// Copyright 2011-2021 David Robillard // SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC #include "zix/hash.h" #include #include #include typedef struct ZixHashEntry { ZixHashCode hash; ///< Non-folded hash value ZixHashRecord* value; ///< Pointer to user-owned record } ZixHashEntry; struct ZixHashImpl { ZixAllocator* allocator; ///< User allocator ZixKeyFunc key_func; ///< User key accessor ZixHashFunc hash_func; ///< User hashing function ZixKeyEqualFunc equal_func; ///< User equality comparison function size_t count; ///< Number of records stored in the table size_t mask; ///< Bit mask for fast modulo (n_entries - 1) size_t n_entries; ///< Power of two table size ZixHashEntry* entries; ///< Pointer to dynamically allocated table }; static const size_t min_n_entries = 4u; static const size_t tombstone = 0xDEADu; ZixHash* zix_hash_new(ZixAllocator* const allocator, const ZixKeyFunc key_func, const ZixHashFunc hash_func, const ZixKeyEqualFunc equal_func) { assert(key_func); assert(hash_func); assert(equal_func); ZixHash* const hash = (ZixHash*)zix_malloc(allocator, sizeof(ZixHash)); if (!hash) { return NULL; } hash->allocator = allocator; hash->key_func = key_func; hash->hash_func = hash_func; hash->equal_func = equal_func; hash->count = 0u; hash->n_entries = min_n_entries; hash->mask = hash->n_entries - 1u; hash->entries = (ZixHashEntry*)zix_calloc(allocator, hash->n_entries, sizeof(ZixHashEntry)); if (!hash->entries) { zix_free(allocator, hash); return NULL; } return hash; } void zix_hash_free(ZixHash* const hash) { if (hash) { zix_free(hash->allocator, hash->entries); zix_free(hash->allocator, hash); } } ZixHashIter zix_hash_begin(const ZixHash* const hash) { assert(hash); return hash->entries[0u].value ? 0u : zix_hash_next(hash, 0u); } ZixHashIter zix_hash_end(const ZixHash* const hash) { assert(hash); return hash->n_entries; } ZixHashRecord* zix_hash_get(const ZixHash* hash, const ZixHashIter i) { assert(hash); assert(i < hash->n_entries); return hash->entries[i].value; } ZixHashIter zix_hash_next(const ZixHash* const hash, ZixHashIter i) { assert(hash); do { ++i; } while (i < hash->n_entries && !hash->entries[i].value); return i; } size_t zix_hash_size(const ZixHash* const hash) { assert(hash); return hash->count; } static inline size_t fold_hash(const ZixHashCode h_nomod, const size_t mask) { return h_nomod & mask; } static inline bool is_empty(const ZixHashEntry* const entry) { return !entry->value && !entry->hash; } static inline bool is_match(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashCode code, const size_t entry_index, ZixKeyEqualFunc predicate, const void* const user_data) { const ZixHashEntry* const entry = &hash->entries[entry_index]; return entry->value && entry->hash == code && predicate(hash->key_func(entry->value), user_data); } static inline size_t next_index(const ZixHash* const hash, const size_t i) { return (i == hash->mask) ? 0u : (i + 1u); } static inline ZixHashIter find_entry(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashKey* const key, const size_t h, const ZixHashCode code) { size_t i = h; while (!is_match(hash, code, i, hash->equal_func, key) && !is_empty(&hash->entries[i])) { i = next_index(hash, i); } return i; } static ZixStatus rehash(ZixHash* const hash, const size_t old_n_entries) { ZixHashEntry* const old_entries = hash->entries; const size_t new_n_entries = hash->n_entries; // Allocate a new entries array ZixHashEntry* const new_entries = (ZixHashEntry*)zix_calloc( hash->allocator, new_n_entries, sizeof(ZixHashEntry)); if (!new_entries) { return ZIX_STATUS_NO_MEM; } // Replace the array in the hash first so we can use find_entry() normally hash->entries = new_entries; // Reinsert every element into the new array for (size_t i = 0u; i < old_n_entries; ++i) { ZixHashEntry* const entry = &old_entries[i]; if (entry->value) { assert(hash->mask == hash->n_entries - 1u); const size_t new_h = fold_hash(entry->hash, hash->mask); const size_t new_i = find_entry(hash, entry->value, new_h, entry->hash); hash->entries[new_i] = *entry; } } zix_free(hash->allocator, old_entries); return ZIX_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static ZixStatus grow(ZixHash* const hash) { const size_t old_n_entries = hash->n_entries; const size_t old_mask = hash->mask; hash->n_entries <<= 1u; hash->mask = hash->n_entries - 1u; const ZixStatus st = rehash(hash, old_n_entries); if (st) { hash->n_entries = old_n_entries; hash->mask = old_mask; } return st; } static ZixStatus shrink(ZixHash* const hash) { if (hash->n_entries > min_n_entries) { const size_t old_n_entries = hash->n_entries; hash->n_entries >>= 1u; hash->mask = hash->n_entries - 1u; return rehash(hash, old_n_entries); } return ZIX_STATUS_SUCCESS; } ZixHashIter zix_hash_find(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashKey* const key) { assert(hash); assert(key); const ZixHashCode h_nomod = hash->hash_func(key); const size_t h = fold_hash(h_nomod, hash->mask); const ZixHashIter i = find_entry(hash, key, h, h_nomod); return is_empty(&hash->entries[i]) ? hash->n_entries : i; } ZixHashRecord* zix_hash_find_record(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashKey* const key) { assert(hash); assert(key); const ZixHashCode h_nomod = hash->hash_func(key); const size_t h = fold_hash(h_nomod, hash->mask); return hash->entries[find_entry(hash, key, h, h_nomod)].value; } ZixHashInsertPlan zix_hash_plan_insert_prehashed(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashCode code, const ZixKeyMatchFunc predicate, const void* const user_data) { assert(hash); assert(predicate); // Calculate an ideal initial position ZixHashInsertPlan pos = {code, fold_hash(code, hash->mask)}; // Search for a free position starting at the ideal one const size_t start_index = pos.index; size_t first_tombstone = SIZE_MAX; while (!is_empty(&hash->entries[pos.index])) { if (is_match(hash, code, pos.index, predicate, user_data)) { return pos; } if (first_tombstone == SIZE_MAX && !hash->entries[pos.index].value) { assert(hash->entries[pos.index].hash == tombstone); first_tombstone = pos.index; // Remember the first/best free index } pos.index = next_index(hash, pos.index); if (pos.index == start_index) { break; // Rare edge case: entire table is full of entries/tombstones } } // If we found a tombstone before an empty slot, place the new element there pos.index = first_tombstone < SIZE_MAX ? first_tombstone : pos.index; assert(!hash->entries[pos.index].value); return pos; } ZixHashInsertPlan zix_hash_plan_insert(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashKey* const key) { assert(hash); assert(key); return zix_hash_plan_insert_prehashed( hash, hash->hash_func(key), hash->equal_func, key); } ZixHashRecord* zix_hash_record_at(const ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashInsertPlan position) { assert(hash); return hash->entries[position.index].value; } ZixStatus zix_hash_insert_at(ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashInsertPlan position, ZixHashRecord* const record) { assert(hash); assert(record); if (hash->entries[position.index].value) { return ZIX_STATUS_EXISTS; } // Set entry to new value ZixHashEntry* const entry = &hash->entries[position.index]; const ZixHashEntry orig_entry = *entry; assert(!entry->value); entry->hash = position.code; entry->value = record; // Update size and rehash if we exceeded the maximum load const size_t max_load = hash->n_entries / 2u + hash->n_entries / 8u; const size_t new_count = hash->count + 1; if (new_count >= max_load) { const ZixStatus st = grow(hash); if (st) { *entry = orig_entry; return st; } } hash->count = new_count; return ZIX_STATUS_SUCCESS; } ZixStatus zix_hash_insert(ZixHash* const hash, ZixHashRecord* const record) { assert(hash); assert(record); const ZixHashKey* const key = hash->key_func(record); const ZixHashInsertPlan position = zix_hash_plan_insert(hash, key); return zix_hash_insert_at(hash, position, record); } ZixStatus zix_hash_erase(ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashIter i, ZixHashRecord** const removed) { assert(hash); assert(removed); // Replace entry with a tombstone *removed = hash->entries[i].value; hash->entries[i].hash = tombstone; hash->entries[i].value = NULL; // Decrease element count and rehash if necessary --hash->count; if (hash->count < hash->n_entries / 4u) { return shrink(hash); } return ZIX_STATUS_SUCCESS; } ZixStatus zix_hash_remove(ZixHash* const hash, const ZixHashKey* const key, ZixHashRecord** const removed) { assert(hash); assert(key); assert(removed); const ZixHashIter i = zix_hash_find(hash, key); return i == hash->n_entries ? ZIX_STATUS_NOT_FOUND : zix_hash_erase(hash, i, removed); }