# Copyright 2020-2023 David Robillard # SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD OR ISC project( 'zix', ['c'], default_options: [ 'b_ndebug=if-release', 'buildtype=release', 'c_std=c99', 'cpp_std=c++17', ], license: 'ISC', meson_version: '>= 0.56.0', version: '0.4.3', ) zix_src_root = meson.current_source_dir() zix_build_root = meson.current_build_dir() major_version = meson.project_version().split('.')[0] version_suffix = '-@0@'.format(major_version) versioned_name = 'zix' + version_suffix ####################### # Compilers and Flags # ####################### # Required tools pkg = import('pkgconfig') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') # Restrict Windows API usage to Vista and earlier if host_machine.system() == 'windows' if cc.get_id() == 'msvc' add_project_arguments('/D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600', language: ['c', 'cpp']) else add_project_arguments('-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600', language: ['c', 'cpp']) endif endif # Set global warning suppressions warning_level = get_option('warning_level') c_suppressions = [] if cc.get_id() in ['clang', 'emscripten'] if warning_level == 'everything' c_suppressions += [ '-Wno-bad-function-cast', '-Wno-c11-extensions', # Glib '-Wno-declaration-after-statement', '-Wno-implicit-fallthrough', # Really for clang < 12 '-Wno-padded', '-Wno-unsafe-buffer-usage', ] if not meson.is_cross_build() c_suppressions += [ '-Wno-poison-system-directories', ] endif if host_machine.system() == 'windows' c_suppressions += [ '-Wno-deprecated-declarations', '-Wno-nonportable-system-include-path', ] endif endif if warning_level in ['everything', '3'] c_suppressions += [ '-Wno-nullability-extension', ] endif if cc.get_id() == 'emscripten' c_suppressions += [ '-Wno-format', ] endif elif cc.get_id() == 'gcc' if warning_level == 'everything' c_suppressions += [ '-Wno-bad-function-cast', '-Wno-cast-function-type', '-Wno-inline', '-Wno-padded', '-Wno-strict-overflow', '-Wno-switch-default', '-Wno-unsuffixed-float-constants', ] if host_machine.system() == 'windows' c_suppressions += [ '-Wno-format', '-Wno-suggest-attribute=const', '-Wno-suggest-attribute=format', '-Wno-suggest-attribute=pure', ] endif endif if warning_level in ['everything', '3'] c_suppressions += [ '-Wno-pedantic', # C11 ] endif elif cc.get_id() == 'msvc' c_suppressions += [ '/experimental:external', '/external:W0', '/external:anglebrackets', ] if warning_level == 'everything' c_suppressions += [ '/wd4464', # relative include path contains ".." '/wd4514', # unreferenced inline function has been removed '/wd4710', # function not inlined '/wd4711', # function selected for automatic inline expansion '/wd4800', # implicit conversion to bool '/wd4820', # padding added after construct '/wd5045', # will insert Spectre mitigation for memory load ] endif if warning_level in ['everything', '3'] c_suppressions += [ '/wd4706', # assignment within conditional expression ] endif if warning_level in ['everything', '3', '2'] c_suppressions += [ '/wd4996', # POSIX name for this item is deprecated ] endif if warning_level in ['everything', '3', '2', '1'] c_suppressions += [ '/wd4114', # same type qualifier used more than once ] endif endif c_suppressions = cc.get_supported_arguments(c_suppressions) ########################## # Platform Configuration # ########################## # Determine system dependencies of the library dependencies = [] thread_dep = dependency('threads', required: get_option('threads')) dependencies = [thread_dep] # Use versioned name everywhere to support parallel major version installations if host_machine.system() == 'windows' if get_option('default_library') == 'both' error('default_library=both is not supported on Windows') endif soversion = '' else soversion = meson.project_version().split('.')[0] endif # Request POSIX and system APIs from standard headers if necessary system_c_args = [] if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' system_c_args += [ '-D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE', ] elif host_machine.system() in ['gnu', 'linux'] system_c_args += [ '-D_GNU_SOURCE', '-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L', '-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600', ] elif host_machine.system() in ['dragonfly', 'freebsd', 'netbsd', 'openbsd'] system_c_args += [ '-D_BSD_SOURCE', ] else system_c_args += [ '-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L', '-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600', ] endif # Build platform-specific configuration arguments platform_c_args = [] if get_option('checks').disabled() # Generic build without platform-specific features platform_c_args += ['-DZIX_NO_DEFAULT_CONFIG'] elif get_option('checks').auto() # Statically detect configuration from the build environment platform_c_args += system_c_args else # Only use the features detected by the build system platform_c_args += ['-DZIX_NO_DEFAULT_CONFIG'] + system_c_args # Define HAVE_SOMETHING symbols for all detected features template = '#include <@0@>\nint main(void) { @1@ }' mac_checks = { 'clonefile': template.format( 'sys/clonefile.h', 'return clonefile("/src", "/dst", 0);', ), } posix_checks = { 'clock_gettime': template.format( 'time.h', 'struct timespec t; return clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t);', ), 'copy_file_range': template.format( 'unistd.h', 'return copy_file_range(0, NULL, 1, NULL, 0U, 0U);', ), 'fileno': template.format('stdio.h', 'return fileno(stdin);'), 'flock': template.format('sys/file.h', 'return flock(0, 0);'), 'lstat': template.format( 'sys/stat.h', 'struct stat s; return lstat("/", &s);', ), 'mlock': template.format('sys/mman.h', 'return mlock(0, 0);'), 'pathconf': template.format( 'unistd.h', 'return pathconf("/", _PC_PATH_MAX) > 0L;', ), 'posix_fadvise': template.format( 'fcntl.h', 'posix_fadvise(0, 0, 4096, POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL);', ), 'posix_memalign': template.format( 'stdlib.h', 'void* mem; posix_memalign(&mem, 8, 8);', ), 'realpath': template.format( 'stdlib.h', 'return realpath("/", NULL) != NULL;', ), 'sysconf': template.format( 'unistd.h', 'return sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) > 0L;', ), } windows_checks = { 'CreateSymbolicLink': template.format( 'windows.h', 'return CreateSymbolicLink(' + '"l", "t", SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAG_ALLOW_UNPRIVILEGED_CREATE);', ), } if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' checks = posix_checks + mac_checks elif host_machine.system() == 'windows' checks = windows_checks else checks = posix_checks if thread_dep.found() if cc.links( '''#include #include int main(void) { sem_t s; struct timespec t; return sem_timedwait(&s, &t); }''', args: system_c_args, dependencies: thread_dep, name: 'sem_timedwait', ) platform_c_args += ['-DHAVE_SEM_TIMEDWAIT'] endif endif endif foreach name, check_code : checks if cc.links(check_code, args: system_c_args, name: name) platform_c_args += ['-DHAVE_@0@'.format(name.to_upper())] endif endforeach endif ########### # Library # ########### include_dirs = include_directories(['include']) c_headers = files( 'include/zix/allocator.h', 'include/zix/attributes.h', 'include/zix/btree.h', 'include/zix/bump_allocator.h', 'include/zix/digest.h', 'include/zix/filesystem.h', 'include/zix/hash.h', 'include/zix/path.h', 'include/zix/ring.h', 'include/zix/sem.h', 'include/zix/status.h', 'include/zix/string_view.h', 'include/zix/thread.h', 'include/zix/tree.h', 'include/zix/zix.h', ) sources = files( 'src/allocator.c', 'src/btree.c', 'src/bump_allocator.c', 'src/digest.c', 'src/errno_status.c', 'src/filesystem.c', 'src/hash.c', 'src/path.c', 'src/ring.c', 'src/status.c', 'src/string_view.c', 'src/system.c', 'src/tree.c', ) if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' sources += files( 'src/posix/filesystem_posix.c', 'src/posix/system_posix.c', ) elif host_machine.system() == 'windows' sources += files( 'src/win32/filesystem_win32.c', 'src/win32/system_win32.c', ) else sources += files( 'src/posix/filesystem_posix.c', 'src/posix/system_posix.c', ) endif if thread_dep.found() if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' sources += files( 'src/darwin/sem_darwin.c', 'src/posix/thread_posix.c', ) elif host_machine.system() == 'windows' sources += files( 'src/win32/sem_win32.c', 'src/win32/thread_win32.c', ) else sources += files( 'src/posix/sem_posix.c', 'src/posix/thread_posix.c', ) endif endif # Set appropriate arguments for building against the library type extra_c_args = [] if get_option('default_library') == 'static' extra_c_args = ['-DZIX_STATIC'] endif # Set any additional arguments required for building libraries or programs library_c_args = platform_c_args + extra_c_args + ['-DZIX_INTERNAL'] library_link_args = [] program_c_args = platform_c_args + extra_c_args program_link_args = [] if cc.get_id() == 'emscripten' wasm_c_args = [ '-matomics', '-mbulk-memory', '-pthread', ] wasm_link_args = [ '-matomics', '-mbulk-memory', '-pthread', ['-s', 'ENVIRONMENT=node,worker'], ['-s', 'INITIAL_MEMORY=33554432'], ] library_c_args += wasm_c_args program_c_args += wasm_c_args library_link_args += wasm_link_args program_link_args += wasm_link_args program_link_args += [ ['-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME'], ['-s', 'PROXY_TO_PTHREAD'], ] endif # Build shared and/or static library libzix = library( versioned_name, sources, c_args: c_suppressions + library_c_args, darwin_versions: ['0.4.0', meson.project_version()], dependencies: dependencies, gnu_symbol_visibility: 'hidden', include_directories: include_dirs, install: true, link_args: library_link_args, soversion: soversion, version: meson.project_version(), ) # Declare dependency for internal meson dependants zix_dep = declare_dependency( compile_args: extra_c_args, include_directories: include_dirs, link_with: libzix, ) # Generage pkg-config file for external dependants pkg.generate( libzix, description: 'Lightweight C library of portability wrappers and data structures', extra_cflags: extra_c_args, filebase: versioned_name, name: 'Zix', requires: dependencies, subdirs: [versioned_name], version: meson.project_version(), ) # Override pkg-config dependency for internal meson dependants meson.override_dependency(versioned_name, zix_dep) # Install headers to a versioned include directory install_headers(c_headers, subdir: versioned_name / 'zix') ######### # Tests # ######### if not get_option('tests').disabled() subdir('test') endif ############## # Benchmarks # ############## build_benchmarks = false if not get_option('benchmarks').disabled() subdir('benchmark') endif # Display top-level summary (augmented in subdirectories) if not meson.is_subproject() summary( { 'Tests': not get_option('tests').disabled(), 'Benchmarks': build_benchmarks, }, bool_yn: true, section: 'Components', ) summary( { 'Install prefix': get_option('prefix'), 'Headers': get_option('prefix') / get_option('includedir'), 'Libraries': get_option('prefix') / get_option('libdir'), }, section: 'Directories', ) endif ############################# # Scripts and Documentation # ############################# subdir('scripts') if not get_option('docs').disabled() subdir('doc') endif