diff options
authorDavid Robillard <>2014-06-03 23:24:21 -0400
committerDavid Robillard <>2014-06-03 23:24:21 -0400
commit03125a55365efc9a06dc8aad2e2940df8ededccc (patch)
Add emacs configuration.
9 files changed, 8050 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/emacs.d/init.el b/emacs.d/init.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ee331c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs.d/init.el
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/drobilla/.emacs.d/site-lisp")
+;(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/drobilla/.emacs.d/site-lisp/sublimity")
+;(require 'highlight-beyond-fill-column)
+(require 'psvn)
+(require 'tramp)
+(require 'window-numbering)
+;(require 'sublimity)
+;(require 'sublimity-scroll)
+(setq tramp-default-method "scp")
+;; Garbage collect much less often (every 10 MiB)
+(setq-default gc-cons-threshold 10000000)
+;; Save backup and autosave files to /tmp instead of polluting file system
+ backup-by-copying t ; Don't clobber symlinks
+ backup-directory-alist `((".*" . ,temporary-file-directory))
+ auto-save-file-name-transforms `((".*" ,temporary-file-directory t))
+ delete-old-versions t
+ kept-new-versions 6
+ kept-old-versions 2
+ version-control t)
+;; Replace annoying "yes" or "no" prompt with "y" or "n" prompt
+(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)
+;; Default text editing configuration
+(setq-default tab-width 4)
+(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
+(setq-default scroll-margin 3)
+(global-set-key "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent)
+(delete-selection-mode 1)
+;; Custom configuration
+ ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
+ ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
+ ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
+ ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
+ '(column-number-mode t)
+ '(compilation-scroll-output t)
+ '(fill-column 79)
+ '(font-lock-maximum-decoration t)
+ '(frame-background-mode (quote dark))
+ '(fringe-mode 0 nil (fringe))
+ '(grep-find-command "find . -type f -not -name \"*.svn-base\" -print0 | xargs -0 -e grep -I -n -s -F ")
+ '(indicate-empty-lines t)
+ '(inhibit-startup-screen t)
+ '(jshint-mode-node-program "nodejs")
+ '(magit-diff-refine-hunk (quote all))
+ '(menu-bar-mode nil)
+ '(quack-pretty-lambda-p t)
+ '(quack-run-scheme-always-prompts-p nil)
+ '(scroll-bar-mode (quote right))
+ '(scroll-conservatively 5)
+ '(send-mail-function (quote sendmail-send-it))
+ '(show-paren-mode t)
+ '(speedbar-use-images f)
+ '(split-window-preferred-function (quote split-window-horizontally))
+ '(tool-bar-mode nil)
+ '(dired-listing-switches "-al --time-style=long-iso"))
+;; Set colours from solarized palette
+ ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
+ ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
+ ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
+ ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
+ '(default ((t (:stipple nil :background "grey10" :foreground "grey80" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 130 :width normal :foundry "unknown" :family "DejaVu Sans Mono"))))
+ '(bold ((t (:weight bold))))
+ '(cursor ((t (:background "grey80"))))
+ '(diff-added ((t (:foreground "#859900"))))
+ '(diff-file-header ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:weight bold))))
+ '(diff-header ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "#6C71C4"))))
+ '(diff-refine-added ((t (:inherit diff-refine-change :background "#1a201a"))))
+ '(diff-refine-change ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:background "grey20"))))
+ '(diff-refine-removed ((t (:inherit diff-refine-change :background "#241a1a"))))
+ '(diff-removed ((t (:foreground "#D30102"))))
+ '(dired-directory ((t (:foreground "#268BD2"))))
+ '(escape-glyph ((((background dark)) (:foreground "cyan"))))
+ '(font-lock-comment-face ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "#268BD2"))))
+ '(font-lock-constant-face ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:weight bold))))
+ '(font-lock-doc-face ((t (:inherit font-lock-string-face :foreground "#6C71C4"))))
+ '(font-lock-function-name-face ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "gray95"))))
+ '(font-lock-keyword-face ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "#859900"))))
+ '(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((nil (:foreground "#D33682"))))
+ '(font-lock-string-face ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "#CB4B16"))))
+ '(font-lock-type-face ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "#2AA198"))))
+ '(font-lock-variable-name-face ((t (:foreground "white"))))
+ '(font-lock-warning-face ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "#D30102" :weight bold))))
+ '(fringe ((((class color) (background dark)) (:background "grey25"))))
+ '(link ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "#268BD2" :inverse-video nil :underline t))))
+ '(link-visited ((default (:inherit link)) (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "#6C71C4"))))
+ '(magit-item-highlight ((t (:background "gray12"))))
+ '(minibuffer-prompt ((((background dark)) (:foreground "white"))))
+ '(mode-line ((((class color) (min-colors 88)) (:background "gray35" :foreground "black" :box (:line-width -1 :color "black")))))
+ '(mode-line-inactive ((default (:inherit mode-line)) (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:background "gray20" :foreground "gray15" :box nil))))
+ '(nobreak-space ((((class color) (min-colors 88)) (:inherit escape-glyph :underline t))))
+ '(smerge-refined-change ((t (:background "gray20"))))
+ '(whitespace-newline ((t (:foreground "grey20" :weight normal))))
+ '(whitespace-space ((t (:foreground "grey20"))))
+ '(whitespace-tab ((t (:foreground "grey20"))))
+ '(woman-addition ((t (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face :foreground "#268BD2"))))
+ '(woman-bold ((t (:inherit bold :foreground "#859900"))))
+ '(woman-italic ((t (:inherit italic :slant italic)))))
+;; Compilation and fast error navigation key bindings
+(defun switch-to-previous-buffer ()
+ (interactive)
+ (switch-to-buffer (other-buffer (current-buffer) 1)))
+(defun rotate-windows ()
+ "Rotate your windows"
+ (interactive)
+ (cond
+ ((not (> (count-windows) 1))
+ (message "You can't rotate a single window!"))
+ (t
+ (let ((i 0)
+ (num-windows (count-windows)))
+ (while (< i (- num-windows 1))
+ (let* ((w1 (elt (window-list) i))
+ (w2 (elt (window-list) (% (+ i 1) num-windows)))
+ (b1 (window-buffer w1))
+ (b2 (window-buffer w2))
+ (s1 (window-start w1))
+ (s2 (window-start w2)))
+ (set-window-buffer w1 b2)
+ (set-window-buffer w2 b1)
+ (set-window-start w1 s2)
+ (set-window-start w2 s1)
+ (setq i (1+ i))))))))
+(global-set-key "\C-b" 'compile)
+(global-set-key [C-up] 'previous-error)
+(global-set-key [C-down] 'next-error)
+(global-set-key [C-tab] 'switch-to-previous-buffer)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c r s") 'replace-string)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c r r") 'replace-regexp)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") 'align)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c s") 'sort-lines)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c g") 'grep-find)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c c") 'comment-region)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c u") 'uncomment-region)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c f") 'ff-find-other-file)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d") 'svn-status-show-svn-diff)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c m") 'magit-status)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-c w") 'rotate-windows)
+;; Shrink fringe and remove scroll bars
+;(fringe-mode 'minimal)
+(scroll-bar-mode -1)
+;; Don't split vertically
+(setq split-height-threshold nil)
+(setq split-width-threshold 0)
+;; Close compilation window on success
+(winner-mode 1)
+(defun compile-autoclose (buffer string)
+ (cond ((and (string-match "compilation" (buffer-name buffer))
+ (string-match "finished" string))
+ (bury-buffer "*compilation*")
+ (winner-undo)
+ (message "Build successful."))
+ (t
+ (message "Compilation exited abnormally: %s" string))))
+(setq compilation-finish-functions 'compile-autoclose)
+(require 'smarttabs)
+;; C/C++ style
+(defconst my-c-style
+ '(;(c-doc-comment-style . ((c-mode . doxygen) (c++-mode . doxygen) (java-mode . javadoc)))
+ (c-block-comment-prefix . " ")
+ (c-comment-only-line-offset . 0)
+ (c-auto-align-backslashes . nil)
+ (c-label-minimum-indentation . 0)
+ (c-hungry-delete-key . t)
+ (c-indent-comments-syntactically-p . nil)
+ (c-hanging-braces-alist . ((brace-list-open after)
+ (defun-open after)
+ (defun-close before after)
+ (class-open after)
+ (class-close before after)
+ (namespace-open after)
+ (inline-open after)
+ (inline-close before after)
+ (block-open after)
+ (block-close . c-snug-do-while)
+ (extern-lang-open after)
+ (extern-lang-close after)
+ (statement-case-open after)
+ (substatement-open after)))
+ (c-hanging-colons-alist . ((case-label)
+ (label after)
+ (access-label after)
+ (member-init-intro before)
+ (inher-intro)))
+ (c-hanging-semi&comma-criteria . (c-semi&comma-no-newlines-for-oneline-inliners
+ c-semi&comma-inside-parenlist
+ c-semi&comma-no-newlines-before-nonblanks))
+ (c-cleanup-list . (brace-catch-brace
+ brace-else-brace
+ brace-elseif-brace
+ compact-empty-funcall
+ defun-close-semi
+ empty-defun-braces
+ list-close-comma
+ one-liner-defun
+ scope-operator))
+ (c-offsets-alist . ((func-decl-cont . ++)
+ (member-init-intro . +)
+ (inher-intro . ++)
+ (comment-intro . 0)
+ (arglist-close . c-lineup-arglist)
+ (topmost-intro . 0)
+ (block-open . 0)
+ (inline-open . 0)
+ (substatement-open . 0)
+ (label . /)
+ (case-label . 0)
+ (statement-case-open . +)
+ (statement-case-intro . +)
+ (access-label . -)
+ (innamespace . 0)
+ (inextern-lang . 0)
+ (extern-lang-open . 0)
+ (label . -)))))
+(c-add-style "drobilla" my-c-style)
+(defun my-c-mode-common-hook ()
+ "C mode for people with taste."
+ (require 'smarttabs)
+ (auto-fill-mode 1)
+ (set-fill-column 79)
+ (setq tab-width 4)
+ (setq indent-tabs-mode t)
+ (setq truncate-lines t)
+ (c-set-style "drobilla"))
+(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook)
+(add-hook 'c++-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook)
+;; Python style
+(defun sane-python-mode ()
+ (setq tab-width 4)
+ (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
+ (setq python-indent-offset 4))
+(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'sane-python-mode)
+;; Program names
+(setq scheme-program-name "mzscheme"
+ browse-url-generic-program (executable-find "sensible-browser")
+ browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic)
+;; File modes
+(autoload 'llvm-mode "llvm-mode" "Edit LLVM assembly" t)
+(autoload 'ttl-mode "ttl-mode" "Edit N3 or Turtle files" t)
+(setq auto-mode-alist
+ (append
+ (list
+ '("\\.pl" . prolog-mode)
+ '("\\.n3" . ttl-mode)
+ '("\\.ttl" . ttl-mode)
+ '("\\.owl" . ttl-mode)
+ '("\\.ll" . llvm-mode)
+ '("\\.md" . markdown-mode))
+ auto-mode-alist))
+;; Start server for emacsclient
+(put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)
+(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/drobilla/src/others/jshint-mode")
+(require 'flymake-jshint)
+(add-hook 'javascript-mode-hook
+ (lambda () (flymake-mode t)))
diff --git a/emacs.d/site-lisp/llvm-mode.el b/emacs.d/site-lisp/llvm-mode.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1af853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs.d/site-lisp/llvm-mode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+;; Maintainer: The LLVM team,
+;; Description: Major mode for the LLVM assembler language.
+;; Updated: 2007-09-19
+;; Create mode-specific tables.
+(defvar llvm-mode-syntax-table nil
+ "Syntax table used while in LLVM mode.")
+(defvar llvm-font-lock-keywords
+ (list
+ ;; Comments
+ '(";.*" . font-lock-comment-face)
+ ;; Variables
+ '("%[-a-zA-Z$\._][-a-zA-Z$\._0-9]*" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
+ ;; Labels
+ '("[-a-zA-Z$\._0-9]+:" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
+ ;; Strings
+ '("\"[^\"]+\"" . font-lock-string-face)
+ ;; Unnamed variable slots
+ '("%[-]?[0-9]+" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
+ ;; Types
+ '("\\bvoid\\b\\|\\bi[0-9]+\\b\\|\\float\\b\\|\\bdouble\\b\\|\\btype\\b\\|\\blabel\\b\\|\\bopaque\\b" . font-lock-type-face)
+ ;; Integer literals
+ '("\\b[-]?[0-9]+\\b" . font-lock-preprocessor-face)
+ ;; Floating point constants
+ '("\\b[-+]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]*\([eE][-+]?[0-9]+\)?\\b" . font-lock-preprocessor-face)
+ ;; Hex constants
+ '("\\b0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+\\b" . font-lock-preprocessor-face)
+ ;; Keywords
+ '("\\bbegin\\b\\|\\bend\\b\\|\\btrue\\b\\|\\bfalse\\b\\|\\bzeroinitializer\\b\\|\\bdeclare\\b\\|\\bdefine\\b\\|\\bglobal\\b\\|\\bconstant\\b\\|\\bconst\\b\\|\\binternal\\b\\|\\blinkonce\\b\\|\\blinkonce_odr\\b\\|\\bweak\\b\\|\\bweak_odr\\b\\|\\bappending\\b\\|\\buninitialized\\b\\|\\bimplementation\\b\\|\\b\\.\\.\\.\\b\\|\\bnull\\b\\|\\bundef\\b\\|\\bto\\b\\|\\bexcept\\b\\|\\bnot\\b\\|\\btarget\\b\\|\\bendian\\b\\|\\blittle\\b\\|\\bbig\\b\\|\\bpointersize\\b\\|\\bdeplibs\\b\\|\\bvolatile\\b\\|\\bfastcc\\b\\|\\bcoldcc\\b\\|\\bcc\\b" . font-lock-keyword-face)
+ ;; Arithmetic and Logical Operators
+ '("\\badd\\b\\|\\bsub\\b\\|\\bmul\\b\\|\\bdiv\\b\\|\\brem\\b\\|\\band\\b\\|\\bor\\b\\|\\bxor\\b\\|\\bset\\(ne\\b\\|\\beq\\b\\|\\blt\\b\\|\\bgt\\b\\|\\ble\\b\\|\\bge\\b\\)" . font-lock-keyword-face)
+ ;; Special instructions
+ '("\\bphi\\b\\|\\btail\\b\\|\\bcall\\b\\|\\bcast\\b\\|\\bselect\\b\\|\\bto\\b\\|\\bshl\\b\\|\\bshr\\b\\|\\bvaarg\\b\\|\\bvanext\\b" . font-lock-keyword-face)
+ ;; Control instructions
+ '("\\bret\\b\\|\\bbr\\b\\|\\bswitch\\b\\|\\binvoke\\b\\|\\bunwind\\b\\|\\bunreachable\\b" . font-lock-keyword-face)
+ ;; Memory operators
+ '("\\bmalloc\\b\\|\\balloca\\b\\|\\bfree\\b\\|\\bload\\b\\|\\bstore\\b\\|\\bgetelementptr\\b" . font-lock-keyword-face)
+ )
+ "Syntax highlighting for LLVM"
+ )
+;; ---------------------- Syntax table ---------------------------
+;; Shamelessly ripped from jasmin.el
+;; URL:
+(if (not llvm-mode-syntax-table)
+ (progn
+ (setq llvm-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
+ (mapcar (function (lambda (n)
+ (modify-syntax-entry (aref n 0)
+ (aref n 1)
+ llvm-mode-syntax-table)))
+ '(
+ ;; whitespace (` ')
+ [?\^m " "]
+ [?\f " "]
+ [?\n " "]
+ [?\t " "]
+ [?\ " "]
+ ;; word constituents (`w')
+ ;;[?< "w"]
+ ;;[?> "w"]
+ [?\% "w"]
+ ;;[?_ "w "]
+ ;; comments
+ [?\; "< "]
+ [?\n "> "]
+ ;;[?\r "> "]
+ ;;[?\^m "> "]
+ ;; symbol constituents (`_')
+ ;; punctuation (`.')
+ ;; open paren (`(')
+ [?\( "("]
+ [?\[ "("]
+ [?\{ "("]
+ ;; close paren (`)')
+ [?\) ")"]
+ [?\] ")"]
+ [?\} ")"]
+ ;; string quote ('"')
+ [?\" "\""]
+ ))))
+;; --------------------- Abbrev table -----------------------------
+(defvar llvm-mode-abbrev-table nil
+ "Abbrev table used while in LLVM mode.")
+(define-abbrev-table 'llvm-mode-abbrev-table ())
+(defvar llvm-mode-hook nil)
+(defvar llvm-mode-map nil) ; Create a mode-specific keymap.
+(if (not llvm-mode-map)
+ () ; Do not change the keymap if it is already set up.
+ (setq llvm-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key llvm-mode-map "\t" 'tab-to-tab-stop)
+ (define-key llvm-mode-map "\es" 'center-line)
+ (define-key llvm-mode-map "\eS" 'center-paragraph))
+(defun llvm-mode ()
+ "Major mode for editing LLVM source files.
+ \\{llvm-mode-map}
+ Runs llvm-mode-hook on startup."
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map llvm-mode-map) ; Provides the local keymap.
+ (setq major-mode 'llvm-mode)
+ (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+ (setq major-mode 'llvm-mode ; This is how describe-mode
+ ; finds the doc string to print.
+ mode-name "LLVM" ; This name goes into the modeline.
+ font-lock-defaults `(llvm-font-lock-keywords))
+ (setq local-abbrev-table llvm-mode-abbrev-table)
+ (set-syntax-table llvm-mode-syntax-table)
+ (setq comment-start ";")
+ (run-hooks 'llvm-mode-hook)) ; Finally, this permits the user to
+ ; customize the mode with a hook.
+;; Associate .ll files with llvm-mode
+(setq auto-mode-alist
+ (append '(("\\.ll$" . llvm-mode)) auto-mode-alist))
+(provide 'llvm-mode)
+;; end of llvm-mode.el
diff --git a/emacs.d/site-lisp/n3-mode.el b/emacs.d/site-lisp/n3-mode.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8beced6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs.d/site-lisp/n3-mode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+;;; n3-mode.el --- mode for Notation 3
+; $Id: n3-mode.el 4084 2007-12-15 17:10:13Z hugoh $
+;; Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Hugo Haas <>
+;; For documentation on Notation 3, see:
+;;; Comentary:
+;; Goals:
+;; - sytax highlighting
+;; - completion
+;; - indentation
+;; What it does now:
+;; - Syntax highlighting
+;;; Code:
+(require 'generic)
+(define-generic-mode 'n3-mode
+ ;; comment char
+ (list "# ")
+ ;; keywords
+ (list "this" "a")
+ ;; additional font-lock'ing
+ '(("\\(@prefix\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-keyword-face t)
+ ("\\(\\S-*?:\\)" 1 font-lock-type-face t)
+ (":\\(\\S-+?\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-constant-face t)
+ ("\\(<.*?>\\)" 1 font-lock-function-name-face t)
+ ("\\(\\\".*?\\\"\\)" 1 font-lock-string-face t)
+; Bug: some trailing characters are highlighted; restricting comments regexp
+; ("\\(#.*\\)" 1 font-lock-comment-face t)
+ ("^\\s-*\\(#.*\\)" 1 font-lock-comment-face t)
+ )
+ ;; auto-mode
+ (list "\\.n3$")
+ ;; additional setup
+ nil
+ ;; description
+ "Mode for Notation 3 documents."
+ )
diff --git a/emacs.d/site-lisp/ppindent.el b/emacs.d/site-lisp/ppindent.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84c9702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs.d/site-lisp/ppindent.el
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+;;; ppindent.el --- Indents C preprocessor directives
+;; Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Craig McDaniel <>
+;; Keywords: languages, c
+;; Maintainer: Craig McDaniel <>
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; PPINDENT indents C-preprocessor statements depending on the current
+;; #if..., #el.., #endif level. It only modifies lines with "#" as the
+;; first non-blank character and therefore does not conflict with the
+;; normal C indentation. Unlike a true indent, it inserts the
+;; requisite number of spaces after, rather than before the "#"
+;; character. This type of preprocesor indent is commonly used to
+;; provide the most compatibility with different C-compilers.
+;; Example:
+;; #ifdef WOO
+;; ....
+;; #if defined(X) && !defined(Y)
+;; #ifdef Q8
+;; ...
+;; #else
+;; ...
+;; ....
+;; #elif defined (Z)
+;; ....
+;; #endif
+;; #endif
+;; #endif
+;; After "M-x ppindent-c" becomes:
+;; #ifdef WOO
+;; ....
+;; # if defined(X) && !defined(Y)
+;; # ifdef Q8
+;; ...
+;; # else
+;; ...
+;; ....
+;; # elif defined (Z)
+;; ....
+;; # endif
+;; # endif
+;; #endif
+;; Two functions are provided: PPINDENT-C indents as described
+;; above. PPINDENT-H does not indent the first level, assuming that
+;; .h/.hpp files use an #ifdef guard around the entire file.
+;; You can customize PPINDENT-INCREMENT if you want to use something
+;; other than 2 spaces for the indent.
+;;; History:
+;; 2007-01-19 WCM Initial version
+;;; Code:
+(provide 'ppindent)
+(defgroup pp-indent nil
+ "Indent C preproccessor directives."
+ :group 'c)
+(defcustom ppindent-increment 2
+ "Number of spaces per indention level.
+Used in C pre-processor indent functions ppindent-c and ppindent-h"
+ :type 'number
+ :group 'pp-indent)
+(defun starts-withp (str prefix)
+ "str starts with prefix"
+ (eql (compare-strings prefix nil nil str nil (length prefix)) t))
+(defun my-make-string (length init)
+ "just like make-string, but makes an empty string if length is negative"
+ (when (minusp length)
+ (setf length 0))
+ (make-string length init))
+(defun ppindent-aux (start)
+ (let ((cnt start))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*#[ \t]*\\(.*\\)" nil t)
+ (cond ((starts-withp (match-string-no-properties 1) "if")
+ (replace-match (concat "#" (my-make-string cnt ?\s) "\\1"))
+ (incf cnt ppindent-increment))
+ ((starts-withp (match-string-no-properties 1) "el")
+ (when (< (- cnt ppindent-increment) start)
+ (throw 'err `(,(line-number-at-pos) "Unmatched #else or #elif")))
+ (replace-match (concat "#" (my-make-string
+ (- cnt ppindent-increment)
+ ?\s) "\\1")))
+ ((starts-withp (match-string-no-properties 1) "endif")
+ (when (< (- cnt ppindent-increment) start)
+ (throw 'err `(,(line-number-at-pos) "Unmatched #endif")))
+ (decf cnt ppindent-increment)
+ (replace-match (concat "#" (my-make-string cnt ?\s) "\\1")))
+ (t
+ (replace-match (concat "#" (my-make-string cnt ?\s) "\\1")))))))
+(defun ppindent-buffer (start)
+ (let ((result (catch 'err (save-excursion (ppindent-aux start)))))
+ (when result
+ (goto-line (car result))
+ (error "Error: %s" (cadr result)))))
+(defun ppindent-c ()
+ "Indent all C pre-processor statements"
+ (interactive)
+ (ppindent-buffer 0))
+(defun ppindent-h ()
+ "Indent C pre-processor statements, keeping first level #ifdef unindented"
+ (interactive)
+ (ppindent-buffer (- ppindent-increment)))
diff --git a/emacs.d/site-lisp/psvn.el b/emacs.d/site-lisp/psvn.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b551932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs.d/site-lisp/psvn.el
@@ -0,0 +1,6555 @@
+;;; psvn.el --- Subversion interface for emacs
+;; Copyright (C) 2002-2012 by Stefan Reichoer
+;; Author: Stefan Reichoer <>
+;; Note: This version is currently not under svn control
+;; For the revision date see svn-psvn-revision below
+;; psvn.el is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; psvn.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary
+;; psvn.el is tested with GNU Emacs 21.3 on windows, debian linux,
+;; freebsd5, red hat el4, ubuntu 11.10 with svn 1.6.12
+;; psvn.el needs at least svn 1.1.0
+;; if you upgrade to a higher version, you need to do a fresh checkout
+;; psvn.el is an interface for the revision control tool subversion
+;; (see
+;; psvn.el provides a similar interface for subversion as pcl-cvs for cvs.
+;; At the moment the following commands are implemented:
+;; M-x svn-status: run 'svn -status -v'
+;; M-x svn-examine (like pcl-cvs cvs-examine) is alias for svn-status
+;; and show the result in the svn-status-buffer-name buffer (normally: *svn-status*).
+;; If svn-status-verbose is set to nil, only "svn status" without "-v"
+;; is run. Currently you have to toggle this variable manually.
+;; This buffer uses svn-status mode in which the following keys are defined:
+;; g - svn-status-update: run 'svn status -v'
+;; M-s - svn-status-update: run 'svn status -v'
+;; C-u g - svn-status-update: run 'svn status -vu'
+;; = - svn-status-show-svn-diff run 'svn diff'
+;; l - svn-status-show-svn-log run 'svn log'
+;; i - svn-status-info run 'svn info'
+;; r - svn-status-revert run 'svn revert'
+;; X v - svn-status-resolved run 'svn resolved'
+;; U - svn-status-update-cmd run 'svn update'
+;; M-u - svn-status-update-cmd run 'svn update'
+;; c - svn-status-commit run 'svn commit'
+;; a - svn-status-add-file run 'svn add --non-recursive'
+;; A - svn-status-add-file-recursively run 'svn add'
+;; + - svn-status-make-directory run 'svn mkdir'
+;; R - svn-status-mv run 'svn mv'
+;; C - svn-status-cp run 'svn cp'
+;; D - svn-status-rm run 'svn rm'
+;; M-c - svn-status-cleanup run 'svn cleanup'
+;; k - svn-status-lock run 'svn lock'
+;; K - svn-status-unlock run 'svn unlock'
+;; b - svn-status-blame run 'svn blame'
+;; X e - svn-status-export run 'svn export'
+;; RET - svn-status-find-file-or-examine-directory
+;; ^ - svn-status-examine-parent
+;; ~ - svn-status-get-specific-revision
+;; E - svn-status-ediff-with-revision
+;; X X - svn-status-resolve-conflicts
+;; S g - svn-status-grep-files
+;; S s - svn-status-search-files
+;; s - svn-status-show-process-buffer
+;; h - svn-status-pop-to-partner-buffer
+;; e - svn-status-toggle-edit-cmd-flag
+;; ? - svn-status-toggle-hide-unknown
+;; _ - svn-status-toggle-hide-unmodified
+;; z - svn-status-toggle-hide-externals
+;; m - svn-status-set-user-mark
+;; u - svn-status-unset-user-mark
+;; $ - svn-status-toggle-elide
+;; w - svn-status-copy-current-line-info
+;; DEL - svn-status-unset-user-mark-backwards
+;; * ! - svn-status-unset-all-usermarks
+;; * ? - svn-status-mark-unknown
+;; * A - svn-status-mark-added
+;; * M - svn-status-mark-modified
+;; * P - svn-status-mark-modified-properties
+;; * D - svn-status-mark-deleted
+;; * * - svn-status-mark-changed
+;; * . - svn-status-mark-by-file-ext
+;; * % - svn-status-mark-filename-regexp
+;; * s - svn-status-store-usermarks
+;; * l - svn-status-load-usermarks
+;; . - svn-status-goto-root-or-return
+;; f - svn-status-find-file
+;; o - svn-status-find-file-other-window
+;; C-o - svn-status-find-file-other-window-noselect
+;; v - svn-status-view-file-other-window
+;; I - svn-status-parse-info
+;; V - svn-status-svnversion
+;; P l - svn-status-property-list
+;; P s - svn-status-property-set
+;; P d - svn-status-property-delete
+;; P e - svn-status-property-edit-one-entry
+;; P i - svn-status-property-ignore-file
+;; P I - svn-status-property-ignore-file-extension
+;; P C-i - svn-status-property-edit-svn-ignore
+;; P X e - svn-status-property-edit-svn-externals
+;; P k - svn-status-property-set-keyword-list
+;; P K i - svn-status-property-set-keyword-id
+;; P K d - svn-status-property-set-keyword-date
+;; P y - svn-status-property-set-eol-style
+;; P x - svn-status-property-set-executable
+;; P m - svn-status-property-set-mime-type
+;; H - svn-status-use-history
+;; x - svn-status-update-buffer
+;; q - svn-status-bury-buffer
+;; C-x C-j - svn-status-dired-jump
+;; The output in the buffer contains this header to ease reading
+;; of svn output:
+;; FPH BASE CMTD Author em File
+;; F = Filemark
+;; P = Property mark
+;; H = History mark
+;; BASE = local base revision
+;; CMTD = last committed revision
+;; Author = author of change
+;; em = "**" or "(Update Available)" [see `svn-status-short-mod-flag-p']
+;; if file can be updated
+;; File = path/filename
+;; To use psvn.el put the following line in your .emacs:
+;; (require 'psvn)
+;; Start the svn interface with M-x svn-status
+;; The latest version of psvn.el can be found at:
+;; TODO:
+;; * shortcut for svn propset svn:keywords "Date" psvn.el
+;; * docstrings for the functions
+;; * perhaps shortcuts for ranges, dates
+;; * when editing the command line - offer help from the svn client
+;; * finish svn-status-property-set
+;; * Add repository browser
+;; * Get rid of all byte-compiler warnings
+;; * SVK working copy support
+;; * multiple independent buffers in svn-status-mode
+;; There are "TODO" comments in other parts of this file as well.
+;; Overview over the implemented/not (yet) implemented svn sub-commands:
+;; * add implemented
+;; * blame implemented
+;; * cat implemented
+;; * checkout (co) implemented
+;; * cleanup implemented
+;; * commit (ci) implemented
+;; * copy (cp) implemented
+;; * delete (del, remove, rm) implemented
+;; * diff (di) implemented
+;; * export implemented
+;; * help (?, h)
+;; * import used (in svn-admin-create-trunk-directory)
+;; * info implemented
+;; * list (ls) implemented
+;; * lock implemented
+;; * log implemented
+;; * merge
+;; * mkdir implemented
+;; * move (mv, rename, ren) implemented
+;; * propdel (pdel) implemented
+;; * propedit (pedit, pe) not needed
+;; * propget (pget, pg) used (in svn-status-property-edit)
+;; * proplist (plist, pl) implemented
+;; * propset (pset, ps) used (in svn-prop-edit-do-it)
+;; * resolved implemented
+;; * revert implemented
+;; * status (stat, st) implemented
+;; * switch (sw)
+;; * unlock implemented
+;; * update (up) implemented
+;; For the not yet implemented commands you should use the command line
+;; svn client. If there are user requests for any missing commands I will
+;; probably implement them.
+;; There is also limited support for the web-based software project management and bug/issue tracking system trac
+;; Trac ticket links can be enabled in the *svn-log* buffers when using the following:
+;; (setq svn-log-link-handlers '(trac-ticket-short))
+;; ---------------------------
+;; Frequently asked questions:
+;; ---------------------------
+;; Q1: I need support for user names with blanks/spaces
+;; A1: Add the user names to svn-user-names-including-blanks and set the
+;; svn-pre-parse-status-hook.
+;; The problem is, that the user names and the file names from the svn status
+;; output can both contain blanks. Blanks in file names are supported.
+;; the svn-user-names-including-blanks list is used to replace the spaces
+;; in the user names with - to overcome this problem
+;; Q2: My svn-update command it taking a really long time. How can I
+;; see what's going on?
+;; A2: In the *svn-status* buffer press "s".
+;; Q3: How do I enter a username and password?
+;; A3: In the *svn-status* buffer press "s", switch to the
+;; *svn-process* buffer and press enter. You will be prompted for
+;; username and password.
+;; Q4: What does "?", "M", and "C" in the first column of the
+;; *svn-status* buffer mean?
+;; A4: "?" means the file(s) is not under Subversion control
+;; "M" means you have a locally modified file
+;; "C" means there is a conflict
+;; "@$&#!" means someone is saying nasty things to you
+;; Comments / suggestions and bug reports are welcome!
+;; Development notes
+;; -----------------
+;; "svn-" is the package prefix used in psvn.el. There are also longer
+;; prefixes which clarify the code and help symbol completion, but they
+;; are not intended to prevent name clashes with other packages. All
+;; interactive commands meant to be used only in a specific mode should
+;; have names beginning with the name of that mode: for example,
+;; "svn-status-add-file" in "svn-status-mode". "psvn" should be used
+;; only in names of files, customization groups, and features. If SVK
+;; support is ever added, it should use "svn-svk-" when no existing
+;; prefix is applicable.
+;; Many of the variables marked as `risky-local-variable' are probably
+;; impossible to abuse, as the commands that read them are used only in
+;; buffers that are not visiting any files. Better safe than sorry.
+;;; Code:
+(defconst svn-psvn-revision "2012-03-26, 21:23:49" "The revision date of psvn.")
+(require 'easymenu)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'dired))
+(eval-when-compile (require 'ediff-util))
+(eval-when-compile (require 'ediff-wind))
+(eval-when-compile (require 'vc-hooks))
+(eval-when-compile (require 'elp))
+(eval-when-compile (require 'pp))
+(condition-case nil
+ (progn
+ (require 'diff-mode))
+ (error nil))
+;;; user setable variables
+(defcustom svn-status-verbose t
+ "*Add '-v' to svn status call.
+This can be toggled with \\[svn-status-toggle-svn-verbose-flag]."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-log-edit-file-name "++svn-log++"
+ "*Name of a saved log file.
+This can be either absolute, or relative to the default directory
+of the `svn-log-edit-buffer-name' buffer."
+ :type 'file
+ :group 'psvn)
+(put 'svn-log-edit-file-name 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defcustom svn-log-edit-insert-files-to-commit t
+ "*Insert the filelist to commit in the *svn-log* buffer"
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-log-edit-show-diff-for-commit nil
+ "*Show the diff being committed when you run `svn-status-commit.'."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-log-edit-use-log-edit-mode
+ (and (condition-case nil (require 'log-edit) (error nil)) t)
+ "*Use log-edit-mode as base for svn-log-edit-mode
+This variable takes effect only when psvn.el is being loaded."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-log-edit-paragraph-start
+ "$\\|[ \t]*$\\|##.*$\\|\\*.*:.*$\\|[ \t]+(.+):.*$"
+ "*Value used for `paragraph-start' in `svn-log-edit-buffer-name' buffer."
+ :type 'regexp
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-log-edit-paragraph-separate "$\\|##.*$"
+ "*Value used for `paragraph-separate' in `svn-log-edit-buffer-name' buffer."
+ :type 'regexp
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-hide-unknown nil
+ "*Hide unknown files in `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer.
+This can be toggled with \\[svn-status-toggle-hide-unknown]."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-hide-unmodified nil
+ "*Hide unmodified files in `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer.
+This can be toggled with \\[svn-status-toggle-hide-unmodified]."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-hide-externals nil
+ "*Hide external files in `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer.
+This can be toggled with \\[svn-status-toggle-hide-externals]."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-sort-status-buffer t
+ "*Whether to sort the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer.
+Setting this variable to nil speeds up \\[M-x svn-status], however the
+listing may then become incorrect.
+This can be toggled with \\[svn-status-toggle-sort-status-buffer]."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-ediff-delete-temporary-files nil
+ "*Whether to delete temporary ediff files. If set to ask, ask the user"
+ :type '(choice (const t)
+ (const nil)
+ (const ask))
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-changelog-style 'changelog
+ "*The changelog style that is used for `svn-file-add-to-changelog'.
+Possible values are:
+ 'changelog: use `add-change-log-entry-other-window'
+ 'svn-dev: use commit messages that are used by the svn developers
+ a function: This function is called to add a new entry to the changelog file.
+ :type '(set (const changelog)
+ (const svn-dev))
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-unmark-files-after-list '(commit revert)
+ "*List of operations after which all user marks will be removed.
+Possible values are: commit, revert."
+ :type '(set (const commit)
+ (const revert))
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-preserve-window-configuration t
+ "*Try to preserve the window configuration."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-auto-revert-buffers t
+ "*Auto revert buffers that have changed on disk."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-fancy-file-state-in-modeline t
+ "*Show a color dot in the modeline that describes the state of the current file."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-indentation 2
+ "*Indenation per directory level in the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-negate-meaning-of-arg-commands '()
+ "*List of operations that should use a negated meaning of the prefix argument.
+The supported functions are `svn-status' and `svn-status-set-user-mark'."
+ :type '(set (function-item svn-status)
+ (function-item svn-status-set-user-mark))
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-svn-executable "svn"
+ "*The name of the svn executable.
+This can be either absolute or looked up on `exec-path'."
+ ;; Don't use (file :must-match t). It doesn't know about `exec-path'.
+ :type 'file
+ :group 'psvn)
+(put 'svn-status-svn-executable 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defcustom svn-status-default-export-directory "~/" "*The default directory that is suggested svn export."
+ :type 'file
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-svn-environment-var-list '("LC_MESSAGES=C" "LC_ALL=")
+ "*A list of environment variables that should be set for that svn process.
+Each element is either a string \"VARIABLE=VALUE\" which will be added to
+the environment when svn is run, or just \"VARIABLE\" which causes that
+variable to be entirely removed from the environment.
+The default setting is '(\"LC_MESSAGES=C\" \"LC_ALL=\"). This ensures that the svn command
+line client does not output localized strings. psvn.el relies on the english
+ :type '(repeat string)
+ :group 'psvn)
+(put 'svn-status-svn-environment-var-list 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defcustom svn-browse-url-function nil
+ ;; If the user hasn't changed `svn-browse-url-function', then changing
+ ;; `browse-url-browser-function' should affect psvn even after it has
+ ;; been loaded.
+ "Function to display a Subversion related WWW page in a browser.
+So far, this is used only for \"trac\" issue tracker integration.
+By default, this is nil, which means use `browse-url-browser-function'.
+Any non-nil value overrides that variable, with the same syntax."
+ ;; It would be nice to show the full list of browsers supported by
+ ;; browse-url, but (custom-variable-type 'browse-url-browser-function)
+ ;; returns just `function' if browse-url has not yet been loaded,
+ ;; and there seems to be no easy way to autoload browse-url when
+ ;; the custom-type of svn-browse-url-function is actually needed.
+ ;; So I'll only offer enough choices to cover all supported types.
+ :type `(choice (const :tag "Specified by `browse-url-browser-function'" nil)
+ (function :value browse-url-default-browser
+ ;; In XEmacs 21.4.17, the `function' widget matches
+ ;; all objects. Constrain it here so that alists
+ ;; fall through to the next choice. Accept either
+ ;; a symbol (fbound or not) or a lambda expression.
+ :match ,(lambda (widget value)
+ (or (symbolp value) (functionp value))))
+ (svn-alist :tag "Regexp/function association list"
+ :key-type regexp :value-type function
+ :value (("." . browse-url-default-browser))))
+ :link '(emacs-commentary-link "browse-url")
+ :group 'psvn)
+;; (put 'svn-browse-url-function 'risky-local-variable t)
+;; already implied by "-function" suffix
+(defcustom svn-log-edit-header
+ "## Lines starting with '## ' will be removed from the log message.\n"
+ "*Header content of the *svn-log* buffer"
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-window-alist
+ '((diff "*svn-diff*") (log "*svn-log*") (info t) (blame t) (proplist t) (update t))
+ "An alist to specify which windows should be used for svn command outputs.
+The following keys are supported: diff, log, info, blame, proplist, update.
+The following values can be given:
+nil ... show in `svn-process-buffer-name' buffer
+t ... show in dedicated *svn-info* buffer
+invisible ... don't show the buffer (eventually useful for update)
+a string ... show in a buffer named string"
+ :type '(svn-alist
+ :key-type symbol
+ :value-type (group
+ (choice
+ (const :tag "Show in *svn-process* buffer" nil)
+ (const :tag "Show in dedicated *svn-info* buffer" t)
+ (const :tag "Don't show the output" invisible)
+ (string :tag "Show in a buffer named"))))
+ :options '(diff log info blame proplist update)
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-short-mod-flag-p t
+ "*Whether the mark for out of date files is short or long.
