// Copyright 2011-2023 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net> // SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC #undef NDEBUG #include "ensure.h" #include "failing_allocator.h" #include "test_args.h" #include "test_data.h" #include <zix/allocator.h> #include <zix/attributes.h> #include <zix/status.h> #include <zix/tree.h> #include <assert.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> static size_t seed = 1; static int int_cmp(const void* a, const void* b, const void* ZIX_UNUSED(user_data)) { const uintptr_t ia = (uintptr_t)a; const uintptr_t ib = (uintptr_t)b; return ia < ib ? -1 : ia > ib ? 1 : 0; } static uintptr_t ith_elem(unsigned test_num, size_t n_elems, size_t i) { switch (test_num % 3) { case 0: return i; // Increasing (worst case) case 1: return n_elems - i; // Decreasing (worse case) case 2: default: return lcg(seed + i) % 100U; // Random } } ZIX_LOG_FUNC(2, 3) static int test_fail(ZixTree* t, const char* fmt, ...) { zix_tree_free(t); va_list args; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-init-variables) va_start(args, fmt); fprintf(stderr, "error: "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); va_end(args); return EXIT_FAILURE; } static void test_duplicate_insert(void) { const uintptr_t r = 0xDEADBEEF; ZixTreeIter* ti = NULL; ZixTree* t = zix_tree_new(NULL, false, int_cmp, NULL, NULL, NULL); assert(!zix_tree_begin(t)); assert(!zix_tree_end(t)); assert(!zix_tree_rbegin(t)); assert(!zix_tree_rend(t)); assert(!zix_tree_insert(t, (void*)r, &ti)); assert((uintptr_t)zix_tree_get(ti) == r); assert(zix_tree_insert(t, (void*)r, &ti) == ZIX_STATUS_EXISTS); zix_tree_free(t); } static int check_tree_size(const size_t actual, const size_t expected) { return (expected == actual) ? 0 : test_fail(NULL, // FIXME "Tree size %" PRIuPTR " != %" PRIuPTR "\n", actual, expected); } static int insert_elements(ZixTree* const t, const unsigned test_num, const size_t n_elems) { ZixTreeIter* ti = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < n_elems; ++i) { const uintptr_t r = ith_elem(test_num, n_elems, i); const ZixStatus st = zix_tree_insert(t, (void*)r, &ti); ENSURE(NULL, !st, "Insert failed\n"); const uintptr_t value = (uintptr_t)zix_tree_get(ti); ENSUREV( NULL, value == r, "Insert %" PRIuPTR " != %" PRIuPTR "\n", value, r); } return 0; } static int stress(ZixAllocator* allocator, unsigned test_num, size_t n_elems) { uintptr_t r = 0U; ZixTreeIter* ti = NULL; ZixTree* t = zix_tree_new(allocator, true, int_cmp, NULL, NULL, NULL); ENSURE(t, t, "Failed to allocate tree\n"); ENSURE(t, !zix_tree_begin(t), "Empty tree has begin iterator\n"); ENSURE(t, !zix_tree_end(t), "Empty tree has end iterator\n"); ENSURE(t, !zix_tree_rbegin(t), "Empty tree has reverse begin iterator\n"); ENSURE(t, !zix_tree_rend(t), "Empty tree has reverse end iterator\n"); // Insert n_elems elements ENSURE(t, !insert_elements(t, test_num, n_elems), "Failed to insert initial elements\n"); // Ensure tree size is correct ENSUREV(t, zix_tree_size(t) == n_elems, "Tree size %" PRIuPTR " != %" PRIuPTR "\n", zix_tree_size(t), n_elems); // Search for all elements for (size_t i = 0; i < n_elems; ++i) { r = ith_elem(test_num, n_elems, i); ENSURE(t, !zix_tree_find(t, (void*)r, &ti), "Find failed\n"); const uintptr_t value = (uintptr_t)zix_tree_get(ti); ENSUREV(t, value == r, "Value %" PRIuPTR " != %" PRIuPTR "\n", value, r); } // Iterate over all elements size_t i = 0; uintptr_t last = 0; for (ZixTreeIter* iter = zix_tree_begin(t); !zix_tree_iter_is_end(iter); iter = zix_tree_iter_next(iter), ++i) { const uintptr_t iter_data = (uintptr_t)zix_tree_get(iter); ENSUREV(t, iter_data >= last, "Iter corrupt (%" PRIuPTR " < %" PRIuPTR ")\n", iter_data, last); last = iter_data; } ENSUREV(t, i == n_elems, "Iteration stopped at %" PRIuPTR "/%" PRIuPTR " elements\n", i, n_elems); // Iterate over all elements backwards i = 0; last = INTPTR_MAX; for (ZixTreeIter* iter = zix_tree_rbegin(t); !zix_tree_iter_is_rend(iter); iter = zix_tree_iter_prev(iter), ++i) { const uintptr_t iter_data = (uintptr_t)zix_tree_get(iter); ENSUREV(t, iter_data <= last, "Iter corrupt (%" PRIuPTR " < %" PRIuPTR ")\n", iter_data, last); last = iter_data; } // Delete all elements for (size_t e = 0; e < n_elems; e++) { r = ith_elem(test_num, n_elems, e); ZixTreeIter* item = NULL; ENSURE(t, zix_tree_find(t, (void*)r, &item) == ZIX_STATUS_SUCCESS, "Failed to find item to remove\n"); ENSURE(t, !zix_tree_remove(t, item), "Error removing item\n"); } // Ensure the tree is empty ENSURE(t, zix_tree_size(t) == 0U, "Tree isn't empty\n"); // Insert n_elems elements again (to test non-empty destruction) ENSURE(t, !insert_elements(t, test_num, n_elems), "Reinsertion failed\n"); // Ensure tree size is correct const int ret = check_tree_size(zix_tree_size(t), n_elems); zix_tree_free(t); return ret ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; } static void test_failed_alloc(void) { ZixFailingAllocator allocator = zix_failing_allocator(); // Successfully stress test the tree to count the number of allocations assert(!stress(&allocator.base, 0, 16)); // Test that each allocation failing is handled gracefully const size_t n_new_allocs = zix_failing_allocator_reset(&allocator, 0); for (size_t i = 0U; i < n_new_allocs; ++i) { zix_failing_allocator_reset(&allocator, i); assert(stress(&allocator.base, 0, 16)); } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { const unsigned n_tests = 3; size_t n_elems = 0; assert(!zix_tree_iter_next(NULL)); assert(!zix_tree_iter_prev(NULL)); test_duplicate_insert(); test_failed_alloc(); if (argc == 1) { n_elems = 100000U; } else { n_elems = zix_test_size_arg(argv[1], 4U, 1U << 20U); if (argc > 2) { seed = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10); } else { seed = (size_t)time(NULL); } } printf( "Running %u tests with %zu elements (seed %zu)", n_tests, n_elems, seed); int st = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; !st && i < n_tests; ++i) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); st = stress(NULL, i, n_elems); } printf("\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }