// Copyright 2020-2022 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC

  Tests that compare results with std::filesystem::path.  Also serves as a
  handy record of divergence between zix, the C++ standard library, and
  different implementations of it.  The inconsistencies are confined to

#undef NDEBUG

#include "zix/path.h"
#include "zix/string_view.h"

#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <filesystem>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

struct BinaryCase {
  const char* lhs;
  const char* rhs;

static const BinaryCase joins[] = {
  {"", ""},           {"", "/b/"},      {"", "b"},         {"/", ""},
  {"..", ".."},       {"..", "name"},   {"..", "/"},       {"/", ".."},
  {"/", nullptr},     {"//host", ""},   {"//host", "a"},   {"//host/", "a"},
  {"/a", ""},         {"/a", "/b"},     {"/a", "/b/"},     {"/a", "b"},
  {"/a", "b/"},       {"/a", nullptr},  {"/a/", ""},       {"/a/", "b"},
  {"/a/", "b/"},      {"/a/", nullptr}, {"/a/b", nullptr}, {"/a/b/", ""},
  {"/a/b/", nullptr}, {"/a/c", "b"},    {"/a/c/", "/b/d"}, {"/a/c/", "b"},
  {"C:", ""},         {"C:/a", "/b"},   {"C:/a", "C:/b"},  {"C:/a", "C:b"},
  {"C:/a", "D:b"},    {"C:/a", "b"},    {"C:/a", "b/"},    {"C:/a", "c:/b"},
  {"C:/a", "c:b"},    {"C:\\a", "b"},   {"C:\\a", "b\\"},  {"C:a", "/b"},
  {"C:a", "C:/b"},    {"C:a", "C:\\b"}, {"C:a", "C:b"},    {"C:a", "b"},
  {"C:a", "c:/b"},    {"C:a", "c:\\b"}, {"C:a", "c:b"},    {"a", ""},
  {"a", "/b"},        {"a", "C:"},      {"a", "C:/b"},     {"a", "C:\\b"},
  {"a", "\\b"},       {"a", "b"},       {"a", "b/"},       {"a", nullptr},
  {"a/", ""},         {"a/", "/b"},     {"a/", "b"},       {"a/", "b/"},
  {"a/", nullptr},    {"a/b", ""},      {"a/b", nullptr},  {"a/b/", ""},
  {"a/b/", nullptr},  {"a\\", "\\b"},   {"a\\", "b"},      {nullptr, "/b"},
  {nullptr, "/b/c"},  {nullptr, "b"},   {nullptr, "b/c"},  {nullptr, nullptr},

static const BinaryCase lexical_relatives[] = {
  {"", ""},
  {"", "."},
  {".", "."},
  {"../", "../"},
  {"../", "./"},
  {"../", "a"},
  {"../../a", "../b"},
  {"../a", "../b"},
  {"/", "/a/b"},
  {"/", "/a/b/c"},
  {"/", "a"},
  {"/", "a/b"},
  {"/", "a/b/c"},
  {"//host", "//host"},
  {"//host/", "//host/"},
  {"//host/a/b", "//host/a/b"},
  {"/a", "/b/c/"},
  {"/a/", "/a/b"},
  {"/a/", "/b/c"},
  {"/a/", "/b/c/"},
  {"/a/", "b"},
  {"/a/", "b/c/"},
  {"/a/b", "a/b"},
  {"/a/b/c", "/a/b/d/"},
  {"/a/b/c", "/a/b/d/e/"},
  {"/a/b/c", "/a/d"},
  {"C:", "C:a.txt"},
  {"C:", "D:a.txt"},
  {"C:../", "C:../"},
  {"C:../", "C:./"},
  {"C:../", "C:a"},
  {"C:../../a", "C:../b"},
  {"C:../a", "C:../b"},
  {"C:/", "C:a.txt"},
  {"C:/", "D:a.txt"},
  {"C:/D/", "C:F"},
  {"C:/D/", "C:F.txt"},
  {"C:/D/S/", "F"},
  {"C:/D/S/", "F.txt"},
  {"C:/Dir/", "C:/Dir/File.txt"},
  {"C:/Dir/", "C:File.txt"},
  {"C:/Dir/File.txt", "C:/Dir/Sub/"},
  {"C:/Dir/File.txt", "C:/Other.txt"},
  {"C:/Dir/Sub/", "File.txt"},
  {"C:/a.txt", "C:/b/c.txt"},
  {"C:/a/", "C:/a/b.txt"},
  {"C:/a/", "C:b.txt"},
  {"C:/a/b.txt", "C:/a/b/"},
  {"C:/a/b.txt", "C:/d.txt"},
  {"C:/a/b/", "d.txt"},
  {"C:/b/", "C:a.txt"},
  {"C:/b/c/", "a.txt"},
  {"C:F", "D:G"},
  {"C:File.txt", "D:Other.txt"},
  {"C:a.txt", "C:b.txt"},
  {"C:a.txt", "D:"},
  {"C:a.txt", "D:/"},
  {"C:a.txt", "D:e.txt"},
  {"C:a/b/c", "C:../"},
  {"C:a/b/c", "C:../../"},
  {"a", "a"},
  {"a", "a/b/c"},
  {"a", "b/c"},
  {"a/b", "a/b"},
  {"a/b", "c/d"},
  {"a/b/c", "../"},
  {"a/b/c", "../../"},
  {"a/b/c", "a/b/c"},
  {"a/b/c", "a/b/c/x/y"},
  {"a/b/c/", "a/b/c/"},