+If this variable is is t, and a file is out of date (i.e., there is a newer
+version in the repository than the working copy), then the file will
+be marked by \"**\"
+If this variable is nil, and the file is out of date then the longer phrase
+\"(Update Available)\" is used.
+In either case the mark gets the face
+`svn-status-update-available-face', and will only be visible if
+`\\[svn-status-update]' is run with a prefix argument"
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Short \"**\"" t)
+ (const :tag "Long \"(Update Available)\"" nil))
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defvar svn-status-debug-level 0 "The psvn.el debugging verbosity level.
+The higher the number, the more debug messages are shown.
+See `svn-status-message' for the meaning of values for that variable.")
+(defvar svn-bookmark-list nil "A list of locations for a quick access via `svn-status-via-bookmark'")
+;;(setq svn-bookmark-list '(("proj1" . "~/work/proj1")
+;; ("doc1" . "~/docs/doc1")))
+(defvar svn-status-buffer-name "*svn-status*" "Name for the svn status buffer")
+(defvar svn-process-buffer-name " *svn-process*" "Name for the svn process buffer")
+(defvar svn-log-edit-buffer-name "*svn-log-edit*" "Name for the svn log-edit buffer")
+(defcustom svn-status-use-header-line
+ (if (boundp 'header-line-format) t 'inline)
+ "*Whether a header line should be used.
+When t: Use the emacs header line
+When 'inline: Insert the header line in the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer
+Otherwise: Don't display a header line"
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Show column titles as a header line" t)
+ (const :tag "Insert column titles as text in the buffer" inline)
+ (other :tag "No column titles" nil))
+ :group 'psvn)
+;;; default arguments to pass to svn commands
+;; TODO: When customizing, an option menu or completion might be nice....
+(defcustom svn-status-default-log-arguments '("-v")
+ "*List of arguments to pass to svn log.
+\(used in `svn-status-show-svn-log'; override these by giving prefixes\)."
+ :type '(repeat string)
+ :group 'psvn)
+(put 'svn-status-default-log-arguments 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defcustom svn-status-default-commit-arguments '()
+ "*List of arguments to pass to svn commit.
+If you don't like recursive commits, set this value to (\"-N\")
+or mark the directory before committing it.
+Do not put an empty string here, except as an argument of an option:
+Subversion and the operating system may treat that as a file name
+equivalent to \".\", so you would commit more than you intended."
+ :type '(repeat string)
+ :group 'psvn)
+(put 'svn-status-default-commit-arguments 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defcustom svn-status-default-diff-arguments '("-x" "--ignore-eol-style")
+ "*A list of arguments that is passed to the svn diff command.
+When the built in diff command is used,
+the following options are available: --ignore-eol-style, --ignore-space-change,
+--ignore-all-space, --ignore-eol-style.
+The following setting ignores eol style changes and all white space changes:
+'(\"-x\" \"--ignore-eol-style --ignore-all-space\")
+If you'd like to suppress whitespace changes using the external diff command
+use the following value:
+'(\"--diff-cmd\" \"diff\" \"-x\" \"-wbBu\")
+ :type '(repeat string)
+ :group 'psvn)
+(put 'svn-status-default-diff-arguments 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defcustom svn-status-default-status-arguments '()
+ "*A list of arguments that is passed to the svn status command.
+The following options are available: --ignore-externals
+ :type '(repeat string)
+ :group 'psvn)
+(put 'svn-status-default-status-arguments 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defcustom svn-status-default-blame-arguments '("-x" "--ignore-eol-style")
+ "*A list of arguments that is passed to the svn blame command.
+See `svn-status-default-diff-arguments' for some examples."
+ :type '(repeat string)
+ :group 'psvn)
+(put 'svn-status-default-blame-arguments 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defvar svn-trac-project-root nil
+ "Path for an eventual existing trac issue tracker.
+This can be set with \\[svn-status-set-trac-project-root].")
+(defvar svn-status-module-name nil
+ "*A short name for the actual project.
+This can be set with \\[svn-status-set-module-name].")
+(defvar svn-status-branch-list nil
+ "*A list of known branches for the actual project
+This can be set with \\[svn-status-set-branch-list].
+The list contains full repository paths or shortcuts starting with \#
+\# at the beginning is replaced by the repository url.
+\#1\# has the special meaning that all paths below the given directory
+will be considered for interactive selections.
+A useful setting might be: '\(\"\#trunk\" \"\#1\#tags\" \"\#1\#branches\")")
+(defvar svn-status-load-state-before-svn-status t
+ "*Whether to automatically restore state from ++psvn.state file before running svn-status.")
+(defvar svn-log-link-handlers nil "A list of link handlers in *svn-log* buffers.
+These link handlers must be registered via `svn-log-register-link-handler'")
+;;; hooks
+(defvar svn-status-mode-hook nil "Hook run when entering `svn-status-mode'.")
+(defvar svn-log-edit-mode-hook nil "Hook run when entering `svn-log-edit-mode'.")
+(defvar svn-log-edit-done-hook nil "Hook run after commiting files via svn.")
+;; (put 'svn-log-edit-mode-hook 'risky-local-variable t)
+;; (put 'svn-log-edit-done-hook 'risky-local-variable t)
+;; already implied by "-hook" suffix
+(defvar svn-post-process-svn-output-hook 'svn-fixup-tramp-output-maybe "Hook that can be used to preprocess the output from svn.
+The function `svn-status-remove-control-M' can be useful for that hook")
+(when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
+ (add-hook 'svn-post-process-svn-output-hook 'svn-status-remove-control-M))
+(defvar svn-status-svn-process-coding-system (when (boundp 'locale-coding-system) locale-coding-system)
+ "The coding system that is used for the svn command line client.
+It is used in svn-run, if it is not nil.")
+(defvar svn-status-svn-file-coding-system 'undecided-unix
+ "The coding system that is used to save files that are loaded as
+parameter or data files via the svn command line client.
+It is used in the following functions: `svn-prop-edit-do-it', `svn-log-edit-done'.
+You could set it to 'utf-8")
+(defcustom svn-status-use-ido-completion
+ (fboundp 'ido-completing-read)
+ "*Use ido completion functionality."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defvar svn-status-completing-read-function
+ (if svn-status-use-ido-completion 'ido-completing-read 'completing-read))
+;;; experimental features
+(defvar svn-status-track-user-input nil "Track user/password queries.
+This feature is implemented via a process filter.
+It is an experimental feature.")
+(defvar svn-status-refresh-info nil "Whether `svn-status-update-buffer' should call `svn-status-parse-info'.")
+;;; Customize group
+(defgroup psvn nil
+ "Subversion interface for Emacs."
+ :group 'tools)
+(defgroup psvn-faces nil
+ "psvn faces."
+ :group 'psvn)
+ (require 'cl)
+ (defconst svn-xemacsp (featurep 'xemacs))
+ (if svn-xemacsp
+ (require 'overlay)
+ (require 'overlay nil t)))
+(defcustom svn-status-display-full-path nil
+ "Specifies how the filenames look like in the listing.
+If t, their full path name will be displayed, else only the filename."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defcustom svn-status-prefix-key [(control x) (meta s)]
+ "Prefix key for the psvn commands in the global keymap."
+ :type '(choice (const [(control x) ?v ?S])
+ (const [(super s)])
+ (const [(hyper s)])
+ (const [(control x) ?v])
+ (const [(control x) ?V])
+ (sexp))
+ :group 'psvn
+ :set (lambda (var value)
+ (if (boundp var)
+ (global-unset-key (symbol-value var)))
+ (set var value)
+ (global-set-key (symbol-value var) 'svn-global-keymap)))
+(defcustom svn-admin-default-create-directory "~/"
+ "*The default directory that is suggested for `svn-admin-create'."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'psvn)
+(defvar svn-status-custom-hide-function nil
+ "A function that receives a line-info and decides whether to hide that line.
+See psvn.el for an example function.")
+;; (put 'svn-status-custom-hide-function 'risky-local-variable t)
+;; already implied by "-function" suffix
+;; Use the normally used mode for files ending in .~HEAD~, .~BASE~, ...
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.~?\\(HEAD\\|BASE\\|PREV\\)~?\\'" ignore t))
+;;; internal variables
+(defvar svn-status-directory-history nil "List of visited svn working directories.")
+(defvar svn-process-cmd nil)
+(defvar svn-status-info nil)
+(defvar svn-status-filename-to-buffer-position-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness t))
+(defvar svn-status-base-info nil "The parsed result from the svn info command.")
+(defvar svn-status-initial-window-configuration nil)
+(defvar svn-status-default-column 23)
+(defvar svn-status-default-revision-width 4)
+(defvar svn-status-default-author-width 9)
+(defvar svn-status-line-format " %c%c%c %4s %4s %-9s")
+(defvar svn-start-of-file-list-line-number 0)
+(defvar svn-status-files-to-commit nil
+ "List of files to commit at `svn-log-edit-done'.
+This is always set together with `svn-status-recursive-commit'.")
+(defvar svn-status-recursive-commit nil
+ "Non-nil if the next commit should be recursive.
+This is always set together with `svn-status-files-to-commit'.")
+(defvar svn-log-edit-update-log-entry nil
+ "Revision number whose log entry is being edited.
+This is nil if the log entry is for a new commit.")
+(defvar svn-status-pre-commit-window-configuration nil)
+(defvar svn-status-pre-propedit-window-configuration nil)
+(defvar svn-status-head-revision nil)
+(defvar svn-status-root-return-info nil)
+(defvar svn-status-property-edit-must-match-flag nil)
+(defvar svn-status-propedit-property-name nil "The property name for the actual svn propset command")
+(defvar svn-status-propedit-file-list nil)
+(defvar svn-status-mode-line-process "")
+(defvar svn-status-mode-line-process-status "")
+(defvar svn-status-mode-line-process-edit-flag "")
+(defvar svn-status-edit-svn-command nil)
+(defvar svn-status-update-previous-process-output nil)
+(defvar svn-pre-run-asynch-recent-keys nil)
+(defvar svn-pre-run-mode-line-process nil)
+(defvar svn-arg-file-content nil)
+(defvar svn-status-temp-dir
+ (expand-file-name
+ (or
+ (when (boundp 'temporary-file-directory) temporary-file-directory) ;emacs
+ ;; XEmacs 21.4.17 can return "/tmp/kalle" from (temp-directory).
+ ;; `file-name-as-directory' adds a slash so we can append a file name.
+ (when (fboundp 'temp-directory) (file-name-as-directory (temp-directory)))
+ "/tmp/")) "The directory that is used to store temporary files for psvn.")
+;; Because `temporary-file-directory' is not a risky local variable in
+;; GNU Emacs 22.0.51, we don't mark `svn-status-temp-dir' as such either.
+(defvar svn-temp-suffix (make-temp-name "."))
+(put 'svn-temp-suffix 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defvar svn-status-temp-file-to-remove nil)
+(put 'svn-status-temp-file-to-remove 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defvar svn-status-temp-arg-file (concat svn-status-temp-dir "svn.arg" svn-temp-suffix))
+(put 'svn-status-temp-arg-file 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defvar svn-status-options nil)
+(defvar svn-status-remote)
+(defvar svn-status-commit-rev-number nil)
+(defvar svn-status-update-rev-number nil)
+(defvar svn-status-operated-on-dot nil)
+(defvar svn-status-last-commit-author nil)
+(defvar svn-status-elided-list nil)
+(defvar svn-status-last-output-buffer-name nil "The buffer name for the buffer that holds the output from the last executed svn command")
+(defvar svn-status-pre-run-svn-buffer nil)
+(defvar svn-status-update-list nil)
+(defvar svn-transient-buffers)
+(defvar svn-ediff-windows)
+(defvar svn-ediff-result)
+(defvar svn-status-last-diff-options nil)
+(defvar svn-status-blame-file-name nil)
+(defvar svn-status-blame-revision nil)
+(defvar svn-admin-last-repository-dir nil "The last repository url for various operations.")
+(defvar svn-last-cmd-ring (make-ring 30) "Ring that holds the last executed svn commands (for debugging purposes)")
+(defvar svn-status-cached-version-string nil)
+(defvar svn-client-version nil "The version number of the used svn client")
+(defvar svn-status-get-line-information-for-file nil)
+(defvar svn-status-base-dir-cache (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness nil))
+(defvar svn-status-usermark-storage (make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness nil))
+(defvar svn-log-registered-link-handlers (make-hash-table :test 'eql :weakness nil))
+(defvar svn-status-partner-buffer nil "The partner buffer for this svn related buffer")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'svn-status-partner-buffer)
+;; Emacs 21 defines these in ediff-init.el but it seems more robust
+;; to just declare the variables here than try to load that file.
+;; It is Ediff's job to declare these as risky-local-variable if needed.
+(defvar ediff-buffer-A)
+(defvar ediff-buffer-B)
+(defvar ediff-buffer-C)
+(defvar ediff-quit-hook)
+;; Ditto for log-edit.el.
+(defvar log-edit-initial-files)
+(defvar log-edit-callback)
+(defvar log-edit-listfun)
+;; Ediff does not use this variable in GNU Emacs 20.7, GNU Emacs 21.4,
+;; nor XEmacs 21.4.17. However, pcl-cvs (a.k.a. pcvs) does.
+;; TODO: Check if this should be moved into the "svn-" namespace.
+(defvar ediff-after-quit-destination-buffer)
+;; That is an example for the svn-status-custom-hide-function:
+;; Note: For many cases it is a better solution to ignore files or
+;; file extensions via the svn-ignore properties (on P i, P I)
+;; (setq svn-status-custom-hide-function 'svn-status-hide-pyc-files)
+;; (defun svn-status-hide-pyc-files (info)
+;; "Hide all pyc files in the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer."
+;; (let* ((fname (svn-status-line-info->filename-nondirectory info))
+;; (fname-len (length fname)))
+;; (and (> fname-len 4) (string= (substring fname (- fname-len 4)) ".pyc"))))
+;;; faces
+(defface svn-status-marked-face
+ '((((type tty) (class color)) (:foreground "green" :weight light))
+ (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "green3"))
+ (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "palegreen2"))
+ (t (:weight bold)))
+ "Face to highlight the mark for user marked files in svn status buffers."
+ :group 'psvn-faces)
+(defface svn-status-marked-popup-face
+ '((((type tty) (class color)) (:foreground "green" :weight light))
+ (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "green3"))
+ (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "palegreen2"))
+ (t (:weight bold)))
+ "Face to highlight the actual file, if a popup menu is activated."
+ :group 'psvn-faces)
+(defface svn-status-update-available-face
+ '((((type tty) (class color)) (:foreground "magenta" :weight light))
+ (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "magenta"))
+ (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "yellow"))
+ (t (:weight bold)))
+ "Face used to highlight the 'out of date' mark.
+\(i.e., the mark used when there is a newer version in the repository
+than the working copy.\)
+See also `svn-status-short-mod-flag-p'."
+ :group 'psvn-faces)
+;based on cvs-filename-face
+(defface svn-status-directory-face
+ '((((type tty) (class color)) (:foreground "lightblue" :weight light))
+ (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "blue4"))
+ (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "lightskyblue1"))
+ (t (:weight bold)))
+ "Face for directories in *svn-status* buffers.
+See `svn-status--line-info->directory-p' for what counts as a directory."
+ :group 'psvn-faces)
+;based on font-lock-comment-face
+(defface svn-status-filename-face
+ '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "chocolate"))
+ (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "beige")))
+ "Face for non-directories in *svn-status* buffers.
+See `svn-status--line-info->directory-p' for what counts as a directory."
+ :group 'psvn-faces)
+;not based on anything, may be horribly ugly!
+(defface svn-status-symlink-face
+ '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "cornflower blue"))
+ (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "cyan")))
+ "Face for symlinks in *svn-status* buffers.
+This is the face given to the actual link (i.e., the versioned item),
+the target of the link gets either `svn-status-filename-face' or
+ :group 'psvn-faces)
+;based on font-lock-warning-face
+(defface svn-status-locked-face
+ '((t
+ (:weight bold :foreground "Red")))
+ "Face for the phrase \"[ LOCKED ]\" `svn-status-buffer-name' buffers."
+ :group 'psvn-faces)
+;based on vhdl-font-lock-directive-face
+(defface svn-status-switched-face
+ '((((class color)
+ (background light))
+ (:foreground "CadetBlue"))
+ (((class color)
+ (background dark))
+ (:foreground "Aquamarine"))
+ (t
+ (:bold t :italic t)))
+ "Face for the phrase \"(switched)\" non-directories in svn status buffers."
+ :group 'psvn-faces)
+(if svn-xemacsp
+ (defface svn-status-blame-highlight-face
+ '((((type tty) (class color)) (:foreground "green" :weight light))
+ (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "green3"))
+ (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "palegreen2"))
+ (t (:weight bold)))
+ "Default face for highlighting a line in svn status blame mode."
+ :group 'psvn-faces)
+ (defface svn-status-blame-highlight-face
+ '((t :inherit highlight))
+ "Default face for highlighting a line in svn status blame mode."
+ :group 'psvn-faces))
+(if svn-xemacsp
+ (defface svn-log-partner-highlight-face
+ '((((type tty) (class color)) (:foreground "yellow" :weight light))
+ (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "gold"))
+ (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "gold"))
+ (t (:weight bold)))
+ "Default face for highlighting the partner in svn log mode."
+ :group 'psvn-faces)
+ (defface svn-log-partner-highlight-face
+ '((((class color) (background light))
+ (:background "light goldenrod" :weight bold))
+ (t (:weight bold)))
+ "Default face for highlighting the partner in svn log mode."
+ :group 'psvn-faces))
+(defface svn-status-blame-rev-number-face
+ '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "DarkGoldenrod"))
+ (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "LightGoldenrod"))
+ (t (:weight bold :slant italic)))
+ "Face to highlight revision numbers in the svn-blame mode."
+ :group 'psvn-faces)
+(defvar svn-highlight t)
+;; stolen from PCL-CVS
+(defun svn-add-face (str face &optional keymap)
+ "Return string STR decorated with the specified FACE.
+If `svn-highlight' is nil then just return STR."
+ (when svn-highlight
+ ;; Do not use `list*'; cl.el might not have been loaded. We could
+ ;; put (require 'cl) at the top but let's try to manage without.
+ (add-text-properties 0 (length str)
+ `(face ,face
+ mouse-face highlight)
+;; 18.10.2004: the keymap parameter is not used (yet) in psvn.el
+;; ,@(when keymap
+;; `(mouse-face highlight
+;; local-map ,keymap)))
+ str))
+ str)
+(defun svn-status-maybe-add-face (condition text face)
+ "If CONDITION then add FACE to TEXT.
+Else return TEXT unchanged."
+ (if condition
+ (svn-add-face text face)
+ text))
+(defun svn-status-choose-face-to-add (condition text face1 face2)
+ "If CONDITION then add FACE1 to TEXT, else add FACE2 to TEXT."
+ (if condition
+ (svn-add-face text face1)
+ (svn-add-face text face2)))
+(defun svn-status-maybe-add-string (condition string face)
+ "If CONDITION then return STRING decorated with FACE.
+Otherwise, return \"\"."
+ (if condition
+ (svn-add-face string face)
+ ""))
+;; compatibility
+;; emacs 20
+(defalias 'svn-point-at-eol
+ (if (fboundp 'point-at-eol) 'point-at-eol 'line-end-position))
+(defalias 'svn-point-at-bol
+ (if (fboundp 'point-at-bol) 'point-at-bol 'line-beginning-position))
+(defalias 'svn-read-directory-name
+ (if (fboundp 'read-directory-name) 'read-directory-name 'read-file-name))
+ (if (not (fboundp 'gethash))
+ (require 'cl-macs)))
+(defalias 'svn-puthash (if (fboundp 'puthash) 'puthash 'cl-puthash))
+;; emacs 21
+(if (fboundp 'line-number-at-pos)
+ (defalias 'svn-line-number-at-pos 'line-number-at-pos)
+ (defun svn-line-number-at-pos (&optional pos)
+ "Return (narrowed) buffer line number at position POS.
+If POS is nil, use current buffer location."
+ (let ((opoint (or pos (point))) start)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq start (point))
+ (goto-char opoint)
+ (forward-line 0)
+ (1+ (count-lines start (point)))))))
+(defun svn-substring-no-properties (string &optional from to)
+ (if (fboundp 'substring-no-properties)
+ (substring-no-properties string from to)
+ (substring string (or from 0) to)))
+; xemacs
+;; Evaluate the defsubst at compile time, so that the byte compiler
+;; knows the definition and can inline calls. It cannot detect the
+;; defsubst automatically from within the if form.
+ (if (fboundp 'match-string-no-properties)
+ (defalias 'svn-match-string-no-properties 'match-string-no-properties)
+ (defsubst svn-match-string-no-properties (match)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning match) (match-end match)))))
+; XEmacs doesn't have a function `help-buffer'
+ (if (fboundp 'help-buffer)
+ (defalias 'svn-help-buffer 'help-buffer) ; FSF Emacs
+ (defun svn-help-buffer ()
+ (buffer-name (get-buffer-create (help-buffer-name "SVN")))))) ; XEmacs
+;; XEmacs 21.4.17 does not have an `alist' widget. Define a replacement.
+;; To find out whether the `alist' widget exists, we cannot check just
+;; (get 'alist 'widget-type), because GNU Emacs 21.4 defines it in
+;; "wid-edit.el", which is not preloaded; it will be autoloaded when
+;; `widget-create' is called. Instead, we call `widgetp', which is
+;; also autoloaded from "wid-edit.el". XEmacs 21.4.17 does not have
+;; `widgetp' either, so we check that first.
+(if (and (fboundp 'widgetp) (widgetp 'alist))
+ (define-widget 'svn-alist 'alist
+ "An association list.
+Use this instead of `alist', for XEmacs 21.4 compatibility.")
+ (define-widget 'svn-alist 'list
+ "An association list.
+Use this instead of `alist', for XEmacs 21.4 compatibility."
+ :convert-widget 'svn-alist-convert-widget
+ :tag "Association List"
+ :key-type 'sexp
+ :value-type 'sexp)
+ (defun svn-alist-convert-widget (widget)
+ (let* ((value-type (widget-get widget :value-type))
+ (option-widgets (loop for option in (widget-get widget :options)
+ collect `(cons :format "%v"
+ (const :format "%t: %v\n"
+ :tag "Key"
+ ,option)
+ ,value-type))))
+ (widget-put widget :args
+ `(,@(when option-widgets
+ `((set :inline t :format "%v"
+ ,@option-widgets)))
+ (editable-list :inline t
+ (cons :format "%v"
+ ,(widget-get widget :key-type)
+ ,value-type)))))
+ widget))
+;; process launch functions
+(defvar svn-call-process-function (if (fboundp 'process-file) 'process-file 'call-process))
+(defvar svn-start-process-function (if (fboundp 'start-file-process) 'start-file-process 'start-process))
+;;; keymaps
+(defvar svn-global-keymap nil "Global keymap for psvn.el.
+To bind this to a different key, customize `svn-status-prefix-key'.")
+(put 'svn-global-keymap 'risky-local-variable t)
+(when (not svn-global-keymap)
+ (setq svn-global-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "v") 'svn-status-version)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "s") 'svn-status-this-directory)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "b") 'svn-status-via-bookmark)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "h") 'svn-status-use-history)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "u") 'svn-status-update-cmd)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "=") 'svn-status-show-svn-diff)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "f =") 'svn-file-show-svn-diff)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "f e") 'svn-file-show-svn-ediff)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "f l") 'svn-status-show-svn-log)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "f b") 'svn-status-blame)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "f a") 'svn-file-add-to-changelog)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "f r") 'svn-file-revert)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "c") 'svn-status-commit)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "S") 'svn-status-switch-to-status-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "o") 'svn-status-pop-to-status-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "C-k") 'svn-process-kill))
+(defvar svn-status-diff-mode-map ()
+ "Keymap used in `svn-status-diff-mode' for additional commands that are not defined in diff-mode.")
+(put 'svn-status-diff-mode-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(when (not svn-status-diff-mode-map)
+ (setq svn-status-diff-mode-map (copy-keymap diff-mode-shared-map))
+ (define-key svn-status-diff-mode-map [?g] 'revert-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-status-diff-mode-map [?s] 'svn-status-pop-to-status-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-status-diff-mode-map [?c] 'svn-status-diff-pop-to-commit-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-status-diff-mode-map [?w] 'svn-status-diff-save-current-defun-as-kill))
+(defvar svn-global-trac-map ()
+ "Subkeymap used in `svn-global-keymap' for trac issue tracker commands.")
+(put 'svn-global-trac-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(when (not svn-global-trac-map)
+ (setq svn-global-trac-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key svn-global-trac-map (kbd "w") 'svn-trac-browse-wiki)
+ (define-key svn-global-trac-map (kbd "t") 'svn-trac-browse-timeline)
+ (define-key svn-global-trac-map (kbd "m") 'svn-trac-browse-roadmap)
+ (define-key svn-global-trac-map (kbd "s") 'svn-trac-browse-source)
+ (define-key svn-global-trac-map (kbd "r") 'svn-trac-browse-report)
+ (define-key svn-global-trac-map (kbd "i") 'svn-trac-browse-ticket)
+ (define-key svn-global-trac-map (kbd "c") 'svn-trac-browse-changeset)
+ (define-key svn-global-keymap (kbd "t") svn-global-trac-map))
+;; The setter of `svn-status-prefix-key' makes a binding in the global
+;; map refer to the `svn-global-keymap' symbol, rather than directly
+;; to the keymap. Emacs then implicitly uses the symbol-function.
+;; This has the advantage that `describe-bindings' (C-h b) can show
+;; the name of the keymap and link to its documentation.
+(defalias 'svn-global-keymap svn-global-keymap)
+;; `defalias' of GNU Emacs 21.4 doesn't allow a docstring argument.
+(put 'svn-global-keymap 'function-documentation
+ '(documentation-property 'svn-global-keymap 'variable-documentation t))
+;; named after SVN_WC_ADM_DIR_NAME in svn_wc.h
+(defun svn-wc-adm-dir-name ()
+ "Return the name of the \".svn\" subdirectory or equivalent."
+ (if (and (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
+ (getenv "SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK"))
+ "_svn"
+ ".svn"))
+(defun svn-log-edit-file-name (&optional curdir)
+ "Get the name of the saved log edit file
+If curdir, return `svn-log-edit-file-name'
+Otherwise position svn-log-edit-file-name in the root directory of this working copy"
+ (if curdir
+ svn-log-edit-file-name
+ (concat (svn-status-base-dir) svn-log-edit-file-name)))
+(defun svn-status-message (level &rest args)
+ "If LEVEL is lower than `svn-status-debug-level' print ARGS using `message'.
+Guideline for numbers:
+1 - error messages, 3 - non-serious error messages, 5 - messages for things
+that take a long time, 7 - not very important messages on stuff, 9 - messages
+inside loops."
+ (if (<= level svn-status-debug-level)
+ (apply 'message args)))
+(defun svn-status-flatten-list (list)
+ "Flatten any lists within ARGS, so that there are no sublists."
+ (loop for item in list
+ if (listp item) nconc (svn-status-flatten-list item)
+ else collect item))
+(defun svn-status-window-line-position (w)
+ "Return the window line at point for window W, or nil if W is nil."
+ (svn-status-message 3 "About to count lines; selected window is %s" (selected-window))
+ (and w (count-lines (window-start w) (point))))
+(defun svn-checkout (repos-url path)
+ "Run svn checkout REPOS-URL PATH."
+ (interactive (list (read-string "Checkout from repository Url: ")
+ (svn-read-directory-name "Checkout to directory: ")))
+ (svn-run t t 'checkout "checkout" repos-url (expand-file-name path)))
+;;;###autoload (defalias 'svn-examine 'svn-status)
+(defalias 'svn-examine 'svn-status)
+(defun svn-status (dir &optional arg)
+ "Examine the status of Subversion working copy in directory DIR.
+If ARG is -, allow editing of the parameters. One could add -N to
+run svn status non recursively to make it faster.
+For every other non nil ARG pass the -u argument to `svn status', which
+asks svn to connect to the repository and check to see if there are updates
+If there is no .svn directory, examine if there is CVS and run
+`cvs-examine'. Otherwise ask if to run `dired'."
+ (interactive (list (svn-read-directory-name "SVN status directory: "
+ nil default-directory nil)
+ current-prefix-arg))
+ (let ((svn-dir (format "%s%s"
+ (file-name-as-directory dir)
+ (svn-wc-adm-dir-name)))
+ (cvs-dir (format "%sCVS" (file-name-as-directory dir))))
+ (cond
+ ((psvn-file-directory-p svn-dir)
+ (setq arg (svn-status-possibly-negate-meaning-of-arg arg 'svn-status))
+ (svn-status-1 dir arg))
+ ((and (file-directory-p cvs-dir)
+ (fboundp 'cvs-examine))
+ (cvs-examine dir nil))
+ (t
+ (when (y-or-n-p
+ (format
+ (concat
+ "%s "
+ "is not Subversion controlled (missing %s "
+ "directory). "
+ "Run dired instead? ")
+ dir
+ (svn-wc-adm-dir-name)))
+ (dired dir))))))
+(defvar svn-status-display-new-status-buffer nil)
+(defun svn-status-1 (dir &optional arg)
+ "Examine DIR. See `svn-status' for more information."
+ (unless (file-directory-p dir)
+ (error "%s is not a directory" dir))
+ (setq dir (file-name-as-directory dir))
+ (when svn-status-load-state-before-svn-status
+ (unless (string= dir (car svn-status-directory-history))
+ (let ((default-directory dir)) ;otherwise svn-status-base-dir looks in the wrong place
+ (svn-status-load-state t))))
+ (setq svn-status-directory-history (delete dir svn-status-directory-history))
+ (add-to-list 'svn-status-directory-history dir)
+ (if (string= (buffer-name) svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (setq svn-status-display-new-status-buffer nil)
+ (setq svn-status-display-new-status-buffer t)
+ ;;(message "psvn: Saving initial window configuration")
+ (setq svn-status-initial-window-configuration
+ (current-window-configuration)))
+ (let* ((cur-buf (current-buffer))
+ (status-buf (get-buffer-create svn-status-buffer-name))
+ (proc-buf (get-buffer-create svn-process-buffer-name))
+ (want-edit (eq arg '-))
+ (status-option (if want-edit
+ (if svn-status-verbose "-v" "")
+ (if svn-status-verbose
+ (if arg "-uv" "-v")
+ (if arg "-u" "")))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer status-buf)
+ (buffer-disable-undo)
+ (setq default-directory dir)
+ (set-buffer proc-buf)
+ (setq default-directory dir
+ svn-status-remote (when arg t))
+ (set-buffer cur-buf)
+ (if want-edit
+ (let ((svn-status-edit-svn-command t))
+ (svn-run t t 'status "status" svn-status-default-status-arguments status-option))
+ (svn-run t t 'status "status" svn-status-default-status-arguments status-option)))))
+(defun svn-status-this-directory (arg)
+ "Run `svn-status' for the `default-directory'"
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status default-directory arg))
+(defun svn-status-use-history ()
+ "Interactively select a different directory from `svn-status-directory-history'."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((in-status-buffer (eq major-mode 'svn-status-mode))
+ (hist (if in-status-buffer (cdr svn-status-directory-history) svn-status-directory-history))
+ (dir (funcall svn-status-completing-read-function "svn-status on directory: " hist))
+ (svn-status-buffer (get-buffer svn-status-buffer-name))
+ (svn-buffer-available (and svn-status-buffer
+ (with-current-buffer svn-status-buffer-name (string= default-directory dir)))))
+ (if (file-directory-p dir)
+ (if svn-buffer-available
+ (svn-status-switch-to-status-buffer)
+ (unless svn-status-refresh-info
+ (setq svn-status-refresh-info 'once))
+ (svn-status dir))
+ (error "%s is not a directory" dir))))
+(defun svn-had-user-input-since-asynch-run ()
+ (not (equal (recent-keys) svn-pre-run-asynch-recent-keys)))
+(defun svn-expand-filename-for-remote-access (file-name)
+ "Convert the given local part of a filename to a full file name to allow accessing remote files"
+ ;; when running svn on a remote host: expand local file names to get full names to access the file on the remote host via emacs
+ (if (and (fboundp 'file-remote-p) (file-remote-p default-directory))
+ (concat (file-remote-p default-directory) file-name)
+ file-name))
+(defun svn-local-filename-for-remote-access (file-name)
+ "Convert a full file name to a local file name that can be used for a local svn invocation."
+ (if (and (fboundp 'file-remote-p) (file-remote-p file-name))
+ (tramp-file-name-localname (tramp-dissect-file-name file-name))
+ file-name))
+(defun svn-process-environment ()
+ "Construct the environment for the svn process.
+It is a combination of `svn-status-svn-environment-var-list' and
+the usual `process-environment'."
+ ;; If there are duplicate elements in `process-environment', then GNU
+ ;; Emacs 21.4 guarantees that the first one wins; but GNU Emacs 20.7
+ ;; and XEmacs 21.4.17 don't document what happens. We'll just remove
+ ;; any duplicates ourselves, then. This also gives us an opportunity
+ ;; to handle the "VARIABLE" syntax that none of them supports.
+ (loop with found = '()
+ for elt in (append svn-status-svn-environment-var-list
+ process-environment)
+ for has-value = (string-match "=" elt)
+ for name = (substring elt 0 has-value)
+ unless (member name found)
+ do (push name found)
+ and when has-value
+ collect elt))
+(defun svn-run (run-asynchron clear-process-buffer cmdtype &rest arglist)
+ "Run svn with arguments ARGLIST.
+If RUN-ASYNCHRON is t then run svn asynchronously.
+If CLEAR-PROCESS-BUFFER is t then erase the contents of the
+`svn-process-buffer-name' buffer before commencing.
+CMDTYPE is a symbol such as 'mv, 'revert, or 'add, representing the
+command to run.
+ARGLIST is a list of arguments \(which must include the command name,
+for example: '(\"revert\" \"file1\"\)
+ARGLIST is flattened and any every nil value is discarded.
+If the variable `svn-status-edit-svn-command' is non-nil then the user
+can edit ARGLIST before running svn.
+The hook svn-pre-run-hook allows to monitor/modify the ARGLIST."
+ (setq arglist (svn-status-flatten-list arglist))
+ (if (eq (process-status "svn") nil)
+ (progn
+ (when svn-status-edit-svn-command
+ (setq arglist (append
+ (list (car arglist))
+ (split-string
+ (read-from-minibuffer
+ (format "svn %s flags: " (car arglist))
+ (mapconcat 'identity (cdr arglist) " ")))))
+ (when (eq svn-status-edit-svn-command t)
+ (svn-status-toggle-edit-cmd-flag t))
+ (message "svn-run %s: %S" cmdtype arglist))
+ (run-hooks 'svn-pre-run-hook)
+ (unless (eq mode-line-process 'svn-status-mode-line-process)
+ (setq svn-pre-run-mode-line-process mode-line-process)
+ (setq mode-line-process 'svn-status-mode-line-process))
+ (setq svn-status-pre-run-svn-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (let* ((pre-run-buffer-default-directory default-directory)
+ (proc-buf (get-buffer-create svn-process-buffer-name))
+ (svn-exe svn-status-svn-executable)
+ (svn-proc))
+ (when (listp (car arglist))
+ (setq arglist (car arglist)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer proc-buf)
+ (setq default-directory pre-run-buffer-default-directory)
+ (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+ (buffer-disable-undo)
+ (fundamental-mode)
+ (if clear-process-buffer
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (goto-char (point-max)))
+ (setq svn-process-cmd cmdtype)
+ (setq svn-status-last-commit-author nil)
+ (setq svn-status-mode-line-process-status (format " running %s" cmdtype))
+ (svn-status-update-mode-line)
+ (save-excursion (sit-for 0.1))
+ (ring-insert svn-last-cmd-ring (list (current-time-string) arglist default-directory svn-arg-file-content))
+ (setq svn-arg-file-content nil)
+ (setq svn-process-handle-error-msg nil)
+ (if run-asynchron
+ (progn
+ ;;(message "running asynchron: %s %S" svn-exe arglist)
+ (setq svn-pre-run-asynch-recent-keys (recent-keys))
+ (let ((process-environment (svn-process-environment))
+ (process-connection-type nil))
+ ;; Communicate with the subprocess via pipes rather
+ ;; than via a pseudoterminal, so that if the svn+ssh
+ ;; scheme is being used, SSH will not ask for a
+ ;; passphrase via stdio; psvn.el is currently unable
+ ;; to answer such prompts. Instead, SSH will run
+ ;; x11-ssh-askpass if possible. If Emacs is being
+ ;; run on a TTY without $DISPLAY, this will fail; in
+ ;; such cases, the user should start ssh-agent and
+ ;; then run ssh-add explicitly.
+ (setq svn-proc (apply svn-start-process-function "svn" proc-buf svn-exe arglist)))
+ (when svn-status-svn-process-coding-system
+ (set-process-coding-system svn-proc svn-status-svn-process-coding-system
+ svn-status-svn-process-coding-system))
+ (set-process-sentinel svn-proc 'svn-process-sentinel)
+ (when svn-status-track-user-input
+ (set-process-filter svn-proc 'svn-process-filter)))
+ ;;(message "running synchron: %s %S" svn-exe arglist)
+ (let ((process-environment (svn-process-environment)))
+ ;; `call-process' ignores `process-connection-type' and
+ ;; never opens a pseudoterminal.
+ (apply svn-call-process-function svn-exe nil proc-buf nil arglist))
+ (setq svn-status-last-output-buffer-name svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (run-hooks 'svn-post-process-svn-output-hook)
+ (setq svn-status-mode-line-process-status "")
+ (svn-status-update-mode-line)
+ (when svn-pre-run-mode-line-process
+ (setq mode-line-process svn-pre-run-mode-line-process)
+ (setq svn-pre-run-mode-line-process nil))))))
+ (error "You can only run one svn process at once!")))
+(defun svn-process-sentinel-fixup-path-seperators ()
+ "Convert all path separators to UNIX style.
+\(This is a no-op unless `system-type' is windows-nt\)"
+ (when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (search-forward "\\" nil t)
+ (replace-match "/")))))
+(defun svn-process-sentinel (process event)
+ "Called after a svn process has finished."
