# Copyright 2020-2022 David Robillard # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 OR ISC project('zix', ['c'], version: '0.1.0', license: 'ISC', meson_version: '>= 0.56.0', default_options: [ 'b_ndebug=if-release', 'buildtype=release', 'c_std=c99', ]) major_version = meson.project_version().split('.')[0] version_suffix = '-@0@'.format(major_version) versioned_name = 'zix' + version_suffix ####################### # Compilers and Flags # ####################### # Required tools pkg = import('pkgconfig') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') # Set global warning flags if get_option('strict') and not meson.is_subproject() subdir('meson/warnings') add_project_arguments(all_c_warnings, language: ['c']) endif subdir('meson/suppressions') ########################## # Platform Configuration # ########################## platform_c_args = [] # Determine whether to use POSIX no_posix = get_option('posix').disabled() or host_machine.system() == 'windows' if no_posix platform_c_args += ['-DZIX_NO_POSIX'] else platform_c_args += ['-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L'] endif # Check for platform features with the build system if get_option('checks') platform_c_args += ['-DZIX_NO_DEFAULT_CONFIG'] mlock_code = '''#include int main(void) { return mlock(0, 0); }''' posix_memalign_code = '''#include int main(void) { void* mem; posix_memalign(&mem, 8, 8); }''' platform_c_args += '-DHAVE_MLOCK=@0@'.format( cc.compiles(mlock_code, args: platform_c_args, name: 'mlock').to_int()) platform_c_args += '-DHAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN=@0@'.format( cc.compiles(posix_memalign_code, args: platform_c_args, name: 'posix_memalign').to_int()) endif ########### # Library # ########### include_dirs = include_directories(['include']) c_headers = files( 'include/zix/allocator.h', 'include/zix/attributes.h', 'include/zix/bitset.h', 'include/zix/btree.h', 'include/zix/bump_allocator.h', 'include/zix/common.h', 'include/zix/digest.h', 'include/zix/hash.h', 'include/zix/ring.h', 'include/zix/sem.h', 'include/zix/thread.h', 'include/zix/tree.h', ) sources = files( 'src/allocator.c', 'src/bitset.c', 'src/btree.c', 'src/bump_allocator.c', 'src/digest.c', 'src/hash.c', 'src/ring.c', 'src/status.c', 'src/tree.c', ) # Set appropriate arguments for building against the library type subdir('meson/library') extra_c_args = [] if get_option('default_library') == 'static' extra_c_args = ['-DZIX_STATIC'] endif # Set any additional arguments required for building libraries or programs library_c_args = platform_c_args + extra_c_args + ['-DZIX_INTERNAL'] library_link_args = [] program_c_args = extra_c_args program_link_args = [] if cc.get_id() == 'emscripten' wasm_c_args = [ '-matomics', '-mbulk-memory', '-pthread', ] wasm_link_args = [ '-matomics', '-mbulk-memory', '-pthread', ['-s', 'ENVIRONMENT=node,worker'], ] library_c_args += wasm_c_args program_c_args += wasm_c_args library_link_args += wasm_link_args program_link_args += wasm_link_args program_link_args += [ ['-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME'], ['-s', 'PROXY_TO_PTHREAD'], ] endif # Build shared and/or static library libzix = library( meson.project_name() + library_suffix, sources, c_args: c_suppressions + library_c_args, gnu_symbol_visibility: 'hidden', include_directories: include_dirs, install: true, link_args: library_link_args, version: meson.project_version(), ) # Declare dependency for internal meson dependants zix_dep = declare_dependency( compile_args: extra_c_args, include_directories: include_dirs, link_with: libzix, ) # Generage pkg-config file for external dependants pkg.generate( libzix, description: 'Lightweight C library of portability wrappers and data structures', extra_cflags: extra_c_args, filebase: versioned_name, name: 'Zix', subdirs: [versioned_name], version: meson.project_version(), ) # Install headers to a versioned include directory install_headers(c_headers, subdir: versioned_name / 'zix') ######### # Tests # ######### sequential_tests = [ 'allocator_test', 'bitset_test', 'btree_test', 'digest_test', 'hash_test', 'strerror_test', 'tree_test', ] threaded_tests = [ 'ring_test', 'sem_test', ] if not get_option('tests').disabled() # Check licensing metadata reuse = find_program('reuse', required: get_option('tests')) if reuse.found() test( 'REUSE', reuse, args: ['--root', meson.current_source_dir(), 'lint'], suite: 'data', ) endif common_test_sources = files('test/failing_allocator.c') foreach test : sequential_tests sources = common_test_sources + files('test/@0@.c'.format(test)) test( test, executable( test, sources, c_args: c_suppressions + program_c_args, dependencies: [zix_dep], include_directories: include_dirs, link_args: program_link_args, ), timeout: 120, ) endforeach thread_dep = dependency('threads', required: get_option('tests')) if thread_dep.found() foreach test : threaded_tests sources = common_test_sources + files('test/@0@.c'.format(test)) test( test, executable( test, sources, c_args: c_suppressions + program_c_args, dependencies: [zix_dep, thread_dep], include_directories: include_dirs, link_args: program_link_args, ), timeout: 120, ) endforeach endif endif ############## # Benchmarks # ############## benchmarks = [ 'dict_bench', 'tree_bench', ] build_benchmarks = false if not get_option('benchmarks').disabled() glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0', required: get_option('benchmarks'), version: '>= 2.0.0') if glib_dep.found() build_benchmarks = true benchmark_c_args = platform_c_args if cc.get_id() == 'clang' benchmark_c_suppressions = [ '-Wno-reserved-identifier', ] benchmark_c_args += cc.get_supported_arguments(benchmark_c_suppressions) endif foreach benchmark : benchmarks benchmark( benchmark, executable( benchmark, 'benchmark/@0@.c'.format(benchmark), include_directories: include_dirs, c_args: c_suppressions + benchmark_c_args, dependencies: [zix_dep, glib_dep]), ) endforeach endif endif subdir('scripts') if not meson.is_subproject() summary('Benchmarks', build_benchmarks, bool_yn: true) summary('Tests', not get_option('tests').disabled(), bool_yn: true) summary('Install prefix', get_option('prefix')) summary('Headers', get_option('prefix') / get_option('includedir')) summary('Libraries', get_option('prefix') / get_option('libdir')) endif