// Copyright 2007-2022 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net> // SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600 // Vista #include "zix/bump_allocator.h" #include "zix/filesystem.h" #include "../errno_status.h" #include "../zix_config.h" #include "zix/allocator.h" #include "zix/path.h" #include "zix/status.h" #include <direct.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <io.h> #include <limits.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <windows.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> static inline ZixStatus zix_winerror_status(const DWORD e) { switch (e) { case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: case ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: return ZIX_STATUS_NO_MEM; case ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT: return ZIX_STATUS_TIMEOUT; case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: return ZIX_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; case ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW: return ZIX_STATUS_OVERFLOW; case ERROR_DISK_FULL: return ZIX_STATUS_NO_SPACE; case ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: case ERROR_FILE_EXISTS: return ZIX_STATUS_EXISTS; case ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD: return ZIX_STATUS_BAD_PERMS; case ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION: return ZIX_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE; } return ZIX_STATUS_ERROR; } static inline ZixStatus zix_windows_status(const bool success) { return success ? ZIX_STATUS_SUCCESS : zix_winerror_status(GetLastError()); } ZixStatus zix_copy_file(ZixAllocator* const allocator, const char* const src, const char* const dst, const ZixCopyOptions options) { (void)allocator; return zix_windows_status( CopyFile(src, dst, !(options & ZIX_COPY_OPTION_OVERWRITE_EXISTING))); } char* zix_create_temporary_directory(ZixAllocator* const allocator, const char* const path_pattern) { static const char chars[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; static const int n_chars = sizeof(chars) - 1; // Ensure that the pattern ends with "XXXXXX" const size_t length = strlen(path_pattern); if (length < 7 || strcmp(path_pattern + length - 6, "XXXXXX")) { errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } // Allocate a result to manipulate as we search for paths char* const result = (char*)zix_calloc(allocator, length + 1U, 1U); if (!result) { return NULL; } // Repeatedly try creating a directory with random suffixes memcpy(result, path_pattern, length + 1U); char* const suffix = result + length - 6U; for (unsigned attempt = 0U; attempt < 128U; ++attempt) { for (unsigned i = 0U; i < 6U; ++i) { suffix[i] = chars[rand() % n_chars]; } if (!_mkdir(result)) { return result; } } zix_free(allocator, result); return NULL; } ZixStatus zix_remove(const char* const path) { return ((zix_file_type(path) == ZIX_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) ? zix_windows_status(RemoveDirectory(path)) : remove(path) ? zix_errno_status(errno) : ZIX_STATUS_SUCCESS); } void zix_dir_for_each(const char* const path, void* const data, void (*const f)(const char* path, const char* name, void* data)) { const size_t path_len = strlen(path); char pat[MAX_PATH + 2U]; memcpy(pat, path, path_len + 1U); pat[path_len] = '\\'; pat[path_len + 1U] = '*'; pat[path_len + 2U] = '\0'; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE fh = FindFirstFile(pat, &fd); if (fh != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (!!strcmp(fd.cFileName, ".") && !!strcmp(fd.cFileName, "..")) { f(path, fd.cFileName, data); } } while (FindNextFile(fh, &fd)); } FindClose(fh); } ZixStatus zix_file_lock(FILE* const file, const ZixFileLockMode mode) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fileno(file)); OVERLAPPED overlapped = {0}; const DWORD flags = (LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK | (mode == ZIX_FILE_LOCK_TRY ? LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY : 0)); return zix_windows_status( LockFileEx(handle, flags, 0, UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX, &overlapped)); } ZixStatus zix_file_unlock(FILE* const file, const ZixFileLockMode mode) { (void)mode; HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fileno(file)); OVERLAPPED overlapped = {0}; return zix_windows_status( UnlockFileEx(handle, 0, UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX, &overlapped)); } char* zix_canonical_path(ZixAllocator* const allocator, const char* const path) { char full[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if (!path || !GetFullPathName(path, MAX_PATH, full, NULL)) { return NULL; } const HANDLE h = CreateFile(full, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); const DWORD flags = FILE_NAME_NORMALIZED | VOLUME_NAME_DOS; const DWORD final_size = GetFinalPathNameByHandle(h, NULL, 0U, flags); if (!final_size) { CloseHandle(h); return NULL; } char* const final = (char*)zix_calloc(allocator, final_size + 1U, 1U); if (final && !GetFinalPathNameByHandle(h, final, final_size + 1U, flags)) { zix_free(allocator, final); CloseHandle(h); return NULL; } CloseHandle(h); return final; } static ZixFileType attrs_file_type(const DWORD attrs) { if (attrs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { return ZIX_FILE_TYPE_NONE; } if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { return ZIX_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY; } if (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) { return ZIX_FILE_TYPE_SYMLINK; } if (attrs & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE)) { return ZIX_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } return ZIX_FILE_TYPE_REGULAR; } ZixFileType zix_file_type(const char* const path) { const ZixFileType type = attrs_file_type(GetFileAttributes(path)); if (type != ZIX_FILE_TYPE_SYMLINK) { return type; } // Resolve symlink to find the canonical type char buf[MAX_PATH]; ZixBumpAllocator allocator = zix_bump_allocator(sizeof(buf), buf); char* const canonical = zix_canonical_path(&allocator.base, path); return zix_file_type(canonical); } ZixFileType zix_symlink_type(const char* const path) { return attrs_file_type(GetFileAttributes(path)); } ZixStatus zix_create_directory(const char* const dir_path) { return (!dir_path[0]) ? ZIX_STATUS_BAD_ARG : _mkdir(dir_path) ? zix_errno_status(errno) : ZIX_STATUS_SUCCESS; } ZixStatus zix_create_directory_like(const char* const dir_path, const char* const existing_path) { return (zix_file_type(existing_path) != ZIX_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) ? ZIX_STATUS_NOT_FOUND : zix_create_directory(dir_path); } ZixStatus zix_create_symlink(const char* const target_path, const char* const link_path) { #if USE_CREATESYMBOLICLINK static const DWORD flags = SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAG_ALLOW_UNPRIVILEGED_CREATE; return zix_windows_status(CreateSymbolicLink(link_path, target_path, flags)); #else return ZIX_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } ZixStatus zix_create_directory_symlink(const char* const target_path, const char* const link_path) { #if USE_CREATESYMBOLICLINK static const DWORD flags = SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAG_DIRECTORY | SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAG_ALLOW_UNPRIVILEGED_CREATE; return zix_windows_status(CreateSymbolicLink(link_path, target_path, flags)); #else return ZIX_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } ZixStatus zix_create_hard_link(const char* const target_path, const char* const link_path) { return zix_windows_status(CreateHardLink(link_path, target_path, NULL)); } char* zix_temp_directory_path(ZixAllocator* const allocator) { const DWORD size = GetTempPath(0U, NULL); char* const buf = (char*)zix_calloc(allocator, size, 1); if (buf && (GetTempPath(size, buf) != size - 1U)) { zix_free(allocator, buf); return NULL; } return buf; } char* zix_current_path(ZixAllocator* const allocator) { const DWORD size = GetCurrentDirectory(0U, NULL); char* const buf = (char*)zix_calloc(allocator, size, 1); if (buf && (GetCurrentDirectory(size, buf) != size - 1U)) { zix_free(allocator, buf); return NULL; } return buf; }