+ ;;(princ (format "Process: %s had the event `%s'" process event)))
+ (let ((act-buf (current-buffer)))
+ (when svn-pre-run-mode-line-process
+ (with-current-buffer svn-status-pre-run-svn-buffer
+ (setq mode-line-process svn-pre-run-mode-line-process))
+ (setq svn-pre-run-mode-line-process nil))
+ (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
+ (setq svn-status-mode-line-process-status "")
+ (svn-status-update-mode-line)
+ (cond ((string= event "finished\n")
+ (run-hooks 'svn-post-process-svn-output-hook)
+ (cond ((eq svn-process-cmd 'status)
+ ;;(message "svn status finished")
+ (svn-process-sentinel-fixup-path-seperators)
+ (svn-parse-status-result)
+ (svn-status-apply-elide-list)
+ (when svn-status-update-previous-process-output
+ (set-buffer (process-buffer process))
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (insert "Output from svn command:\n")
+ (insert svn-status-update-previous-process-output)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq svn-status-update-previous-process-output nil))
+ (when svn-status-update-list
+ ;; (message "Using svn-status-update-list: %S" svn-status-update-list)
+ (save-excursion
+ (svn-status-update-with-command-list svn-status-update-list))
+ (setq svn-status-update-list nil))
+ (when svn-status-display-new-status-buffer
+ (set-window-configuration svn-status-initial-window-configuration)
+ (if (svn-had-user-input-since-asynch-run)
+ (message "svn status finished")
+ (switch-to-buffer svn-status-buffer-name))))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'log)
+ (svn-status-show-process-output 'log t)
+ (pop-to-buffer svn-status-last-output-buffer-name)
+ (svn-log-view-mode)
+ (forward-line 2)
+ (unless (looking-at "Changed paths:")
+ (forward-line 1))
+ (font-lock-fontify-buffer)
+ (message "svn log finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'info)
+ (svn-status-show-process-output 'info t)
+ (message "svn info finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'ls)
+ (svn-status-show-process-output 'info t)
+ (message "svn ls finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'diff)
+ (svn-status-activate-diff-mode)
+ (message "svn diff finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'parse-info)
+ (svn-status-parse-info-result))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'blame)
+ (svn-status-show-process-output 'blame t)
+ (when svn-status-pre-run-svn-buffer
+ (with-current-buffer svn-status-pre-run-svn-buffer
+ (unless (eq major-mode 'svn-status-mode)
+ (let ((src-line-number (svn-line-number-at-pos)))
+ (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer svn-status-last-output-buffer-name))
+ (goto-line src-line-number)))))
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer svn-status-last-output-buffer-name)
+ (svn-status-activate-blame-mode))
+ (message "svn blame finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'commit)
+ (svn-process-sentinel-fixup-path-seperators)
+ (svn-status-remove-temp-file-maybe)
+ (when (member 'commit svn-status-unmark-files-after-list)
+ (svn-status-unset-all-usermarks))
+ (svn-status-update-with-command-list (svn-status-parse-commit-output))
+ (svn-revert-some-buffers)
+ (run-hooks 'svn-log-edit-done-hook)
+ (setq svn-status-files-to-commit nil
+ svn-status-recursive-commit nil)
+ (if (null svn-status-commit-rev-number)
+ (message "No revision to commit.")
+ (message "svn: Committed revision %s." svn-status-commit-rev-number)))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'update)
+ (svn-status-show-process-output 'update t)
+ (setq svn-status-update-list (svn-status-parse-update-output))
+ (svn-revert-some-buffers)
+ (svn-status-update)
+ (if (car svn-status-update-rev-number)
+ (message "svn: Updated to revision %s." (cadr svn-status-update-rev-number))
+ (message "svn: At revision %s." (cadr svn-status-update-rev-number))))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'add)
+ (svn-status-update-with-command-list (svn-status-parse-ar-output))
+ (message "svn add finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'lock)
+ (svn-status-update)
+ (message "svn lock finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'unlock)
+ (svn-status-update)
+ (message "svn unlock finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'mkdir)
+ (svn-status-update)
+ (message "svn mkdir finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'revert)
+ (when (member 'revert svn-status-unmark-files-after-list)
+ (svn-status-unset-all-usermarks))
+ (svn-revert-some-buffers)
+ (svn-status-update)
+ (message "svn revert finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'resolved)
+ (svn-status-update)
+ (message "svn resolved finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'rm)
+ (svn-status-update-with-command-list (svn-status-parse-ar-output))
+ (message "svn rm finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'cleanup)
+ (message "svn cleanup finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'proplist)
+ (svn-status-show-process-output 'proplist t)
+ (message "svn proplist finished"))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'checkout)
+ (svn-status default-directory))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'proplist-parse)
+ (svn-status-property-parse-property-names))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'propset)
+ (svn-status-remove-temp-file-maybe)
+ (if (member svn-status-propedit-property-name '("svn:keywords"))
+ (svn-status-update-with-command-list (svn-status-parse-property-output))
+ (svn-status-update)))
+ ((eq svn-process-cmd 'propdel)
+ (svn-status-update))))
+ ((string= event "killed\n")
+ (message "svn process killed"))
+ ((string-match "exited abnormally" event)
+ (while (accept-process-output process 0 100))
+ ;; find last error message and show it.
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (if (re-search-backward "^svn: " nil t)
+ (let ((error-strings)
+ (beginning-of-buffer))
+ (while (and (looking-at "^svn: ") (not beginning-of-buffer))
+ (setq error-strings (append error-strings (list (buffer-substring-no-properties (+ 5 (svn-point-at-bol)) (svn-point-at-eol)))))
+ (setq beginning-of-buffer (bobp))
+ (forward-line -1))
+ (svn-process-handle-error (mapconcat 'identity (reverse error-strings) "\n")))
+ (message "svn failed: %s" event)))
+ (t
+ (message "svn process had unknown event: %s" event))
+ (svn-status-show-process-output nil t))))
+(defvar svn-process-handle-error-msg nil)
+(defvar svn-handle-error-function nil
+ "A function that will be called with an error string received from the svn client.
+When this function resets `svn-process-handle-error-msg' to nil, the default error handling
+(just show the error message) is not executed.")
+(defun svn-process-handle-error (error-msg)
+ (setq svn-process-handle-error-msg error-msg)
+ (when (functionp svn-handle-error-function)
+ (funcall svn-handle-error-function error-msg))
+ (when svn-process-handle-error-msg
+ (electric-helpify 'svn-process-help-with-error-msg)))
+(defun svn-process-help-with-error-msg ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((help-msg (cadr (assoc svn-process-handle-error-msg
+ '(("Cannot non-recursively commit a directory deletion"
+ "Please unmark all files and position point at the directory you would like to remove.\nThen run commit again."))))))
+ (if help-msg
+ (save-excursion
+ (with-output-to-temp-buffer (svn-help-buffer)
+ (princ (format "svn failed: %s\n\n%s" svn-process-handle-error-msg help-msg))))
+ (message "svn failed:\n%s" svn-process-handle-error-msg))))
+(defun svn-process-filter (process str)
+ "Track the svn process output and ask user questions in the minibuffer when appropriate."
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ ;;(message "svn-process-filter: %s" str)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert str)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (svn-point-at-bol))
+ (when (looking-at "Password for '\\(.*\\)': ")
+ ;(svn-status-show-process-buffer)
+ (let ((passwd (read-passwd
+ (format "Enter svn password for %s: " (match-string 1)))))
+ (svn-process-send-string-and-newline passwd t)))
+ (when (looking-at "Username: ")
+ (let ((user-name (with-local-quit (read-string "Username for svn operation: "))))
+ (svn-process-send-string-and-newline user-name)))
+ (when (looking-at "(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently")
+ (svn-status-show-process-buffer)
+ (let ((answer (with-local-quit (read-string "(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? "))))
+ (svn-process-send-string (substring answer 0 1)))))))
+(defun svn-revert-some-buffers (&optional tree)
+ "Reverts all buffers visiting a file in TREE that aren't modified.
+To be run after a commit, an update or a merge."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((tree (or (svn-status-base-dir) tree)))
+ (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (when (not (buffer-modified-p))
+ (let ((file (buffer-file-name)))
+ (when file
+ (let ((root (svn-status-base-dir (file-name-directory file)))
+ (point-pos (point)))
+ (when (and root
+ (string= root tree)
+ ;; buffer is modified and in the tree TREE.
+ svn-status-auto-revert-buffers)
+ (when svn-status-fancy-file-state-in-modeline
+ (svn-status-update-modeline))
+ ;; (message "svn-revert-some-buffers: %s %s" (buffer-file-name) (verify-visited-file-modtime (current-buffer)))
+ ;; Keep the buffer if the file doesn't exist
+ (when (and (file-exists-p file) (not (verify-visited-file-modtime (current-buffer))))
+ (revert-buffer t t)
+ (goto-char point-pos)))))))))))
+(defun svn-parse-rev-num (str)
+ (if (and str (stringp str)
+ (save-match-data (string-match "^[0-9]+" str)))
+ (string-to-number str)
+ -1))
+(defsubst svn-status-make-ui-status ()
+ "Make a ui-status structure for a file in a svn working copy.
+The initial values in the structure returned by this function
+are good for a file or directory that the user hasn't seen before.
+The ui-status structure keeps track of how the file or directory
+should be displayed in svn-status mode. Updating the svn-status
+buffer from the working copy preserves the ui-status if possible.
+User commands modify this structure; each file or directory must
+thus have its own copy.
+Currently, the ui-status is a list (USER-MARK USER-ELIDE).
+USER-MARK is non-nil iff the user has marked the file or directory,
+ typically with `svn-status-set-user-mark'. To read USER-MARK,
+ call `svn-status-line-info->has-usermark'.
+USER-ELIDE is non-nil iff the user has elided the file or directory
+ from the svn-status buffer, typically with `svn-status-toggle-elide'.
+ To read USER-ELIDE, call `svn-status-line-info->user-elide'.
+Call `svn-status-line-info->ui-status' to access the whole ui-status
+ (list nil nil))
+(defun svn-status-make-dummy-dirs (dir-list old-ui-information)
+ "Calculate additionally necessary directories that were not shown in the output
+of 'svn status'"
+ ;; (message "svn-status-make-dummy-dirs %S" dir-list)
+ (let ((candidate)
+ (base-dir))
+ (dolist (dir dir-list)
+ (setq base-dir (file-name-directory dir))
+ (while base-dir
+ ;;(message "dir: %S dir-list: %S, base-dir: %S" dir dir-list base-dir)
+ (setq candidate (replace-regexp-in-string "/+$" "" base-dir))
+ (setq base-dir (file-name-directory candidate))
+ ;; (message "dir: %S, candidate: %S" dir candidate)
+ (add-to-list 'dir-list candidate))))
+ ;; (message "svn-status-make-dummy-dirs %S" dir-list)
+ (append (mapcar (lambda (dir)
+ (svn-status-make-line-info
+ dir
+ (gethash dir old-ui-information)))
+ dir-list)
+ svn-status-info))
+(defun svn-status-make-line-info (&optional
+ path
+ ui
+ file-mark prop-mark
+ local-rev last-change-rev
+ author
+ update-mark
+ locked-mark
+ with-history-mark
+ switched-mark
+ locked-repo-mark
+ psvn-extra-info)
+ "Create a new line-info from the given arguments
+Anything left nil gets a sensible default.
+nb: LOCKED-MARK refers to the kind of locks you get after an error,
+ LOCKED-REPO-MARK is the kind managed with `svn lock'"
+ (list (or ui (svn-status-make-ui-status))
+ (or file-mark ? )
+ (or prop-mark ? )
+ (or path "")
+ (or local-rev ? )
+ (or last-change-rev ? )
+ (or author "")
+ update-mark
+ locked-mark
+ with-history-mark
+ switched-mark
+ locked-repo-mark
+ psvn-extra-info))
+(defvar svn-user-names-including-blanks nil "A list of svn user names that include blanks.
+To add support for the names \"feng shui\" and \"mister blank\", place the following in your .emacs:
+ (setq svn-user-names-including-blanks '(\"feng shui\" \"mister blank\"))
+ (add-hook 'svn-pre-parse-status-hook 'svn-status-parse-fixup-user-names-including-blanks)
+;;(setq svn-user-names-including-blanks '("feng shui" "mister blank"))
+;;(add-hook 'svn-pre-parse-status-hook 'svn-status-parse-fixup-user-names-including-blanks)
+(defun svn-status-parse-fixup-user-names-including-blanks ()
+ "Helper function to allow user names that include blanks.
+Add this function to the `svn-pre-parse-status-hook'. The variable
+`svn-user-names-including-blanks' must be configured to hold all user names that contain
+blanks. This function replaces the blanks with '-' to allow further processing with
+the usual parsing functionality in `svn-parse-status-result'."
+ (when svn-user-names-including-blanks
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((search-string (concat " \\(" (mapconcat 'concat svn-user-names-including-blanks "\\|") "\\) ")))
+ (save-match-data
+ (save-excursion
+ (while (re-search-forward search-string (point-max) t)
+ (replace-match (replace-regexp-in-string " " "-" (match-string 1)) nil nil nil 1)))))))
+(defun svn-parse-status-result ()
+ "Parse the `svn-process-buffer-name' buffer.
+The results are used to build the `svn-status-info' variable."
+ (setq svn-status-head-revision nil)
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((old-ui-information (svn-status-ui-information-hash-table))
+ (svn-marks)
+ (svn-file-mark)
+ (svn-property-mark)
+ (svn-wc-locked-mark)
+ (svn-repo-locked-mark)
+ (svn-with-history-mark)
+ (svn-switched-mark)
+ (svn-update-mark)
+ (local-rev)
+ (last-change-rev)
+ (author)
+ (path)
+ (dir)
+ (revision-width svn-status-default-revision-width)
+ (author-width svn-status-default-author-width)
+ (svn-marks-length (if svn-status-verbose
+ (if svn-status-remote
+ 8 6)
+ (if svn-status-remote
+ ;; not verbose
+ 8 7)))
+ (dir-set '("."))
+ (externals-map (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ (skip-double-external-dir-entry-name nil))
+ (set-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (setq svn-status-info nil)
+ (run-hooks 'svn-pre-parse-status-hook)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (< (point) (point-max))
+ (cond
+ ((= (svn-point-at-eol) (svn-point-at-bol)) ;skip blank lines
+ nil)
+ ((looking-at "Status against revision:[ ]+\\([0-9]+\\)")
+ ;; the above message appears for the main listing plus once for each svn:externals entry
+ (unless svn-status-head-revision
+ (setq svn-status-head-revision (match-string 1))))
+ ((looking-at "Performing status on external item at '\\(.*\\)'")
+ ;; The *next* line has info about the directory named in svn:externals
+ ;; [ie the directory in (match-string 1)]
+ ;; we should parse it, and merge the info with what we have already know
+ ;; but for now just ignore the line completely
+ ; (forward-line)
+ ;; Actually, this seems to not always be the case
+ ;; I have an example where we are in an svn:external which
+ ;; is itself inside a svn:external, this need not be true:
+ ;; the next line is not 'X dir' but just 'dir', so we
+ ;; actually need to parse that line, or the results will
+ ;; not contain dir!
+ ;; so we should merge lines 'X dir' with ' dir', but for now
+ ;; we just leave both in the results
+ ;; My attempt to merge the lines uses skip-double-external-dir-entry-name
+ ;; and externals-map
+ (setq skip-double-external-dir-entry-name (svn-match-string-no-properties 1))
+ ;; (message "Going to skip %s" skip-double-external-dir-entry-name)
+ nil)
+ ((looking-at "--- Changelist") ; skip svn changelist header lines
+ ;; See:
+ nil)
+ (t
+ (setq svn-marks (buffer-substring (point) (+ (point) svn-marks-length))
+ svn-file-mark (elt svn-marks 0) ; 1st column - M,A,C,D,G,? etc
+ svn-property-mark (elt svn-marks 1) ; 2nd column - M,C (properties)
+ svn-wc-locked-mark (elt svn-marks 2) ; 3rd column - L or blank
+ svn-with-history-mark (elt svn-marks 3) ; 4th column - + or blank
+ svn-switched-mark (elt svn-marks 4) ; 5th column - S,X or blank
+ svn-repo-locked-mark (elt svn-marks 5)) ; 6th column - K,O,T,B or blank
+ (when svn-status-remote
+ (setq svn-update-mark (elt svn-marks 7))) ; 8th column - * or blank
+ (when (eq svn-property-mark ?\ ) (setq svn-property-mark nil))
+ (when (eq svn-wc-locked-mark ?\ ) (setq svn-wc-locked-mark nil))
+ (when (eq svn-with-history-mark ?\ ) (setq svn-with-history-mark nil))
+ (when (eq svn-switched-mark ?\ ) (setq svn-switched-mark nil))
+ (when (eq svn-update-mark ?\ ) (setq svn-update-mark nil))
+ (when (eq svn-repo-locked-mark ?\ ) (setq svn-repo-locked-mark nil))
+ (forward-char svn-marks-length)
+ (skip-chars-forward " ")
+ ;; (message "after marks: '%s'" (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)))
+ (cond
+ ((looking-at "\\([-?]\\|[0-9]+\\) +\\([-?]\\|[0-9]+\\) +\\([^ ]+\\) *\\(.+\\)$")
+ (setq local-rev (svn-parse-rev-num (match-string 1))
+ last-change-rev (svn-parse-rev-num (match-string 2))
+ author (match-string 3)
+ path (match-string 4)))
+ ((looking-at "\\([-?]\\|[0-9]+\\) +\\([^ ]+\\)$")
+ (setq local-rev (svn-parse-rev-num (match-string 1))
+ last-change-rev -1
+ author "?"
+ path (match-string 2)))
+ ((looking-at "\\(.*\\)")
+ (setq path (match-string 1)
+ local-rev -1
+ last-change-rev -1
+ author (if (eq svn-file-mark ?X) "" "?"))) ;clear author of svn:externals dirs
+ (t
+ (error "Unknown status line format")))
+ (unless path (setq path "."))
+ (setq dir (file-name-directory path))
+ (if (and (not svn-status-verbose) dir)
+ (let ((dirname (directory-file-name dir)))
+ (if (not (member dirname dir-set))
+ (setq dir-set (cons dirname dir-set)))))
+ (if (and skip-double-external-dir-entry-name (string= skip-double-external-dir-entry-name path))
+ ;; merge this entry to a previous saved one
+ (let ((info (gethash path externals-map)))
+ ;; (message "skip-double-external-dir-entry-name: %s - path: %s" skip-double-external-dir-entry-name path)
+ (if info
+ (progn
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-localrev info local-rev)
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-lastchangerev info last-change-rev)
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-author info author)
+ (svn-status-message 3 "merging entry for %s to %s" path info)
+ (setq skip-double-external-dir-entry-name nil))
+ (message "psvn: %s not handled correct, please report this case." path)))
+ (setq svn-status-info
+ (cons (svn-status-make-line-info path
+ (gethash path old-ui-information)
+ svn-file-mark
+ svn-property-mark
+ local-rev
+ last-change-rev
+ author
+ svn-update-mark
+ svn-wc-locked-mark
+ svn-with-history-mark
+ svn-switched-mark
+ svn-repo-locked-mark
+ nil) ;;psvn-extra-info
+ svn-status-info)))
+ (when (eq svn-file-mark ?X)
+ (svn-puthash (match-string 1) (car svn-status-info) externals-map)
+ (svn-status-message 3 "found external: %s %S" (match-string 1) (car svn-status-info)))
+ (setq revision-width (max revision-width
+ (length (number-to-string local-rev))
+ (length (number-to-string last-change-rev))))
+ (setq author-width (max author-width (length author)))))
+ (forward-line 1))
+ (unless svn-status-verbose
+ (setq svn-status-info (svn-status-make-dummy-dirs dir-set
+ old-ui-information)))
+ (setq svn-status-default-column
+ (+ 6 revision-width revision-width author-width
+ (if svn-status-short-mod-flag-p 3 0)))
+ (setq svn-status-line-format (format " %%c%%c%%c %%%ds %%%ds %%-%ds"
+ revision-width
+ revision-width
+ author-width))
+ (setq svn-status-info (nreverse svn-status-info))
+ (when svn-status-sort-status-buffer
+ (setq svn-status-info (sort svn-status-info 'svn-status-sort-predicate))))))
+;;(string-lessp "." "%") => nil
+;;(svn-status-sort-predicate '(t t t ".") '(t t t "%")) => t
+(defun svn-status-sort-predicate (a b)
+ "Return t if A should appear before B in the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer.
+A and B must be line-info's."
+ (string-lessp (concat (svn-status-line-info->full-path a) "/")
+ (concat (svn-status-line-info->full-path b) "/")))
+(defun svn-status-remove-temp-file-maybe ()
+ "Remove any (no longer required) temporary files created by psvn.el."
+ (when svn-status-temp-file-to-remove
+ (when (file-exists-p svn-status-temp-file-to-remove)
+ (delete-file svn-status-temp-file-to-remove))
+ (when (file-exists-p svn-status-temp-arg-file)
+ (delete-file svn-status-temp-arg-file))
+ (setq svn-status-temp-file-to-remove nil)))
+(defun svn-status-remove-control-M ()
+ "Remove ^M at end of line in the whole buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (save-match-data
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "\r$" (point-max) t)
+ (replace-match "" nil nil))))))
+(defun svn-fixup-tramp-exit ()
+ "Helper function to handle tramp connections stopping with an exit output."
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (when (eq (svn-point-at-bol) (svn-point-at-eol))
+ (forward-line -1))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (when (looking-at "exit")
+ (delete-region (point) (svn-point-at-eol))))
+(defun svn-fixup-tramp-output-maybe ()
+ "Fixup leftover output when running via tramp"
+ (when (fboundp 'file-remote-p)
+ (when (file-remote-p default-directory)
+ (svn-fixup-tramp-exit))))
+(condition-case nil
+ ;;(easy-menu-add-item nil '("tools") ["SVN Status" svn-status t] "PCL-CVS")
+ (easy-menu-add-item nil '("tools") ["SVN Status" svn-status t])
+ (error (message "psvn: could not install menu")))
+(defvar svn-status-mode-map () "Keymap used in `svn-status-mode' buffers.")
+(put 'svn-status-mode-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(defvar svn-status-mode-mark-map ()
+ "Subkeymap used in `svn-status-mode' for mark commands.")
+(put 'svn-status-mode-mark-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(defvar svn-status-mode-property-map ()
+ "Subkeymap used in `svn-status-mode' for property commands.")
+(put 'svn-status-mode-property-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(defvar svn-status-mode-options-map ()
+ "Subkeymap used in `svn-status-mode' for option commands.")
+(put 'svn-status-mode-options-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(defvar svn-status-mode-trac-map ()
+ "Subkeymap used in `svn-status-mode' for trac issue tracker commands.")
+(put 'svn-status-mode-trac-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(defvar svn-status-mode-extension-map ()
+ "Subkeymap used in `svn-status-mode' for some seldom used commands.")
+(put 'svn-status-mode-extension-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(defvar svn-status-mode-branch-map ()
+ "Subkeymap used in `svn-status-mode' for branching commands.")
+(put 'svn-status-mode-extension-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(defvar svn-status-mode-search-map ()
+ "Subkeymap used in `svn-status-mode' for search commands.")
+(put 'svn-status-mode-search-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(when (not svn-status-mode-map)
+ (setq svn-status-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (suppress-keymap svn-status-mode-map)
+ ;; Don't use (kbd "<return>"); it's unreachable with GNU Emacs 21.3 on a TTY.
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'svn-status-find-file-or-examine-directory)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "<mouse-2>") 'svn-status-mouse-find-file-or-examine-directory)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "^") 'svn-status-examine-parent)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "s") 'svn-status-show-process-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "h") 'svn-status-pop-to-partner-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "f") 'svn-status-find-files)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "o") 'svn-status-find-file-other-window)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "C-o") 'svn-status-find-file-other-window-noselect)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "v") 'svn-status-view-file-other-window)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "e") 'svn-status-toggle-edit-cmd-flag)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "g") 'svn-status-update)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "M-s") 'svn-status-update) ;; PCL-CVS compatibility
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "q") 'svn-status-bury-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "x") 'svn-status-redraw-status-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "H") 'svn-status-use-history)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "m") 'svn-status-set-user-mark)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "u") 'svn-status-unset-user-mark)
+ ;; This matches a binding of `dired-unmark-all-files' in `dired-mode-map'
+ ;; of both GNU Emacs and XEmacs. It seems unreachable with XEmacs on
+ ;; TTY, but if that's a problem then its Dired needs fixing too.
+ ;; Or you could just use "*!".
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map "\M-\C-?" 'svn-status-unset-all-usermarks)
+ ;; The key that normally deletes characters backwards should here
+ ;; instead unmark files backwards. In GNU Emacs, that would be (kbd
+ ;; "DEL") aka [?\177], but XEmacs treats those as [(delete)] and
+ ;; would bind a key that normally deletes forwards. [(backspace)]
+ ;; is unreachable with GNU Emacs on a tty. Try to recognize the
+ ;; dialect and act accordingly.
+ ;;
+ ;; XEmacs has a `delete-forward-p' function that checks the
+ ;; `delete-key-deletes-forward' option. We don't use those, for two
+ ;; reasons: psvn.el may be loaded before user customizations, and
+ ;; XEmacs allows simultaneous connections to multiple devices with
+ ;; different keyboards.
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map
+ (if (member (kbd "DEL") '([(delete)] [delete]))
+ [(backspace)] ; XEmacs
+ (kbd "DEL")) ; GNU Emacs
+ 'svn-status-unset-user-mark-backwards)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "$") 'svn-status-toggle-elide)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "w") 'svn-status-copy-current-line-info)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd ".") 'svn-status-goto-root-or-return)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "I") 'svn-status-parse-info)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "V") 'svn-status-svnversion)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "?") 'svn-status-toggle-hide-unknown)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "_") 'svn-status-toggle-hide-unmodified)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "z") 'svn-status-toggle-hide-externals)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "a") 'svn-status-add-file)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "A") 'svn-status-add-file-recursively)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "+") 'svn-status-make-directory)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "R") 'svn-status-mv)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "C") 'svn-status-cp)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "D") 'svn-status-rm)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "c") 'svn-status-commit)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "M-c") 'svn-status-cleanup)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "k") 'svn-status-lock)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "K") 'svn-status-unlock)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "U") 'svn-status-update-cmd)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "M-u") 'svn-status-update-cmd)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "r") 'svn-status-revert)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "l") 'svn-status-show-svn-log)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "i") 'svn-status-info)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "b") 'svn-status-blame)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "=") 'svn-status-show-svn-diff)
+ ;; [(control ?=)] is unreachable on TTY, but you can use "*u" instead.
+ ;; (Is the "u" mnemonic for something?)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "C-=") 'svn-status-show-svn-diff-for-marked-files)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "~") 'svn-status-get-specific-revision)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "E") 'svn-status-ediff-with-revision)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "n") 'svn-status-next-line)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "p") 'svn-status-previous-line)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "<down>") 'svn-status-next-line)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "<up>") 'svn-status-previous-line)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "C-x C-j") 'svn-status-dired-jump)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map [down-mouse-3] 'svn-status-popup-menu))
+(when (not svn-status-mode-mark-map)
+ (setq svn-status-mode-mark-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "*") svn-status-mode-mark-map)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-mark-map (kbd "!") 'svn-status-unset-all-usermarks)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-mark-map (kbd "?") 'svn-status-mark-unknown)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-mark-map (kbd "A") 'svn-status-mark-added)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-mark-map (kbd "M") 'svn-status-mark-modified)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-mark-map (kbd "P") 'svn-status-mark-modified-properties)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-mark-map (kbd "D") 'svn-status-mark-deleted)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-mark-map (kbd "*") 'svn-status-mark-changed)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-mark-map (kbd ".") 'svn-status-mark-by-file-ext)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-mark-map (kbd "%") 'svn-status-mark-filename-regexp)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-mark-map (kbd "s") 'svn-status-store-usermarks)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-mark-map (kbd "l") 'svn-status-load-usermarks)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-mark-map (kbd "u") 'svn-status-show-svn-diff-for-marked-files))
+(when (not svn-status-mode-search-map)
+ (setq svn-status-mode-search-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-search-map (kbd "g") 'svn-status-grep-files)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-search-map (kbd "s") 'svn-status-search-files)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "S") svn-status-mode-search-map))
+(when (not svn-status-mode-property-map)
+ (setq svn-status-mode-property-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "l") 'svn-status-property-list)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "s") 'svn-status-property-set)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "d") 'svn-status-property-delete)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "e") 'svn-status-property-edit-one-entry)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "i") 'svn-status-property-ignore-file)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "I") 'svn-status-property-ignore-file-extension)
+ ;; XEmacs 21.4.15 on TTY (vt420) converts `C-i' to `TAB',
+ ;; which [(control ?i)] won't match. Handle it separately.
+ ;; On GNU Emacs, the following two forms bind the same key,
+ ;; reducing clutter in `where-is'.
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map [(control ?i)] 'svn-status-property-edit-svn-ignore)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "TAB") 'svn-status-property-edit-svn-ignore)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "Xe") 'svn-status-property-edit-svn-externals)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "k") 'svn-status-property-set-keyword-list)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "Ki") 'svn-status-property-set-keyword-id)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "Kd") 'svn-status-property-set-keyword-date)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "y") 'svn-status-property-set-eol-style)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "x") 'svn-status-property-set-executable)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "m") 'svn-status-property-set-mime-type)
+ ;; TODO: Why is `svn-status-select-line' in `svn-status-mode-property-map'?
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-property-map (kbd "RET") 'svn-status-select-line)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "P") svn-status-mode-property-map))
+(when (not svn-status-mode-extension-map)
+ (setq svn-status-mode-extension-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-extension-map (kbd "v") 'svn-status-resolved)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-extension-map (kbd "X") 'svn-status-resolve-conflicts)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-extension-map (kbd "e") 'svn-status-export)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "X") svn-status-mode-extension-map))
+(when (not svn-status-mode-options-map)
+ (setq svn-status-mode-options-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-options-map (kbd "s") 'svn-status-save-state)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-options-map (kbd "l") 'svn-status-load-state)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-options-map (kbd "x") 'svn-status-toggle-sort-status-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-options-map (kbd "v") 'svn-status-toggle-svn-verbose-flag)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-options-map (kbd "f") 'svn-status-toggle-display-full-path)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-options-map (kbd "t") 'svn-status-set-trac-project-root)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-options-map (kbd "n") 'svn-status-set-module-name)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-options-map (kbd "c") 'svn-status-set-changelog-style)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-options-map (kbd "b") 'svn-status-set-branch-list)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "O") svn-status-mode-options-map))
+(when (not svn-status-mode-trac-map)
+ (setq svn-status-mode-trac-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-trac-map (kbd "w") 'svn-trac-browse-wiki)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-trac-map (kbd "t") 'svn-trac-browse-timeline)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-trac-map (kbd "m") 'svn-trac-browse-roadmap)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-trac-map (kbd "r") 'svn-trac-browse-report)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-trac-map (kbd "s") 'svn-trac-browse-source)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-trac-map (kbd "i") 'svn-trac-browse-ticket)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-trac-map (kbd "c") 'svn-trac-browse-changeset)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "T") svn-status-mode-trac-map))
+(when (not svn-status-mode-branch-map)
+ (setq svn-status-mode-branch-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-branch-map (kbd "d") 'svn-branch-diff)
+ (define-key svn-status-mode-map (kbd "B") svn-status-mode-branch-map))
+(easy-menu-define svn-status-mode-menu svn-status-mode-map
+ "'svn-status-mode' menu"
+ '("SVN"
+ ["svn status" svn-status-update t]
+ ["svn update" svn-status-update-cmd t]
+ ["svn commit" svn-status-commit t]
+ ["svn log" svn-status-show-svn-log t]
+ ["svn info" svn-status-info t]
+ ["svn blame" svn-status-blame t]
+ ("Diff"
+ ["svn diff current file" svn-status-show-svn-diff t]
+ ["svn diff marked files" svn-status-show-svn-diff-for-marked-files t]
+ ["svn ediff current file" svn-status-ediff-with-revision t]
+ ["svn resolve conflicts" svn-status-resolve-conflicts]
+ )
+ ("Search"
+ ["Grep marked files" svn-status-grep-files t]
+ ["Search marked files" svn-status-search-files t]
+ )
+ ["svn cat ..." svn-status-get-specific-revision t]
+ ["svn add" svn-status-add-file t]
+ ["svn add recursively" svn-status-add-file-recursively t]
+ ["svn mkdir..." svn-status-make-directory t]
+ ["svn mv..." svn-status-mv t]
+ ["svn cp..." svn-status-cp t]
+ ["svn rm..." svn-status-rm t]
+ ["svn export..." svn-status-export t]
+ ["Up Directory" svn-status-examine-parent t]
+ ["Elide Directory" svn-status-toggle-elide t]
+ ["svn revert" svn-status-revert t]
+ ["svn resolved" svn-status-resolved t]
+ ["svn cleanup" svn-status-cleanup t]
+ ["svn lock" svn-status-lock t]
+ ["svn unlock" svn-status-unlock t]
+ ["Show Process Buffer" svn-status-show-process-buffer t]
+ ("Branch"
+ ["diff" svn-branch-diff t]
+ ["Set Branch list" svn-status-set-branch-list t]
+ )
+ ("Property"
+ ["svn proplist" svn-status-property-list t]
+ ["Set Multiple Properties..." svn-status-property-set t]
+ ["Edit One Property..." svn-status-property-edit-one-entry t]
+ ["svn propdel..." svn-status-property-delete t]
+ "---"
+ ["svn:ignore File..." svn-status-property-ignore-file t]
+ ["svn:ignore File Extension..." svn-status-property-ignore-file-extension t]
+ ["Edit svn:ignore Property" svn-status-property-edit-svn-ignore t]
+ "---"
+ ["Edit svn:externals Property" svn-status-property-edit-svn-externals t]
+ "---"
+ ["Edit svn:keywords List" svn-status-property-set-keyword-list t]
+ ["Add/Remove Id to/from svn:keywords" svn-status-property-set-keyword-id t]
+ ["Add/Remove Date to/from svn:keywords" svn-status-property-set-keyword-date t]
+ "---"
+ ["Select svn:eol-style" svn-status-property-set-eol-style t]
+ ["Set svn:executable" svn-status-property-set-executable t]
+ ["Set svn:mime-type" svn-status-property-set-mime-type t]
+ )
+ ("Options"
+ ["Save Options" svn-status-save-state t]
+ ["Load Options" svn-status-load-state t]
+ ["Set Trac project root" svn-status-set-trac-project-root t]
+ ["Set Short module name" svn-status-set-module-name t]
+ ["Set Changelog style" svn-status-set-changelog-style t]
+ ["Set Branch list" svn-status-set-branch-list t]
+ ["Sort the *svn-status* buffer" svn-status-toggle-sort-status-buffer
+ :style toggle :selected svn-status-sort-status-buffer]
+ ["Use -v for svn status calls" svn-status-toggle-svn-verbose-flag
+ :style toggle :selected svn-status-verbose]
+ ["Display full path names" svn-status-toggle-display-full-path
+ :style toggle :selected svn-status-display-full-path]
+ )
+ ("Trac"
+ ["Browse wiki" svn-trac-browse-wiki t]
+ ["Browse timeline" svn-trac-browse-timeline t]
+ ["Browse roadmap" svn-trac-browse-roadmap t]
+ ["Browse source" svn-trac-browse-source t]
+ ["Browse report" svn-trac-browse-report t]
+ ["Browse ticket" svn-trac-browse-ticket t]
+ ["Browse changeset" svn-trac-browse-changeset t]
+ ["Set Trac project root" svn-status-set-trac-project-root t]
+ )
+ "---"
+ ["Edit Next SVN Cmd Line" svn-status-toggle-edit-cmd-flag t]
+ ["Work Directory History..." svn-status-use-history t]
+ ("Mark / Unmark"
+ ["Mark" svn-status-set-user-mark t]
+ ["Unmark" svn-status-unset-user-mark t]
+ ["Unmark all" svn-status-unset-all-usermarks t]
+ "---"
+ ["Mark/Unmark unknown" svn-status-mark-unknown t]
+ ["Mark/Unmark modified" svn-status-mark-modified t]
+ ["Mark/Unmark modified properties" svn-status-mark-modified-properties t]
+ ["Mark/Unmark added" svn-status-mark-added t]
+ ["Mark/Unmark deleted" svn-status-mark-deleted t]
+ ["Mark/Unmark modified/added/deleted" svn-status-mark-changed t]
+ ["Mark/Unmark filename by extension" svn-status-mark-by-file-ext t]
+ ["Mark/Unmark filename by regexp" svn-status-mark-filename-regexp t]
+ ["Store Usermarks" svn-status-store-usermarks t]
+ ["Load Usermarks" svn-status-load-usermarks t]
+ )
+ ["Hide Unknown" svn-status-toggle-hide-unknown
+ :style toggle :selected svn-status-hide-unknown]
+ ["Hide Unmodified" svn-status-toggle-hide-unmodified
+ :style toggle :selected svn-status-hide-unmodified]
+ ["Hide Externals" svn-status-toggle-hide-externals
+ :style toggle :selected svn-status-hide-externals]
+ ["Show Client versions" svn-status-version t]
+ ["Prepare bug report" svn-prepare-bug-report t]
+ ))
+(defvar svn-status-file-popup-menu-list
+ '(["open" svn-status-find-file-other-window t]
+ ["svn diff" svn-status-show-svn-diff t]
+ ["svn commit" svn-status-commit t]
+ ["svn log" svn-status-show-svn-log t]
+ ["svn blame" svn-status-blame t]
+ ["mark" svn-status-set-user-mark t]
+ ["unmark" svn-status-unset-user-mark t]
+ ["svn add" svn-status-add-file t]
+ ["svn add recursively" svn-status-add-file-recursively t]
+ ["svn mv..." svn-status-mv t]
+ ["svn rm..." svn-status-rm t]
+ ["svn lock" svn-status-lock t]
+ ["svn unlock" svn-status-unlock t]
+ ["svn info" svn-status-info t]
+ ) "A list of menu entries for `svn-status-popup-menu'")
+;; extend svn-status-file-popup-menu-list via:
+;; (add-to-list 'svn-status-file-popup-menu-list ["commit" svn-status-commit t])
+(defun svn-status-popup-menu (event)
+ "Display a file specific popup menu"
+ (interactive "e")
+ (mouse-set-point event)
+ (let* ((line-info (svn-status-get-line-information))
+ (name (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info)))
+ (when line-info
+ (easy-menu-define svn-status-actual-popup-menu nil nil
+ (append (list name) svn-status-file-popup-menu-list))
+ (svn-status-face-set-temporary-during-popup
+ 'svn-status-marked-popup-face (svn-point-at-bol) (svn-point-at-eol)
+ svn-status-actual-popup-menu))))
+(defun svn-status-face-set-temporary-during-popup (face begin end menu &optional prefix)
+ "Put FACE on BEGIN and END in the buffer during Popup MENU.
+PREFIX is passed to `popup-menu'."
+ (let (o)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (setq o (make-overlay begin end))
+ (overlay-put o 'face face)
+ (save-excursion (sit-for 0))
+ (popup-menu menu prefix))
+ (delete-overlay o))))
+(defun svn-status-mode ()
+ "Major mode used by psvn.el to display the output of \"svn status\".
+The Output has the following format:
+ FPH BASE CMTD Author em File
+F = Filemark
+P = Property mark
+H = History mark
+BASE = local base revision
+CMTD = last committed revision
+Author = author of change
+em = \"**\" or \"(Update Available)\" [see `svn-status-short-mod-flag-p']
+ if file can be updated
+File = path/filename
+The following keys are defined:
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map svn-status-mode-map)
+ (easy-menu-add svn-status-mode-menu)
+ (setq major-mode 'svn-status-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "svn-status")
+ (setq mode-line-process 'svn-status-mode-line-process)
+ (run-hooks 'svn-status-mode-hook)
+ (let ((view-read-only nil))
+ (toggle-read-only 1)))
+(defun svn-status-update-mode-line ()
+ (setq svn-status-mode-line-process
+ (concat svn-status-mode-line-process-edit-flag svn-status-mode-line-process-status))
+ (force-mode-line-update))
+(defun svn-status-bury-buffer (arg)
+ "Bury the buffers used by psvn.el
+Currently this is:
+ `svn-status-buffer-name'
+ `svn-process-buffer-name'
+ `svn-log-edit-buffer-name'
+ *svn-property-edit*
+ *svn-log*
+ *svn-info*
+When called with a prefix argument, ARG, switch back to the window configuration that was
+in use before `svn-status' was called."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (cond (arg
+ (when svn-status-initial-window-configuration
+ (set-window-configuration svn-status-initial-window-configuration)))
+ (t
+ (let ((bl `(,svn-log-edit-buffer-name "*svn-property-edit*" "*svn-log*" "*svn-info*" ,svn-process-buffer-name)))
+ (while bl
+ (when (get-buffer (car bl))
+ (bury-buffer (car bl)))
+ (setq bl (cdr bl)))
+ (when (string= (buffer-name) svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (bury-buffer))))))
+(defun svn-status-save-some-buffers (&optional tree)
+ "Save all buffers visiting a file in TREE.
+If TREE is not given, try `svn-status-base-dir' as TREE."
