t val = *(const int32_t*)body; datatype = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_XSD "boolean"); object = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, USTR(val ? "true" : "false")); } else if (type_urid == sratom->midi_MidiEvent) { new_node = true; datatype = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(LV2_MIDI__MidiEvent)); uint8_t* str = (uint8_t*)calloc(size * 2 + 1, 1); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { snprintf((char*)str + (2 * i), size * 2 + 1, "%02X", (unsigned)*((const uint8_t*)body + i)); } object = serd_node_from_string(SERD_LITERAL, USTR(str)); } else if (type_urid == sratom->atom_Event) { const LV2_Atom_Event* ev = (const LV2_Atom_Event*)body; gensym(&id, 'e', sratom->next_id++); start_object(sratom, &flags, subject, predicate, &id, NULL); SerdNode time; SerdNode p; if (sratom->seq_unit == sratom->atom_beatTime) { time = serd_node_new_decimal(ev->time.beats, 16); p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(LV2_ATOM__beatTime)); datatype = number_type(sratom, NS_XSD "double"); } else { time = serd_node_new_integer(ev->time.frames); p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(LV2_ATOM__frameTime)); datatype = number_type(sratom, NS_XSD "long"); } sratom->write_statement(sratom->handle, SERD_ANON_CONT, NULL, &id, &p, &time, &datatype, &language); serd_node_free(&time); p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_RDF "value"); sratom_write(sratom, unmap, SERD_ANON_CONT, &id, &p, ev->body.type, ev->body.size, LV2_ATOM_BODY(&ev->body)); if (sratom->end_anon) { sratom->end_anon(sratom->handle, &id); } } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Tuple) { gensym(&id, 't', sratom->next_id++); start_object(sratom, &flags, subject, predicate, &id, type); SerdNode p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_RDF "value"); flags |= SERD_LIST_O_BEGIN; LV2_ATOM_TUPLE_BODY_FOREACH (body, size, i) { list_append(sratom, unmap, &flags, &id, &p, &node, i->size, i->type, LV2_ATOM_BODY(i)); } list_end(sratom->write_statement, sratom->handle, flags, &id, &p); if (sratom->end_anon) { sratom->end_anon(sratom->handle, &id); } } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Vector) { const LV2_Atom_Vector_Body* vec = (const LV2_Atom_Vector_Body*)body; gensym(&id, 'v', sratom->next_id++); start_object(sratom, &flags, subject, predicate, &id, type); SerdNode p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, (const uint8_t*)LV2_ATOM__childType); SerdNode child_type = serd_node_from_string( SERD_URI, (const uint8_t*)unmap->unmap(unmap->handle, vec->child_type)); sratom->write_statement( sratom->handle, flags, NULL, &id, &p, &child_type, NULL, NULL); p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_RDF "value"); flags |= SERD_LIST_O_BEGIN; for (const char* i = (const char*)(vec + 1); i < (const char*)vec + size; i += vec->child_size) { list_append(sratom, unmap, &flags, &id, &p, &node, vec->child_size, vec->child_type, i); } list_end(sratom->write_statement, sratom->handle, flags, &id, &p); if (sratom->end_anon) { sratom->end_anon(sratom->handle, &id); } } else if (lv2_atom_forge_is_object_type(&sratom->forge, type_urid)) { const LV2_Atom_Object_Body* obj = (const LV2_Atom_Object_Body*)body; const char* otype = unmap->unmap(unmap->handle, obj->otype); if (lv2_atom_forge_is_blank(&sratom->forge, type_urid, obj)) { gensym(&id, 'b', sratom->next_id++); start_object(sratom, &flags, subject, predicate, &id, otype); } else { id = serd_node_from_string( SERD_URI, (const uint8_t*)unmap->unmap(unmap->handle, obj->id)); flags = 0; start_object(sratom, &flags, NULL, NULL, &id, otype); } LV2_ATOM_OBJECT_BODY_FOREACH (obj, size, prop) { const char* const key = unmap->unmap(unmap->handle, prop->key); SerdNode pred = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(key)); sratom_write(sratom, unmap, flags, &id, &pred, prop->value.type, prop->value.size, LV2_ATOM_BODY(&prop->value)); } if (sratom->end_anon && (flags & SERD_ANON_CONT)) { sratom->end_anon(sratom->handle, &id); } } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Sequence) { const LV2_Atom_Sequence_Body* seq = (const LV2_Atom_Sequence_Body*)body; gensym(&id, 'v', sratom->next_id++); start_object(sratom, &flags, subject, predicate, &id, type); SerdNode p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_RDF "value"); flags |= SERD_LIST_O_BEGIN; LV2_ATOM_SEQUENCE_BODY_FOREACH (seq, size, ev) { sratom->seq_unit = seq->unit; list_append(sratom, unmap, &flags, &id, &p, &node, sizeof(LV2_Atom_Event) + ev->body.size, sratom->atom_Event, ev); } list_end(sratom->write_statement, sratom->handle, flags, &id, &p); if (sratom->end_anon && subject && predicate) { sratom->end_anon(sratom->handle, &id); } } else { gensym(&id, 'b', sratom->next_id++); start_object(sratom, &flags, subject, predicate, &id, type); SerdNode p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_RDF "value"); SerdNode o = serd_node_new_blob(body, size, true); datatype = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, NS_XSD "base64Binary"); sratom->write_statement( sratom->handle, flags, NULL, &id, &p, &o, &datatype, NULL); if (sratom->end_anon && subject && predicate) { sratom->end_anon(sratom->handle, &id); } serd_node_free(&o); } if (object.buf) { SerdNode def_s = serd_node_from_string(SERD_BLANK, USTR("atom")); SerdNode def_p = serd_node_from_string(SERD_URI, USTR(NS_RDF "value")); if (!subject) { subject = &def_s; } if (!predicate) { predicate = &def_p; } sratom->write_statement(sratom->handle, flags, NULL, subject, predicate, &object, &datatype, &language); } if (new_node) { serd_node_free(&object); } return 0; } char* sratom_to_turtle(Sratom* sratom, LV2_URID_Unmap* unmap, const char* base_uri, const SerdNode* subject, const SerdNode* predicate, uint32_t type, uint32_t size, const void* body) { SerdURI buri = SERD_URI_NULL; SerdNode base = serd_node_new_uri_from_string(USTR(base_uri), &sratom->base, &buri); SerdEnv* env = sratom->env ? sratom->env : serd_env_new(NULL); SerdChunk str = {NULL, 0}; SerdWriter* writer = serd_writer_new(SERD_TURTLE, style, env, &buri, serd_chunk_sink, &str); serd_env_set_base_uri(env, &base); sratom_set_sink(sratom, base_uri, (SerdStatementSink)serd_writer_write_statement, (SerdEndSink)serd_writer_end_anon, writer); sratom_write( sratom, unmap, SERD_EMPTY_S, subject, predicate, type, size, body); serd_writer_finish(writer); serd_writer_free(writer); if (!sratom->env) { serd_env_free(env); } serd_node_free(&base); return (char*)serd_chunk_sink_finish(&str); } static void read_list_value(Sratom* sratom, LV2_Atom_Forge* forge, SordWorld* world, SordModel* model, const SordNode* node, ReadMode mode) { SordNode* fst = sord_get(model, node, sratom->nodes.rdf_first, NULL, NULL); SordNode* rst = sord_get(model, node, sratom->nodes.rdf_rest, NULL, NULL); if (fst && rst) { read_node(sratom, forge, world, model, fst, mode); read_list_value(sratom, forge, world, model, rst, mode); } sord_node_free(world, rst); sord_node_free(world, fst); } static void read_resource(Sratom* sratom, LV2_Atom_Forge* forge, SordWorld* world, SordModel* model, const SordNode* node, LV2_URID otype) { LV2_URID_Map* map = sratom->map; SordQuad q = {node, NULL, NULL, NULL}; SordIter* i = sord_find(model, q); SordQuad match; for (; !sord_iter_end(i); sord_iter_next(i)) { sord_iter_get(i, match); const SordNode* p = match[SORD_PREDICATE]; const SordNode* o = match[SORD_OBJECT]; const char* p_uri = (const char*)sord_node_get_string(p); uint32_t p_urid = map->map(map->handle, p_uri); if (!