path: root/src/qt5_in_gtk.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/qt5_in_gtk.cpp')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/src/qt5_in_gtk.cpp b/src/qt5_in_gtk.cpp
index 5ce272c..5ae92df 100644
--- a/src/qt5_in_gtk.cpp
+++ b/src/qt5_in_gtk.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include <gtk/gtkx.h>
+# include <gtk/gtkx.h>
#include <cstdlib>
@@ -46,149 +46,150 @@
extern "C" {
struct SuilQtWrapper {
- GtkSocket socket;
- QWidget* qembed;
- SuilWrapper* wrapper;
- SuilInstance* instance;
- const LV2UI_Idle_Interface* idle_iface;
- guint idle_id;
- guint idle_ms;
+ GtkSocket socket;
+ QWidget* qembed;
+ SuilWrapper* wrapper;
+ SuilInstance* instance;
+ const LV2UI_Idle_Interface* idle_iface;
+ guint idle_id;
+ guint idle_ms;
struct SuilQtWrapperClass {
- GtkSocketClass parent_class;
+ GtkSocketClass parent_class;
-GType suil_qt_wrapper_get_type(void); // Accessor for SUIL_TYPE_QT_WRAPPER
+suil_qt_wrapper_get_type(void); // Accessor for SUIL_TYPE_QT_WRAPPER
#define SUIL_TYPE_QT_WRAPPER (suil_qt_wrapper_get_type())
+#define SUIL_QT_WRAPPER(obj) \
G_DEFINE_TYPE(SuilQtWrapper, suil_qt_wrapper, GTK_TYPE_SOCKET)
static void
suil_qt_wrapper_finalize(GObject* gobject)
- SuilQtWrapper* const self = SUIL_QT_WRAPPER(gobject);
+ SuilQtWrapper* const self = SUIL_QT_WRAPPER(gobject);
- if (self->idle_id) {
- g_source_remove(self->idle_id);
- self->idle_id = 0;
- }
+ if (self->idle_id) {
+ g_source_remove(self->idle_id);
+ self->idle_id = 0;
+ }
- if (self->instance->handle) {
- self->instance->descriptor->cleanup(self->instance->handle);
- self->instance->handle = nullptr;
- }
+ if (self->instance->handle) {
+ self->instance->descriptor->cleanup(self->instance->handle);
+ self->instance->handle = nullptr;
+ }
- if (self->qembed) {
- self->qembed->deleteLater();
- }
+ if (self->qembed) {
+ self->qembed->deleteLater();
+ }
- self->qembed = nullptr;
- self->idle_iface = nullptr;
- self->wrapper->impl = nullptr;
+ self->qembed = nullptr;
+ self->idle_iface = nullptr;
+ self->wrapper->impl = nullptr;
- G_OBJECT_CLASS(suil_qt_wrapper_parent_class)->finalize(gobject);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS(suil_qt_wrapper_parent_class)->finalize(gobject);
static void
suil_qt_wrapper_class_init(SuilQtWrapperClass* klass)
- GObjectClass* const gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);
+ GObjectClass* const gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);
- gobject_class->finalize = suil_qt_wrapper_finalize;
+ gobject_class->finalize = suil_qt_wrapper_finalize;
static void
suil_qt_wrapper_init(SuilQtWrapper* self)
- self->qembed = nullptr;
- self->wrapper = nullptr;
- self->instance = nullptr;
- self->idle_iface = nullptr;
- self->idle_id = 0;
- self->idle_ms = 1000 / 30; // 30 Hz default
+ self->qembed = nullptr;
+ self->wrapper = nullptr;
+ self->instance = nullptr;
+ self->idle_iface = nullptr;
+ self->idle_id = 0;
+ self->idle_ms = 1000 / 30; // 30 Hz default
static void
suil_qt_wrapper_realize(GtkWidget* w, gpointer)