+ (interactive)
+ ;; (message "svn-status-save-some-buffers: tree1: %s" tree)
+ (let ((ok t)
+ (tree (or (svn-status-base-dir)
+ tree)))
+ ;; (message "svn-status-save-some-buffers: tree2: %s" tree)
+ (unless tree
+ (error "Not in a svn project tree"))
+ (dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (when (buffer-modified-p)
+ (let ((file (buffer-file-name)))
+ (when file
+ (let ((root (svn-status-base-dir (file-name-directory file))))
+ ;; (message "svn-status-save-some-buffers: file: %s, root: %s" file root)
+ (when (and root
+ (string= root tree)
+ ;; buffer is modified and in the tree TREE.
+ (or (y-or-n-p (concat "Save buffer " (buffer-name) "? "))
+ (setq ok nil)))
+ (save-buffer))))))))
+ ok))
+(defun svn-status-find-files ()
+ "Open selected file(s) for editing.
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((fnames (mapcar 'svn-status-line-info->full-path (svn-status-marked-files))))
+ (mapc 'find-file fnames)))
+(defun svn-status-find-file-other-window ()
+ "Open the file in the other window for editing."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-ensure-cursor-on-file)
+ (find-file-other-window (svn-status-line-info->filename
+ (svn-status-get-line-information))))
+(defun svn-status-find-file-other-window-noselect ()
+ "Open the file in the other window for editing, but don't select it."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-ensure-cursor-on-file)
+ (display-buffer
+ (find-file-noselect (svn-status-line-info->filename
+ (svn-status-get-line-information)))))
+(defun svn-status-view-file-other-window ()
+ "Open the file in the other window for viewing."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-ensure-cursor-on-file)
+ (view-file-other-window (svn-status-line-info->filename
+ (svn-status-get-line-information))))
+(defun svn-status-find-file-or-examine-directory ()
+ "If point is on a directory, run `svn-status' on that directory.
+Otherwise run `find-file'."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-ensure-cursor-on-file)
+ (let ((line-info (svn-status-get-line-information)))
+ (if (svn-status-line-info->directory-p line-info)
+ (svn-status (svn-status-line-info->full-path line-info))
+ (find-file (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info)))))
+(defun svn-status-examine-parent ()
+ "Run `svn-status' on the parent of the current directory."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status (expand-file-name "../")))
+(defun svn-status-mouse-find-file-or-examine-directory (event)
+ "Move point to where EVENT occurred, and do `svn-status-find-file-or-examine-directory'
+EVENT could be \"mouse clicked\" or similar."
+ (interactive "e")
+ (mouse-set-point event)
+ (svn-status-find-file-or-examine-directory))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->ui-status (line-info)
+ "Return the ui-status structure of LINE-INFO.
+See `svn-status-make-ui-status' for information about the ui-status."
+ (nth 0 line-info))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->has-usermark (line-info) (nth 0 (nth 0 line-info)))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->user-elide (line-info) (nth 1 (nth 0 line-info)))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->filemark (line-info) (nth 1 line-info))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->propmark (line-info) (nth 2 line-info))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->filename (line-info) (nth 3 line-info))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->filename-nondirectory (line-info)
+ (file-name-nondirectory (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info)))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->localrev (line-info)
+ (if (>= (nth 4 line-info) 0)
+ (nth 4 line-info)
+ nil))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->lastchangerev (line-info)
+ "Return the last revision in which LINE-INFO was modified."
+ (let ((l (nth 5 line-info)))
+ (if (and l (>= l 0))
+ l
+ nil)))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->author (line-info)
+ "Return the last author that changed the item that is represented in LINE-INFO."
+ (nth 6 line-info))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->update-available (line-info)
+ "Return whether LINE-INFO is out of date.
+In other words, whether there is a newer version available in the
+repository than the working copy."
+ (nth 7 line-info))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->locked (line-info)
+ "Return whether LINE-INFO represents a locked file.
+This is column three of the `svn status' output.
+The result will be nil or \"L\".
+\(A file becomes locked when an operation is interrupted; run \\[svn-status-cleanup]'
+to unlock it.\)"
+ (nth 8 line-info))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->historymark (line-info)
+ "Mark from column four of output from `svn status'.
+This will be nil unless the file is scheduled for addition with
+history, when it will be \"+\"."
+ (nth 9 line-info))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->switched (line-info)
+ "Return whether LINE-INFO is switched relative to its parent.
+This is column five of the output from `svn status'.
+The result will be \"S\", \"X\" or nil."
+ (nth 10 line-info))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->repo-locked (line-info)
+ "Return whether LINE-INFO contains some locking information.
+This is column six of the output from `svn status'.
+The result will be \"K\", \"O\", \"T\", \"B\" or nil."
+ (nth 11 line-info))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->psvn-extra-info (line-info)
+ "Return a list of extra information for psvn associated with LINE-INFO.
+This list holds currently only one element:
+* The action after a commit or update."
+ (nth 12 line-info))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->is-visiblep (line-info)
+ "Return whether the line is visible or not"
+ (or (not (or (svn-status-line-info->hide-because-unknown line-info)
+ (svn-status-line-info->hide-because-unmodified line-info)
+ (svn-status-line-info->hide-because-externals line-info)
+ (svn-status-line-info->hide-because-custom-hide-function line-info)
+ (svn-status-line-info->hide-because-user-elide line-info)))
+ (svn-status-line-info->update-available line-info) ;; show the line, if an update is available
+ (svn-status-line-info->psvn-extra-info line-info) ;; show the line, if there is some extra info displayed on this line
+ ))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->hide-because-unknown (line-info)
+ (and svn-status-hide-unknown
+ (eq (svn-status-line-info->filemark line-info) ??)))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->hide-because-externals (line-info)
+ (and svn-status-hide-externals
+ (eq (svn-status-line-info->filemark line-info) ?X)))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->hide-because-custom-hide-function (line-info)
+ (and svn-status-custom-hide-function
+ (apply svn-status-custom-hide-function (list line-info))))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->hide-because-unmodified (line-info)
+ ;;(message " %S %S %S %S - %s" svn-status-hide-unmodified (svn-status-line-info->propmark line-info) ?_
+ ;; (svn-status-line-info->filemark line-info) (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info))
+ (and svn-status-hide-unmodified
+ (and (or (eq (svn-status-line-info->filemark line-info) ?_)
+ (eq (svn-status-line-info->filemark line-info) ? ))
+ (or (eq (svn-status-line-info->propmark line-info) ?_)
+ (eq (svn-status-line-info->propmark line-info) ? )
+ (eq (svn-status-line-info->propmark line-info) nil)))))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->hide-because-user-elide (line-info)
+ (eq (svn-status-line-info->user-elide line-info) t))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->show-user-elide-continuation (line-info)
+ (eq (svn-status-line-info->user-elide line-info) 'directory))
+;; modify the line-info
+(defun svn-status-line-info->set-filemark (line-info value)
+ (setcar (nthcdr 1 line-info) value))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->set-propmark (line-info value)
+ (setcar (nthcdr 2 line-info) value))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->set-localrev (line-info value)
+ (setcar (nthcdr 4 line-info) value))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->set-author (line-info value)
+ (setcar (nthcdr 6 line-info) value))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->set-lastchangerev (line-info value)
+ (setcar (nthcdr 5 line-info) value))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->set-repo-locked (line-info value)
+ (setcar (nthcdr 11 line-info) value))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->set-psvn-extra-info (line-info value)
+ (setcar (nthcdr 12 line-info) value))
+(defun svn-status-copy-current-line-info (arg)
+ "Copy the current file name at point, using `svn-status-copy-filename-as-kill'.
+If no file is at point, copy everything starting from ':' to the end of line."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if (svn-status-get-line-information)
+ (svn-status-copy-filename-as-kill arg)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (svn-point-at-bol))
+ (when (looking-at ".+?: *\\(.+\\)$")
+ (kill-new (svn-match-string-no-properties 1))
+ (message "Copied: %s" (svn-match-string-no-properties 1))))))
+(defun svn-status-copy-filename-as-kill (arg)
+ "Copy the actual file name to the kill-ring.
+When called with the prefix argument 0, use the full path name."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((str (if (eq arg 0)
+ (svn-status-line-info->full-path (svn-status-get-line-information))
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename (svn-status-get-line-information)))))
+ (kill-new str)
+ (message "Copied %s" str)))
+(defun svn-status-get-child-directories (&optional dir)
+ "Return a list of subdirectories for DIR"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((this-dir (concat (expand-file-name (or dir (svn-status-line-info->filename (svn-status-get-line-information)))) "/"))
+ (test-dir)
+ (sub-dir-list))
+ ;;(message "this-dir %S" this-dir)
+ (dolist (line-info svn-status-info)
+ (when (svn-status-line-info->directory-p line-info)
+ (setq test-dir (svn-status-line-info->full-path line-info))
+ (when (string= (file-name-directory test-dir) this-dir)
+ (add-to-list 'sub-dir-list (file-relative-name (svn-status-line-info->full-path line-info)) t))))
+ sub-dir-list))
+(defun svn-status-toggle-elide (arg)
+ "Toggle eliding of the current file or directory.
+When called with a prefix argument, toggle the hiding of all subdirectories for the current directory."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if arg
+ (let ((cur-line (svn-status-line-info->filename (svn-status-get-line-information))))
+ (when (svn-status-line-info->user-elide (svn-status-get-line-information))
+ (svn-status-toggle-elide nil))
+ (dolist (dir-name (svn-status-get-child-directories))
+ (svn-status-goto-file-name dir-name)
+ (svn-status-toggle-elide nil))
+ (svn-status-goto-file-name cur-line))
+ (let ((st-info svn-status-info)
+ (fname)
+ (test (svn-status-line-info->filename (svn-status-get-line-information)))
+ (len-test)
+ (len-fname)
+ (new-elide-mark t)
+ (elide-mark))
+ (if (member test svn-status-elided-list)
+ (setq svn-status-elided-list (delete test svn-status-elided-list))
+ (add-to-list 'svn-status-elided-list test))
+ (when (string= test ".")
+ (setq test ""))
+ (setq len-test (length test))
+ (while st-info
+ (setq fname (svn-status-line-info->filename (car st-info)))
+ (setq len-fname (length fname))
+ (when (and (>= len-fname len-test)
+ (string= (substring fname 0 len-test) test))
+ (setq elide-mark new-elide-mark)
+ (when (or (string= fname ".")
+ (and (= len-fname len-test) (svn-status-line-info->directory-p (car st-info))))
+ (message "Elided directory %s and all its files." fname)
+ (setq new-elide-mark (not (svn-status-line-info->user-elide (car st-info))))
+ (setq elide-mark (if new-elide-mark 'directory nil)))
+ ;;(message "elide-mark: %S member: %S" elide-mark (member fname svn-status-elided-list))
+ (when (and (member fname svn-status-elided-list) (not elide-mark))
+ (setq svn-status-elided-list (delete fname svn-status-elided-list)))
+ (setcar (nthcdr 1 (svn-status-line-info->ui-status (car st-info))) elide-mark))
+ (setq st-info (cdr st-info))))
+ ;;(message "svn-status-elided-list: %S" svn-status-elided-list)
+ (svn-status-update-buffer)))
+(defun svn-status-apply-elide-list ()
+ "Elide files/directories according to `svn-status-elided-list'."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((st-info svn-status-info)
+ (fname)
+ (len-fname)
+ (test)
+ (len-test)
+ (elided-list)
+ (elide-mark))
+ (when svn-status-elided-list
+ (while st-info
+ (setq fname (svn-status-line-info->filename (car st-info)))
+ (setq len-fname (length fname))
+ (setq elided-list svn-status-elided-list)
+ (setq elide-mark nil)
+ (while elided-list
+ (setq test (car elided-list))
+ (when (string= test ".")
+ (setq test ""))
+ (setq len-test (length test))
+ (when (and (>= len-fname len-test)
+ (string= (substring fname 0 len-test) test))
+ (setq elide-mark t)
+ (when (or (string= fname ".")
+ (and (= len-fname len-test) (svn-status-line-info->directory-p (car st-info))))
+ (setq elide-mark 'directory)))
+ (setq elided-list (cdr elided-list)))
+ ;;(message "fname: %s elide-mark: %S" fname elide-mark)
+ (setcar (nthcdr 1 (svn-status-line-info->ui-status (car st-info))) elide-mark)
+ (setq st-info (cdr st-info)))))
+ (svn-status-update-buffer))
+(defun svn-status-update-with-command-list (cmd-list)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (let ((st-info)
+ (found)
+ (action)
+ (fname (svn-status-line-info->filename (svn-status-get-line-information)))
+ (fname-pos (point))
+ (column (current-column)))
+ (setq cmd-list (sort cmd-list '(lambda (item1 item2) (string-lessp (car item1) (car item2)))))
+ (while cmd-list
+ (unless st-info (setq st-info svn-status-info))
+ ;;(message "%S" (caar cmd-list))
+ (setq found nil)
+ (while (and (not found) st-info)
+ (setq found (string= (caar cmd-list) (svn-status-line-info->filename (car st-info))))
+ ;;(message "found: %S" found)
+ (unless found (setq st-info (cdr st-info))))
+ (unless found
+ (svn-status-message 3 "psvn: continue to search for %s" (caar cmd-list))
+ (setq st-info svn-status-info)
+ (while (and (not found) st-info)
+ (setq found (string= (caar cmd-list) (svn-status-line-info->filename (car st-info))))
+ (unless found (setq st-info (cdr st-info)))))
+ (if found
+ ;;update the info line
+ (progn
+ (setq action (cadar cmd-list))
+ ;;(message "found %s, action: %S" (caar cmd-list) action)
+ (svn-status-annotate-status-buffer-entry action (car st-info)))
+ (svn-status-message 3 "psvn: did not find %s" (caar cmd-list)))
+ (setq cmd-list (cdr cmd-list)))
+ (if fname
+ (progn
+ (goto-char fname-pos)
+ (svn-status-goto-file-name fname)
+ (goto-char (+ column (svn-point-at-bol))))
+ (goto-char (+ (next-overlay-change (point-min)) svn-status-default-column))))))
+(defun svn-status-annotate-status-buffer-entry (action line-info)
+ (let ((tag-string))
+ (svn-status-goto-file-name (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info))
+ (when (and (member action '(committed added))
+ svn-status-commit-rev-number)
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-localrev line-info svn-status-commit-rev-number)
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-lastchangerev line-info svn-status-commit-rev-number))
+ (when svn-status-last-commit-author
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-author line-info svn-status-last-commit-author))
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-psvn-extra-info line-info (list action))
+ (cond ((equal action 'committed)
+ (setq tag-string " <committed>")
+ (when (member (svn-status-line-info->repo-locked line-info) '(?K))
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-repo-locked line-info nil)))
+ ((equal action 'added)
+ (setq tag-string " <added>"))
+ ((equal action 'deleted)
+ (setq tag-string " <deleted>"))
+ ((equal action 'replaced)
+ (setq tag-string " <replaced>"))
+ ((equal action 'updated)
+ (setq tag-string " <updated>"))
+ ((equal action 'updated-props)
+ (setq tag-string " <updated-props>"))
+ ((equal action 'conflicted)
+ (setq tag-string " <conflicted>")
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-filemark line-info ?C))
+ ((equal action 'merged)
+ (setq tag-string " <merged>"))
+ ((equal action 'propset)
+ ;;(setq tag-string " <propset>")
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-propmark line-info svn-status-file-modified-after-save-flag))
+ ((equal action 'added-wc)
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-filemark line-info ?A)
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-localrev line-info 0))
+ ((equal action 'deleted-wc)
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-filemark line-info ?D))
+ (t
+ (error "Unknown action '%s for %s" action (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info))))
+ (when (and tag-string (not (member action '(conflicted merged))))
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-filemark line-info ? )
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-propmark line-info ? ))
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (delete-region (svn-point-at-bol) (svn-point-at-eol))
+ (svn-insert-line-in-status-buffer line-info)
+ (backward-char 1)
+ (when tag-string
+ (insert tag-string))
+ (delete-char 1))))
+;; (svn-status-update-with-command-list '(("++ideas" committed) ("a.txt" committed) ("alf")))
+;; (svn-status-update-with-command-list (svn-status-parse-commit-output))
+(defun svn-status-parse-commit-output ()
+ "Parse the output of svn commit.
+Return a list that is suitable for `svn-status-update-with-command-list'"
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (let ((action)
+ (file-name)
+ (skip)
+ (result))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq svn-status-commit-rev-number nil)
+ (setq skip nil) ; set to t whenever we find a line not about a committed file
+ (while (< (point) (point-max))
+ (cond ((= (svn-point-at-eol) (svn-point-at-bol)) ;skip blank lines
+ (setq skip t))
+ ((looking-at "Sending")
+ (setq action 'committed))
+ ((looking-at "Adding")
+ (setq action 'added))
+ ((looking-at "Deleting")
+ (setq action 'deleted))
+ ((looking-at "Replacing")
+ (setq action 'replaced))
+ ((looking-at "Transmitting file data")
+ (setq skip t))
+ ((looking-at "Committed revision \\([0-9]+\\)")
+ (setq svn-status-commit-rev-number
+ (string-to-number (svn-match-string-no-properties 1)))
+ (setq skip t))
+ (t ;; this should never be needed(?)
+ (setq action 'unknown)))
+ (unless skip ;found an interesting line
+ (forward-char 15)
+ (when svn-status-operated-on-dot
+ ;; when the commit used . as argument, delete the trailing directory
+ ;; from the svn output
+ (search-forward "/" nil t))
+ (setq file-name (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (svn-point-at-eol)))
+ (unless svn-status-last-commit-author
+ (setq svn-status-last-commit-author (car (svn-status-info-for-path (expand-file-name (concat default-directory file-name))))))
+ (setq result (cons (list file-name action)
+ result))
+ (setq skip nil))
+ (forward-line 1))
+ result)))
+(defun svn-status-parse-ar-output ()
+ "Parse the output of svn add|remove.
+Return a list that is suitable for `svn-status-update-with-command-list'"
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (let ((action)
+ (name)
+ (skip)
+ (result))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (< (point) (point-max))
+ (cond ((= (svn-point-at-eol) (svn-point-at-bol)) ;skip blank lines
+ (setq skip t))
+ ((looking-at "A")
+ (setq action 'added-wc))
+ ((looking-at "D")
+ (setq action 'deleted-wc))
+ (t ;; this should never be needed(?)
+ (setq action 'unknown)))
+ (unless skip ;found an interesting line
+ (forward-char 10)
+ (setq name (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (svn-point-at-eol)))
+ (setq result (cons (list name action)
+ result))
+ (setq skip nil))
+ (forward-line 1))
+ result)))
+;; (svn-status-parse-ar-output)
+;; (svn-status-update-with-command-list (svn-status-parse-ar-output))
+(defun svn-status-parse-update-output ()
+ "Parse the output of svn update.
+Return a list that is suitable for `svn-status-update-with-command-list'"
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (setq svn-status-update-rev-number nil)
+ (let ((action)
+ (name)
+ (skip)
+ (result))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (< (point) (point-max))
+ (cond ((= (svn-point-at-eol) (svn-point-at-bol)) ;skip blank lines
+ (setq skip t))
+ ((looking-at "Updated to revision \\([0-9]+\\)")
+ (setq svn-status-update-rev-number
+ (list t (string-to-number (svn-match-string-no-properties 1))))
+ (setq skip t))
+ ((looking-at "At revision \\([0-9]+\\)")
+ (setq svn-status-update-rev-number
+ (list nil (string-to-number (svn-match-string-no-properties 1))))
+ (setq skip t))
+ ((looking-at "U")
+ (setq action 'updated))
+ ((looking-at "A")
+ (setq action 'added))
+ ((looking-at "D")
+ (setq skip t))
+ ;;(setq action 'deleted)) ;;deleted files are not displayed in the svn status output.
+ ((looking-at "C")
+ (setq action 'conflicted))
+ ((looking-at "G")
+ (setq action 'merged))
+ ((looking-at " U")
+ (setq action 'updated-props))
+ (t ;; this should never be needed(?)
+ (setq action (concat "parse-update: '"
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (+ 2 (point))) "'"))))
+ (unless skip ;found an interesting line
+ (forward-char 3)
+ (setq name (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (svn-point-at-eol)))
+ (setq result (cons (list name action)
+ result))
+ (setq skip nil))
+ (forward-line 1))
+ result)))
+;; (svn-status-parse-update-output)
+;; (svn-status-update-with-command-list (svn-status-parse-update-output))
+(defun svn-status-parse-property-output ()
+ "Parse the output of svn propset.
+Return a list that is suitable for `svn-status-update-with-command-list'"
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (let ((result))
+ (dolist (line (split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)) "\n"))
+ (message "%s" line)
+ (when (string-match "property '\\(.+\\)' set on '\\(.+\\)'" line)
+ ;;(message "property %s - file %s" (match-string 1 line) (match-string 2 line))
+ (setq result (cons (list (match-string 2 line) 'propset) result))))
+ result)))
+;; (svn-status-parse-property-output)
+;; (svn-status-update-with-command-list (svn-status-parse-property-output))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->symlink-p (line-info)
+ "Return non-nil if LINE-INFO refers to a symlink, nil otherwise.
+The value is the name of the file to which it is linked. \(See
+On win32 systems this won't work, even though symlinks are supported
+by subversion on such systems."
+ ;; on win32 would need to see how svn does symlinks
+ (file-symlink-p (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info)))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->directory-p (line-info)
+ "Return t if LINE-INFO refers to a directory, nil otherwise.
+Symbolic links to directories count as directories (see `file-directory-p')."
+ (file-directory-p (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info)))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->full-path (line-info)
+ "Return the full path of the file represented by LINE-INFO."
+ (expand-file-name
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info)))
+;;Not convinced that this is the fastest way, but...
+(defun svn-status-count-/ (string)
+ "Return number of \"/\"'s in STRING."
+ (let ((n 0)
+ (last 0))
+ (while (setq last (string-match "/" string (1+ last)))
+ (setq n (1+ n)))
+ n))
+(defun svn-insert-line-in-status-buffer (line-info)
+ "Format LINE-INFO and insert the result in the current buffer."
+ (let ((usermark (if (svn-status-line-info->has-usermark line-info) "*" " "))
+ (update-available (if (svn-status-line-info->update-available line-info)
+ (svn-add-face (if svn-status-short-mod-flag-p
+ "** "
+ " (Update Available)")
+ 'svn-status-update-available-face)
+ (if svn-status-short-mod-flag-p " " "")))
+ (filename ;; <indentation>file or /path/to/file
+ (concat
+ (if (or svn-status-display-full-path
+ svn-status-hide-unmodified
+ svn-status-hide-externals)
+ (svn-add-face
+ (let ((dir-name (file-name-as-directory
+ (svn-status-line-info->directory-containing-line-info
+ line-info nil))))
+ (if (and (<= 2 (length dir-name))
+ (= ?. (aref dir-name 0))
+ (= ?/ (aref dir-name 1)))
+ (substring dir-name 2)
+ dir-name))
+ 'svn-status-directory-face)
+ ;; showing all files, so add indentation
+ (make-string (* svn-status-indentation (svn-status-count-/
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info)))
+ 32))
+ ;;symlinks get a different face
+ (let ((target (svn-status-line-info->symlink-p line-info)))
+ (if target
+ ;; name -> trget
+ ;; name gets symlink-face, target gets file/directory face
+ (concat
+ (svn-add-face (svn-status-line-info->filename-nondirectory line-info)
+ 'svn-status-symlink-face)
+ " -> "
+ (svn-status-choose-face-to-add
+ ;; TODO: could use different faces for
+ ;; unversioned targets and broken symlinks?
+ (svn-status-line-info->directory-p line-info)
+ target
+ 'svn-status-directory-face
+ 'svn-status-filename-face))
+ ;; else target is not a link
+ (svn-status-choose-face-to-add
+ (svn-status-line-info->directory-p line-info)
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename-nondirectory line-info)
+ 'svn-status-directory-face
+ 'svn-status-filename-face)))
+ ))
+ (elide-hint (if (svn-status-line-info->show-user-elide-continuation line-info) " ..." "")))
+ (svn-puthash (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info)
+ (point)
+ svn-status-filename-to-buffer-position-cache)
+ (insert (svn-status-maybe-add-face
+ (svn-status-line-info->has-usermark line-info)
+ (concat usermark
+ (format svn-status-line-format
+ (svn-status-line-info->filemark line-info)
+ (or (svn-status-line-info->propmark line-info) ? )
+ (or (svn-status-line-info->historymark line-info) ? )
+ (or (svn-status-line-info->localrev line-info) "")
+ (or (svn-status-line-info->lastchangerev line-info) "")
+ (svn-status-line-info->author line-info))
+ (when svn-status-short-mod-flag-p update-available)
+ filename
+ (unless svn-status-short-mod-flag-p update-available)
+ (svn-status-maybe-add-string (svn-status-line-info->locked line-info)
+ " [ LOCKED ]" 'svn-status-locked-face)
+ (svn-status-maybe-add-string (svn-status-line-info->repo-locked line-info)
+ (let ((flag (svn-status-line-info->repo-locked line-info)))
+ (cond ((eq flag ?K) " [ REPO-LOCK-HERE ]")
+ ((eq flag ?O) " [ REPO-LOCK-OTHER ]")
+ ((eq flag ?T) " [ REPO-LOCK-STOLEN ]")
+ ((eq flag ?B) " [ REPO-LOCK-BROKEN ]")
+ (t " [ REPO-LOCK-UNKNOWN ]")))
+ 'svn-status-locked-face)
+ (svn-status-maybe-add-string (eq (svn-status-line-info->switched line-info) ?S)
+ " (switched)" 'svn-status-switched-face)
+ elide-hint)
+ 'svn-status-marked-face)
+ "\n")))
+(defun svn-status-redraw-status-buffer ()
+ "Redraw the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer.
+Additionally clear the psvn-extra-info field in all line-info lists."
+ (interactive)
+ (dolist (line-info svn-status-info)
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-psvn-extra-info line-info nil))
+ (svn-status-update-buffer))
+(defun svn-status-update-buffer ()
+ "Update the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer, using `svn-status-info'.
+ This function does not access the repository."
+ (interactive)
+ ;(message "buffer-name: %s" (buffer-name))
+ (unless (string= (buffer-name) svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (set-buffer svn-status-buffer-name))
+ (svn-status-mode)
+ (when svn-status-refresh-info
+ (when (eq svn-status-refresh-info 'once)
+ (setq svn-status-refresh-info nil))
+ (svn-status-parse-info t))
+ (let ((st-info svn-status-info)
+ (buffer-read-only nil)
+ (start-pos)
+ (overlay)
+ (unmodified-count 0) ;how many unmodified files are hidden
+ (unknown-count 0) ;how many unknown files are hidden
+ (externals-count 0) ;how many svn:externals files are hidden
+ (custom-hide-count 0) ;how many files are hidden via svn-status-custom-hide-function
+ (marked-count 0) ;how many files are elided
+ (user-elide-count 0)
+ (first-line t)
+ (fname (svn-status-line-info->filename (svn-status-get-line-information)))
+ (fname-pos (point))
+ (window-line-pos (svn-status-window-line-position (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))))
+ (header-line-string)
+ (column (current-column)))
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (insert "\n")
+ ;; Insert all files and directories
+ (while st-info
+ (setq start-pos (point))
+ (cond ((or (svn-status-line-info->has-usermark (car st-info)) first-line)
+ ;; Show a marked file and the "." always
+ (svn-insert-line-in-status-buffer (car st-info))
+ (setq first-line nil))
+ ((svn-status-line-info->update-available (car st-info))
+ (svn-insert-line-in-status-buffer (car st-info)))
+ ((and svn-status-custom-hide-function
+ (apply svn-status-custom-hide-function (list (car st-info))))
+ (setq custom-hide-count (1+ custom-hide-count)))
+ ((svn-status-line-info->hide-because-user-elide (car st-info))
+ (setq user-elide-count (1+ user-elide-count)))
+ ((svn-status-line-info->hide-because-unknown (car st-info))
+ (setq unknown-count (1+ unknown-count)))
+ ((svn-status-line-info->hide-because-unmodified (car st-info))
+ (setq unmodified-count (1+ unmodified-count)))
+ ((svn-status-line-info->hide-because-externals (car st-info))
+ (setq externals-count (1+ externals-count)))
+ (t
+ (svn-insert-line-in-status-buffer (car st-info))))
+ (when (svn-status-line-info->has-usermark (car st-info))
+ (setq marked-count (+ marked-count 1)))
+ (setq overlay (make-overlay start-pos (point)))
+ (overlay-put overlay 'svn-info (car st-info))
+ (overlay-put overlay 'evaporate t)
+ (setq st-info (cdr st-info)))
+ ;; Insert status information at the buffer beginning
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (insert (format "svn status for directory %s%s\n"
+ default-directory
+ (if svn-status-head-revision (format " (status against revision: %s)"
+ svn-status-head-revision)
+ "")))
+ (when svn-status-module-name
+ (insert (format "Project name: %s\n" svn-status-module-name)))
+ (when svn-status-branch-list
+ (insert (format "Branches: %s\n" svn-status-branch-list)))
+ (when svn-status-base-info
+ (insert (concat "Repository Root: " (svn-status-base-info->repository-root) "\n"))
+ (insert (concat "Repository Url: " (svn-status-base-info->url) "\n")))
+ (when svn-status-hide-unknown
+ (insert
+ (format "%d Unknown file(s) are hidden - press `?' to toggle hiding\n"
+ unknown-count)))
+ (when svn-status-hide-unmodified
+ (insert
+ (format "%d Unmodified file(s) are hidden - press `_' to toggle hiding\n"
+ unmodified-count)))
+ (when svn-status-hide-externals
+ (insert
+ (format "%d Externals file(s) are hidden - press `z' to toggle hiding\n"
+ externals-count)))
+ (when (> custom-hide-count 0)
+ (insert
+ (format "%d file(s) are hidden via the svn-status-custom-hide-function\n"
+ custom-hide-count)))
+ (when (> user-elide-count 0)
+ (insert (format "%d file(s) elided\n" user-elide-count)))
+ (insert (format "%d file(s) marked\n" marked-count))
+ (setq header-line-string (concat (format svn-status-line-format
+ 70 80 72 "BASE" "CMTD" "Author")
+ (if svn-status-short-mod-flag-p "em " "")
+ "File"))
+ (cond ((eq svn-status-use-header-line t)
+ (setq header-line-format (concat " " header-line-string)))
+ ((eq svn-status-use-header-line 'inline)
+ (insert "\n " header-line-string "\n")))
+ (setq svn-start-of-file-list-line-number (+ (count-lines (point-min) (point)) 1))
+ (if fname
+ (progn
+ (goto-char fname-pos)
+ (svn-status-goto-file-name fname)
+ (goto-char (+ column (svn-point-at-bol)))
+ (when window-line-pos
+ (recenter window-line-pos)))
+ (goto-char (+ (next-overlay-change (point-min)) svn-status-default-column)))))
+(defun svn-status-parse-info (arg)
+ "Parse the svn info output for the base directory.
+Show the repository url after this call in the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer.
+When called with the prefix argument 0, reset the information to nil.
+This hides the repository information again.
+When ARG is t, don't update the svn status buffer. This is useful for
+non-interactive use."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if (eq arg 0)
+ (setq svn-status-base-info nil)
+ (let ((svn-process-buffer-name "*svn-info-output*"))
+ (when (get-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (kill-buffer svn-process-buffer-name))
+ (svn-run nil t 'parse-info "info" ".")
+ (svn-status-parse-info-result)))
+ (unless (eq arg t)
+ (svn-status-update-buffer)))
+(defun svn-status-parse-info-result ()
+ "Parse the result from the svn info command.
+Put the found values in `svn-status-base-info'."
+ (let ((url)
+ (repository-root)
+ (last-changed-author))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((case-fold-search t))
+ (search-forward "url: ")
+ (setq url (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (svn-point-at-eol)))
+ (when (search-forward "repository root: " nil t)
+ (setq repository-root (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (svn-point-at-eol))))
+ (when (search-forward "last changed author: " nil t)
+ (setq last-changed-author (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (svn-point-at-eol))))))
+ (setq svn-status-base-info `((url ,url) (repository-root ,repository-root) (last-changed-author ,last-changed-author)))))
+(defun svn-status-base-info->url ()
+ "Extract the url part from `svn-status-base-info'."
+ (if svn-status-base-info
+ (cadr (assoc 'url svn-status-base-info))
+ ""))
+(defun svn-status-base-info->repository-root ()
+ "Extract the repository-root part from `svn-status-base-info'."
+ (if svn-status-base-info
+ (cadr (assoc 'repository-root svn-status-base-info))
+ ""))
+(defun svn-status-checkout-prefix-path ()
+ "When only a part of the svn repository is checked out, return the file path for this checkout."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-parse-info t)
+ (let ((root (svn-status-base-info->repository-root))
+ (url (svn-status-base-info->url))
+ (p)
+ (base-dir (svn-status-base-dir))
+ (wc-checkout-prefix))
+ (setq p (substring url (length root)))
+ (setq wc-checkout-prefix (file-relative-name default-directory base-dir))
+ (when (string= wc-checkout-prefix "./")
+ (setq wc-checkout-prefix ""))
+ ;; (message "svn-status-checkout-prefix-path: wc-checkout-prefix: '%s' p: '%s' base-dir: %s" wc-checkout-prefix p base-dir)
+ (setq p (substring p 0 (- (length p) (length wc-checkout-prefix))))
+ (when (interactive-p)
+ (message "svn-status-checkout-prefix-path: '%s'" p))
+ p))
+(defun svn-status-ls (path &optional synchron)
+ "Run svn ls PATH."
+ (interactive "sPath for svn ls: ")
+ (svn-run (not synchron) t 'ls "ls" path)
+ (when synchron
+ (split-string (with-current-buffer svn-process-buffer-name
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))))
+(defun svn-status-ls-branches ()
+ "Show, which branches exist for the actual working copy.
+Note: this command assumes the proposed standard svn repository layout."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-parse-info t)
+ (svn-status-ls (concat (svn-status-base-info->repository-root) "/branches")))
+(defun svn-status-ls-tags ()
+ "Show, which tags exist for the actual working copy.
+Note: this command assumes the proposed standard svn repository layout."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-parse-info t)
+ (svn-status-ls (concat (svn-status-base-info->repository-root) "/tags")))
+(defun svn-status-toggle-edit-cmd-flag (&optional reset)
+ "Allow the user to edit the parameters for the next svn command.
+This command toggles between
+* editing the next command parameters (EditCmd)
+* editing all all command parameters (EditCmd#)
+* don't edit the command parameters ()
+The string in parentheses is shown in the status line to show the state."
+ (interactive)
+ (cond ((or reset (eq svn-status-edit-svn-command 'sticky))
+ (setq svn-status-edit-svn-command nil))
+ ((eq svn-status-edit-svn-command nil)
+ (setq svn-status-edit-svn-command t))
+ ((eq svn-status-edit-svn-command t)
+ (setq svn-status-edit-svn-command 'sticky)))
+ (cond ((eq svn-status-edit-svn-command t)
+ (setq svn-status-mode-line-process-edit-flag " EditCmd"))
+ ((eq svn-status-edit-svn-command 'sticky)
+ (setq svn-status-mode-line-process-edit-flag " EditCmd#"))
+ (t
+ (setq svn-status-mode-line-process-edit-flag "")))
+ (svn-status-update-mode-line))
+(defun svn-status-goto-root-or-return ()
+ "Bounce point between the root (\".\") and the current line."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (string= (svn-status-line-info->filename (svn-status-get-line-information)) ".")
+ (when svn-status-root-return-info
+ (svn-status-goto-file-name
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename svn-status-root-return-info)))
+ (setq svn-status-root-return-info (svn-status-get-line-information))
+ (svn-status-goto-file-name ".")))
+(defun svn-status-next-line (nr-of-lines)
+ "Go to the next line that holds a file information.
+When called with a prefix argument advance the given number of lines."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (while (progn
+ (forward-line nr-of-lines)
+ (and (not (eobp))
+ (not (svn-status-get-line-information)))))
+ (when (svn-status-get-line-information)
+ (goto-char (+ (svn-point-at-bol) svn-status-default-column))))
+(defun svn-status-previous-line (nr-of-lines)
+ "Go to the previous line that holds a file information.
+When called with a prefix argument go back the given number of lines."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (while (progn
+ (forward-line (- nr-of-lines))
+ (and (not (bobp))
+ (not (svn-status-get-line-information)))))
+ (when (svn-status-get-line-information)
+ (goto-char (+ (svn-point-at-bol) svn-status-default-column))))
+(defun svn-status-dired-jump ()
+ "Jump to a dired buffer, containing the file at point."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((line-info (svn-status-get-line-information))
+ (file-full-path (if line-info
+ (svn-status-line-info->full-path line-info)
+ default-directory)))
+ (let ((default-directory
+ (file-name-as-directory
+ (expand-file-name (if line-info
+ (svn-status-line-info->directory-containing-line-info line-info t)
+ default-directory)))))
+ (if (fboundp 'dired-jump-back) (dired-jump-back) (dired-jump))) ;; Xemacs uses dired-jump-back
+ (dired-goto-file file-full-path)))
+(defun svn-status-possibly-negate-meaning-of-arg (arg &optional command)
+ "Negate arg, if this-command is a member of svn-status-possibly-negate-meaning-of-arg."
+ (unless command
+ (setq command this-command))
+ (if (member command svn-status-negate-meaning-of-arg-commands)
+ (not arg)
+ arg))
+(defun svn-status-update (&optional arg)
+ "Run 'svn status -v'.
+When called with a prefix argument run 'svn status -vu'."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (unless (interactive-p)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (setq svn-status-update-previous-process-output
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))))
+ (svn-status default-directory arg))
+(defun svn-status-get-line-information ()
+ "Find out about the file under point.
+The result may be parsed with the various `svn-status-line-info->...' functions."
+ (if (eq major-mode 'svn-status-mode)
+ (let ((svn-info nil))
+ (dolist (overlay (overlays-at (point)))
+ (setq svn-info (or svn-info
+ (overlay-get overlay 'svn-info))))
+ svn-info)
+ ;; different mode, means called not from the *svn-status* buffer
+ (if svn-status-get-line-information-for-file
+ (svn-status-make-line-info (if (eq svn-status-get-line-information-for-file 'relative)
+ (file-relative-name (buffer-file-name) (svn-status-base-dir))
+ (buffer-file-name)))
+ (svn-status-make-line-info "."))))
+(defun svn-status-get-file-list (use-marked-files)
+ "Get either the selected files or the file under point.
+USE-MARKED-FILES decides which we do.
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected."
+ (if use-marked-files
+ (svn-status-marked-files)
+ (list (svn-status-get-line-information))))
+(defun svn-status-get-file-list-names (use-marked-files)
+ (mapcar 'svn-status-line-info->filename (svn-status-get-file-list use-marked-files)))
+(defun svn-status-get-file-information ()
+ "Find out about the file under point.
+The result may be parsed with the various `svn-status-line-info->...' functions.
+When called from a *svn-status* buffer, do the same as `svn-status-get-line-information'.
+When called from a file buffer provide a structure that contains the filename."
+ (cond ((eq major-mode 'svn-status-mode)
+ (svn-status-get-line-information))
+ (t
+ ;; a fake structure that contains the buffername for the current buffer
+ (svn-status-make-line-info (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))))
+(defun svn-status-select-line ()
+ "Return information about the file under point.
+\(Only used for debugging\)"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((info (svn-status-get-line-information)))
+ (if info
+ (message "%S hide-because-unknown: %S hide-because-unmodified: %S hide-because-externals: %S" info
+ (svn-status-line-info->hide-because-unknown info)
+ (svn-status-line-info->hide-because-unmodified info)
+ (svn-status-line-info->hide-because-externals info))
+ (message "No file on this line"))))
+ (defun svn-status-ensure-cursor-on-file ()
+ "Raise an error unless point is on a valid file."
