# Copyright 2020-2022 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net> # SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD OR ISC if not meson.is_subproject() and get_option('lint') simple_scripts = files('benchmark.py') plot_scripts = files('plot.py') all_scripts = simple_scripts + plot_scripts # Check formatting with black black = find_program('black', required: get_option('tests')) if black.found() black_opts = ['-l', '79', '-q', '--check'] test('black', black, args: black_opts + all_scripts, suite: 'scripts') endif # Check for errors with flake8 flake8 = find_program('flake8', required: get_option('tests')) if flake8.found() test('flake8', flake8, args: all_scripts, suite: 'scripts') endif # Check for errors with pylint pylint = find_program('pylint', required: get_option('tests')) if pylint.found() pymod = import('python') plot_py = pymod.find_installation( 'python3', modules: ['matplotlib'], required: false, ) all_scripts = simple_scripts + plot_scripts lint_scripts = simple_scripts if plot_py.found() lint_scripts += plot_scripts endif test('pylint', pylint, args: lint_scripts, suite: 'scripts') endif endif