- SuilQtWrapper* const wrap = SUIL_QT_WRAPPER(w);
- GtkSocket* const s = GTK_SOCKET(w);
- const WId id = (WId)gtk_socket_get_id(s);
+ SuilQtWrapper* const wrap = SUIL_QT_WRAPPER(w);
+ GtkSocket* const s = GTK_SOCKET(w);
+ const WId id = (WId)gtk_socket_get_id(s);
- wrap->qembed->winId();
- wrap->qembed->windowHandle()->setParent(QWindow::fromWinId(id));
- wrap->qembed->show();
+ wrap->qembed->winId();
+ wrap->qembed->windowHandle()->setParent(QWindow::fromWinId(id));
+ wrap->qembed->show();
static int
suil_qt_wrapper_resize(LV2UI_Feature_Handle handle, int width, int height)
- gtk_widget_set_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(handle), width, height);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(handle), width, height);
- return 0;
+ return 0;
static gboolean
suil_qt_wrapper_idle(void* data)
- SuilQtWrapper* const wrap = SUIL_QT_WRAPPER(data);
+ SuilQtWrapper* const wrap = SUIL_QT_WRAPPER(data);
- if (wrap->idle_iface) {
- wrap->idle_iface->idle(wrap->instance->handle);
- return TRUE; // Continue calling
- }
+ if (wrap->idle_iface) {
+ wrap->idle_iface->idle(wrap->instance->handle);
+ return TRUE; // Continue calling
+ }
- return FALSE;
+ return FALSE;
static int
-wrapper_wrap(SuilWrapper* wrapper,
- SuilInstance* instance)
+wrapper_wrap(SuilWrapper* wrapper, SuilInstance* instance)
- SuilQtWrapper* const wrap = SUIL_QT_WRAPPER(wrapper->impl);
+ SuilQtWrapper* const wrap = SUIL_QT_WRAPPER(wrapper->impl);
- wrap->qembed = new QWidget(nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags());
- wrap->wrapper = wrapper;
- wrap->instance = instance;
+ wrap->qembed = new QWidget(nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags());
+ wrap->wrapper = wrapper;
+ wrap->instance = instance;
- auto* qwidget = (QWidget*)instance->ui_widget;
- auto* layout = new QVBoxLayout();
- layout->setMargin(0);
- layout->setSpacing(0);
- layout->addWidget(qwidget, 0, Qt::Alignment());
+ auto* qwidget = (QWidget*)instance->ui_widget;
+ auto* layout = new QVBoxLayout();
+ layout->setMargin(0);
+ layout->setSpacing(0);
+ layout->addWidget(qwidget, 0, Qt::Alignment());
- wrap->qembed->setLayout(layout);
+ wrap->qembed->setLayout(layout);
- g_signal_connect_after(G_OBJECT(wrap), "realize",
- G_CALLBACK(suil_qt_wrapper_realize), nullptr);
+ g_signal_connect_after(
+ G_OBJECT(wrap), "realize", G_CALLBACK(suil_qt_wrapper_realize), nullptr);
- instance->host_widget = GTK_WIDGET(wrap);
+ instance->host_widget = GTK_WIDGET(wrap);
- const LV2UI_Idle_Interface* idle_iface = nullptr;
- if (instance->descriptor->extension_data) {
- idle_iface = (const LV2UI_Idle_Interface*)
- instance->descriptor->extension_data(LV2_UI__idleInterface);
- }
+ const LV2UI_Idle_Interface* idle_iface = nullptr;
+ if (instance->descriptor->extension_data) {
+ idle_iface =
+ (const LV2UI_Idle_Interface*)instance->descriptor->extension_data(
+ LV2_UI__idleInterface);
+ }
- if (idle_iface) {
- wrap->idle_iface = idle_iface;
- wrap->idle_id = g_timeout_add(
- wrap->idle_ms, suil_qt_wrapper_idle, wrap);
- }
+ if (idle_iface) {
+ wrap->idle_iface = idle_iface;
+ wrap->idle_id = g_timeout_add(wrap->idle_ms, suil_qt_wrapper_idle, wrap);
+ }
- return 0;
+ return 0;
static void
wrapper_free(SuilWrapper* wrapper)
- if (wrapper->impl) {
- SuilQtWrapper* const wrap = SUIL_QT_WRAPPER(wrapper->impl);
- gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(wrap));
- }
+ if (wrapper->impl) {
+ SuilQtWrapper* const wrap = SUIL_QT_WRAPPER(wrapper->impl);
+ gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(wrap));
+ }
@@ -199,45 +200,45 @@ suil_wrapper_new(SuilHost*,
LV2_Feature*** features,
unsigned n_features)
- auto* wrapper = (SuilWrapper*)calloc(1, sizeof(SuilWrapper));
- wrapper->wrap = wrapper_wrap;
- wrapper->free = wrapper_free;
- SuilQtWrapper* const wrap = SUIL_QT_WRAPPER(
- g_object_new(SUIL_TYPE_QT_WRAPPER, nullptr));
- wrap->wrapper = nullptr;
- wrapper->impl = wrap;
- wrapper->resize.handle = wrap;
- wrapper->resize.ui_resize = suil_qt_wrapper_resize;
- suil_add_feature(features, &n_features, LV2_UI__resize, &wrapper->resize);
- suil_add_feature(features, &n_features, LV2_UI__idleInterface, nullptr);
- // Scan for URID map and options
- LV2_URID_Map* map = nullptr;
- LV2_Options_Option* options = nullptr;
- for (LV2_Feature** f = *features; *f && (!map || !options); ++f) {
- if (!strcmp((*f)->URI, LV2_OPTIONS__options)) {
- options = (LV2_Options_Option*)(*f)->data;
- } else if (!strcmp((*f)->URI, LV2_URID__map)) {
- map = (LV2_URID_Map*)(*f)->data;
- }
- }
- if (map && options) {
- // Set UI update rate if given
- LV2_URID ui_updateRate = map->map(map->handle, LV2_UI__updateRate);
- for (LV2_Options_Option* o = options; o->key; ++o) {
- if (o->key == ui_updateRate) {
- wrap->idle_ms = (guint)(1000.0f / *(const float*)o->value);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return wrapper;
+ auto* wrapper = (SuilWrapper*)calloc(1, sizeof(SuilWrapper));
+ wrapper->wrap = wrapper_wrap;
+ wrapper->free = wrapper_free;
+ SuilQtWrapper* const wrap =
+ SUIL_QT_WRAPPER(g_object_new(SUIL_TYPE_QT_WRAPPER, nullptr));
+ wrap->wrapper = nullptr;
+ wrapper->impl = wrap;
+ wrapper->resize.handle = wrap;
+ wrapper->resize.ui_resize = suil_qt_wrapper_resize;
+ suil_add_feature(features, &n_features, LV2_UI__resize, &wrapper->resize);
+ suil_add_feature(features, &n_features, LV2_UI__idleInterface, nullptr);
+ // Scan for URID map and options
+ LV2_URID_Map* map = nullptr;
+ LV2_Options_Option* options = nullptr;
+ for (LV2_Feature** f = *features; *f && (!map || !options); ++f) {
+ if (!strcmp((*f)->URI, LV2_OPTIONS__options)) {
+ options = (LV2_Options_Option*)(*f)->data;
+ } else if (!strcmp((*f)->URI, LV2_URID__map)) {
+ map = (LV2_URID_Map*)(*f)->data;
+ }
+ }
+ if (map && options) {
+ // Set UI update rate if given
+ LV2_URID ui_updateRate = map->map(map->handle, LV2_UI__updateRate);
+ for (LV2_Options_Option* o = options; o->key; ++o) {
+ if (o->key == ui_updateRate) {
+ wrap->idle_ms = (guint)(1000.0f / *(const float*)o->value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return wrapper;
-} // extern "C"
+} // extern "C"