+ (unless (svn-status-get-line-information)
+ (error "No file on the current line")))
+(defun svn-status-directory-containing-point (allow-self)
+ "Find the (full path of) directory containing the file under point.
+If ALLOW-SELF and the file is a directory, return that directory,
+otherwise return the directory containing the file under point."
+ ;;the first `or' below is because s-s-g-l-i returns `nil' if
+ ;;point was outside the file list, but we need
+ ;;s-s-l-i->f to return a string to add to `default-directory'.
+ (let ((line-info (or (svn-status-get-line-information)
+ (svn-status-make-line-info))))
+ (file-name-as-directory
+ (expand-file-name
+ (svn-status-line-info->directory-containing-line-info line-info allow-self)))))
+(defun svn-status-line-info->directory-containing-line-info (line-info allow-self)
+ "Find the directory containing for LINE-INFO.
+If ALLOW-SELF is t and LINE-INFO refers to a directory then return the
+directory itself, in all other cases find the parent directory"
+ (if (and allow-self (svn-status-line-info->directory-p line-info))
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info)
+ ;;The next `or' is because (file-name-directory "file") returns nil
+ (or (file-name-directory (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info))
+ ".")))
+(defun svn-status-set-user-mark (arg)
+ "Set a user mark on the current file or directory.
+If the cursor is on a file this file is marked and the cursor advances to the next line.
+If the cursor is on a directory all files in this directory are marked.
+If this function is called with a prefix argument, only the current line is
+marked, even if it is a directory."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (setq arg (svn-status-possibly-negate-meaning-of-arg arg 'svn-status-set-user-mark))
+ (let ((info (svn-status-get-line-information)))
+ (if info
+ (progn
+ (svn-status-apply-usermark t arg)
+ (svn-status-next-line 1))
+ (message "No file on this line - cannot set a mark"))))
+(defun svn-status-unset-user-mark (arg)
+ "Remove a user mark on the current file or directory.
+If the cursor is on a file, this file is unmarked and the cursor advances to the next line.
+If the cursor is on a directory, all files in this directory are unmarked.
+If this function is called with a prefix argument, only the current line is
+unmarked, even if is a directory."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (setq arg (svn-status-possibly-negate-meaning-of-arg arg 'svn-status-set-user-mark))
+ (let ((info (svn-status-get-line-information)))
+ (if info
+ (progn
+ (svn-status-apply-usermark nil arg)
+ (svn-status-next-line 1))
+ (message "No file on this line - cannot unset a mark"))))
+(defun svn-status-unset-user-mark-backwards ()
+ "Remove a user mark from the previous file.
+Then move to that line."
+ ;; This is consistent with `dired-unmark-backward' and
+ ;; `cvs-mode-unmark-up'.
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((info (save-excursion
+ (svn-status-next-line -1)
+ (svn-status-get-line-information))))
+ (if info
+ (progn
+ (svn-status-next-line -1)
+ (svn-status-apply-usermark nil t))
+ (message "No file on previous line - cannot unset a mark"))))
+(defun svn-status-apply-usermark (set-mark only-this-line)
+ "Do the work for the various marking/unmarking functions."
+ (let* ((st-info svn-status-info)
+ (mark-count 0)
+ (line-info (svn-status-get-line-information))
+ (file-name (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info))
+ (sub-file-regexp (if (file-directory-p file-name)
+ (concat "^" (regexp-quote
+ (file-name-as-directory file-name)))
+ nil))
+ (newcursorpos-fname)
+ (i-fname)
+ (first-line t)
+ (current-line svn-start-of-file-list-line-number))
+ (while st-info
+ (when (or (svn-status-line-info->is-visiblep (car st-info)) first-line)
+ (setq current-line (1+ current-line))
+ (setq first-line nil))
+ (setq i-fname (svn-status-line-info->filename (car st-info)))
+ (when (or (string= file-name i-fname)
+ (when sub-file-regexp
+ (string-match sub-file-regexp i-fname)))
+ (when (svn-status-line-info->is-visiblep (car st-info))
+ (when (or (not only-this-line) (string= file-name i-fname))
+ (setq newcursorpos-fname i-fname)
+ (unless (eq (car (svn-status-line-info->ui-status (car st-info))) set-mark)
+ (setcar (svn-status-line-info->ui-status (car st-info)) set-mark)
+ (setq mark-count (+ 1 mark-count))
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (goto-line current-line)
+ (delete-region (svn-point-at-bol) (svn-point-at-eol))
+ (svn-insert-line-in-status-buffer (car st-info))
+ (delete-char 1)))
+ (message "%s %s" (if set-mark "Marked" "Unmarked") i-fname)))))
+ (setq st-info (cdr st-info)))
+ ;;(svn-status-update-buffer)
+ (svn-status-goto-file-name newcursorpos-fname)
+ (when (> mark-count 1)
+ (message "%s %d files" (if set-mark "Marked" "Unmarked") mark-count))))
+(defun svn-status-apply-usermark-checked (check-function set-mark)
+ "Mark or unmark files, whether a given function returns t.
+The function is called with the line information. Therefore the
+svn-status-line-info->* functions can be used in the check."
+ (let ((st-info svn-status-info)
+ (mark-count 0))
+ (while st-info
+ (when (apply check-function (list (car st-info)))
+ (unless (eq (svn-status-line-info->has-usermark (car st-info)) set-mark)
+ (setq mark-count (+ 1 mark-count))
+ (message "%s %s"
+ (if set-mark "Marked" "Unmarked")
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename (car st-info))))
+ (setcar (svn-status-line-info->ui-status (car st-info)) set-mark))
+ (setq st-info (cdr st-info)))
+ (svn-status-update-buffer)
+ (when (> mark-count 1)
+ (message "%s %d files" (if set-mark "Marked" "Unmarked") mark-count))))
+(defun svn-status-mark-unknown (arg)
+ "Mark all unknown files.
+These are the files marked with '?' in the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer.
+If the function is called with a prefix arg, unmark all these files."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status-apply-usermark-checked
+ '(lambda (info) (eq (svn-status-line-info->filemark info) ??)) (not arg)))
+(defun svn-status-mark-added (arg)
+ "Mark all added files.
+These are the files marked with 'A' in the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer.
+If the function is called with a prefix ARG, unmark all these files."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status-apply-usermark-checked
+ '(lambda (info) (eq (svn-status-line-info->filemark info) ?A)) (not arg)))
+(defun svn-status-mark-modified (arg)
+ "Mark all modified files.
+These are the files marked with 'M' in the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer.
+Changed properties are considered.
+If the function is called with a prefix ARG, unmark all these files."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status-apply-usermark-checked
+ '(lambda (info) (or (eq (svn-status-line-info->filemark info) ?M)
+ (eq (svn-status-line-info->filemark info)
+ svn-status-file-modified-after-save-flag)
+ (eq (svn-status-line-info->propmark info) ?M)))
+ (not arg)))
+(defun svn-status-mark-modified-properties (arg)
+ "Mark all files and directories with modified properties.
+If the function is called with a prefix ARG, unmark all these entries."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status-apply-usermark-checked
+ '(lambda (info) (or (eq (svn-status-line-info->propmark info) ?M)))
+ (not arg)))
+(defun svn-status-mark-deleted (arg)
+ "Mark all files scheduled for deletion.
+These are the files marked with 'D' in the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer.
+If the function is called with a prefix ARG, unmark all these files."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status-apply-usermark-checked
+ '(lambda (info) (eq (svn-status-line-info->filemark info) ?D)) (not arg)))
+(defun svn-status-mark-changed (arg)
+ "Mark all files that could be committed.
+This means we mark
+* all modified files
+* all files scheduled for addition
+* all files scheduled for deletion
+* all files with modified properties
+The last two categories include all copied and moved files.
+If called with a prefix ARG, unmark all such files."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status-mark-added arg)
+ (svn-status-mark-modified arg)
+ (svn-status-mark-deleted arg)
+ (svn-status-mark-modified-properties arg))
+(defun svn-status-unset-all-usermarks ()
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-apply-usermark-checked '(lambda (info) t) nil))
+(defun svn-status-store-usermarks (arg)
+ "Store the current usermarks in `svn-status-usermark-storage'.
+When called with a prefix argument it is possible to store different sets of marks."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((file-list (svn-status-get-file-list-names t)))
+ (svn-puthash arg file-list svn-status-usermark-storage)
+ (message "psvn stored %d user marks" (length file-list))))
+(defun svn-status-load-usermarks (arg)
+ "Load previously stored user marks from `svn-status-usermark-storage'.
+When called with a prefix argument it is possible to store/load different sets of marks."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((file-list (gethash arg svn-status-usermark-storage)))
+ (svn-status-apply-usermark-checked
+ '(lambda (info) (member (svn-status-line-info->filename info) file-list)) t)))
+(defvar svn-status-regexp-history nil
+ "History list of regular expressions used in svn status commands.")
+(defun svn-status-read-regexp (prompt)
+ (read-from-minibuffer prompt nil nil nil 'svn-status-regexp-history))
+(defun svn-status-mark-filename-regexp (regexp &optional unmark)
+ "Mark all files matching REGEXP.
+If the function is called with a prefix arg, unmark all these files."
+ (interactive
+ (list (svn-status-read-regexp (concat (if current-prefix-arg "Unmark" "Mark")
+ " files (regexp): "))
+ (if current-prefix-arg t nil)))
+ (svn-status-apply-usermark-checked
+ '(lambda (info) (string-match regexp (svn-status-line-info->filename-nondirectory info))) (not unmark)))
+(defun svn-status-mark-by-file-ext (ext &optional unmark)
+ "Mark all files matching the given file extension EXT.
+If the function is called with a prefix arg, unmark all these files."
+ (interactive
+ (list (read-string (concat (if current-prefix-arg "Unmark" "Mark")
+ " files with extensions: "))
+ (if current-prefix-arg t nil)))
+ (svn-status-apply-usermark-checked
+ '(lambda (info) (let ((case-fold-search nil))
+ (string-match (concat "\\." ext "$") (svn-status-line-info->filename-nondirectory info)))) (not unmark)))
+(defun svn-status-toggle-hide-unknown ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq svn-status-hide-unknown (not svn-status-hide-unknown))
+ (svn-status-update-buffer))
+(defun svn-status-toggle-hide-unmodified ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq svn-status-hide-unmodified (not svn-status-hide-unmodified))
+ (svn-status-update-buffer))
+(defun svn-status-toggle-hide-externals ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq svn-status-hide-externals (not svn-status-hide-externals))
+ (svn-status-update-buffer))
+(defun svn-status-get-file-name-buffer-position (name)
+ "Find the buffer position for a file.
+If the file is not found, return nil."
+ (let ((start-pos (let ((cached-pos (gethash name
+ svn-status-filename-to-buffer-position-cache)))
+ (when cached-pos
+ (goto-char (previous-overlay-change cached-pos)))
+ (point)))
+ (found))
+ ;; performance optimization: search from point to end of buffer
+ (while (and (not found) (< (point) (point-max)))
+ (goto-char (next-overlay-change (point)))
+ (when (string= name (svn-status-line-info->filename
+ (svn-status-get-line-information)))
+ (setq start-pos (+ (point) svn-status-default-column))
+ (setq found t)))
+ ;; search from buffer start to point
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (and (not found) (< (point) start-pos))
+ (goto-char (next-overlay-change (point)))
+ (when (string= name (svn-status-line-info->filename
+ (svn-status-get-line-information)))
+ (setq start-pos (+ (point) svn-status-default-column))
+ (setq found t)))
+ (and found start-pos)))
+(defun svn-status-goto-file-name (name)
+ "Move the cursor the the line that displays NAME."
+ (let ((pos (svn-status-get-file-name-buffer-position name)))
+ (if pos
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (svn-status-message 7 "Note: svn-status-goto-file-name: %s not found" name))))
+(defun svn-status-find-info-for-file-name (name)
+ (let* ((st-info svn-status-info)
+ (info))
+ (while st-info
+ (when (string= name (svn-status-line-info->filename (car st-info)))
+ (setq info (car st-info))
+ (setq st-info nil)) ; terminate loop
+ (setq st-info (cdr st-info)))
+ info))
+(defun svn-status-marked-files ()
+ "Return all files marked by `svn-status-set-user-mark',
+or (if no files were marked) the file under point."
+ (if (eq major-mode 'svn-status-mode)
+ (let* ((st-info svn-status-info)
+ (file-list))
+ (while st-info
+ (when (svn-status-line-info->has-usermark (car st-info))
+ (setq file-list (append file-list (list (car st-info)))))
+ (setq st-info (cdr st-info)))
+ (or file-list
+ (if (svn-status-get-line-information)
+ (list (svn-status-get-line-information))
+ nil)))
+ ;; different mode, means called not from the *svn-status* buffer
+ (if svn-status-get-line-information-for-file
+ (list (svn-status-make-line-info (if (eq svn-status-get-line-information-for-file 'relative)
+ (file-relative-name (buffer-file-name) (svn-status-base-dir))
+ (buffer-file-name))))
+ (list (svn-status-make-line-info ".")))))
+(defun svn-status-marked-file-names ()
+ (mapcar 'svn-status-line-info->filename (svn-status-marked-files)))
+(defun svn-status-some-files-marked-p ()
+ "Return non-nil iff a file has been marked by `svn-status-set-user-mark'.
+Unlike `svn-status-marked-files', this does not select the file under point
+if no files have been marked."
+ ;; `some' would be shorter but requires cl-seq at runtime.
+ ;; (Because it accepts both lists and vectors, it is difficult to inline.)
+ (loop for line-info in svn-status-info
+ thereis (svn-status-line-info->has-usermark line-info)))
+(defun svn-status-only-dirs-or-nothing-marked-p ()
+ "Return non-nil iff only dirs has been marked by `svn-status-set-user-mark'."
+ ;; `some' would be shorter but requires cl-seq at runtime.
+ ;; (Because it accepts both lists and vectors, it is difficult to inline.)
+ (loop for line-info in svn-status-info
+ thereis (and (not (svn-status-line-info->directory-p line-info))
+ (svn-status-line-info->has-usermark line-info))))
+(defun svn-status-ui-information-hash-table ()
+ (let ((st-info svn-status-info)
+ (svn-status-ui-information (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+ (while st-info
+ (svn-puthash (svn-status-line-info->filename (car st-info))
+ (svn-status-line-info->ui-status (car st-info))
+ svn-status-ui-information)
+ (setq st-info (cdr st-info)))
+ svn-status-ui-information))
+(defun svn-status-create-arg-file (file-info-list)
+ "Create an svn client argument file"
+ ;; create the arg file on the remote host when we will run svn on this host!
+ (let ((file-name (svn-expand-filename-for-remote-access svn-status-temp-arg-file)))
+ ;; (message "svn-status-create-arg-file %s: %s" default-directory file-name)
+ (with-temp-file file-name
+ (let ((st-info file-info-list))
+ (while st-info
+ (insert (svn-status-line-info->filename (car st-info)))
+ (insert "\n")
+ (setq st-info (cdr st-info)))
+ (setq svn-arg-file-content (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))))
+(defun svn-status-show-process-buffer-internal (&optional scroll-to-top)
+ (let ((cur-buff (current-buffer)))
+ (unless svn-status-preserve-window-configuration
+ (when (string= (buffer-name) svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (delete-other-windows)))
+ (pop-to-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (svn-process-mode)
+ (when scroll-to-top
+ (goto-char (point-min)))
+ (pop-to-buffer cur-buff)))
+(defun svn-status-show-process-output (cmd &optional scroll-to-top)
+ "Display the result of a svn command.
+Consider svn-status-window-alist to choose the buffer name."
+ (let ((window-mode (cadr (assoc cmd svn-status-window-alist)))
+ (process-default-directory))
+ (cond ((eq window-mode nil) ;; use *svn-process* buffer
+ (setq svn-status-last-output-buffer-name svn-process-buffer-name))
+ ((eq window-mode t) ;; use *svn-info* buffer
+ (setq svn-status-last-output-buffer-name "*svn-info*"))
+ ((eq window-mode 'invisible) ;; don't display the buffer
+ (setq svn-status-last-output-buffer-name nil))
+ (t
+ (setq svn-status-last-output-buffer-name window-mode)))
+ (when svn-status-last-output-buffer-name
+ (if window-mode
+ (progn
+ (unless svn-status-preserve-window-configuration
+ (when (string= (buffer-name) svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (delete-other-windows)))
+ (pop-to-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (setq process-default-directory default-directory)
+ (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create svn-status-last-output-buffer-name))
+ (setq default-directory process-default-directory)
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (insert-buffer-substring svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (when scroll-to-top
+ (goto-char (point-min))))
+ (when (eq window-mode t) ;; *svn-info* buffer
+ (svn-info-mode))
+ (other-window 1))
+ (svn-status-show-process-buffer-internal scroll-to-top)))))
+(defun svn-status-svn-log-switches (arg)
+ (cond ((eq arg 0) '())
+ ((or (eq arg -1) (eq arg '-)) '("-q"))
+ (arg '("-v"))
+ (t svn-status-default-log-arguments)))
+(defun svn-status-show-svn-log (arg)
+ "Run `svn log' on selected files.
+The output is put into the *svn-log* buffer
+The optional prefix argument ARG determines which switches are passed to `svn log':
+ no prefix --- use whatever is in the list `svn-status-default-log-arguments'
+ prefix argument of -1: --- use the -q switch (quiet)
+ prefix argument of 0 --- use no arguments
+ other prefix arguments: --- use the -v switch (verbose)
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((switches (svn-status-svn-log-switches arg))
+ (svn-status-get-line-information-for-file t))
+ ;; (message "svn-status-show-svn-log %S" arg)
+ (svn-status-create-arg-file (svn-status-marked-files))
+ (svn-run t t 'log "log" "--targets" svn-status-temp-arg-file switches)))
+(defun svn-status-version ()
+ "Show the version numbers for psvn.el and the svn command line client.
+The version number of the client is cached in `svn-client-version'."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((window-conf (current-window-configuration))
+ (version-string))
+ (if (or (interactive-p) (not svn-status-cached-version-string))
+ (progn
+ (svn-run nil t 'version "--version")
+ (when (interactive-p)
+ (svn-status-show-process-output 'info t))
+ (with-current-buffer svn-status-last-output-buffer-name
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq svn-client-version
+ (when (re-search-forward "svn, version \\([0-9\.]+\\)" nil t)
+ (mapcar 'string-to-number (split-string (match-string 1) "\\."))))
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (insert (format "psvn.el revision: %s\n\n" svn-psvn-revision)))
+ (setq version-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
+ (setq svn-status-cached-version-string version-string))
+ (setq version-string svn-status-cached-version-string)
+ (unless (interactive-p)
+ (set-window-configuration window-conf)
+ version-string))))
+(defun svn-compute-svn-client-version ()
+ "Ensure that svn-client-version is available."
+ (unless svn-client-version
+ (svn-status-version)))
+(defun svn-status-info ()
+ "Run `svn info' on all selected files.
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-create-arg-file (svn-status-marked-files))
+ (svn-run t t 'info "info" "--targets" svn-status-temp-arg-file))
+(defun svn-status-info-for-path (path)
+ "Run svn info on the given PATH.
+Return some interesting parts of the resulting output.
+At the moment a list containing the last changed author is returned."
+ (let ((svn-process-buffer-name "*svn-info-output*")
+ (last-changed-author))
+ (svn-run nil t 'info "info" path)
+ (with-current-buffer svn-process-buffer-name
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (search-forward "last changed author: " nil t)
+ (setq last-changed-author (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (svn-point-at-eol)))))
+ (svn-status-message 7 "last-changed-author for '%s': %s" path last-changed-author)
+ (list last-changed-author)))
+(defun svn-status-blame (revision &optional file-name)
+ "Run `svn blame' on the current file.
+When called with a prefix argument, ask the user for the REVISION to use.
+When called from a file buffer, go to the current line in the resulting blame output."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (when current-prefix-arg
+ (setq revision (svn-status-read-revision-string "Blame for version: " "BASE")))
+ (unless revision (setq revision "BASE"))
+ (setq svn-status-blame-revision revision)
+ (setq svn-status-blame-file-name (if file-name
+ file-name
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename (svn-status-get-file-information))))
+ (svn-run t t 'blame "blame" svn-status-default-blame-arguments "-r" revision svn-status-blame-file-name))
+(defun svn-blame-blame-again (arg)
+ "Run svn blame again, using the revision before the change at point.
+When point is at revision 3472, run it with 3471."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((rev (svn-blame-rev-at-point)))
+ (setq rev (number-to-string (- (string-to-number rev) 1)))
+ (when current-prefix-arg
+ (setq rev (svn-status-read-revision-string (format "Svn blame for rev#? ") rev)))
+ (svn-status-blame rev svn-status-blame-file-name)))
+(defun svn-status-show-svn-diff (arg)
+ "Run `svn diff' on the current file.
+If the current file is a directory, compare it recursively.
+If there is a newer revision in the repository, the diff is done against HEAD,
+otherwise compare the working copy with BASE.
+If ARG then prompt for revision to diff against (unless arg is '-)
+When called with a negative prefix argument, do a non recursive diff."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((non-recursive (or (and (numberp arg) (< arg 0)) (eq arg '-)))
+ (revision (if (and (not (eq arg '-)) arg) :ask :auto)))
+ (svn-status-ensure-cursor-on-file)
+ (svn-status-show-svn-diff-internal (list (svn-status-get-line-information)) (not non-recursive)
+ revision)))
+(defun svn-file-show-svn-diff (arg)
+ "Run `svn diff' on the current file.
+If there is a newer revision in the repository, the diff is done against HEAD,
+otherwise compare the working copy with BASE.
+If ARG then prompt for revision to diff against."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status-show-svn-diff-internal (list (svn-status-make-line-info buffer-file-name)) nil
+ (if arg :ask :auto)))
+(defun svn-status-show-svn-diff-for-marked-files (arg)
+ "Run `svn diff' on all selected files.
+If some files have been marked, compare those non-recursively;
+this is because marking a directory with \\[svn-status-set-user-mark]
+normally marks all of its files as well.
+If no files have been marked, compare recursively the file at point.
+If ARG then prompt for revision to diff against, else compare working copy with BASE."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status-show-svn-diff-internal (svn-status-marked-files)
+ (not (svn-status-some-files-marked-p))
+ (if arg :ask "BASE")))
+(defun svn-status-diff-show-changeset (rev &optional user-confirmation rev-against)
+ "Show the changeset for a given log entry.
+When called with a prefix argument, ask the user for the revision."
+ (let* ((upper-rev (if rev-against rev-against rev))
+ (lower-rev (if rev-against rev (number-to-string (- (string-to-number upper-rev) 1))))
+ (rev-arg (concat lower-rev ":" upper-rev)))
+ (when user-confirmation
+ (setq rev-arg (read-string "Revision for changeset: " rev-arg)))
+ (svn-run nil t 'diff "diff" svn-status-default-diff-arguments (concat "-r" rev-arg))
+ (svn-status-activate-diff-mode)))
+(defun svn-status-show-svn-diff-internal (line-infos recursive revision)
+ ;; REVISION must be one of:
+ ;; - a string: whatever the -r option allows.
+ ;; - `:ask': asks the user to specify the revision, which then becomes
+ ;; saved in `minibuffer-history' rather than in `command-history'.
+ ;; - `:auto': use "HEAD" if an update is known to exist, "BASE" otherwise.
+ ;; In the future, `nil' might mean omit the -r option entirely;
+ ;; but that currently seems to imply "BASE", so we just use that.
+ (when (eq revision :ask)
+ (setq revision (svn-status-read-revision-string
+ "Diff with files for version: " "PREV")))
+ (setq svn-status-last-diff-options (list line-infos recursive revision))
+ (let ((clear-buf t)
+ (beginning nil))
+ (dolist (line-info line-infos)
+ (svn-run nil clear-buf 'diff "diff" svn-status-default-diff-arguments
+ "-r" (if (eq revision :auto)
+ (if (svn-status-line-info->update-available line-info)
+ "HEAD" "BASE")
+ revision)
+ (unless recursive "--non-recursive")
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info))
+ (setq clear-buf nil)
+ ;; "svn diff --non-recursive" skips only subdirectories, not files.
+ ;; But a non-recursive diff via psvn should skip files too, because
+ ;; the user would have marked them if he wanted them to be compared.
+ ;; So we'll look for the "Index: foo" line that marks the first file
+ ;; in the diff output, and delete it and everything that follows.
+ ;; This is made more complicated by the fact that `svn-status-activate-diff-mode'
+ ;; expects the output to be left in the *svn-process* buffer.
+ (unless recursive
+ ;; Check `directory-p' relative to the `default-directory' of the
+ ;; "*svn-status*" buffer, not that of the svn-process-buffer-name buffer.
+ (let ((directory-p (svn-status-line-info->directory-p line-info)))
+ (with-current-buffer svn-process-buffer-name
+ (when directory-p
+ (goto-char (or beginning (point-min)))
+ (when (re-search-forward "^Index: " nil t)
+ (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (point-max))))
+ (goto-char (setq beginning (point-max))))))))
+ (svn-status-activate-diff-mode))
+(defun svn-status-diff-save-current-defun-as-kill ()
+ "Copy the function name for the change at point to the kill-ring.
+That function uses `add-log-current-defun'"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((func-name (add-log-current-defun)))
+ (if func-name
+ (progn
+ (kill-new func-name)
+ (message "Copied %S" func-name))
+ (message "No current defun detected."))))
+(defun svn-status-diff-pop-to-commit-buffer ()
+ "Temporary switch to the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer and start a commit from there."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((window-conf (current-window-configuration)))
+ (svn-status-switch-to-status-buffer)
+ (svn-status-commit)
+ (set-window-configuration window-conf)
+ (setq svn-status-pre-commit-window-configuration window-conf)
+ (pop-to-buffer svn-log-edit-buffer-name)))
+(defun svn-status-activate-diff-mode ()
+ "Show the `svn-process-buffer-name' buffer, using the diff-mode."
+ (svn-status-show-process-output 'diff t)
+ (let ((working-directory default-directory))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-status-last-output-buffer-name)
+ (setq default-directory working-directory)
+ (svn-status-diff-mode)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t))))
+(define-derived-mode svn-status-diff-mode fundamental-mode "svn-diff"
+ "Major mode to display svn diffs. Derives from `diff-mode'.
+ (let ((diff-mode-shared-map (copy-keymap svn-status-diff-mode-map))
+ major-mode mode-name)
+ (diff-mode)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'revert-buffer-function) 'svn-status-diff-update)))
+(defun svn-status-diff-update (arg noconfirm)
+ "Rerun the last svn diff command and update the *svn-diff* buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-save-some-buffers)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (apply 'svn-status-show-svn-diff-internal svn-status-last-diff-options)))
+(defun svn-status-show-process-buffer ()
+ "Show the content of the `svn-process-buffer-name' buffer"
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-show-process-output nil))
+(defun svn-status-pop-to-partner-buffer ()
+ "Pop to the `svn-status-partner-buffer' if that variable is set."
+ (interactive)
+ (when svn-status-partner-buffer
+ (let ((cur-buf (current-buffer)))
+ (pop-to-buffer svn-status-partner-buffer)
+ (setq svn-status-partner-buffer cur-buf))))
+(defun svn-status-pop-to-new-partner-buffer (buffer)
+ "Call `pop-to-buffer' and register the current buffer as partner buffer for BUFFER."
+ (let ((cur-buf (current-buffer)))
+ (pop-to-buffer buffer)
+ (setq svn-status-partner-buffer cur-buf)))
+(defun svn-status-add-file-recursively (arg)
+ "Run `svn add' on all selected files.
+When a directory is added, add files recursively.
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected.
+When this function is called with a prefix argument, use the actual file instead."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (message "adding: %S" (svn-status-get-file-list-names (not arg)))
+ (svn-status-create-arg-file (svn-status-get-file-list (not arg)))
+ (svn-run t t 'add "add" "--targets" svn-status-temp-arg-file))
+(defun svn-status-add-file (arg)
+ "Run `svn add' on all selected files.
+When a directory is added, don't add the files of the directory
+ (svn add --non-recursive <file-list> is called).
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected.
+When this function is called with a prefix argument, use the actual file instead."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (message "adding: %S" (svn-status-get-file-list-names (not arg)))
+ (svn-status-create-arg-file (svn-status-get-file-list (not arg)))
+ (svn-run t t 'add "add" "--non-recursive" "--targets" svn-status-temp-arg-file))
+(defun svn-status-lock (arg)
+ "Run `svn lock' on all selected files.
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (message "locking: %S" (svn-status-get-file-list-names t))
+ (svn-status-create-arg-file (svn-status-get-file-list t))
+ (svn-run t t 'lock "lock" "--targets" svn-status-temp-arg-file))
+(defun svn-status-unlock (arg)
+ "Run `svn unlock' on all selected files.
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (message "unlocking: %S" (svn-status-get-file-list-names t))
+ (svn-status-create-arg-file (svn-status-get-file-list t))
+ (svn-run t t 'unlock "unlock" "--targets" svn-status-temp-arg-file))
+(defun svn-status-make-directory (dir)
+ "Run `svn mkdir DIR'."
+ ;; TODO: Allow entering a URI interactively.
+ ;; Currently, `read-file-name' corrupts it.
+ (interactive (list (read-file-name "Make directory: "
+ (svn-status-directory-containing-point t))))
+ (unless (string-match "^[^:/]+://" dir) ; Is it a URI?
+ (setq dir (file-relative-name dir)))
+ (svn-run t t 'mkdir "mkdir" "--" dir))
+(defun svn-status-mv ()
+ "Prompt for a destination, and `svn mv' selected files there.
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as `selected'.
+If one file was selected then the destination DEST should be a
+filename to rename the selected file to, or a directory to move the
+file into; if multiple files were selected then DEST should be a
+directory to move the selected files into.
+The default DEST is the directory containing point.
+BUG: If we've marked some directory containging a file as well as the
+file itself, then we should just mv the directory, but this implementation
+doesn't check for that.
+SOLUTION: for each dir, umark all its contents (but not the dir
+itself) before running mv."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-mv-cp "mv" "Rename" "Move" "mv"))
+(defun svn-status-cp ()
+ "See `svn-status-mv'"
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-mv-cp "cp" "Copy" "Copy" "cp"))
+(defun svn-status-mv-cp (command singleprompt manyprompt fallback)
+ "Run svn COMMAND on marked files, prompting for destination
+This function acts on `svn-status-marked-files': at the prompt the
+user can enter a new file name, or an existing directory: this is used as the argument for svn COMMAND.
+ COMMAND --- string saying what to do: \"mv\" or \"cp\"
+ SINGLEPROMPT --- string at start of prompt when one file marked
+ MANYPROMPT --- string at start of prompt when multiple files marked
+ FALLBACK --- If any marked file is unversioned, use this instead of 'svn COMMAND'"
+ (let* ((marked-files (svn-status-marked-files))
+ (num-of-files (length marked-files))
+ dest)
+ (if (= 1 num-of-files)
+ ;; one file to act on: new name, or directory to hold results
+ (setq dest (read-file-name
+ (format "%s %s to: " singleprompt
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename (car marked-files)))
+ (svn-status-directory-containing-point t)
+ (svn-status-line-info->full-path (car marked-files))))
+ ;;TODO: (when file-exists-p but-no-dir-p dest (error "%s already exists" dest))
+ ;;multiple files selected, so prompt for existing directory to mv them into.
+ (setq dest (svn-read-directory-name
+ (format "%s %d files to directory: " manyprompt num-of-files)
+ (svn-status-directory-containing-point t) nil t))
+ (unless (file-directory-p dest)
+ (error "%s is not a directory" dest)))
+ (when (string= dest "")
+ (error "No destination entered"))
+ (unless (string-match "^[^:/]+://" dest) ; Is it a URI?
+ (setq dest (file-relative-name dest)))
+ ;;do the move: svn mv only lets us move things once at a time, so
+ ;;we need to run svn mv once for each file (hence second arg to
+ ;;svn-run is nil.)
+ ;;TODO: before doing any moving, For every marked directory,
+ ;;ensure none of its contents are also marked, since we dont want
+ ;;to move both file *and* its parent...
+ ;; what about elided files? what if user marks a dir+contents, then presses `_' ?
+;; ;one solution:
+;; (dolist (original marked-files)
+;; (when (svn-status-line-info->directory-p original)
+;; ;; run svn-status-goto-file-name to move point to line of file
+;; ;; run svn-status-unset-user-mark to unmark dir+all contents
+;; ;; run svn-status-set-user-mark to remark dir
+;; ;; maybe check for local mods here, and unmark if user does't say --force?
+;; ))
+ (dolist (original marked-files)
+ (let ((original-name (svn-status-line-info->filename original))
+ (original-filemarks (svn-status-line-info->filemark original))
+ (original-propmarks (svn-status-line-info->propmark original))
+ (moved nil))
+ (cond
+ ((or (eq original-filemarks ?M) ;local mods: maybe do `svn mv --force'
+ (eq original-propmarks ?M)) ;local prop mods: maybe do `svn mv --force'
+ (if (yes-or-no-p
+ (format "%s has local modifications; use `--force' to really move it? " original-name))
+ (progn
+ (svn-status-run-mv-cp command original-name dest t)
+ (setq moved t))
+ (message "Not acting on %s" original-name)))
+ ((eq original-filemarks ??) ;original is unversioned: use fallback
+ (if (yes-or-no-p (format "%s is unversioned. Use `%s -i -- %s %s'? "
+ original-name fallback original-name dest))
+ ;; TODO: consider svn-call-process-function here also...
+ (progn (call-process fallback nil (get-buffer-create svn-process-buffer-name) nil
+ "-i" "--" original-name dest)
+ (setq moved t))
+ ;;new files created by fallback are not in *svn-status* now,
+ ;;TODO: so call (svn-status-update) here?
+ (message "Not acting on %s" original-name)))
+ ((eq original-filemarks ?A) ;;`A' (`svn add'ed, but not committed)
+ (message "Not acting on %s (commit it first)" original-name))
+ ((eq original-filemarks ? ) ;original is unmodified: can proceed
+ (svn-status-run-mv-cp command original-name dest)
+ (setq moved t))
+ ;;file has some other mark (eg conflicted)
+ (t
+ (if (yes-or-no-p
+ (format "The status of %s looks scary. Risk moving it anyway? "
+ original-name))
+ (progn
+ (svn-status-run-mv-cp command original-name dest)
+ (setq moved t))
+ (message "Not acting on %s" original-name))))
+ (when moved
+ (message "psvn: did '%s' from %s to %s" command original-name dest)
+ ;; Silently rename the visited file of any buffer visiting this file.
+ (when (get-file-buffer original-name)
+ (with-current-buffer (get-file-buffer original-name)
+ (set-visited-file-name dest nil t))))))
+ (svn-status-update)))
+(defun svn-status-run-mv-cp (command original destination &optional force)
+ "Actually run svn mv or svn cp.
+This is just to prevent duplication in `svn-status-prompt-and-act-on-files'"
+ (if force
+ (svn-run nil t (intern command) command "--force" "--" original destination)
+ (svn-run nil t (intern command) command "--" original destination))
+;;;TODO: use something like the following instead of calling svn-status-update
+;;; at the end of svn-status-mv-cp.
+;; (let ((output (svn-status-parse-ar-output))
+;; newfile
+;; buffer-read-only) ; otherwise insert-line-in-status-buffer fails
+;; (dolist (new-file output)
+;; (when (eq (cadr new-file) 'added-wc)
+;; ;; files with 'wc-added action do not exist in *svn-status*
+;; ;; buffer yet, so give each of them their own line-info
+;; ;; TODO: need to insert the new line-info in a sensible place, ie in the correct directory! [svn-status-filename-to-buffer-position-cache might help?]
+;; (svn-insert-line-in-status-buffer
+;; (svn-status-make-line-info (car new-file)))))
+;; (svn-status-update-with-command-list output))
+ )
+(defun svn-status-revert ()
+ "Run `svn revert' on all selected files.
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((marked-files (svn-status-marked-files))
+ (num-of-files (length marked-files)))
+ (when (yes-or-no-p
+ (if (= 1 num-of-files)
+ (format "Revert %s? " (svn-status-line-info->filename (car marked-files)))
+ (format "Revert %d files? " num-of-files)))
+ (message "reverting: %S" (svn-status-marked-file-names))
+ (svn-status-create-arg-file (svn-status-marked-files))
+ (svn-run t t 'revert "revert" "--targets" svn-status-temp-arg-file))))
+(defun svn-file-revert ()
+ "Run `svn revert' on the current file."
+ (interactive)
+ (when (y-or-n-p (format "Revert %s? " buffer-file-name))
+ (svn-run t t 'revert "revert" buffer-file-name)))
+(defun svn-status-rm (force)
+ "Run `svn rm' on all selected files.
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected.
+When called with a prefix argument add the command line switch --force.
+Forcing the deletion can also be used to delete files not under svn control."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let* ((marked-files (svn-status-marked-files))
+ (num-of-files (length marked-files)))
+ (when (yes-or-no-p
+ (if (= 1 num-of-files)
+ (format "%sRemove %s? " (if force "Force " "") (svn-status-line-info->filename (car marked-files)))
+ (format "%sRemove %d files? " (if force "Force " "") num-of-files)))
+ (message "removing: %S" (svn-status-marked-file-names))
+ (svn-status-create-arg-file (svn-status-marked-files))
+ (if force
+ (save-excursion
+ (svn-run t t 'rm "rm" "--force" "--targets" svn-status-temp-arg-file)
+ (dolist (to-delete (svn-status-marked-files))
+ (when (eq (svn-status-line-info->filemark to-delete) ??)
+ (svn-status-goto-file-name (svn-status-line-info->filename to-delete))
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (delete-region (svn-point-at-bol) (+ 1 (svn-point-at-eol)))
+ (delete to-delete svn-status-info)))))
+ (svn-run t t 'rm "rm" "--targets" svn-status-temp-arg-file)))))
+(defun svn-status-update-cmd (arg)
+ "Run svn update.
+When called with a prefix argument, ask the user for the revision to update to.
+When called with a negative prefix argument, only update the selected files."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let* ((selective-update (or (and (numberp arg) (< arg 0)) (eq arg '-)))
+ (update-extra-arg)
+ (rev (when arg (svn-status-read-revision-string
+ (if selective-update
+ (format "Selected entries: Run svn update -r ")
+ (format "Directory: %s: Run svn update -r " default-directory))
+ (if selective-update "HEAD" nil)))))
+ (svn-compute-svn-client-version)
+ (if (and (<= (car svn-client-version) 1) (< (cadr svn-client-version) 5))
+ (setq update-extra-arg (list "--non-interactive")) ;; svn version < 1.5
+ (setq update-extra-arg (list "--accept" "postpone"))) ;; svn version >= 1.5
+ (if selective-update
+ (progn
+ (message "Running svn-update for %s" (svn-status-marked-file-names))
+ (svn-run t t 'update "update"
+ (when rev (list "-r" rev))
+ update-extra-arg
+ (svn-status-marked-file-names)))
+ (message "Running svn-update for %s" default-directory)
+ (svn-run t t 'update "update"
+ (when rev (list "-r" rev))
+ update-extra-arg
+ (svn-local-filename-for-remote-access (expand-file-name default-directory))))))
+(defun svn-status-commit ()
+ "Commit selected files.
+If some files have been marked, commit those non-recursively;
+this is because marking a directory with \\[svn-status-set-user-mark]
+normally marks all of its files as well.
+If no files have been marked, commit recursively the file at point."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-save-some-buffers)
+ (let* ((selected-files (svn-status-marked-files)))
+ (setq svn-status-files-to-commit selected-files
+ svn-status-recursive-commit (not (svn-status-only-dirs-or-nothing-marked-p)))
+ (svn-log-edit-show-files-to-commit)
+ (svn-status-pop-to-commit-buffer)
+ (when svn-log-edit-insert-files-to-commit
+ (svn-log-edit-insert-files-to-commit))
+ (when svn-log-edit-show-diff-for-commit
+ (svn-log-edit-svn-diff nil))))
+(defun svn-status-pop-to-commit-buffer ()
+ "Pop to the svn commit buffer.
