Zix === Zix is a lightweight C library of portability wrappers and data structures. Dependencies ------------ None, except the C standard library. Building -------- Zix is a straightforward collection of C headers and implementation files which should be easy to build or incorporate into a project. A [Meson][] build definition is included which can be used to do a proper system installation with a `pkg-config` file, generate IDE projects, run the tests, and so on. For example, the library and tests can be built and run like so: meson setup build cd build ninja test See the [Meson documentation][] for more details on using Meson. Usage ----- The [headers](include/zix/) are reasonably well documented. There is no external documentation at this time. -- David Robillard [Meson]: https://mesonbuild.com/ [Meson documentation]: https://mesonbuild.com/Quick-guide.html