// Network paths that aren't supported by MinGW
#if !(defined(_WIN32) && defined(__GLIBCXX__))
  {"//host", "//host/"},
  {"//host", "a"},
  {"//host", "a"},
  {"//host/", "a"},
  {"//host/", "a"},

static const char* const paths[] = {
  // Valid paths handled consistently on all platforms

  // Filenames with colons that are handled consistently everywhere

#if !defined(_WIN32)
  // Filenames with colons that aren't handled consistently on Windows

#if !defined(_WIN32)
  // Invalid root and network paths that aren't handled consistently on Windows

#if !(defined(_WIN32) && defined(__GLIBCXX__))
  // Network paths that aren't supported by MinGW

/// Abort if `path` doesn't match `result` when loosely parsed
static bool
match(const std::filesystem::path& path, char* const result)
  const bool success = (path.empty() && !result) || (result && path == result);

  return success;

/// Abort if `path` doesn't equal `result`
static bool
equal(const std::filesystem::path& path, char* const result)
  const bool success =
    (path.empty() && !result) || (result && path.u8string() == result);

  return success;

/// Abort if `path` doesn't match `view` when loosely parsed
static bool
match(const std::filesystem::path& path, const ZixStringView view)
  return (path.empty() && !view.length) ||
         (view.length && path == std::string{view.data, view.length});

/// Abort if `path` doesn't equal `view`
static bool
equal(const std::filesystem::path& path, const ZixStringView view)
  return (path.empty() && !view.length) ||
         (view.length &&
          path.u8string() == std::string{view.data, view.length});

  using Path = std::filesystem::path;

  for (const char* string : paths) {
    const Path path{string};

    // Decomposition
    assert(equal(path.root_name(), zix_path_root_name(string)));
    assert(match(path.root_directory(), zix_path_root_directory(string)));
    assert(match(path.root_path(), zix_path_root_path(string)));
    assert(equal(path.relative_path(), zix_path_relative_path(string)));
    assert(match(path.parent_path(), zix_path_parent_path(string)));
    assert(equal(path.filename(), zix_path_filename(string)));
    assert(equal(path.stem(), zix_path_stem(string)));
    assert(equal(path.extension(), zix_path_extension(string)));

    // Queries
    assert(path.has_root_path() == zix_path_has_root_path(string));
    assert(path.has_root_name() == zix_path_has_root_name(string));
    assert(path.has_root_directory() == zix_path_has_root_directory(string));
    assert(path.has_relative_path() == zix_path_has_relative_path(string));
    assert(path.has_parent_path() == zix_path_has_parent_path(string));
    assert(path.has_filename() == zix_path_has_filename(string));
    assert(path.has_stem() == zix_path_has_stem(string));
    assert(path.has_extension() == zix_path_has_extension(string));
    assert(path.is_absolute() == zix_path_is_absolute(string));
    assert(path.is_relative() == zix_path_is_relative(string));

    // Generation

      equal(Path{path}.make_preferred(), zix_path_preferred(nullptr, string)));

                 zix_path_lexically_normal(nullptr, string)));

  for (const auto& join : joins) {
    const Path l = join.lhs ? Path{join.lhs} : Path{};
    const Path r = join.rhs ? Path{join.rhs} : Path{};

    assert(equal(l / r, zix_path_join(nullptr, join.lhs, join.rhs)));

  for (const auto& relatives : lexical_relatives) {
    const Path l = relatives.lhs ? Path{relatives.lhs} : Path{};
    const Path r = relatives.rhs ? Path{relatives.rhs} : Path{};

      zix_path_lexically_relative(nullptr, relatives.lhs, relatives.rhs)));

      zix_path_lexically_relative(nullptr, relatives.rhs, relatives.lhs)));