+If a saved log message exists in `svn-log-edit-file-name' insert it in the buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (setq svn-status-pre-commit-window-configuration (current-window-configuration))
+ (let* ((use-existing-buffer (get-buffer svn-log-edit-buffer-name))
+ (commit-buffer (get-buffer-create svn-log-edit-buffer-name))
+ (dir default-directory)
+ (log-edit-file-name))
+ (pop-to-buffer commit-buffer)
+ (setq default-directory dir)
+ (setq log-edit-file-name (svn-log-edit-file-name))
+ (unless use-existing-buffer
+ (when (and log-edit-file-name (file-readable-p log-edit-file-name))
+ (insert-file-contents log-edit-file-name)))
+ (svn-log-edit-mode)))
+(defun svn-status-switch-to-status-buffer ()
+ "Switch to the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (switch-to-buffer svn-status-buffer-name))
+(defun svn-status-pop-to-status-buffer ()
+ "Pop to the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (pop-to-buffer svn-status-buffer-name))
+(defun svn-status-via-bookmark (bookmark)
+ "Allows a quick selection of a bookmark in `svn-bookmark-list'.
+Run `svn-status' on the selected bookmark."
+ (interactive
+ (list
+ (let ((completion-ignore-case t))
+ (funcall svn-status-completing-read-function "SVN status bookmark: " svn-bookmark-list))))
+ (unless bookmark
+ (error "No bookmark specified"))
+ (let ((directory (cdr (assoc bookmark svn-bookmark-list))))
+ (if (file-directory-p directory)
+ (svn-status directory)
+ (error "%s is not a directory" directory))))
+(defun svn-status-export ()
+ "Run `svn export' for the current working copy.
+Ask the user for the destination path.
+`svn-status-default-export-directory' is suggested as export directory."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((src default-directory)
+ (dir1-name (nth 1 (nreverse (split-string src "/"))))
+ (dest (read-file-name (format "Export %s to " src) (concat svn-status-default-export-directory dir1-name))))
+ (svn-run t t 'export "export" (expand-file-name src) (expand-file-name dest))
+ (message "svn-status-export %s %s" src dest)))
+(defun svn-status-cleanup (arg)
+ "Run `svn cleanup' on all selected files.
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected.
+When this function is called with a prefix argument, use the actual file instead."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((file-names (svn-status-get-file-list-names (not arg))))
+ (if file-names
+ (progn
+ (message "svn-status-cleanup %S" file-names)
+ (svn-run t t 'cleanup (append (list "cleanup") file-names)))
+ (message "No valid file selected - No status cleanup possible"))))
+(defun svn-status-resolved ()
+ "Run `svn resolved' on all selected files.
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((marked-files (svn-status-marked-files))
+ (num-of-files (length marked-files)))
+ (when (yes-or-no-p
+ (if (= 1 num-of-files)
+ (format "Resolve %s? " (svn-status-line-info->filename (car marked-files)))
+ (format "Resolve %d files? " num-of-files)))
+ (message "resolving: %S" (svn-status-marked-file-names))
+ (svn-status-create-arg-file (svn-status-marked-files))
+ (svn-run t t 'resolved "resolved" "--targets" svn-status-temp-arg-file))))
+(defun svn-status-svnversion ()
+ "Run svnversion on the directory that contains the file at point."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-ensure-cursor-on-file)
+ (let ((simple-path (svn-status-line-info->filename (svn-status-get-line-information)))
+ (full-path (svn-status-line-info->full-path (svn-status-get-line-information)))
+ (version))
+ (unless (file-directory-p simple-path)
+ (setq simple-path (or (file-name-directory simple-path) "."))
+ (setq full-path (file-name-directory full-path)))
+ (setq version (shell-command-to-string (concat "svnversion -n " full-path)))
+ (message "svnversion for '%s': %s" simple-path version)
+ version))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Update the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer, when a file is saved
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defvar svn-status-file-modified-after-save-flag ?m
+ "Flag shown whenever a file is modified and saved in Emacs.
+The flag is shown in the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer.
+Recommended values are ?m or ?M.")
+(defun svn-status-after-save-hook ()
+ "Set a modified indication, when a file is saved from a svn working copy."
+ (let* ((svn-dir (car-safe svn-status-directory-history))
+ (svn-dir (when svn-dir (expand-file-name svn-dir)))
+ (file-dir (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name)))
+ (svn-dir-len (length (or svn-dir "")))
+ (file-dir-len (length file-dir))
+ (file-name))
+ (when (and (get-buffer svn-status-buffer-name)
+ svn-dir
+ (>= file-dir-len svn-dir-len)
+ (string= (substring file-dir 0 svn-dir-len) svn-dir))
+ (setq file-name (substring (buffer-file-name) svn-dir-len))
+ ;;(message "In svn-status directory %S" file-name)
+ (let ((st-info svn-status-info)
+ (i-fname))
+ (while st-info
+ (setq i-fname (svn-status-line-info->filename (car st-info)))
+ ;;(message "i-fname=%S" i-fname)
+ (when (and (string= file-name i-fname)
+ (not (eq (svn-status-line-info->filemark (car st-info)) ??)))
+ (svn-status-line-info->set-filemark (car st-info)
+ svn-status-file-modified-after-save-flag)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
+ (pos (svn-status-get-file-name-buffer-position i-fname)))
+ (if pos
+ (progn
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (delete-region (svn-point-at-bol) (svn-point-at-eol))
+ (svn-insert-line-in-status-buffer (car st-info))
+ (delete-char 1))
+ (svn-status-message 3 "psvn: file %s not found, updating %s buffer content..."
+ i-fname svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (svn-status-update-buffer))))))
+ (setq st-info (cdr st-info))))))
+ nil)
+(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'svn-status-after-save-hook)
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; vc-svn integration
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defvar svn-status-state-mark-modeline t) ; modeline mark display or not
+(defvar svn-status-state-mark-tooltip nil) ; modeline tooltip display
+(defun svn-status-state-mark-modeline-dot (color)
+ (propertize " "
+ 'help-echo 'svn-status-state-mark-tooltip
+ 'display
+ `(image :type xpm
+ :data ,(format "/* XPM */
+static char * data[] = {
+\"18 13 3 1\",
+\" c None\",
+\"+ c #000000\",
+\". c %s\",
+\" \",
+\" +++++ \",
+\" +.....+ \",
+\" +.......+ \",
+\" +.........+ \",
+\" +.........+ \",
+\" +.........+ \",
+\" +.........+ \",
+\" +.........+ \",
+\" +.......+ \",
+\" +.....+ \",
+\" +++++ \",
+\" \"};"
+ color)
+ :ascent center)))
+(defun svn-status-install-state-mark-modeline (color)
+ (push `(svn-status-state-mark-modeline
+ ,(svn-status-state-mark-modeline-dot color))
+ mode-line-format)
+ (force-mode-line-update t))
+(defun svn-status-uninstall-state-mark-modeline ()
+ (setq mode-line-format
+ (remove-if #'(lambda (mode) (eq (car-safe mode)
+ 'svn-status-state-mark-modeline))
+ mode-line-format))
+ (force-mode-line-update t))
+(defun svn-status-update-state-mark-tooltip (tooltip)
+ (setq svn-status-state-mark-tooltip tooltip))
+(defun svn-status-update-state-mark (color)
+ (svn-status-uninstall-state-mark-modeline)
+ (svn-status-install-state-mark-modeline color))
+(defsubst svn-status-in-vc-mode? ()
+ "Is vc-svn active?"
+ (cond
+ ((fboundp 'vc-backend)
+ (eq 'SVN (vc-backend buffer-file-name)))
+ ((and (boundp 'vc-mode) vc-mode)
+ (string-match "^ SVN" (svn-substring-no-properties vc-mode)))))
+(when svn-status-fancy-file-state-in-modeline
+ (defadvice vc-find-file-hook (after svn-status-vc-svn-find-file-hook activate)
+ "vc-find-file-hook advice for synchronizing psvn with vc-svn interface"
+ (when (svn-status-in-vc-mode?) (svn-status-update-modeline)))
+ (defadvice vc-after-save (after svn-status-vc-svn-after-save activate)
+ "vc-after-save advice for synchronizing psvn when saving buffer"
+ (when (svn-status-in-vc-mode?) (svn-status-update-modeline)))
+ (defadvice ediff-refresh-mode-lines
+ (around svn-modeline-ediff-fixup activate compile)
+ "Fixup svn file status in the modeline when using ediff"
+ (ediff-with-current-buffer ediff-buffer-A
+ (svn-status-uninstall-state-mark-modeline))
+ (ediff-with-current-buffer ediff-buffer-B
+ (svn-status-uninstall-state-mark-modeline))
+ ad-do-it
+ (ediff-with-current-buffer ediff-buffer-A
+ (svn-status-update-modeline))
+ (ediff-with-current-buffer ediff-buffer-B
+ (svn-status-update-modeline))))
+(defun svn-status-update-modeline ()
+ "Update modeline state dot mark properly"
+ (when (and buffer-file-name (svn-status-in-vc-mode?))
+ (svn-status-update-state-mark
+ (svn-status-interprete-state-mode-color
+ (vc-svn-state buffer-file-name)))))
+(defsubst svn-status-interprete-state-mode-color (stat)
+ "Interpret vc-svn-state symbol to mode line color"
+ (case stat
+ ('edited "tomato" )
+ ('up-to-date "GreenYellow" )
+ ;; what is missing here??
+ ;; ('unknown "gray" )
+ ;; ('added "blue" )
+ ;; ('deleted "red" )
+ ;; ('unmerged "purple" )
+ (t "red")))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Getting older revisions
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun svn-status-get-specific-revision (arg)
+ "Retrieve older revisions.
+The older revisions are stored in backup files named F.~REVISION~.
+When the function is called without a prefix argument: get all marked files.
+With a prefix argument: get only the actual file."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status-get-specific-revision-internal
+ (svn-status-get-file-list (not arg)) :ask t))
+(defun svn-status-get-specific-revision-internal (line-infos revision handle-relative-svn-status-dir)
+ "Retrieve older revisions of files.
+LINE-INFOS is a list of line-info structures (see
+REVISION is one of:
+- a string: whatever the -r option allows.
+- `:ask': asks the user to specify the revision, which then becomes
+ saved in `minibuffer-history' rather than in `command-history'.
+- `:auto': Use \"HEAD\" if an update is known to exist, \"BASE\" otherwise.
+After the call, `svn-status-get-revision-file-info' will be an alist
+names are relative to the directory where `svn-status' was run."
+ ;; In `svn-status-show-svn-diff-internal', there is a comment
+ ;; that REVISION `nil' might mean omitting the -r option entirely.
+ ;; That doesn't seem like a good idea with svn cat.
+ ;; (message "svn-status-get-specific-revision-internal: %S %S" line-infos revision)
+ (when (eq revision :ask)
+ (setq revision (svn-status-read-revision-string
+ "Get files for version: " "PREV")))
+ (let ((count (length line-infos)))
+ (if (= count 1)
+ (let ((line-info (car line-infos)))
+ (message "Getting revision %s of %s"
+ (if (eq revision :auto)
+ (if (svn-status-line-info->update-available line-info)
+ "HEAD" "BASE")
+ revision)
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info)))
+ ;; We could compute "Getting HEAD of 8 files and BASE of 11 files"
+ ;; but that'd be more bloat than it's worth.
+ (message "Getting revision %s of %d files"
+ (if (eq revision :auto) "HEAD or BASE" revision)
+ count)))
+ (let ((svn-status-get-specific-revision-file-info '()))
+ (dolist (line-info line-infos)
+ (let* ((revision (if (eq revision :auto)
+ (if (svn-status-line-info->update-available line-info)
+ "HEAD" "BASE")
+ revision)) ;must be a string by this point
+ (file-name (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info))
+ ;; If REVISION is e.g. "HEAD", should we find out the actual
+ ;; revision number and save "foo.~123~" rather than "foo.~HEAD~"?
+ ;; OTOH, `auto-mode-alist' already ignores ".~HEAD~" suffixes,
+ ;; and if users often want to know the revision numbers of such
+ ;; files, they can use svn:keywords.
+ (file-name-with-revision (concat (file-name-nondirectory file-name) ".~" revision "~"))
+ (default-directory (concat (svn-status-base-dir)
+ (if handle-relative-svn-status-dir
+ (file-relative-name default-directory (svn-status-base-dir))
+ "")
+ (file-name-directory file-name))))
+ ;; `add-to-list' would unnecessarily check for duplicates.
+ (push (cons file-name (concat (file-name-directory file-name) file-name-with-revision))
+ svn-status-get-specific-revision-file-info)
+ (svn-status-message 3 "svn-status-get-specific-revision-internal: file: %s, default-directory: %s"
+ file-name default-directory)
+ (svn-status-message 3 "svn-status-get-specific-revision-internal: file-name-with-revision: %s %S"
+ file-name-with-revision (file-exists-p file-name-with-revision))
+ (save-excursion
+ (if (or (not (file-exists-p file-name-with-revision)) ;; file does not exist
+ (not (string= (number-to-string (string-to-number revision)) revision))) ;; revision is not a number
+ (progn
+ (message "Getting revision %s of %s, target: %s" revision file-name
+ (expand-file-name(concat default-directory file-name-with-revision)))
+ (svn-compute-svn-client-version)
+ (let ((content
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (if (and (and (<= (car svn-client-version) 1) (< (cadr svn-client-version) 7))
+ (string= revision "BASE"))
+ ;; Shortcut: Take the file from the file system when using svn client < v1.7
+ (insert-file-contents (concat (svn-wc-adm-dir-name)
+ "/text-base/"
+ (file-name-nondirectory file-name)
+ ".svn-base"))
+ (progn
+ (svn-run nil t 'cat "cat" "-r" revision
+ (concat default-directory (file-name-nondirectory file-name)))
+ ;;todo: error processing
+ ;;svn: Filesystem has no item
+ ;;svn: file not found: revision `15', path `/trunk/file.txt'
+ (insert-buffer-substring svn-process-buffer-name)))
+ (buffer-string))))
+ (find-file file-name-with-revision)
+ (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+ (erase-buffer) ;Widen, because we'll save the whole buffer.
+ (insert content)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((write-file-functions nil)
+ (require-final-newline nil))
+ (save-buffer))))
+ (find-file file-name-with-revision)))))
+ ;;(message "default-directory: %s revision-file-info: %S" default-directory svn-status-get-specific-revision-file-info)
+ (nreverse svn-status-get-specific-revision-file-info)))
+(defun svn-status-ediff-with-revision (arg)
+ "Run ediff on the current file with a different revision.
+If there is a newer revision in the repository, the diff is done against HEAD,
+otherwise compare the working copy with BASE.
+If ARG then prompt for revision to diff against."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let* ((svn-status-get-specific-revision-file-info
+ (svn-status-get-specific-revision-internal
+ (list (svn-status-make-line-info
+ (file-relative-name
+ (svn-status-line-info->full-path (svn-status-get-line-information))
+ (svn-status-base-dir))
+ nil nil nil nil nil nil
+ (svn-status-line-info->update-available (svn-status-get-line-information))))
+ (if arg :ask :auto)
+ nil))
+ (ediff-after-quit-destination-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (default-directory (svn-status-base-dir))
+ (my-buffer (find-file-noselect (caar svn-status-get-specific-revision-file-info)))
+ (base-buff (find-file-noselect (cdar svn-status-get-specific-revision-file-info)))
+ (svn-transient-buffers (list my-buffer base-buff))
+ (startup-hook '(svn-ediff-startup-hook)))
+ (ediff-buffers base-buff my-buffer startup-hook)))
+(defun svn-ediff-startup-hook ()
+ ;; (message "svn-ediff-startup-hook: ediff-after-quit-hook-internal: %S" ediff-after-quit-hook-internal)
+ (add-hook 'ediff-after-quit-hook-internal
+ `(lambda ()
+ (svn-ediff-exit-hook
+ ',ediff-after-quit-destination-buffer ',svn-transient-buffers))
+ nil 'local))
+(defun svn-ediff-exit-hook (svn-buf tmp-bufs)
+ ;; (message "svn-ediff-exit-hook: svn-buf: %s, tmp-bufs: %s" svn-buf tmp-bufs)
+ ;; kill the temp buffers (and their associated windows)
+ (dolist (tb tmp-bufs)
+ (when (and tb (buffer-live-p tb) (not (buffer-modified-p tb)))
+ (let* ((win (get-buffer-window tb t))
+ (file-name (buffer-file-name tb))
+ (is-temp-file (numberp (string-match "~\\([0-9]+\\|BASE\\)~" file-name))))
+ ;; (message "svn-ediff-exit-hook - is-temp-file: %s, temp-buf:: %s - %s " is-temp-file (current-buffer) file-name)
+ (when (and win (> (count-windows) 1)
+ (delete-window win)))
+ (kill-buffer tb)
+ (when (and is-temp-file svn-status-ediff-delete-temporary-files)
+ (when (or (eq svn-status-ediff-delete-temporary-files t)
+ (y-or-n-p (format "Delete File '%s' ? " file-name)))
+ (delete-file file-name))))))
+ ;; switch back to the *svn* buffer
+ (when (and svn-buf (buffer-live-p svn-buf)
+ (not (get-buffer-window svn-buf t)))
+ (ignore-errors (switch-to-buffer svn-buf))))
+(defun svn-status-read-revision-string (prompt &optional default-value)
+ "Prompt the user for a svn revision number."
+ (interactive)
+ (read-string prompt default-value))
+(defun svn-file-show-svn-ediff (arg)
+ "Run ediff on the current file with a previous revision.
+If ARG then prompt for revision to diff against."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((svn-status-get-line-information-for-file 'relative)
+ (default-directory (svn-status-base-dir)))
+ (svn-status-ediff-with-revision arg)))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; SVN process handling
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun svn-process-kill ()
+ "Kill the current running svn process."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((process (get-process "svn")))
+ (if process
+ (delete-process process)
+ (message "No running svn process"))))
+(defun svn-process-send-string (string &optional send-passwd)
+ "Send a string to the running svn process.
+This is useful, if the running svn process asks the user a question.
+Note: use C-q C-j to send a line termination character."
+ (interactive "sSend string to svn process: ")
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+ (insert (if send-passwd (make-string (length string) ?.) string)))
+ (set-marker (process-mark (get-process "svn")) (point)))
+ (process-send-string "svn" string))
+(defun svn-process-send-string-and-newline (string &optional send-passwd)
+ "Send a string to the running svn process.
+Just call `svn-process-send-string' with STRING and an end of line termination.
+When called with a prefix argument, read the data from user as password."
+ (interactive (let* ((use-passwd current-prefix-arg)
+ (s (if use-passwd
+ (read-passwd "Send secret line to svn process: ")
+ (read-string "Send line to svn process: "))))
+ (list s use-passwd)))
+ (svn-process-send-string (concat string "\n") send-passwd))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Search interface
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun svn-status-grep-files (regexp)
+ "Run grep on selected file(s).
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected."
+ (interactive "sGrep files for: ")
+ (unless grep-command
+ (grep-compute-defaults))
+ (grep (format "%s %s %s" grep-command (shell-quote-argument regexp)
+ (mapconcat 'identity (svn-status-marked-file-names) " "))))
+(defun svn-status-search-files (search-string)
+ "Search selected file(s) for a fixed SEARCH-STRING.
+See `svn-status-marked-files' for what counts as selected."
+ (interactive "sSearch files for: ")
+ (svn-status-grep-files (regexp-quote search-string)))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Property List stuff
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun svn-status-property-list ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((file-names (svn-status-marked-file-names)))
+ (if file-names
+ (progn
+ (svn-run t t 'proplist (append (list "proplist" "-v") file-names)))
+ (message "No valid file selected - No property listing possible"))))
+(defun svn-status-proplist-start ()
+ (svn-status-ensure-cursor-on-file)
+ (svn-run t t 'proplist-parse "proplist" (svn-status-line-info->filename
+ (svn-status-get-line-information))))
+(defun svn-status-property-edit-one-entry (arg)
+ "Edit a property.
+When called with a prefix argument, it is possible to enter a new property."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (setq svn-status-property-edit-must-match-flag (not arg))
+ (svn-status-proplist-start))
+(defun svn-status-property-set ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq svn-status-property-edit-must-match-flag nil)
+ (svn-status-proplist-start))
+(defun svn-status-property-delete ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq svn-status-property-edit-must-match-flag t)
+ (svn-status-proplist-start))
+(defun svn-status-property-parse-property-names ()
+ ;(svn-status-show-process-buffer-internal t)
+ (message "svn-status-property-parse-property-names")
+ (let ((pl)
+ (prop-name)
+ (prop-value))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (while (looking-at " \\(.+\\)")
+ (setq pl (append pl (list (match-string 1))))
+ (forward-line 1)))
+ ;(cond last-command: svn-status-property-set, svn-status-property-edit-one-entry
+ (cond ((eq last-command 'svn-status-property-edit-one-entry)
+ ;;(message "svn-status-property-edit-one-entry")
+ (setq prop-name
+ (completing-read "Set Property - Name: " (mapcar 'list pl)
+ nil svn-status-property-edit-must-match-flag))
+ (unless (string= prop-name "")
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (svn-status-property-edit (list (svn-status-get-line-information))
+ prop-name))))
+ ((eq last-command 'svn-status-property-set)
+ (message "svn-status-property-set")
+ (setq prop-name
+ (completing-read "Set Property - Name: " (mapcar 'list pl) nil nil))
+ (setq prop-value (read-from-minibuffer "Property value: "))
+ (unless (string= prop-name "")
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (message "Setting property %s := %s for %S" prop-name prop-value
+ (svn-status-marked-file-names))
+ (let ((file-names (svn-status-marked-file-names)))
+ (when file-names
+ (svn-run nil t 'propset
+ (append (list "propset" prop-name prop-value) file-names))
+ )
+ )
+ (message "propset finished.")
+ )))
+ ((eq last-command 'svn-status-property-delete)
+ (setq prop-name
+ (completing-read "Delete Property - Name: " (mapcar 'list pl) nil t))
+ (unless (string= prop-name "")
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (let ((file-names (svn-status-marked-file-names)))
+ (when file-names
+ (message "Going to delete prop %s for %s" prop-name file-names)
+ (svn-run t t 'propdel
+ (append (list "propdel" prop-name) file-names))))))))))
+(defun svn-status-property-edit (file-info-list prop-name &optional new-prop-value remove-values)
+ (let* ((commit-buffer (get-buffer-create "*svn-property-edit*"))
+ (dir default-directory)
+ ;; now only one file is implemented ...
+ (file-name (svn-status-line-info->filename (car file-info-list)))
+ (prop-value))
+ (message "Edit property %s for file %s" prop-name file-name)
+ (svn-run nil t 'propget-parse "propget" prop-name file-name)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (setq prop-value (if (> (point-max) 1)
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (- (point-max) 1))
+ "")))
+ (setq svn-status-propedit-property-name prop-name)
+ (setq svn-status-propedit-file-list file-info-list)
+ (setq svn-status-pre-propedit-window-configuration (current-window-configuration))
+ (pop-to-buffer commit-buffer)
+ ;; If the buffer has been narrowed, `svn-prop-edit-done' will use
+ ;; only the accessible part. So we need not erase the rest here.
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (setq default-directory dir)
+ (insert prop-value)
+ (svn-status-remove-control-M)
+ (when new-prop-value
+ (when (listp new-prop-value)
+ (if remove-values
+ (message "Remove prop values %S " new-prop-value)
+ (message "Adding new prop values %S " new-prop-value))
+ (while new-prop-value
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (if (re-search-forward (concat "^" (regexp-quote (car new-prop-value)) "$") nil t)
+ (when remove-values
+ (kill-whole-line 1))
+ (unless remove-values
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (when (> (current-column) 0) (insert "\n"))
+ (insert (car new-prop-value))))
+ (setq new-prop-value (cdr new-prop-value)))))
+ (svn-prop-edit-mode)))
+(defun svn-status-property-set-property (file-info-list prop-name prop-value)
+ "Set a property on a given file list."
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*svn-property-edit*"))
+ ;; If the buffer has been narrowed, `svn-prop-edit-do-it' will use
+ ;; only the accessible part. So we need not erase the rest here.
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (insert prop-value))
+ (setq svn-status-propedit-file-list (svn-status-marked-files))
+ (setq svn-status-propedit-property-name prop-name)
+ (svn-prop-edit-do-it nil)
+ (svn-status-update))
+(defun svn-status-get-directory (line-info)
+ (let* ((file-name (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info))
+ (file-dir (file-name-directory file-name)))
+ ;;(message "file-dir: %S" file-dir)
+ (if file-dir
+ (substring file-dir 0 (- (length file-dir) 1))
+ ".")))
+(defun svn-status-get-file-list-per-directory (files)
+ ;;(message "%S" files)
+ (let ((dir-list nil)
+ (i files)
+ (j)
+ (dir))
+ (while i
+ (setq dir (svn-status-get-directory (car i)))
+ (setq j (assoc dir dir-list))
+ (if j
+ (progn
+ ;;(message "dir already present %S %s" j dir)
+ (setcdr j (append (cdr j) (list (car i)))))
+ (setq dir-list (append dir-list (list (list dir (car i))))))
+ (setq i (cdr i)))
+ ;;(message "svn-status-get-file-list-per-directory: %S" dir-list)
+ dir-list))
+(defun svn-status-property-ignore-file ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((d-list (svn-status-get-file-list-per-directory (svn-status-marked-files)))
+ (dir)
+ (f-info)
+ (ext-list))
+ (while d-list
+ (setq dir (caar d-list))
+ (setq f-info (cdar d-list))
+ (setq ext-list (mapcar '(lambda (i)
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename-nondirectory i)) f-info))
+ ;;(message "ignore in dir %s: %S" dir f-info)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (when (y-or-n-p (format "Ignore %S for %s? " ext-list dir))
+ (svn-status-property-edit
+ (list (svn-status-find-info-for-file-name dir)) "svn:ignore" ext-list)
+ (svn-prop-edit-do-it nil))) ; synchronous
+ (setq d-list (cdr d-list)))
+ (svn-status-update)))
+(defun svn-status-property-ignore-file-extension ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((d-list (svn-status-get-file-list-per-directory (svn-status-marked-files)))
+ (dir)
+ (f-info)
+ (ext-list))
+ (while d-list
+ (setq dir (caar d-list))
+ (setq f-info (cdar d-list))
+ ;;(message "ignore in dir %s: %S" dir f-info)
+ (setq ext-list nil)
+ (while f-info
+ (add-to-list 'ext-list (concat "*."
+ (file-name-extension
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename (car f-info)))))
+ (setq f-info (cdr f-info)))
+ ;;(message "%S" ext-list)
+ (save-window-excursion
+ (when (y-or-n-p (format "Ignore %S for %s? " ext-list dir))
+ (svn-status-property-edit
+ (list (svn-status-find-info-for-file-name dir)) "svn:ignore"
+ ext-list)
+ (svn-prop-edit-do-it nil)))
+ (setq d-list (cdr d-list)))
+ (svn-status-update)))
+(defun svn-status-property-edit-svn-ignore ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((line-info (svn-status-get-line-information))
+ (dir (if (svn-status-line-info->directory-p line-info)
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info)
+ (svn-status-get-directory line-info))))
+ (svn-status-property-edit
+ (list (svn-status-find-info-for-file-name dir)) "svn:ignore")
+ (message "Edit svn:ignore on %s" dir)))
+(defun svn-status-property-edit-svn-externals ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((line-info (svn-status-get-line-information))
+ (dir (if (svn-status-line-info->directory-p line-info)
+ (svn-status-line-info->filename line-info)
+ (svn-status-get-directory line-info))))
+ (svn-status-property-edit
+ (list (svn-status-find-info-for-file-name dir)) "svn:externals")
+ (message "Edit svn:externals on %s" dir)))
+(defun svn-status-property-set-keyword-list ()
+ "Edit the svn:keywords property on the marked files."
+ (interactive)
+ ;;(message "Set svn:keywords for %S" (svn-status-marked-file-names))
+ (svn-status-property-edit (svn-status-marked-files) "svn:keywords"))
+(defun svn-status-property-set-keyword-id (arg)
+ "Set/Remove Id from the svn:keywords property.
+Normally Id is added to the svn:keywords property.
+When called with the prefix arg -, remove Id from the svn:keywords property."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status-property-edit (svn-status-marked-files) "svn:keywords" '("Id") (eq arg '-))
+ (svn-prop-edit-do-it nil))
+(defun svn-status-property-set-keyword-date (arg)
+ "Set/Remove Date from the svn:keywords property.
+Normally Date is added to the svn:keywords property.
+When called with the prefix arg -, remove Date from the svn:keywords property."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status-property-edit (svn-status-marked-files) "svn:keywords" '("Date") (eq arg '-))
+ (svn-prop-edit-do-it nil))
+(defun svn-status-property-set-eol-style ()
+ "Edit the svn:eol-style property on the marked files."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-property-set-property
+ (svn-status-marked-files) "svn:eol-style"
+ (completing-read "Set svn:eol-style for the marked files: "
+ (mapcar 'list '("native" "CRLF" "LF" "CR"))
+ nil t)))
+(defun svn-status-property-set-executable (&optional unset)
+ "Set the svn:executable property on the marked files.
+When called with a prefix argument: unset the svn:executable property."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if unset
+ (progn
+ (svn-run nil t 'propdel (append (list "propdel" "svn:executable") (svn-status-marked-file-names)))
+ (message "Unset the svn:executable property for %s" (svn-status-marked-file-names))
+ (svn-status-update))
+ (svn-status-property-set-property (svn-status-marked-files) "svn:executable" "*")))
+(defun svn-status-property-set-mime-type ()
+ "Set the svn:mime-type property on the marked files."
+ (interactive)
+ (require 'mailcap nil t)
+ (let ((completion-ignore-case t)
+ (mime-types (when (fboundp 'mailcap-mime-types)
+ (mailcap-mime-types))))
+ (svn-status-property-set-property
+ (svn-status-marked-files) "svn:mime-type"
+ (funcall svn-status-completing-read-function "Set svn:mime-type for the marked files: "
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons x x)) ; for Emacs 21
+ (sort mime-types 'string<))))))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; svn-prop-edit-mode:
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defvar svn-prop-edit-mode-map () "Keymap used in `svn-prop-edit-mode' buffers.")
+(put 'svn-prop-edit-mode-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(when (not svn-prop-edit-mode-map)
+ (setq svn-prop-edit-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key svn-prop-edit-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?c)] 'svn-prop-edit-done)
+ (define-key svn-prop-edit-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?d)] 'svn-prop-edit-svn-diff)
+ (define-key svn-prop-edit-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?s)] 'svn-prop-edit-svn-status)
+ (define-key svn-prop-edit-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?l)] 'svn-prop-edit-svn-log)
+ (define-key svn-prop-edit-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?q)] 'svn-prop-edit-abort))
+(easy-menu-define svn-prop-edit-mode-menu svn-prop-edit-mode-map
+"'svn-prop-edit-mode' menu"
+ '("SVN-PropEdit"
+ ["Commit" svn-prop-edit-done t]
+ ["Show Diff" svn-prop-edit-svn-diff t]
+ ["Show Status" svn-prop-edit-svn-status t]
+ ["Show Log" svn-prop-edit-svn-log t]
+ ["Abort" svn-prop-edit-abort t]))
+(defun svn-prop-edit-mode ()
+ "Major Mode to edit file properties of files under svn control.
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map svn-prop-edit-mode-map)
+ (easy-menu-add svn-prop-edit-mode-menu)
+ (setq major-mode 'svn-prop-edit-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "svn-prop-edit"))
+(defun svn-prop-edit-abort ()
+ (interactive)
+ (bury-buffer)
+ (set-window-configuration svn-status-pre-propedit-window-configuration))
+(defun svn-prop-edit-done ()
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-prop-edit-do-it t))
+(defun svn-prop-edit-do-it (async)
+ "Run svn propset `svn-status-propedit-property-name' with the content of the
+*svn-property-edit* buffer."
+ (message "svn propset %s on %s"
+ svn-status-propedit-property-name
+ (mapcar 'svn-status-line-info->filename svn-status-propedit-file-list))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer "*svn-property-edit*"))
+ (when (fboundp 'set-buffer-file-coding-system)
+ (set-buffer-file-coding-system svn-status-svn-file-coding-system nil))
+ (let ((svn-propedit-file-name (concat svn-status-temp-dir "svn-prop-edit.txt" svn-temp-suffix)))
+ (setq svn-status-temp-file-to-remove (svn-expand-filename-for-remote-access svn-propedit-file-name))
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max) svn-status-temp-file-to-remove nil 1)
+ (when svn-status-propedit-file-list ; there are files to change properties
+ (svn-status-create-arg-file svn-status-propedit-file-list)
+ (setq svn-status-propedit-file-list nil)
+ (svn-run async t 'propset "propset"
+ svn-status-propedit-property-name
+ "--targets" svn-status-temp-arg-file
+ (when (eq svn-status-svn-file-coding-system 'utf-8)
+ '("--encoding" "UTF-8"))
+ "-F" svn-propedit-file-name)
+ (unless async (svn-status-remove-temp-file-maybe)))
+ (when svn-status-pre-propedit-window-configuration
+ (set-window-configuration svn-status-pre-propedit-window-configuration)))))
+(defun svn-prop-edit-svn-diff (arg)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (set-buffer svn-status-buffer-name)
+ ;; Because propedit is not recursive in our use, neither is this diff.
+ (svn-status-show-svn-diff-internal svn-status-propedit-file-list nil
+ (if arg :ask "BASE")))
+(defun svn-prop-edit-svn-log (arg)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (set-buffer svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (svn-status-show-svn-log arg))
+(defun svn-prop-edit-svn-status ()
+ (interactive)
+ (pop-to-buffer svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (other-window 1))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; svn-log-edit-mode:
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defvar svn-log-edit-mode-map () "Keymap used in `svn-log-edit-mode' buffers.")
+(put 'svn-log-edit-mode-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(defvar svn-log-edit-mode-menu) ;really defined with `easy-menu-define' below.
+(defun svn-log-edit-common-setup ()
+ (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) svn-log-edit-paragraph-start)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) svn-log-edit-paragraph-separate))
+(if svn-log-edit-use-log-edit-mode
+ (define-derived-mode svn-log-edit-mode log-edit-mode "svn-log-edit"
+ "Wrapper around `log-edit-mode' for psvn.el"
+ (easy-menu-add svn-log-edit-mode-menu)
+ (setq svn-log-edit-update-log-entry nil)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'log-edit-callback) 'svn-log-edit-done)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'log-edit-listfun) 'svn-log-edit-files-to-commit)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'log-edit-initial-files) (log-edit-files))
+ (svn-log-edit-common-setup)
+ (message "Press %s when you are done editing."
+ (substitute-command-keys "\\[log-edit-done]"))
+ )
+ (defun svn-log-edit-mode ()
+ "Major Mode to edit svn log messages.
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map svn-log-edit-mode-map)
+ (easy-menu-add svn-log-edit-mode-menu)
+ (setq major-mode 'svn-log-edit-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "svn-log-edit")
+ (setq svn-log-edit-update-log-entry nil)
+ (svn-log-edit-common-setup)
+ (run-hooks 'svn-log-edit-mode-hook)))
+(when (not svn-log-edit-mode-map)
+ (setq svn-log-edit-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (unless svn-log-edit-use-log-edit-mode
+ (define-key svn-log-edit-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'svn-log-edit-done))
+ (define-key svn-log-edit-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-d") 'svn-log-edit-svn-diff)
+ (define-key svn-log-edit-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-s") 'svn-log-edit-save-message)
+ (define-key svn-log-edit-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-i") 'svn-log-edit-svn-status)
+ (define-key svn-log-edit-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-l") 'svn-log-edit-svn-log)
+ (define-key svn-log-edit-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-?") 'svn-log-edit-show-files-to-commit)
+ (define-key svn-log-edit-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-z") 'svn-log-edit-erase-edit-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-log-edit-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-q") 'svn-log-edit-abort))
+(easy-menu-define svn-log-edit-mode-menu svn-log-edit-mode-map
+"'svn-log-edit-mode' menu"
+ '("SVN-Log"
+ ["Save to disk" svn-log-edit-save-message t]
+ ["Commit" svn-log-edit-done t]
+ ["Show Diff" svn-log-edit-svn-diff t]
+ ["Show Status" svn-log-edit-svn-status t]
+ ["Show Log" svn-log-edit-svn-log t]
+ ["Show files to commit" svn-log-edit-show-files-to-commit t]
+ ["Erase buffer" svn-log-edit-erase-edit-buffer]
+ ["Abort" svn-log-edit-abort t]))
+(put 'svn-log-edit-mode-menu 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defun svn-log-edit-abort ()
+ (interactive)
+ (bury-buffer)
+ (set-window-configuration svn-status-pre-commit-window-configuration))
+(defun svn-log-edit-done ()
+ "Finish editing the log message and run svn commit."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-status-save-some-buffers)
+ (let ((svn-logedit-file-name))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer svn-log-edit-buffer-name))
+ (when svn-log-edit-insert-files-to-commit
+ (svn-log-edit-remove-comment-lines))
+ (when (fboundp 'set-buffer-file-coding-system)
+ (set-buffer-file-coding-system svn-status-svn-file-coding-system nil))
+ (when (or svn-log-edit-update-log-entry svn-status-files-to-commit)
+ (setq svn-log-edit-file-name (concat svn-status-temp-dir "svn-log-edit.txt" svn-temp-suffix))
+ (setq svn-status-temp-file-to-remove (svn-expand-filename-for-remote-access svn-log-edit-file-name))
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max) svn-status-temp-file-to-remove nil 1))
+ (bury-buffer))
+ (if svn-log-edit-update-log-entry
+ (when (y-or-n-p "Update the log entry? ")
+ ;; svn propset svn:log --revprop -r11672 -F file
+ (svn-run nil t 'propset "propset" "svn:log" "--revprop"
+ (concat "-r" svn-log-edit-update-log-entry)
+ "-F" svn-log-edit-file-name)
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (message "%s" (buffer-substring (point-min) (- (point-max) 1)))))
+ (when svn-status-files-to-commit ; there are files to commit
+ (setq svn-status-operated-on-dot
+ (and (= 1 (length svn-status-files-to-commit))
+ (string= "." (svn-status-line-info->filename (car svn-status-files-to-commit)))))
+ (svn-status-create-arg-file svn-status-files-to-commit)
+ (svn-run t t 'commit "commit"
+ (unless svn-status-recursive-commit "--non-recursive")
+ "--targets" svn-status-temp-arg-file
+ "-F" svn-log-edit-file-name
+ (when (eq svn-status-svn-file-coding-system 'utf-8)
+ '("--encoding" "UTF-8"))
+ svn-status-default-commit-arguments))
+ (set-window-configuration svn-status-pre-commit-window-configuration)
+ (message "svn-log editing done"))))
+(defun svn-log-edit-svn-diff (arg)
+ "Show the diff we are about to commit.
+If ARG then show diff between some other version of the selected files."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (set-buffer svn-status-buffer-name) ; TODO: is this necessary?
+ ;; This call is very much like `svn-status-show-svn-diff-for-marked-files'
+ ;; but uses commit-specific variables instead of the current marks.