(sord_node_equals(p, sratom->nodes.rdf_type) && sord_node_get_type(o) == SORD_URI && map->map(map->handle, (const char*)sord_node_get_string(o)) == otype)) { lv2_atom_forge_key(forge, p_urid); read_node(sratom, forge, world, model, o, MODE_BODY); } } sord_iter_free(i); } static uint32_t atom_size(Sratom* sratom, uint32_t type_urid) { if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Int || type_urid == sratom->forge.Bool) { return sizeof(int32_t); } if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Long) { return sizeof(int64_t); } if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Float) { return sizeof(float); } if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Double) { return sizeof(double); } if (type_urid == sratom->forge.URID) { return sizeof(uint32_t); } return 0; } static void read_literal(Sratom* sratom, LV2_Atom_Forge* forge, const SordNode* node) { assert(sord_node_get_type(node) == SORD_LITERAL); size_t len = 0; const char* str = (const char*)sord_node_get_string_counted(node, &len); SordNode* datatype = sord_node_get_datatype(node); const char* language = sord_node_get_language(node); if (datatype) { const char* type_uri = (const char*)sord_node_get_string(datatype); if (!strcmp(type_uri, (const char*)NS_XSD "int") || !strcmp(type_uri, (const char*)NS_XSD "integer")) { lv2_atom_forge_int(forge, strtol(str, NULL, 10)); } else if (!strcmp(type_uri, (const char*)NS_XSD "long")) { lv2_atom_forge_long(forge, strtol(str, NULL, 10)); } else if (!strcmp(type_uri, (const char*)NS_XSD "float") || !strcmp(type_uri, (const char*)NS_XSD "decimal")) { lv2_atom_forge_float(forge, (float)serd_strtod(str, NULL)); } else if (!strcmp(type_uri, (const char*)NS_XSD "double")) { lv2_atom_forge_double(forge, serd_strtod(str, NULL)); } else if (!strcmp(type_uri, (const char*)NS_XSD "boolean")) { lv2_atom_forge_bool(forge, !strcmp(str, "true")); } else if (!strcmp(type_uri, (const char*)NS_XSD "base64Binary")) { size_t size = 0; void* body = serd_base64_decode(USTR(str), len, &size); lv2_atom_forge_atom(forge, size, forge->Chunk); lv2_atom_forge_write(forge, body, size); free(body); } else if (!strcmp(type_uri, LV2_ATOM__Path)) { lv2_atom_forge_path(forge, str, len); } else if (!strcmp(type_uri, LV2_MIDI__MidiEvent)) { lv2_atom_forge_atom(forge, len / 2, sratom->midi_MidiEvent); for (const char* s = str; s < str + len; s += 2) { unsigned num = 0u; sscanf(s, "%2X", &num); const uint8_t c = num; lv2_atom_forge_raw(forge, &c, 1); } lv2_atom_forge_pad(forge, len / 2); } else { lv2_atom_forge_literal( forge, str, len, sratom->map->map(sratom->map->handle, type_uri), 0); } } else if (language) { const char* prefix = "http://lexvo.org/id/iso639-3/"; const size_t lang_len = strlen(prefix) + strlen(language); char* lang_uri = (char*)calloc(lang_len + 1, 1); snprintf(lang_uri, lang_len + 1, "%s%s", prefix, language); lv2_atom_forge_literal( forge, str, len, 0, sratom->map->map(sratom->map->handle, lang_uri)); free(lang_uri); } else { lv2_atom_forge_string(forge, str, len); } } static void read_object(Sratom* sratom, LV2_Atom_Forge* forge, SordWorld* world, SordModel* model, const SordNode* node, ReadMode mode) { LV2_URID_Map* map = sratom->map; size_t len = 0; const char* str = (const char*)sord_node_get_string_counted(node, &len); SordNode* type = sord_get(model, node, sratom->nodes.rdf_type, NULL, NULL); SordNode* value = sord_get(model, node, sratom->nodes.rdf_value, NULL, NULL); const uint8_t* type_uri = NULL; uint32_t type_urid = 0; if (type) { type_uri = sord_node_get_string(type); type_urid = map->map(map->handle, (const char*)type_uri); } LV2_Atom_Forge_Frame frame = {0, 0}; if (mode == MODE_SEQUENCE) { SordNode* time = sord_get(model, node, sratom->nodes.atom_beatTime, NULL, NULL); uint32_t seq_unit = 0u; if (time) { const char* time_str = (const char*)sord_node_get_string(time); lv2_atom_forge_beat_time(forge, serd_strtod(time_str, NULL)); seq_unit = sratom->atom_beatTime; } else { time = sord_get(model, node, sratom->nodes.atom_frameTime, NULL, NULL); const char* time_str = time ? (const char*)sord_node_get_string(time) : ""; lv2_atom_forge_frame_time(forge, serd_strtod(time_str, NULL)); seq_unit = sratom->atom_frameTime; } read_node(sratom, forge, world, model, value, MODE_BODY); sord_node_free(world, time); sratom->seq_unit = seq_unit; } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Tuple) { lv2_atom_forge_tuple(forge, &frame); read_list_value(sratom, forge, world, model, value, MODE_BODY); } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Sequence) { const LV2_Atom_Forge_Ref ref = lv2_atom_forge_sequence_head(forge, &frame, 0); sratom->seq_unit = 0; read_list_value(sratom, forge, world, model, value, MODE_SEQUENCE); LV2_Atom_Sequence* seq = (LV2_Atom_Sequence*)lv2_atom_forge_deref(forge, ref); seq->body.unit = (sratom->seq_unit == sratom->atom_frameTime) ? 0 : sratom->seq_unit; } else if (type_urid == sratom->forge.Vector) { SordNode* child_type_node = sord_get(model, node, sratom->nodes.atom_childType, NULL, NULL); uint32_t child_type = map->map(map->handle, (const char*)sord_node_get_string(child_type_node)); uint32_t child_size = atom_size(sratom, child_type); if (child_size > 0) { LV2_Atom_Forge_Ref ref = lv2_atom_forge_vector_head(forge, &frame, child_size, child_type); read_list_value(sratom, forge, world, model, value, MODE_BODY); lv2_atom_forge_pop(forge, &frame); frame.ref = 0; lv2_atom_forge_pad(forge, lv2_atom_forge_deref(forge, ref)->size); } sord_node_free(world, child_type_node); } else if (value && sord_node_equals(sord_node_get_datatype(value), sratom->nodes.xsd_base64Binary)) { size_t vlen = 0; const uint8_t* vstr = sord_node_get_string_counted(value, &vlen); size_t size = 0; void* body = serd_base64_decode(vstr, vlen, &size); lv2_atom_forge_atom(forge, size, type_urid); lv2_atom_forge_write(forge, body, size); free(body); } else if (sord_node_get_type(node) == SORD_URI) { lv2_atom_forge_object(forge, &frame, map->map(map->handle, str), type_urid); read_resource(sratom, forge, world, model, node, type_urid); } else { lv2_atom_forge_object(forge, &frame, 0, type_urid); read_resource(sratom, forge, world, model, node, type_urid); } if (frame.ref) { lv2_atom_forge_pop(forge, &frame); } sord_node_free(world, value); sord_node_free(world, type); } static void read_node(Sratom* sratom, LV2_Atom_Forge* forge, SordWorld* world, SordModel* model, const SordNode* node, ReadMode mode) { LV2_URID_Map* map = sratom->map; size_t len = 0; const char* str = (const char*)sord_node_get_string_counted(node, &len); if (sord_node_get_type(node) == SORD_LITERAL) { read_literal(sratom, forge, node); } else if (sord_node_get_type(node) == SORD_URI && !(sratom->object_mode == SRATOM_OBJECT_MODE_BLANK_SUBJECT && mode == MODE_SUBJECT)) { if (!strcmp(str, (const char*)NS_RDF "nil")) { lv2_atom_forge_atom(forge, 0, 0); } else if (!strncmp(str, "file://", 7)) { SerdURI uri; serd_uri_parse((const uint8_t*)str, &uri); SerdNode rel = serd_node_new_relative_uri(&uri, &sratom->base, NULL, NULL); uint8_t* path = serd_file_uri_parse(rel.buf, NULL); if (path) { lv2_atom_forge_path( forge, (const char*)path, strlen((const char*)path)); serd_free(path); } else { // FIXME: Report errors (required API change) lv2_atom_forge_atom(forge, 0, 0); } serd_node_free(&rel); } else { lv2_atom_forge_urid(forge, map->map(map->handle, str)); } } else { read_object(sratom, forge, world, model, node, mode); } } void sratom_read(Sratom* sratom, LV2_Atom_Forge* forge, SordWorld* world, SordModel* model, const SordNode* node) { sratom->nodes.atom_childType = sord_new_uri(world, USTR(LV2_ATOM__childType)); sratom->nodes.atom_frameTime = sord_new_uri(world, USTR(LV2_ATOM__frameTime)); sratom->nodes.atom_beatTime = sord_new_uri(world, USTR(LV2_ATOM__beatTime)); sratom->nodes.rdf_first = sord_new_uri(world, NS_RDF "first"); sratom->nodes.rdf_rest = sord_new_uri(world, NS_RDF "rest"); sratom->nodes.rdf_type = sord_new_uri(world, NS_RDF "type"); sratom->nodes.rdf_value = sord_new_uri(world, NS_RDF "value"); sratom->nodes.xsd_base64Binary = sord_new_uri(world, NS_XSD "base64Binary"); sratom->next_id = 1; read_node(sratom, forge, world, model, node, MODE_SUBJECT); sord_node_free(world, sratom->nodes.xsd_base64Binary); sord_node_free(world, sratom->nodes.rdf_value); sord_node_free(world, sratom->nodes.rdf_type); sord_node_free(world, sratom->nodes.rdf_rest); sord_node_free(world, sratom->nodes.rdf_first); sord_node_free(world, sratom->nodes.atom_frameTime); sord_node_free(world, sratom->nodes.atom_beatTime); sord_node_free(world, sratom->nodes.atom_childType); memset(&sratom->nodes, 0, sizeof(sratom->nodes)); } LV2_Atom_Forge_Ref sratom_forge_sink(LV2_Atom_Forge_Sink_Handle handle, const void* buf, uint32_t size) { SerdChunk* chunk = (SerdChunk*)handle; const LV2_Atom_Forge_Ref ref = chunk->len + 1; serd_chunk_sink(buf, size, chunk); return ref; } LV2_Atom* sratom_forge_deref(LV2_Atom_Forge_Sink_Handle handle, LV2_Atom_Forge_Ref ref) { SerdChunk* chunk = (SerdChunk*)handle; return (LV2_Atom*)(chunk->buf + ref - 1); } LV2_Atom* sratom_from_turtle(Sratom* sratom, const char* base_uri, const SerdNode* subject, const SerdNode* predicate, const char* str) { SerdChunk out = {NULL, 0}; SerdNode base = serd_node_new_uri_from_string(USTR(base_uri), &sratom->base, NULL); SordWorld* world = sord_world_new(); SordModel* model = sord_new(world, SORD_SPO, false); SerdEnv* env = sratom->env ? sratom->env : serd_env_new(&base); SerdReader* reader = sord_new_reader(model, env, SERD_TURTLE, NULL); if (!serd_reader_read_string(reader, (const uint8_t*)str)) { SordNode* s = sord_node_from_serd_node(world, env, subject, 0, 0); lv2_atom_forge_set_sink( &sratom->forge, sratom_forge_sink, sratom_forge_deref, &out); if (subject && predicate) { SordNode* p = sord_node_from_serd_node(world, env, predicate, 0, 0); SordNode* o = sord_get(model, s, p, NULL, NULL); if (o) { sratom_read(sratom, &sratom->forge, world, model, o); sord_node_free(world, o); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find node\n"); } } else { sratom_read(sratom, &sratom->forge, world, model, s); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read Turtle\n"); } serd_reader_free(reader); if (!sratom->env) { serd_env_free(env); } sord_free(model); sord_world_free(world); serd_node_free(&base); return (LV2_Atom*)out.buf; }