+ (svn-status-show-svn-diff-internal svn-status-files-to-commit
+ svn-status-recursive-commit
+ (if arg :ask "BASE")))
+(defun svn-log-edit-svn-log (arg)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (set-buffer svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (svn-status-show-svn-log arg))
+(defun svn-log-edit-svn-status ()
+ (interactive)
+ (pop-to-buffer svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (other-window 1))
+(defun svn-log-edit-files-to-commit ()
+ (mapcar 'svn-status-line-info->filename svn-status-files-to-commit))
+(defun svn-log-edit-show-files-to-commit ()
+ (interactive)
+ (message "Files to commit%s: %S"
+ (if svn-status-recursive-commit " recursively" "")
+ (svn-log-edit-files-to-commit)))
+(defun svn-log-edit-save-message ()
+ "Save the current log message to the file `svn-log-edit-file-name'."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((log-edit-file-name (svn-log-edit-file-name)))
+ (if (string= buffer-file-name log-edit-file-name)
+ (save-buffer)
+ (write-region (point-min) (point-max) log-edit-file-name))))
+(defun svn-log-edit-erase-edit-buffer ()
+ "Delete everything in the `svn-log-edit-buffer-name' buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (set-buffer svn-log-edit-buffer-name)
+ (erase-buffer))
+(defun svn-log-edit-insert-files-to-commit ()
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-log-edit-remove-comment-lines)
+ (let ((buf-size (- (point-max) (point-min))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (insert svn-log-edit-header)
+ (insert "## File(s) to commit"
+ (if svn-status-recursive-commit " recursively" "") ":\n")
+ (let ((file-list svn-status-files-to-commit))
+ (while file-list
+ (insert (concat "## " (svn-status-line-info->filename (car file-list)) "\n"))
+ (setq file-list (cdr file-list)))))
+ (when (= 0 buf-size)
+ (goto-char (point-max)))))
+(defun svn-log-edit-remove-comment-lines ()
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (flush-lines "^## .*")))
+(defun svn-file-add-to-changelog (prefix-arg)
+ "Create a changelog entry for the function at point.
+The variable `svn-status-changelog-style' allows to select the used changlog style"
+ (interactive "P")
+ (cond ((eq svn-status-changelog-style 'changelog)
+ (svn-file-add-to-log-changelog-style prefix-arg))
+ ((eq svn-status-changelog-style 'svn-dev)
+ (svn-file-add-to-log-svn-dev-style prefix-arg))
+ ((fboundp svn-status-changelog-style)
+ (funcall svn-status-changelog-style prefix-arg))
+ (t
+ (error "Invalid setting for `svn-status-changelog-style'"))))
+(defun svn-file-add-to-log-changelog-style (curdir)
+ "Create a changelog entry for the function at point.
+`add-change-log-entry-other-window' creates the header information.
+If CURDIR, save the log file in the current directory, otherwise in the base directory of this working copy."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (add-change-log-entry-other-window nil (svn-log-edit-file-name curdir))
+ (svn-log-edit-mode))
+;; taken from svn-dev.el: svn-log-path-derive
+(defun svn-dev-log-path-derive (path)
+ "Derive a relative directory path for absolute PATH, for a log entry."
+ (save-match-data
+ (let ((base (file-name-nondirectory path))
+ (chop-spot (string-match
+ "\\(code/\\)\\|\\(src/\\)\\|\\(projects/\\)"
+ path)))
+ (if chop-spot
+ (progn
+ (setq path (substring path (match-end 0)))
+ ;; Kluge for Subversion developers.
+ (if (string-match "subversion/" path)
+ (substring path (+ (match-beginning 0) 11))
+ path))
+ (string-match (expand-file-name "~/") path)
+ (substring path (match-end 0))))))
+;; taken from svn-dev.el: svn-log-message
+(defun svn-file-add-to-log-svn-dev-style (prefix-arg)
+ "Add to an in-progress log message, based on context around point.
+If PREFIX-ARG is negative, then use basenames only in
+log messages, otherwise use full paths. The current defun name is
+always used.
+If PREFIX-ARG is a list (e.g. by using C-u), save the log file in
+the current directory, otherwise in the base directory of this
+working copy.
+If the log message already contains material about this defun, then put
+point there, so adding to that material is easy.
+Else if the log message already contains material about this file, put
+point there, and push onto the kill ring the defun name with log
+message dressing around it, plus the raw defun name, so yank and
+yank-next are both useful.
+Else if there is no material about this defun nor file anywhere in the
+log message, then put point at the end of the message and insert a new
+entry for file with defun.
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let* ((short-file-names (and (numberp prefix-arg) (< prefix-arg 0)))
+ (curdir (listp prefix-arg))
+ (this-file (if short-file-names
+ (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)
+ (svn-dev-log-path-derive buffer-file-name)))
+ (this-defun (or (add-log-current-defun)
+ (save-excursion
+ (save-match-data
+ (if (eq major-mode 'c-mode)
+ (progn
+ (if (fboundp 'c-beginning-of-statement-1)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement-1)
+ (c-beginning-of-statement))
+ (search-forward "(" nil t)
+ (forward-char -1)
+ (forward-sexp -1)
+ (buffer-substring
+ (point)
+ (progn (forward-sexp 1) (point)))))))))
+ (log-file (svn-log-edit-file-name curdir)))
+ (find-file log-file)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ ;; Strip text properties from strings
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length this-file) nil this-file)
+ (set-text-properties 0 (length this-defun) nil this-defun)
+ ;; If log message for defun already in progress, add to it
+ (if (and
+ this-defun ;; we have a defun to work with
+ (search-forward this-defun nil t) ;; it's in the log msg already
+ (save-excursion ;; and it's about the same file
+ (save-match-data
+ (if (re-search-backward ; Ick, I want a real filename regexp!
+ "^\\*\\s-+\\([a-zA-Z0-9-_.@=+^$/%!?(){}<>]+\\)" nil t)
+ (string-equal (match-string 1) this-file)
+ t))))
+ (if (re-search-forward ":" nil t)
+ (if (looking-at " ") (forward-char 1)))
+ ;; Else no log message for this defun in progress...
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ ;; But if log message for file already in progress, add to it.
+ (if (search-forward this-file nil t)
+ (progn
+ (if this-defun (progn
+ (kill-new (format "(%s): " this-defun))
+ (kill-new this-defun)))
+ (search-forward ")" nil t)
+ (if (looking-at " ") (forward-char 1)))
+ ;; Found neither defun nor its file, so create new entry.
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (if (not (bolp)) (insert "\n"))
+ (insert (format "\n* %s (%s): " this-file (or this-defun "")))
+ ;; Finally, if no derived defun, put point where the user can
+ ;; type it themselves.
+ (if (not this-defun) (forward-char -3))))))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; svn-log-view-mode:
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defvar svn-log-view-mode-map () "Keymap used in `svn-log-view-mode' buffers.")
+(put 'svn-log-view-mode-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(when (not svn-log-view-mode-map)
+ (setq svn-log-view-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (suppress-keymap svn-log-view-mode-map)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-mode-map (kbd "p") 'svn-log-view-prev)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-mode-map (kbd "n") 'svn-log-view-next)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-mode-map (kbd "~") 'svn-log-get-specific-revision)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-mode-map (kbd "f") 'svn-log-get-specific-revision)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-mode-map (kbd "E") 'svn-log-ediff-specific-revision)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-mode-map (kbd "=") 'svn-log-view-diff)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-mode-map (kbd "#") 'svn-log-mark-partner-revision)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-mode-map (kbd "x") 'svn-log-exchange-partner-mark-with-point)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-mode-map (kbd "TAB") 'svn-log-next-link)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-mode-map [backtab] 'svn-log-prev-link)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'svn-log-find-file-at-point)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-mode-map (kbd "e") 'svn-log-edit-log-entry)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-mode-map (kbd "q") 'bury-buffer))
+(defvar svn-log-view-popup-menu-map ()
+ "Keymap used to show popup menu in `svn-log-view-mode' buffers.")
+(put 'svn-log-view-popup-menu-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(when (not svn-log-view-popup-menu-map)
+ (setq svn-log-view-popup-menu-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (suppress-keymap svn-log-view-popup-menu-map)
+ (define-key svn-log-view-popup-menu-map [down-mouse-3] 'svn-log-view-popup-menu))
+(easy-menu-define svn-log-view-mode-menu svn-log-view-mode-map
+"'svn-log-view-mode' menu"
+ '("SVN-LogView"
+ ["Show Changeset" svn-log-view-diff t]
+ ["Ediff file at point" svn-log-ediff-specific-revision t]
+ ["Find file at point" svn-log-find-file-at-point t]
+ ["Mark as diff against revision" svn-log-mark-partner-revision t]
+ ["Get older revision for file at point" svn-log-get-specific-revision t]
+ ["Edit log message" svn-log-edit-log-entry t]))
+(defun svn-log-view-popup-menu (event)
+ (interactive "e")
+ (mouse-set-point event)
+ (let* ((rev (svn-log-revision-at-point)))
+ (when rev
+ (svn-status-face-set-temporary-during-popup
+ 'svn-status-marked-popup-face (svn-point-at-bol) (svn-point-at-eol)
+ svn-log-view-mode-menu))))
+(defvar svn-log-view-font-lock-basic-keywords
+ '(("^r[0-9]+ .+" (0 `(face font-lock-keyword-face
+ mouse-face highlight
+ keymap ,svn-log-view-popup-menu-map))))
+ "Basic keywords in `svn-log-view-mode'.")
+(put 'svn-log-view-font-basic-lock-keywords 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(defvar svn-log-view-font-lock-keywords)
+(define-derived-mode svn-log-view-mode fundamental-mode "svn-log-view"
+ "Major Mode to show the output from svn log.
+ (use-local-map svn-log-view-mode-map)
+ (easy-menu-add svn-log-view-mode-menu)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'svn-log-view-font-lock-keywords) svn-log-view-font-lock-basic-keywords)
+ (dolist (lh svn-log-link-handlers)
+ (add-to-list 'svn-log-view-font-lock-keywords (gethash lh svn-log-registered-link-handlers)))
+ (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) '(svn-log-view-font-lock-keywords t)))
+(defun svn-log-view-next ()
+ (interactive)
+ (when (re-search-forward "^r[0-9]+" nil t)
+ (beginning-of-line 2)
+ (unless (looking-at "Changed paths:")
+ (beginning-of-line 1))))
+(defun svn-log-view-prev ()
+ (interactive)
+ (when (re-search-backward "^r[0-9]+" nil t 2)
+ (beginning-of-line 2)
+ (unless (looking-at "Changed paths:")
+ (beginning-of-line 1))))
+(defun svn-log-mark-partner-revision ()
+ "Mark the revision at point to be used as diff against revision."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((start-pos)
+ (point-at-partner-rev)
+ (overlay))
+ (dolist (ov (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
+ (when (overlay-get ov 'svn-log-partner-revision)
+ (setq point-at-partner-rev (and (>= (point) (overlay-start ov))
+ (<= (point) (overlay-end ov))))
+ (delete-overlay ov)))
+ (unless point-at-partner-rev
+ (save-excursion
+ (when (re-search-backward "^r[0-9]+" nil t 1)
+ (setq start-pos (point))
+ (re-search-forward "^---------------")
+ (setq overlay (make-overlay start-pos (line-beginning-position 0)))
+ (overlay-put overlay 'face 'svn-log-partner-highlight-face)
+ (overlay-put overlay 'svn-log-partner-revision t))))))
+(defun svn-log-exchange-partner-mark-with-point ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((cur-pos (point))
+ (dest-pos))
+ (dolist (ov (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
+ (when (overlay-get ov 'svn-log-partner-revision)
+ (setq dest-pos (overlay-start ov))))
+ (when dest-pos
+ (svn-log-mark-partner-revision)
+ (goto-char dest-pos)
+ (forward-line 3)
+ (svn-log-view-prev)
+ (svn-log-view-next))))
+(defun svn-log-revision-for-diff ()
+ (let ((rev))
+ (dolist (ov (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
+ (when (overlay-get ov 'svn-log-partner-revision)
+ (save-excursion
+ (unless (and (>= (point) (overlay-start ov))
+ (<= (point) (overlay-end ov)))
+ (goto-char (overlay-start ov))
+ (setq rev (svn-log-revision-at-point))))))
+ rev))
+(defun svn-log-revision-at-point ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (end-of-line)
+ (re-search-backward "^r\\([0-9]+\\)")
+ (svn-match-string-no-properties 1)))
+(defun svn-log-file-name-at-point (respect-checkout-prefix-path)
+ (let ((full-file-name)
+ (file-name)
+ (checkout-prefix-path (if respect-checkout-prefix-path
+ (url-unhex-string
+ (svn-status-checkout-prefix-path))
+ "")))
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (when (looking-at " [MA] /\\(.+\\)$")
+ (setq full-file-name (svn-match-string-no-properties 1))))
+ (when (string= checkout-prefix-path "")
+ (setq checkout-prefix-path "/"))
+ (if (null full-file-name)
+ (progn
+ (message "No file at point")
+ nil)
+ (setq file-name
+ (if (eq (string-match (regexp-quote (substring checkout-prefix-path 1)) full-file-name) 0)
+ (substring full-file-name (- (length checkout-prefix-path) (if (string= checkout-prefix-path "/") 1 0)))
+ full-file-name))
+ ;; (message "svn-log-file-name-at-point %s prefix: '%s', full-file-name: %s" file-name checkout-prefix-path full-file-name)
+ file-name)))
+(defun svn-log-find-file-at-point ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((file-name (svn-log-file-name-at-point t)))
+ (when file-name
+ (let ((default-directory (svn-status-base-dir)))
+ ;;(message "svn-log-file-name-at-point: %s, default-directory: %s" file-name default-directory)
+ (find-file file-name)))))
+(defun svn-log-next-link ()
+ "Jump to the next external link in this buffer"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((start-pos (if (get-text-property (point) 'link-handler)
+ (next-single-property-change (point) 'link-handler)
+ (point))))
+ (goto-char (or (next-single-property-change start-pos 'link-handler) (point)))))
+(defun svn-log-prev-link ()
+ "Jump to the previous external link in this buffer"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((start-pos (if (get-text-property (point) 'link-handler)
+ (previous-single-property-change (point) 'link-handler)
+ (point))))
+ (goto-char (or (previous-single-property-change (or start-pos (point)) 'link-handler) (point)))))
+(defun svn-log-view-diff (arg)
+ "Show the changeset for a given log entry.
+When called with a prefix argument, ask the user for the revision."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status-diff-show-changeset (svn-log-revision-at-point) arg (svn-log-revision-for-diff)))
+(defun svn-log-get-specific-revision ()
+ "Get an older revision of the file at point via svn cat."
+ (interactive)
+ ;; (message "%S" (svn-status-make-line-info (svn-log-file-name-at-point t)))
+ (let ((default-directory (svn-status-base-dir))
+ (file-name (svn-log-file-name-at-point t)))
+ (if file-name
+ (svn-status-get-specific-revision-internal
+ (list (svn-status-make-line-info file-name))
+ (svn-log-revision-at-point)
+ nil)
+ (message "No file at point"))))
+(defun svn-log-ediff-specific-revision (&optional user-confirmation)
+ "Call ediff for the file at point to view a changeset.
+When called with a prefix argument, ask the user for the revision."
+ (interactive "P")
+ ;; (message "svn-log-ediff-specific-revision: %s" (svn-log-file-name-at-point t))
+ (let* ((cur-buf (current-buffer))
+ (diff-rev (svn-log-revision-for-diff))
+ (upper-rev (if diff-rev
+ diff-rev
+ (svn-log-revision-at-point)))
+ (lower-rev (if diff-rev
+ (svn-log-revision-at-point)
+ (number-to-string (- (string-to-number upper-rev) 1))))
+ (file-name (svn-log-file-name-at-point t))
+ (default-directory (svn-status-base-dir))
+ (upper-rev-file-name)
+ (lower-rev-file-name)
+ (rev-arg))
+ (when user-confirmation
+ (setq rev-arg (read-string "Revision for changeset: " (concat lower-rev ":" upper-rev)))
+ (setq lower-rev (car (split-string rev-arg ":")))
+ (setq upper-rev (cadr (split-string rev-arg ":"))))
+ ;;(message "lower-rev: %s, upper-rev: %s" lower-rev upper-rev)
+ (setq upper-rev-file-name (when file-name
+ (cdar (svn-status-get-specific-revision-internal
+ (list (svn-status-make-line-info file-name)) upper-rev nil))))
+ (setq lower-rev-file-name (when file-name
+ (cdar (svn-status-get-specific-revision-internal
+ (list (svn-status-make-line-info file-name)) lower-rev nil))))
+ ;;(message "%S %S" upper-rev-file-name lower-rev-file-name)
+ (if file-name
+ (let* ((ediff-after-quit-destination-buffer cur-buf)
+ (newer-buffer (find-file-noselect upper-rev-file-name))
+ (base-buff (find-file-noselect lower-rev-file-name))
+ (svn-transient-buffers (list base-buff newer-buffer))
+ (startup-hook '(svn-ediff-startup-hook)))
+ (ediff-buffers base-buff newer-buffer startup-hook))
+ (message "No file at point"))))
+(defun svn-log-edit-log-entry ()
+ "Edit the given log entry."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((rev (svn-log-revision-at-point))
+ (log-message))
+ (svn-run nil t 'propget-parse "propget" "--revprop" (concat "-r" rev) "svn:log")
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (setq log-message (if (> (point-max) 1)
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (- (point-max) 1))
+ "")))
+ (svn-status-pop-to-commit-buffer)
+ ;; If the buffer has been narrowed, `svn-log-edit-done' will use
+ ;; only the accessible part. So we need not erase the rest here.
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (insert log-message)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (setq svn-log-edit-update-log-entry rev)))
+;; allow additional hyperlinks in log view buffers
+(defvar svn-log-link-keymap ()
+ "Keymap used to resolve links `svn-log-view-mode' buffers.")
+(put 'svn-log-link-keymap 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(when (not svn-log-link-keymap)
+ (setq svn-log-link-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (suppress-keymap svn-log-link-keymap)
+ (define-key svn-log-link-keymap [mouse-2] 'svn-log-resolve-mouse-link)
+ (define-key svn-log-link-keymap (kbd "RET") 'svn-log-resolve-link))
+(defun svn-log-resolve-mouse-link (event)
+ (interactive "e")
+ (mouse-set-point event)
+ (svn-log-resolve-link))
+(defun svn-log-resolve-link ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((point-adjustment (if (not (get-text-property (- (point) 1) 'link-handler)) 1
+ (if (not (get-text-property (+ (point) 1) 'link-handler)) -1 0)))
+ (link-name (buffer-substring-no-properties (previous-single-property-change (+ (point) point-adjustment) 'link-handler)
+ (next-single-property-change (+ (point) point-adjustment) 'link-handler))))
+ ;; (message "svn-log-resolve-link '%s'" link-name)
+ (funcall (get-text-property (point) 'link-handler) link-name)))
+(defun svn-log-register-link-handler (handler-id link-regexp handler-function)
+ "Register a link handler for external links in *svn-log* buffers
+HANDLER-ID is a symbolic name for this handler. The link handler is active when HANDLER-ID
+is registered in `svn-log-link-handlers'.
+LINK-REGEXP specifies a regular expression that matches the external link.
+HANDLER-FUNCTION is called with the match of LINK-REGEXP when the user clicks at the external link."
+ (let ((font-lock-desc (list link-regexp '(0 `(face font-lock-function-name-face
+ mouse-face highlight
+ link-handler invalid-handler-function
+ keymap ,svn-log-link-keymap)))))
+ ;; no idea, how to use handler-function in invalid-handler-function above, so set it here
+ (setcar (nthcdr 5 (nth 1 (nth 1 (nth 1 font-lock-desc)))) handler-function)
+ (svn-puthash handler-id font-lock-desc svn-log-registered-link-handlers)))
+;; example: add support for ditrack links and handle them via svn-log-resolve-ditrack
+;;(svn-log-register-link-handler 'ditrack-issue "i#[0-9]+" 'svn-log-resolve-ditrack)
+;;(defun svn-log-resolve-ditrack (link-name)
+;; (interactive)
+;; (message "svn-log-resolve-ditrack %s" link-name))
+(defun svn-log-resolve-trac-ticket-short (link-name)
+ "Show the trac ticket specified by LINK-NAME via `svn-trac-browse-ticket'."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((ticket-nr (string-to-number (svn-substring-no-properties link-name 1))))
+ (svn-trac-browse-ticket ticket-nr)))
+;; register the out of the box provided link handlers
+(svn-log-register-link-handler 'trac-ticket-short "#[0-9]+" 'svn-log-resolve-trac-ticket-short)
+;; the actually used link handlers are specified in svn-log-link-handlers
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; svn-info-mode
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defvar svn-info-mode-map () "Keymap used in `svn-info-mode' buffers.")
+(put 'svn-info-mode-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(when (not svn-info-mode-map)
+ (setq svn-info-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key svn-info-mode-map [?s] 'svn-status-pop-to-status-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-info-mode-map (kbd "h") 'svn-status-pop-to-partner-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-info-mode-map (kbd "n") 'next-line)
+ (define-key svn-info-mode-map (kbd "p") 'previous-line)
+ (define-key svn-info-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'svn-info-show-context)
+ (define-key svn-info-mode-map [?q] 'bury-buffer))
+(defun svn-info-mode ()
+ "Major Mode to view informative output from svn."
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map svn-info-mode-map)
+ (setq major-mode 'svn-info-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "svn-info")
+ (toggle-read-only 1))
+(defun svn-info-show-context ()
+ "Show the context for a line in the info buffer.
+Currently is the output from the svn update command known."
+ (interactive)
+ (cond ((save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (looking-at "Updated to revision"))
+ ;; svn-info contains info from an svn update
+ (let ((cur-pos (point))
+ (file-name (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ (progn (beginning-of-line) (re-search-forward ".. +") (point))
+ (line-end-position)))
+ (pos))
+ (when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
+ (setq file-name (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\" "/" file-name)))
+ (goto-char cur-pos)
+ (with-current-buffer svn-status-buffer-name
+ (setq pos (svn-status-get-file-name-buffer-position file-name)))
+ (when pos
+ (svn-status-pop-to-new-partner-buffer svn-status-buffer-name)
+ (goto-char pos))))))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; svn blame minor mode
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(unless (assq 'svn-blame-mode minor-mode-alist)
+ (setq minor-mode-alist
+ (cons (list 'svn-blame-mode " SvnBlame")
+ minor-mode-alist)))
+(defvar svn-blame-mode-map () "Keymap used in `svn-blame-mode' buffers.")
+(put 'svn-blame-mode-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(when (not svn-blame-mode-map)
+ (setq svn-blame-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key svn-blame-mode-map [?s] 'svn-status-pop-to-status-buffer)
+ (define-key svn-blame-mode-map (kbd "n") 'next-line)
+ (define-key svn-blame-mode-map (kbd "p") 'previous-line)
+ (define-key svn-blame-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'svn-blame-open-source-file)
+ (define-key svn-blame-mode-map (kbd "a") 'svn-blame-highlight-author)
+ (define-key svn-blame-mode-map (kbd "r") 'svn-blame-highlight-revision)
+ (define-key svn-blame-mode-map (kbd "=") 'svn-blame-show-changeset)
+ (define-key svn-blame-mode-map (kbd "l") 'svn-blame-show-log)
+ (define-key svn-blame-mode-map (kbd "b") 'svn-blame-blame-again)
+ (define-key svn-blame-mode-map (kbd "s") 'svn-blame-show-statistics)
+ (define-key svn-blame-mode-map [?q] 'bury-buffer))
+(easy-menu-define svn-blame-mode-menu svn-blame-mode-map
+"svn blame minor mode menu"
+ '("SvnBlame"
+ ["Jump to source location" svn-blame-open-source-file t]
+ ["Show changeset" svn-blame-show-changeset t]
+ ["Show log" svn-blame-show-log t]
+ ["Show blame again" svn-blame-blame-again t]
+ ["Show statistics" svn-blame-show-statistics t]
+ ["Highlight by author" svn-blame-highlight-author t]
+ ["Highlight by revision" svn-blame-highlight-revision t]))
+(or (assq 'svn-blame-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
+ (setq minor-mode-map-alist
+ (cons (cons 'svn-blame-mode svn-blame-mode-map) minor-mode-map-alist)))
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'svn-blame-mode)
+(defun svn-blame-mode (&optional arg)
+ "Toggle svn blame minor mode.
+With ARG, turn svn blame minor mode on if ARG is positive, off otherwise.
+Note: This mode does not yet work on XEmacs...
+It is probably because the revisions are in 'before-string properties of overlays
+Key bindings:
+ (interactive "P")
+ (setq svn-blame-mode (if (null arg)
+ (not svn-blame-mode)
+ (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
+ (if svn-blame-mode
+ (progn
+ (easy-menu-add svn-blame-mode-menu)
+ (toggle-read-only 1))
+ (easy-menu-remove svn-blame-mode-menu))
+ (force-mode-line-update))
+(defun svn-status-activate-blame-mode ()
+ "Activate the svn blame minor in the current buffer.
+The current buffer must contain a valid output from svn blame"
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil)
+ (line (svn-line-number-at-pos))
+ (limit (point-max))
+ (info-end-col (save-excursion (forward-word 2) (+ (current-column) 1)))
+ (s)
+ ov)
+ ;; remove the old overlays (only for testing)
+ ;; (dolist (ov (overlays-in (point) limit))
+ ;; (when (overlay-get ov 'svn-blame-line-info)
+ ;; (delete-overlay ov)))
+ (while (and (not (eobp)) (< (point) limit))
+ (setq ov (make-overlay (point) (point)))
+ (overlay-put ov 'svn-blame-line-info t)
+ (setq s (buffer-substring-no-properties (svn-point-at-bol) (+ (svn-point-at-bol) info-end-col)))
+ (overlay-put ov 'before-string (propertize s 'face 'svn-status-blame-rev-number-face))
+ (overlay-put ov 'rev-info (delete "" (split-string s " ")))
+ (delete-region (svn-point-at-bol) (+ (svn-point-at-bol) info-end-col))
+ (forward-line)
+ (setq line (1+ line)))))
+ (let* ((buf-name (format "*svn-blame: %s <%s>*"
+ (file-relative-name svn-status-blame-file-name)
+ svn-status-blame-revision))
+ (buffer (get-buffer buf-name)))
+ (when buffer
+ (kill-buffer buffer))
+ (rename-buffer buf-name))
+ ;; use the correct mode for the displayed blame output
+ (let ((buffer-file-name svn-status-blame-file-name))
+ (normal-mode)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'svn-status-blame-file-name) svn-status-blame-file-name))
+ (font-lock-fontify-buffer)
+ (svn-blame-mode 1))
+(defun svn-blame-open-source-file ()
+ "Jump to the source file location for the current position in the svn blame buffer"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((src-line-number (svn-line-number-at-pos))
+ (src-line-col (current-column)))
+ (find-file-other-window svn-status-blame-file-name)
+ (goto-line src-line-number)
+ (forward-char src-line-col)))
+(defun svn-blame-rev-at-point ()
+ (let ((rev))
+ (dolist (ov (overlays-in (svn-point-at-bol) (line-end-position)))
+ (when (overlay-get ov 'svn-blame-line-info)
+ (setq rev (car (overlay-get ov 'rev-info)))))
+ rev))
+(defun svn-blame-show-changeset (arg)
+ "Show a diff for the revision at point.
+When called with a prefix argument, allow the user to edit the revision."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (svn-status-diff-show-changeset (svn-blame-rev-at-point) arg))
+(defun svn-blame-show-log (arg)
+ "Show the log for the revision at point.
+The output is put into the *svn-log* buffer
+The optional prefix argument ARG determines which switches are passed to `svn log':
+ no prefix --- use whatever is in the list `svn-status-default-log-arguments'
+ prefix argument of -1: --- use the -q switch (quiet)
+ prefix argument of 0 --- use no arguments
+ other prefix arguments: --- use the -v switch (verbose)"
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((switches (svn-status-svn-log-switches arg))
+ (rev (svn-blame-rev-at-point)))
+ (svn-run t t 'log "log" "--revision" rev switches)))
+(defun svn-blame-highlight-line-maybe (compare-func)
+ (let ((reference-value)
+ (is-highlighted)
+ (consider-this-line)
+ (hl-ov))
+ (dolist (ov (overlays-in (svn-point-at-bol) (line-end-position)))
+ (when (overlay-get ov 'svn-blame-line-info)
+ (setq reference-value (funcall compare-func ov)))
+ (when (overlay-get ov 'svn-blame-highlighted)
+ (setq is-highlighted t)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (setq consider-this-line nil)
+ (dolist (ov (overlays-in (svn-point-at-bol) (line-end-position)))
+ (when (overlay-get ov 'svn-blame-line-info)
+ (when (string= reference-value (funcall compare-func ov))
+ (setq consider-this-line t))))
+ (when consider-this-line
+ (dolist (ov (overlays-in (svn-point-at-bol) (line-end-position)))
+ (when (and (overlay-get ov 'svn-blame-highlighted) is-highlighted)
+ (delete-overlay ov))
+ (unless is-highlighted
+ (setq hl-ov (make-overlay (svn-point-at-bol) (line-end-position)))
+ (overlay-put hl-ov 'svn-blame-highlighted t)
+ (overlay-put hl-ov 'face 'svn-status-blame-highlight-face))))
+ (forward-line)))))
+(defun svn-blame-show-statistics ()
+ "Show statistics for the current blame buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((author-map (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ (revision-map (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+ (rev-info)
+ (author-list)
+ (author)
+ (revision-list)
+ (revision))
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (not (eobp))
+ (dolist (ov (overlays-in (svn-point-at-bol) (line-end-position)))
+ (when (overlay-get ov 'svn-blame-line-info)
+ (setq rev-info (overlay-get ov 'rev-info))
+ (setq author (cadr rev-info))
+ (setq revision (string-to-number (car rev-info)))
+ (svn-puthash author (+ (gethash author author-map 0) 1) author-map)
+ (svn-puthash revision (+ (gethash revision revision-map 0) 1) revision-map)))
+ (forward-line))
+ (maphash '(lambda (key value) (add-to-list 'author-list (list key value))) author-map)
+ (maphash '(lambda (key value) (add-to-list 'revision-list (list key value))) revision-map)
+ (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create (replace-regexp-in-string "svn-blame:" "svn-blame-statistics:" (buffer-name))))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert (propertize "Authors:\n" 'face 'font-lock-function-name-face))
+ (dolist (line (sort author-list '(lambda (v1 v2) (> (cadr v1) (cadr v2)))))
+ (insert (format "%s: %s line%s\n" (car line) (cadr line) (if (eq (cadr line) 1) "" "s"))))
+ (insert (propertize "\nRevisions:\n" 'face 'font-lock-function-name-face))
+ (dolist (line (sort revision-list '(lambda (v1 v2) (< (car v1) (car v2)))))
+ (insert (format "%s: %s line%s\n" (car line) (cadr line) (if (eq (cadr line) 1) "" "s"))))
+ (goto-char (point-min)))))
+(defun svn-blame-highlight-author-field (ov)
+ (cadr (overlay-get ov 'rev-info)))
+(defun svn-blame-highlight-author ()
+ "(Un)Highlight all lines with the same author."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-blame-highlight-line-maybe 'svn-blame-highlight-author-field))
+(defun svn-blame-highlight-revision-field (ov)
+ (car (overlay-get ov 'rev-info)))
+(defun svn-blame-highlight-revision ()
+ "(Un)Highlight all lines with the same revision."
+ (interactive)
+ (svn-blame-highlight-line-maybe 'svn-blame-highlight-revision-field))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; svn-process-mode
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defvar svn-process-mode-map () "Keymap used in `svn-process-mode' buffers.")
+(put 'svn-process-mode-map 'risky-local-variable t) ;for Emacs 20.7
+(when (not svn-process-mode-map)
+ (setq svn-process-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (define-key svn-process-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'svn-process-send-string-and-newline)
+ (define-key svn-process-mode-map [?s] 'svn-process-send-string)
+ (define-key svn-process-mode-map [?q] 'bury-buffer))
+(easy-menu-define svn-process-mode-menu svn-process-mode-map
+"'svn-process-mode' menu"
+ '("SvnProcess"
+ ["Send line to process" svn-process-send-string-and-newline t]
+ ["Send raw string to process" svn-process-send-string t]
+ ["Bury process buffer" bury-buffer t]))
+(defun svn-process-mode ()
+ "Major Mode to view process output from svn.
+You can send a new line terminated string to the process via \\[svn-process-send-string-and-newline]
+You can send raw data to the process via \\[svn-process-send-string]."
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (use-local-map svn-process-mode-map)
+ (easy-menu-add svn-log-view-mode-menu)
+ (setq major-mode 'svn-process-mode)
+ (setq mode-name "svn-process"))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; svn status persistent options
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun svn-status-repo-for-path (directory)
+ "Find the repository root for DIRECTORY."
+ (let ((old-process-default-dir))
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create svn-process-buffer-name)
+ (setq old-process-default-dir default-directory)
+ (setq default-directory directory)) ;; update the default-directory for the *svn-process* buffer
+ (svn-run nil t 'parse-info "info" ".")
+ (with-current-buffer svn-process-buffer-name
+ ;; (message "svn-status-repo-for-path: %s: default-directory: %s directory: %s old-process-default-dir: %s" svn-process-buffer-name default-directory directory old-process-default-dir)
+ (setq default-directory old-process-default-dir)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((case-fold-search t))
+ (if (search-forward "repository root: " nil t)
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (svn-point-at-eol))
+ (when (search-forward "repository uuid: " nil t)
+ (message "psvn.el: Detected an old svn working copy in '%s'. Please check it out again to get a 'Repository Root' entry in the svn info output."
+ default-directory)
+ (concat "Svn Repo UUID: " (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (svn-point-at-eol)))))))))
+(defun svn-status-base-dir (&optional start-directory)
+ "Find the svn root directory for the current working copy.
+Return nil, if not in a svn working copy."
+ (let* ((start-dir (expand-file-name (or start-directory default-directory)))
+ (base-dir (gethash start-dir svn-status-base-dir-cache 'not-found)))
+ ;;(message "svn-status-base-dir: %S %S" start-dir base-dir)
+ (if (not (eq base-dir 'not-found))
+ base-dir
+ ;; (message "calculating base-dir for %s" start-dir)
+ (svn-compute-svn-client-version)
+ (let* ((base-dir start-dir)
+ (repository-root (svn-status-repo-for-path base-dir))
+ (dot-svn-dir (concat base-dir (svn-wc-adm-dir-name)))
+ (in-tree (and repository-root (psvn-file-exists-p dot-svn-dir)))
+ (dir-below (expand-file-name base-dir)))
+ ;; (message "repository-root: %s start-dir: %s" repository-root start-dir)
+ (if (and (<= (car svn-client-version) 1) (< (cadr svn-client-version) 3))
+ (setq base-dir (svn-status-base-dir-for-ancient-svn-client start-dir)) ;; svn version < 1.3
+ (while (when (and dir-below (psvn-file-exists-p dot-svn-dir))
+ (setq base-dir (file-name-directory dot-svn-dir))
+ (string-match "\\(.+/\\).+/" dir-below)
+ (setq dir-below
+ (and (string-match "\\(.*/\\)[^/]+/" dir-below)
+ (match-string 1 dir-below)))
+ ;; (message "base-dir: %s, dir-below: %s, dot-svn-dir: %s in-tree: %s" base-dir dir-below dot-svn-dir in-tree)
+ (when dir-below
+ (if (string= (svn-status-repo-for-path dir-below) repository-root)
+ (setq dot-svn-dir (concat dir-below (svn-wc-adm-dir-name)))
+ (setq dir-below nil)))))
+ (setq base-dir (and in-tree base-dir)))
+ (svn-puthash start-dir base-dir svn-status-base-dir-cache)
+ (svn-status-message 7 "svn-status-base-dir %s => %s" start-dir base-dir)
+ base-dir))))
+(defun svn-status-base-dir-for-ancient-svn-client (&optional start-directory)
+ "Find the svn root directory for the current working copy.
+Return nil, if not in a svn working copy.
+This function is used for svn clients version 1.2 and below."
+ (let* ((base-dir (expand-file-name (or start-directory default-directory)))
+ (dot-svn-dir (concat base-dir (svn-wc-adm-dir-name)))
+ (in-tree (file-exists-p dot-svn-dir))
+ (dir-below (expand-file-name default-directory)))
+ (while (when (and dir-below (file-exists-p dot-svn-dir))
+ (setq base-dir (file-name-directory dot-svn-dir))
+ (string-match "\\(.+/\\).+/" dir-below)
+ (setq dir-below
+ (and (string-match "\\(.*/\\)[^/]+/" dir-below)
+ (match-string 1 dir-below)))
+ (setq dot-svn-dir (concat dir-below (svn-wc-adm-dir-name)))))
+ (and in-tree base-dir)))
+(defun svn-status-save-state ()
+ "Save psvn persistent options for this working copy to a file."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((buf (find-file (concat (svn-status-base-dir) "++psvn.state"))))
+ (erase-buffer) ;Widen, because we'll save the whole buffer.
+ ;; TO CHECK: why is svn-status-options a global variable??
+ (setq svn-status-options
+ (list
+ (list "svn-trac-project-root" svn-trac-project-root)
+ (list "sort-status-buffer" svn-status-sort-status-buffer)
+ (list "elide-list" svn-status-elided-list)
+ (list "module-name" svn-status-module-name)
+ (list "branch-list" svn-status-branch-list)
+ (list "changelog-style" svn-status-changelog-style)
+ ))
+ (insert (pp-to-string svn-status-options))
+ (save-buffer)
+ (kill-buffer buf)))
+(defun svn-status-load-state (&optional no-error)
+ "Load psvn persistent options for this working copy from a file."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((file (concat (svn-status-base-dir) "++psvn.state")))
+ (if (file-readable-p file)
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert-file-contents file)
+ (setq svn-status-options (read (current-buffer)))
+ (setq svn-status-sort-status-buffer
+ (nth 1 (assoc "sort-status-buffer" svn-status-options)))
+ (setq svn-trac-project-root
+ (nth 1 (assoc "svn-trac-project-root" svn-status-options)))
+ (setq svn-status-elided-list
+ (nth 1 (assoc "elide-list" svn-status-options)))
+ (setq svn-status-module-name
+ (nth 1 (assoc "module-name" svn-status-options)))
+ (setq svn-status-branch-list
+ (nth 1 (assoc "branch-list" svn-status-options)))
+ (setq svn-status-changelog-style
+ (nth 1 (assoc "changelog-style" svn-status-options)))
+ (when (and (interactive-p) svn-status-elided-list (svn-status-apply-elide-list)))
+ (message "psvn.el: loaded %s" file))
+ (if no-error
+ (setq svn-trac-project-root nil
+ svn-status-elided-list nil
+ svn-status-module-name nil
+ svn-status-branch-list nil
+ svn-status-changelog-style 'changelog)
+ (error "psvn.el: %s is not readable." file)))))
+(defun svn-status-toggle-sort-status-buffer ()
+ "Toggle sorting of the *svn-status* buffer.
+If you turn off sorting, you can speed up \\[svn-status]. However,
+the buffer is not correctly sorted then. This function will be
+removed again, when a faster parsing and display routine for
+`svn-status' is available."
+ (interactive)
+ (setq svn-status-sort-status-buffer (not svn-status-sort-status-buffer))
+ (message "The %s buffer will %sbe sorted." svn-status-buffer-name
+ (if svn-status-sort-status-buffer "" "not ")))
+(defun svn-status-toggle-svn-verbose-flag ()
+ "Toggle `svn-status-verbose'. "
+ (interactive)
+ (setq svn-status-verbose (not svn-status-verbose))
+ (message "svn status calls will %suse the -v flag." (if svn-status-verbose "" "not ")))
+(defun svn-status-toggle-display-full-path ()
+ "Toggle displaying the full path in the `svn-status-buffer-name' buffer"
+ (interactive)
+ (setq svn-status-display-full-path (not svn-status-display-full-path))
+ (message "The %s buffer will%s use full path names." svn-status-buffer-name
+ (if svn-status-display-full-path "" " not"))
+ (svn-status-update-buffer))
+(defun svn-status-set-trac-project-root ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq svn-trac-project-root
+ (read-string "Trac project root (e.g.: "
+ svn-trac-project-root))
+ (when (yes-or-no-p "Save the new setting for svn-trac-project-root to disk? ")
+ (svn-status-save-state)))
+(defun svn-status-set-module-name ()
+ "Interactively set `svn-status-module-name'."
+ (interactive)
+ (setq svn-status-module-name
+ (read-string "Short Unit Name (e.g.: MyProject): "
+ svn-status-module-name))
+ (when (yes-or-no-p "Save the new setting for svn-status-module-name to disk? ")
+ (svn-status-save-state)))
+(defun svn-status-set-changelog-style ()
+ "Interactively set `svn-status-changelog-style'."
+ (interactive)
+ (setq svn-status-changelog-style
+ (intern (funcall svn-status-completing-read-function "svn-status on directory: " '("changelog" "svn-dev" "other"))))
+ (when (string= svn-status-changelog-style 'other)
+ (setq svn-status-changelog-style (car (find-function-read))))
+ (when (yes-or-no-p "Save the new setting for svn-status-changelog-style to disk? ")
+ (svn-status-save-state)))
+(defun svn-status-set-branch-list ()
+ "Interactively set `svn-status-branch-list'."
+ (interactive)
+ (setq svn-status-branch-list
+ (split-string (read-string "Branch list: "
+ (mapconcat 'identity svn-status-branch-list " "))))
+ (when (yes-or-no-p "Save the new setting for svn-status-branch-list to disk? ")
+ (svn-status-save-state)))
+(defun svn-browse-url (url)
+ "Call `browse-url', using `svn-browse-url-function'."
+ (let ((browse-url-browser-function (or svn-browse-url-function
+ browse-url-browser-function)))
+ (browse-url url)))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; svn status trac integration
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun svn-trac-browse-wiki ()
+ "Open the trac wiki view for the current svn repository."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless svn-trac-project-root
+ (svn-status-set-trac-project-root))
+ (svn-browse-url (concat svn-trac-project-root "wiki")))
+(defun svn-trac-browse-timeline ()
+ "Open the trac timeline view for the current svn repository."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless svn-trac-project-root
+ (svn-status-set-trac-project-root))
+ (svn-browse-url (concat svn-trac-project-root "timeline")))
+(defun svn-trac-browse-roadmap ()
+ "Open the trac roadmap view for the current svn repository."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless svn-trac-project-root
+ (svn-status-set-trac-project-root))
+ (svn-browse-url (concat svn-trac-project-root "roadmap")))
+(defun svn-trac-browse-source ()
+ "Open the trac source browser for the current svn repository."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless svn-trac-project-root
+ (svn-status-set-trac-project-root))
+ (svn-browse-url (concat svn-trac-project-root "browser")))
+(defun svn-trac-browse-report (arg)
+ "Open the trac report view for the current svn repository.
+When called with a prefix argument, display the given report number."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (unless svn-trac-project-root
+ (svn-status-set-trac-project-root))
+ (svn-browse-url (concat svn-trac-project-root "report" (if (numberp arg) (format "/%s" arg) ""))))
+(defun svn-trac-browse-changeset (changeset-nr)
+ "Show a changeset in the trac issue tracker."
+ (interactive (list (read-number "Browse changeset number: " (number-at-point))))
+ (unless svn-trac-project-root
+ (svn-status-set-trac-project-root))
+ (svn-browse-url (concat svn-trac-project-root "changeset/" (number-to-string changeset-nr))))
+(defun svn-trac-browse-ticket (ticket-nr)
+ "Show a ticket in the trac issue tracker."
+ (interactive (list (read-number "Browse ticket number: " (number-at-point))))
+ (unless svn-trac-project-root
+ (svn-status-set-trac-project-root))
+ (svn-browse-url (concat svn-trac-project-root "ticket/" (number-to-string ticket-nr))))
+;;; resolve conflicts using ediff
+(defun svn-resolve-conflicts-ediff (&optional name-A name-B)
+ "Invoke ediff to resolve conflicts in the current buffer.
+The conflicts must be marked with rcsmerge conflict markers."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((found nil)
+ (file-name (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
+ (your-buffer (generate-new-buffer
+ (concat "*" file-name
+ " " (or name-A "WORKFILE") "*")))
+ (other-buffer (generate-new-buffer
+ (concat "*" file-name
+ " " (or name-B "CHECKED-IN") "*")))
+ (result-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (save-excursion
+ (set-buffer your-buffer)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert-buffer-substring result-buffer)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "^<<<<<<< .\\(mine\\|working\\)\n" nil t)
+ (setq found t)
+ (replace-match "")
+ (if (not (re-search-forward "^=======\n" nil t))
+ (error "Malformed conflict marker"))
+ (replace-match "")
+ (let ((start (point)))
+ (if (not (re-search-forward "^>>>>>>> .\\(r[0-9]+\\|merge.*\\)\n" nil t))
+ (error "Malformed conflict marker"))
+ (delete-region start (point))))
+ (if (not found)
+ (progn
+ (kill-buffer your-buffer)
+ (kill-buffer other-buffer)
+ (error "No conflict markers found")))
+ (set-buffer other-buffer)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert-buffer-substring result-buffer)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "^<<<<<<< .\\(mine\\|working\\)\n" nil t)
+ (let ((start (match-beginning 0)))
+ (if (not (re-search-forward "^=======\n" nil t))
+ (error "Malformed conflict marker"))
+ (delete-region start (point))
+ (if (not (re-search-forward "^>>>>>>> .\\(r[0-9]+\\|merge.*\\)\n" nil t))
+ (error "Malformed conflict marker"))
+ (replace-match "")))
+ (let ((config (current-window-configuration))
+ (ediff-default-variant 'default-B))
+ ;; Fire up ediff.
+ (set-buffer (ediff-merge-buffers your-buffer other-buffer))
+ ;; Ediff is now set up, and we are in the control buffer.
+ ;; Do a few further adjustments and take precautions for exit.
+ (make-local-variable 'svn-ediff-windows)
+ (setq svn-ediff-windows config)
+ (make-local-variable 'svn-ediff-result)
+ (setq svn-ediff-result result-buffer)
+ (make-local-variable 'ediff-quit-hook)
+ (setq ediff-quit-hook
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((buffer-A ediff-buffer-A)
+ (buffer-B ediff-buffer-B)
+ (buffer-C ediff-buffer-C)
+ (result svn-ediff-result)
+ (windows svn-ediff-windows))
+ (ediff-cleanup-mess)
+ (set-buffer result)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert-buffer-substring buffer-C)
+ (kill-buffer buffer-A)
+ (kill-buffer buffer-B)
+ (kill-buffer buffer-C)
+ (set-window-configuration windows)
+ (message "Conflict resolution finished; you may save the buffer"))))
+ (message "Please resolve conflicts now; exit ediff when done")
+ nil))))
+(defun svn-resolve-conflicts (filename)
+ (let ((buff (find-file-noselect filename)))
+ (if buff
+ (progn (switch-to-buffer buff)
+ (svn-resolve-conflicts-ediff))
+ (error "can not open file %s" filename))))
+(defun svn-status-resolve-conflicts ()
+ "Resolve conflict in the selected file"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((file-info (svn-status-get-line-information)))
+ (or (and file-info
+ (= ?C (svn-status-line-info->filemark file-info))
+ (svn-resolve-conflicts
+ (svn-status-line-info->full-path file-info)))
+ (error "can not resolve conflicts at this point"))))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Working with branches
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun svn-branch-select (&optional prompt)
+ "Select a branch interactively from `svn-status-branch-list'"
+ (interactive)
+ (unless prompt
+ (setq prompt "Select branch: "))
+ (let* ((branch (funcall svn-status-completing-read-function prompt svn-status-branch-list))
+ (directory)
+ (base-url))
+ (when (string-match "#\\(1#\\)?\\(.+\\)" branch)
+ (setq directory (match-string 2 branch))
+ (setq base-url (concat (svn-status-base-info->repository-root) "/" directory))
+ (save-match-data
+ (svn-status-parse-info t))
+ (if (eq (length (match-string 1 branch)) 0)
+ (setq branch base-url)
+ (let ((svn-status-branch-list (svn-status-ls base-url t)))
+ (setq branch (concat (svn-status-base-info->repository-root) "/"
+ directory "/"
+ (svn-branch-select (format "Select branch from '%s': " directory)))))))
+ branch))
+(defun svn-branch-diff (branch1 branch2)
+ "Show the diff between two svn repository urls.
+When called interactively, use `svn-branch-select' to choose two branches from `svn-status-branch-list'."
+ (interactive
+ (let* ((branch1 (svn-branch-select "svn diff branch1: "))
+ (branch2 (svn-branch-select (format "svn diff %s against: " branch1))))
+ (list branch1 branch2)))
+ (svn-run t t 'diff "diff" svn-status-default-diff-arguments branch1 branch2))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; svnadmin interface
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun svn-admin-create (dir)
+ "Run svnadmin create DIR."
+ (interactive (list (expand-file-name
+ (svn-read-directory-name "Create a svn repository at: "
+ svn-admin-default-create-directory nil nil))))
+ (shell-command-to-string (concat "svnadmin create " dir))
+ (setq svn-admin-last-repository-dir (concat "file://" dir))
+ (message "Svn repository created at %s" dir)
+ (run-hooks 'svn-admin-create-hook))
+;; - Import an empty directory
+;; cd to an empty directory
+;; svn import -m "Initial import" . file:///home/stefan/svn_repos/WaldiConfig/trunk
+(defun svn-admin-create-trunk-directory ()
+ "Import an empty trunk directory to `svn-admin-last-repository-dir'.
+Set `svn-admin-last-repository-dir' to the new created trunk url."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((empty-temp-dir-name (make-temp-name svn-status-temp-dir)))
+ (make-directory empty-temp-dir-name t)
+ (setq svn-admin-last-repository-dir (concat svn-admin-last-repository-dir "/trunk"))
+ (svn-run nil t 'import "import" "-m" "Created trunk directory"
+ empty-temp-dir-name svn-admin-last-repository-dir)
+ (delete-directory empty-temp-dir-name)))
+(defun svn-admin-start-import ()
+ "Start to import the current working directory in a subversion repository.
+The user is asked to perform the following two steps:
+1. Create a local repository
+2. Add a trunk directory to that repository
+After that step the empty base directory (either the root directory or
+the trunk directory of the selected repository) is checked out in the current
+working directory."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (y-or-n-p "Create local repository? ")
+ (progn
+ (call-interactively 'svn-admin-create)
+ (when (y-or-n-p "Add a trunk directory? ")
+ (svn-admin-create-trunk-directory)))
+ (setq svn-admin-last-repository-dir (read-string "Repository Url: ")))
+ (svn-checkout svn-admin-last-repository-dir "."))
+(defun psvn-file-directory-p (dir)
+ (setq dir (expand-file-name dir))
+ (if (file-directory-p dir)
+ t
+ (let* ((dir1 (directory-file-name (file-name-directory dir)))
+ (dir2 (directory-file-name (file-name-directory dir1))))
+ (if (equal dir1 dir2)
+ nil
+ (psvn-file-directory-p (concat (file-name-as-directory dir2) ".svn"))))))
+(defun psvn-file-exists-p (dir)
+ (psvn-file-directory-p dir))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; svn status profiling
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;; Note about profiling psvn:
+;; (load-library "elp")
+;; M-x elp-reset-all
+;; (elp-instrument-package "svn-")
+;; M-x svn-status
+;; M-x elp-results
+(defun svn-status-elp-init ()
+ (interactive)
+ (require 'elp)
+ (elp-reset-all)
+ (elp-instrument-package "svn-")
+ (message "Run the desired svn command (e.g. M-x svn-status), then use M-x elp-results."))
+(defun svn-status-last-commands (&optional string-prefix)
+ "Return a string with the last executed svn commands"
+ (interactive)
+ (unless string-prefix
+ (setq string-prefix ""))
+ (with-output-to-string
+ (dolist (e (ring-elements svn-last-cmd-ring))
+ (princ (format "%s%s: svn %s <%s>\n" string-prefix (nth 0 e) (mapconcat 'concat (nth 1 e) " ") (nth 2 e)))
+ (when (nth 3 e)
+ (princ (format "%s<arg-file-content>\n" string-prefix))
+ (princ (nth 3 e))
+ (princ (format "%s</arg-file-content>\n" string-prefix))))))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; reporting bugs
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun svn-insert-indented-lines (text)
+ "Helper function to insert TEXT, indented by two characters."
+ (dolist (line (split-string text "\n"))
+ (insert (format " %s\n" line))))
+(defun svn-prepare-bug-report ()
+ "Create the buffer *psvn-bug-report*. This buffer can be useful to debug problems with psvn.el"
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((last-output-buffer-name (or svn-status-last-output-buffer-name svn-process-buffer-name))
+ (last-svn-cmd-output (with-current-buffer last-output-buffer-name
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))
+ (switch-to-buffer "*psvn-bug-report*")
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (insert "This buffer holds some debug informations for psvn.el\n")
+ (insert "Please enter a description of the observed and the wanted behaviour\n")
+ (insert "and send it to the author ( to allow easier debugging\n\n")
+ (insert "Revisions:\n")
+ (svn-insert-indented-lines (svn-status-version))
+ (insert "Language environment:\n")
+ (dolist (elem (svn-process-environment))
+ (when (member (car (split-string elem "=")) '("LC_MESSAGES" "LC_ALL" "LANG"))
+ (insert (format " %s\n" elem))))
+ (when svn-process-handle-error-msg
+ (insert "\nsvn client error message:\n")
+ (svn-insert-indented-lines svn-process-handle-error-msg))
+ (insert "\nLast svn commands:\n")
+ (svn-insert-indented-lines (svn-status-last-commands))
+ (insert (format "\nContent of the <%s> buffer:\n" last-output-buffer-name))
+ (svn-insert-indented-lines last-svn-cmd-output)
+ (goto-char (point-min))))
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;; Make it easier to reload psvn, if a distribution has an older version
+;; Just add the following to your .emacs:
+;; (svn-prepare-for-reload)
+;; (load "/path/to/psvn.el")
+;; Note the above will only work, if the loaded psvn.el has already the
+;; function svn-prepare-for-reload
+;; If this is not the case, do the following:
+;; (load "/path/to/psvn.el");;make svn-prepare-for-reload available
+;; (svn-prepare-for-reload)
+;; (load "/path/to/psvn.el");; update the keybindings
+;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defvar svn-prepare-for-reload-dont-touch-list '() "A list of variables that should not be touched by `svn-prepare-for-reload'")
+(defvar svn-prepare-for-reload-variables-list '(svn-global-keymap svn-status-diff-mode-map svn-global-trac-map svn-status-mode-map
+ svn-status-mode-property-map svn-status-mode-extension-map
+ svn-status-mode-options-map svn-status-mode-trac-map svn-status-mode-branch-map
+ svn-log-edit-mode-map svn-log-view-mode-map
+ svn-log-view-popup-menu-map svn-info-mode-map svn-blame-mode-map svn-process-mode-map)
+ "A list of variables that should be set to nil via M-x `svn-prepare-for-reload'")
+(defun svn-prepare-for-reload ()
+ "This function resets some psvn.el variables to nil.
+It makes reloading a newer version of psvn.el easier, if for example the used
+GNU/Linux distribution uses an older version.
+The variables specified in `svn-prepare-for-reload-variables-list' will be reseted by this function.
+A variable will keep its value, if it is specified in `svn-prepare-for-reload-dont-touch-list'."
+ (interactive)
+ (dolist (var svn-prepare-for-reload-variables-list)
+ (unless (member var svn-prepare-for-reload-dont-touch-list)
+ (message (format "Resetting value of %s to nil" var)))
+ (set var nil)))
+(provide 'psvn)
+;; Local Variables:
+;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
+;; time-stamp-pattern: "300/(defconst svn-psvn-revision \"%:y-%02m-%02d, %02H:%02M:%02S\" \"The revision date of psvn.\")$"
+;; End:
+;;; psvn.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs.d/site-lisp/rainbow-delimiters.el b/emacs.d/site-lisp/rainbow-delimiters.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19f1aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs.d/site-lisp/rainbow-delimiters.el
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+;;; rainbow-delimiters.el --- Color nested parentheses, brackets, and braces according to their depth.
+;; Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Jeremy L. Rayman.
+;; Author: Jeremy L. Rayman <>
+;; Maintainer: Jeremy L. Rayman <>
+;; Created: 2010-09-02
+;; Version: 1.2.1
+;; Keywords: faces, convenience, lisp, matching, tools
+;; EmacsWiki: RainbowDelimiters
+;; URL:
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is a "rainbow parentheses" mode which includes support for
+;; parens "()", brackets "[]", and braces "{}". It conveys nesting
+;; depth by using a different face for each level. It colors all
+;; statements at a given level using the same color - if several
+;; statements are all at the same nested depth, they will all be the
+;; same color.
+;; Great care has been taken to make this mode FAST. You should see no
+;; discernible change in scrolling or editing speed while using it,
+;; even with delimiter-rich languages like Clojure, Lisp, and Scheme.
+;; The one exception is with extremely large nested data structures
+;; having hundreds of delimiters; in that case there will be a brief
+;; pause to colorize the structure the very first time it is displayed
+;; on screen; from then on editing this structure will perform at full
+;; speed.
+;; Default colors have been chosen with the philosophy that it's
+;; better be less intrusive than to be more colorful. Color schemes
+;; are always a matter of taste. If you do take the time to design a
+;; new color scheme, please post it on the EmacsWiki page!
+;; URL:
+;;; Installation:
+;; 1. Place rainbow-delimiters.el on your emacs load-path.
+;; 2. Compile the file (necessary for speed):
+;; M-x byte-compile-file <location of rainbow-delimiters.el>
+;; 3. Add the following to your dot-emacs/init file:
+;; (require 'rainbow-delimiters)
+;; 4. Add hooks for modes where you want it enabled, for example:
+;; (add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook 'rainbow-delimiters-mode)
+;; - To activate rainbow-delimiters mode temporarily in a buffer:
+;; M-x rainbow-delimiters-mode
+;;; Customization:
+;; To customize various options, including the color scheme:
+;; M-x customize-group rainbow-delimiters
+;; color-theme.el users:
+;; If you use the color-theme package, you can specify custom colors
+;; by adding the appropriate faces to your theme.
+;; - Faces take the form of:
+;; 'rainbow-delimiters-depth-#-face' with # being the depth.
+;; Depth begins at 1, the outermost color.
+;; Faces exist for depths 1-12.
+;; - The unmatched delimiter face is:
+;; 'rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-delimiter-face'
+;;; Change Log:
+;; 1.0 - Initial release.
+;; 1.1 - Stop tracking each delimiter's depth independently.
+;; This had lead to confusing results when viewing clojure
+;; code. Instead, just color based on current nesting inside
+;; all delimiters combined.
+;; - Added 'all-delimiters' faces to apply a color scheme to
+;; all delimiters at once. Other faces inherit from this group.
+;; 1.1.1 - Change color scheme to a lighter, more subtle style.
+;; 1.1.2: (2011-03-25)
+;; - Add an unmatched-delimiter face and correct problem with
+;; coloring of text following unmatched closing delims.
+;; 1.2: (2011-03-28)
+;; - Unify delimiter faces: all delimiter types now use the same depth
+;; faces, of form 'rainbow-delimiters-depth-#-face'.
+;; 1.2.1: (2011-03-29)
+;; - Conform to ELPA conventions.
+;;; TODO:
+;; - Add support for nested tags (XML, HTML)
+;;; Issues:
+;; - Rainbow-delimiters mode does not appear to change the color of
+;; delimiters when Org-mode is enabled.
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+;;; Customize interface:
+(defgroup rainbow-delimiters nil
+ "Color nested parentheses, brackets, and braces according to their depth."
+ :prefix "rainbow-delimiters-"
+ :link '(url-link :tag "Website for rainbow-delimiters (EmacsWiki)"
+ "")
+ :group 'applications)
+(defgroup rainbow-delimiters-faces nil
+ "Faces for each nested depth. Used to color delimiter pairs.
+Depths 1-12 are defined. Depth 1 is the outermost delimiter pair."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters
+ :link '(custom-group-link "rainbow-delimiters")
+ :prefix 'rainbow-delimiters-faces-)
+;;; Faces:
+;; Unmatched delimiter face:
+(defface rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face
+ '((t (:foreground "#88090B")))
+ "Face to color unmatched closing delimiters with."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters-faces)
+;; NOTE: The use of repetitious definitions for depth faces is temporary.
+;; Once the emacs 24 color theme support comes in, this will be reevaluated.
+;; Faces for colorizing delimiters at each level:
+(defface rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face
+ '((t (:foreground "grey55")))
+ "Rainbow-delimiters nested delimiter face, depth 1 - the outermost pair."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters-faces)
+(defface rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face
+ '((t (:foreground "#93a8c6")))
+ "Rainbow-delimiters nested delimiter face, depth 2."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters-faces)
+(defface rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face
+ '((t (:foreground "#b0b1a3")))
+ "Rainbow-delimiters nested delimiter face, depth 3."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters-faces)
+(defface rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face
+ '((t (:foreground "#97b098")))
+ "Rainbow-delimiters nested delimiter face, depth 4."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters-faces)
+(defface rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face
+ '((t (:foreground "#aebed8")))
+ "Rainbow-delimiters nested delimiter face, depth 5."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters-faces)
+(defface rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face
+ '((t (:foreground "#b0b0b3")))
+ "Rainbow-delimiters nested delimiter face, depth 6."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters-faces)
+(defface rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face
+ '((t (:foreground "#90a890")))
+ "Rainbow-delimiters nested delimiter face, depth 7."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters-faces)
+(defface rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face
+ '((t (:foreground "#a2b6da")))
+ "Rainbow-delimiters nested delimiter face, depth 8."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters-faces)
+(defface rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face
+ '((t (:foreground "#9cb6ad")))
+ "Rainbow-delimiters nested delimiter face, depth 9."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters-faces)
+;; Emacs doesn't sort face names by number correctly above 1-9; trick it into
+;; proper sorting by prepending a _ before the faces with depths over 10.
+(defface rainbow-delimiters-depth-_10-face
+ '((t (:foreground "#83787e")))
+ "Rainbow-delimiters nested delimiter face, depth 10."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters-faces)
+(defface rainbow-delimiters-depth-_11-face
+ '((t (:foreground "#e1ddca")))
+ "Rainbow-delimiters nested delimiter face, depth 11."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters-faces)
+(defface rainbow-delimiters-depth-_12-face
+ '((t (:foreground "#e0c7c7")))
+ "Rainbow-delimiters nested delimiter face, depth 12."
+ :group 'rainbow-delimiters-faces)
+;; Variable aliases for faces 10+:
+;; We prepend an underline to numbers 10+ to force customize to sort correctly.
+;; Here we define aliases without the underline for use everywhere else.
+(put 'rainbow-delimiters-depth-10-face
+ 'face-alias
+ 'rainbow-delimiters-depth-_10-face)
+(put 'rainbow-delimiters-depth-11-face
+ 'face-alias
+ 'rainbow-delimiters-depth-_11-face)
+(put 'rainbow-delimiters-depth-12-face
+ 'face-alias
+ 'rainbow-delimiters-depth-_12-face)
+;;; Face utility functions
+;; inlining this function for speed:
+;; see:
+;; this will cause problems with debugging. To debug, change defsubst -> defun.
+(defsubst rainbow-delimiters-depth-face (depth)
+ "Return face-name 'rainbow-delimiters-depth-DEPTH-face' as a string.
+DEPTH is the number of nested levels deep for the delimiter being colorized.
+Returns a face namestring the of form 'rainbow-delimiters-depth-DEPTH-face',
+e.g. 'rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face'."
+ (concat "rainbow-delimiters-depth-" (number-to-string depth) "-face"))
+;;; Nesting level
+;; syntax-table: used with parse-partial-sexp for determining current depth.
+(defvar rainbow-delimiters-delim-syntax-table
+ (let ((table (copy-syntax-table emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table)))
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "() " table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")( " table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "(]" table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\] ")[" table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "(}" table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\} "){" table)
+ table)
+ "Syntax table for recognizing all supported delimiter types.")
+(defun rainbow-delimiters-depth (point)
+ "Return # of nested levels of parens, brackets, braces POINT is inside of."
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-defun)
+ (let ((depth
+ (with-syntax-table rainbow-delimiters-delim-syntax-table
+ (car (parse-partial-sexp (point) point)))))
+ (if (>= depth 0)
+ depth
+ 0)))) ; ignore negative depths created by unmatched closing parens.
+;;; Text properties
+;; inlining this function for speed:
+;; see:
+;; this will cause problems with debugging. To debug, change defsubst -> defun.
+(defsubst rainbow-delimiters-propertize-delimiter (point depth)
+ "Colorize delimiter at POINT according to DEPTH.
+POINT is the point of character to propertize.
+DEPTH is the nested delimiter depth at POINT, which determines the face to use.
+Sets text properties:
+`font-lock-face' to the corresponding delimiter face.
+`rear-nonsticky' to prevent color from bleeding into subsequent characters typed by the user."
+ (with-silent-modifications
+ (let ((delim-face (if (<= depth 0)
+ "rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face"
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-face depth))))
+ ;; (when (eq depth -1) (message "Unmatched delimiter at char %s." point))
+ (add-text-properties point (1+ point)
+ `(font-lock-face ,delim-face
+ rear-nonsticky t)))))
+(defun rainbow-delimiters-unpropertize-delimiter (point)
+ "Remove text properties set by rainbow-delimiters mode from char at POINT."
+ (remove-text-properties point (1+ point)
+ '(font-lock-face nil
+ rear-nonsticky nil)))
+(defun rainbow-delimiters-char-ineligible-p (point)
+ "Return t if char at POINT should be skipped, e.g. if inside a comment.
+Returns t if char at point meets one of the following conditions:
+- Inside a string.
+- Inside a comment.
+- Is an escaped char, e.g. ?\)"
+ (let ((parse-state (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-defun)
+ ;; (point) is at beg-of-defun; point is the char location
+ (parse-partial-sexp (point) point))))
+ (or
+ (nth 3 parse-state) ; inside string?
+ (nth 4 parse-state) ; inside comment?
+ (and (eq (char-before point) ?\\) ; escaped char, e.g. ?\) - not counted
+ (and (not (eq (char-before (1- point)) ?\\)) ; special-case: ignore ?\\
+ (eq (char-before (1- point)) ?\?))))))
+;; standard char read syntax '?)' is not tested for because emacs manual states
+;; that punctuation such as delimiters should _always_ use escaped '?\)' form.
+;;; JIT-Lock functionality
+;; Used to skip delimiter-by-delimiter `rainbow-delimiters-propertize-region'.
+(defvar rainbow-delimiters-delim-regex "\\(\(\\|\)\\|\\[\\|\\]\\|\{\\|\}\\)"
+ "Regex matching all opening and closing delimiters we intend to colorize.")
+;; main function called by jit-lock:
+(defun rainbow-delimiters-propertize-region (start end)
+ "Colorize delimiters in region between START and END.
+Used by jit-lock for dynamic highlighting."
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char start)
+ ;; START can be anywhere in buffer; begin depth counts from values at START.
+ (let ((depth (rainbow-delimiters-depth start)))
+ (while (and (< (point) end)
+ (re-search-forward rainbow-delimiters-delim-regex end t))
+ (backward-char) ; re-search-forward places point after delim; go back.
+ (unless (rainbow-delimiters-char-ineligible-p (point))
+ (let ((delim (char-after (point))))
+ (cond ((eq ?\( delim) ; (
+ (setq depth (1+ depth))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-propertize-delimiter (point)
+ depth))
+ ((eq ?\) delim) ; )
+ (rainbow-delimiters-propertize-delimiter (point)
+ depth)
+ (setq depth (or (and (<= depth 0) 0) ; unmatched paren
+ (1- depth))))
+ ((eq ?\[ delim) ; [
+ (setq depth (1+ depth))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-propertize-delimiter (point)
+ depth))
+ ((eq ?\] delim) ; ]
+ (rainbow-delimiters-propertize-delimiter (point)
+ depth)
+ (setq depth (or (and (<= depth 0) 0) ; unmatched bracket
+ (1- depth))))
+ ((eq ?\{ delim) ; {
+ (setq depth (1+ depth))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-propertize-delimiter (point)
+ depth))
+ ((eq ?\} delim) ; }
+ (rainbow-delimiters-propertize-delimiter (point)
+ depth)
+ (setq depth (or (and (<= depth 0) 0) ; unmatched brace
+ (1- depth)))))))
+ ;; move past delimiter so re-search-forward doesn't pick it up again
+ (forward-char)))))
+(defun rainbow-delimiters-unpropertize-region (start end)
+ "Remove mode faces from delimiters in region between START and END."
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char start)
+ (while (and (< (point) end)
+ (re-search-forward rainbow-delimiters-delim-regex end t))
+ ;; re-search-forward places point 1 further than the delim matched:
+ (rainbow-delimiters-unpropertize-delimiter (1- (point))))))
+;;; Minor mode:
+(define-minor-mode rainbow-delimiters-mode
+ "Color nested parentheses, brackets, and braces according to their depth."
+ nil "" nil ; No modeline lighter - it's already obvious when the mode is on.
+ (if (not rainbow-delimiters-mode)
+ (progn
+ (jit-lock-unregister 'rainbow-delimiters-propertize-region)
+ (rainbow-delimiters-unpropertize-region (point-min) (1- (point-max))))
+ (jit-lock-register 'rainbow-delimiters-propertize-region t)))
+(provide 'rainbow-delimiters)
+;;; rainbow-delimiters.el ends here.
diff --git a/emacs.d/site-lisp/smarttabs.el b/emacs.d/site-lisp/smarttabs.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..facfaf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs.d/site-lisp/smarttabs.el
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+;; Emacs smart tabs functionality
+;; Intelligently indent with tabs, align with spaces!
+;; Note: Indenting only uses tabs when indent-tabs-mode is non-nil,
+;; otherwise it uses spaces as usual.
+;; To use: save as smarttabs.el in your .emacs.d directory, and add
+;; "(require 'smarttabs)" to your .emacs file.
+;; Code is GPLv2, derived from
+;; Modifications by John Croisant:
+;; * Remembers and re-applies window start, so that indenting doesn't
+;; cause the window to visibly scroll. (2009-09-18)
+(defadvice align (around smart-tabs activate)
+ (let ((indent-tabs-mode nil)) ad-do-it))
+(defadvice align-regexp (around smart-tabs activate)
+ (let ((indent-tabs-mode nil)) ad-do-it))
+(defadvice indent-relative (around smart-tabs activate)
+ (let ((indent-tabs-mode nil)) ad-do-it))
+(defadvice indent-according-to-mode (around smart-tabs activate)
+ (let ((indent-tabs-mode indent-tabs-mode))
+ (if (memq indent-line-function
+ '(indent-relative
+ indent-relative-maybe))
+ (setq indent-tabs-mode nil))
+ ad-do-it))
+(defmacro smart-tabs-advice (function offset)
+ (defvaralias offset 'tab-width)
+ `(defadvice ,function (around smart-tabs activate)
+ (cond
+ (indent-tabs-mode
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (while (looking-at "\t*\\( +\\)\t+")
+ (replace-match "" nil nil nil 1)))
+ (setq tab-width tab-width)
+ (let ((tab-width fill-column)
+ (,offset fill-column)
+ (wstart (window-start)))
+ ad-do-it
+ (set-window-start (selected-window) wstart)))
+ (t
+ ad-do-it))))
+(smart-tabs-advice c-indent-line c-basic-offset)
+(smart-tabs-advice c-indent-region c-basic-offset)
+(provide 'smarttabs)
diff --git a/emacs.d/site-lisp/ttl-mode.el b/emacs.d/site-lisp/ttl-mode.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee147de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs.d/site-lisp/ttl-mode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+;;; ttl-mode.el --- mode for Turtle(RDF)
+;; Based on n3-mode.el --- mode for Notation 3,
+;; at
+;; Also draws on (which is for the _other_ turtle!)
+;; Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Hugo Haas <>
+;; Extended 2011-2012, by Norman Gray <>
+;; See Hugo's commentary for original goals and further discussion.
+;; Project hosted at <>. See there for updates.
+;; To use:
+;; (autoload 'ttl-mode "ttl-mode" "Major mode for OWL or Turtle files" t)
+;; (add-hook 'ttl-mode-hook ; Turn on font lock when in ttl mode
+;; 'turn-on-font-lock)
+;; (setq auto-mode-alist
+;; (append
+;; (list
+;; '("\\.n3" . ttl-mode)
+;; '("\\.ttl" . ttl-mode))
+;; auto-mode-alist))
+;;; Code:
+(require 'generic)
+(define-generic-mode 'ttl
+ ;; comment char
+ (list "# ")
+ ;; keywords
+ (list "this" "a")
+ ;; additional font-lock'ing
+ '(("\\(@prefix\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-keyword-face t) ;keywords
+ ("\\^\\^[^,;.]+" 0 font-lock-preprocessor-face t) ;literal types
+ ("@[[:word:]_]+" 0 font-lock-preprocessor-face t) ;languages
+ ("\\(\\S-*?:\\)" 1 font-lock-type-face nil) ;prefix
+ (":\\([[:word:]_-]+\\)\\>" 1 font-lock-constant-face nil) ;suffix
+ ("\\(<.*?>\\)" 1 font-lock-function-name-face t) ;resources
+ ("\\(\\\".*?\\\"\\)" 1 font-lock-string-face t) ;strings
+ ("\\(\\\"\\\"\\\".*?\\\"\\\"\\\"\\)" 1 font-lock-string-face t) ;doesn't work over newlines?
+; Bug: some trailing characters are highlighted; restricting comments regexp
+; ("\\(#.*\\)" 1 font-lock-comment-face t)
+ ("^\\s-*\\(#.*\\)" 1 font-lock-comment-face t) ;comment
+ )
+ ;; auto-mode
+ (list "\\.n3$" "\\.ttl")
+ ;; additional setup
+ nil
+ ;; description
+ "Mode for Turtle RDF documents."
+ )
+(defun ttl-base ()
+ (interactive)
+ (generic-mode "ttl"))
+(defun ttl-indent-line ()
+ (interactive)
+ (indent-line-to
+ (or (ignore-errors (ttl-calculate-indentation))
+ 0)))
+(defun ttl-calculate-indentation ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward "\t ")
+ (cond ((ttl-in-string-p) 8)
+ ((looking-at "$")
+ ;; empty line -- use same indentation as previous line
+ (save-excursion
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (skip-chars-forward "\t ")
+ (current-column)))
+ ((looking-at "@") 0) ;@prefix or @base
+ ((looking-at "#") 0)
+ ((looking-at "<");(looking-at "\\S-+\\s-*$")
+ ;;only a single expression on the line -- a subject
+ 0)
+ ((save-excursion
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (end-of-line)
+ (if (not (looking-back "\\["))
+ nil
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (skip-chars-forward "\t ")
+ (+ (current-column) 4))))
+ (t 4))))
+;; (defun turtle-indent-block ()
+;; (interactive)
+;; (indent-region (point)
+;; (save-excursion (forward-xxx) (point))))
+(defvar ttl-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+(define-derived-mode ttl-mode ttl-base
+ "Turtle RDF"
+ (setq indent-tabs-mode t)
+ (ttl-mode-variables)
+; (define-key ttl-mode-map (kbd "C-M-q")
+; 'turtle-indent-block)
+ (define-key ttl-mode-map (kbd "\;") 'ttl-electric-semi)
+ (define-key ttl-mode-map (kbd "\.") 'ttl-electric-dot)
+ (define-key ttl-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent)
+ (define-key ttl-mode-map [backspace] 'ttl-hungry-delete-backwards)
+ (use-local-map ttl-mode-map))
+(defcustom ttl-electric-semi-mode nil
+ "*If non-nil, `\;' will self insert, reindent the line, and do a newline.
+If nil, just insert a `\;'. (To insert while t, do: \\[quoted-insert] \;)."
+ :group 'ttl
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defun beginning-of-stanza ()
+ "Find the beginning of a stanza, indicated by non-whitespace at the beginning of a line."
+ (re-search-backward "^\\S-" (point-min) t))
+(defun ttl-in-string-p ()
+ "Is point inside a string or a long-string?"
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((here (point))
+ (in-p nil))
+ (beginning-of-stanza)
+ (condition-case nil
+ (progn
+ (while (<= (point) here)
+ (if in-p
+ (progn
+ (search-forward in-p (point-max) nil)
+ (setq in-p nil))
+ (re-search-forward "\"\\(\"\"\\)?" (point-max) nil)
+ (if (char-equal (char-before (- (point) 1)) ?\")
+ (setq in-p "\"\"\"")
+ (setq in-p "\""))))
+ (not in-p))
+ (search-failed ;reached EOF
+ (if in-p ;this indicates that we're inside a string
+ (message "Unbalanced quotes -- reached EOF inside string")
+ nil))))))
+(defun *ttl-search-in-line-for-comment (limit)
+ "Search for a comment character from the current position, before point LIMIT; changes current position. Return location of comment, or nil if none can be found"
+ (let ((new-point (re-search-forward "[#<]" limit t)))
+ (cond ((not new-point) nil)
+ ((looking-back "#") new-point) ;found comment
+ (t ;looking-back "<"
+ (if (not (search-forward ">" limit t))
+ nil ;starting point is within resource
+ (*ttl-search-in-line-for-comment limit)))))) ;recurse
+(defun ttl-in-comment-p ()
+ "Is point inside a comment?"
+ (save-excursion
+ (let ((here (point)))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (*ttl-search-in-line-for-comment here))))
+(defun ttl-in-resource-p ()
+ "Is point within a resource, marked by <...>?"
+ (save-excursion
+ (and (re-search-backward "[<> ]" nil t)
+ (looking-at "<"))))
+(defun ttl-skip-ws-backwards () ;adapted from cc-mode
+ "Move backwards across whitespace."
+ (while (progn
+ (skip-chars-backward " \t\n\r\f\v")
+ (and (eolp)
+ (eq (char-before) ?\\)))
+ (backward-char)))
+(defun ttl-hungry-delete-backwards ()
+ "Delete backwards, either all of the preceding whitespace,
+or a single non-whitespace character if there is no whitespace before point."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((here (point)))
+ (ttl-skip-ws-backwards)
+ (if (/= (point) here)
+ (delete-region (point) here)
+ (backward-delete-char-untabify 1))))
+(defun ttl-insulate ()
+ "Return true if this location should not be electrified"
+ (or (ttl-in-string-p)
+ (ttl-in-comment-p)
+ (ttl-in-resource-p)))
+(defun ttl-electric-semi ()
+ "Insert a \;.
+If variable `ttl-electric-semi-mode' is t, indent the current line, insert
+a newline, and indent."
+ (interactive)
+ (insert "\;")
+ (if (and ttl-electric-semi-mode
+ (not (ttl-insulate)))
+ (reindent-then-newline-and-indent)))
+(defun ttl-electric-dot ()
+ "Insert a \..
+If variable `ttl-electric-semi-mode' is t, indent the current line, insert
+a newline, and indent."
+ (interactive)
+ (insert "\.")
+ (if (and ttl-electric-semi-mode
+ (not (ttl-insulate)))
+ (reindent-then-newline-and-indent)))
+(defun ttl-mode-variables ()
+ (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'ttl-indent-line))
diff --git a/emacs.d/site-lisp/window-numbering.el b/emacs.d/site-lisp/window-numbering.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..702c334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs.d/site-lisp/window-numbering.el
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+;;; window-numbering.el --- Numbered window shortcuts
+;; Copyright (C) 2006-2007, 2013 Nikolaj Schumacher <bugs * nschum , de>
+;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher <bugs * nschum de>
+;; Version: 1.1.2
+;; Keywords: faces, matching
+;; URL:
+;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs 22.x, GNU Emacs 23.x, GNU Emacs 24.x
+;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Enable window-numbering-mode and use M-1 through M-0 to navigate.
+;; If you want to affect the numbers, use window-numbering-before-hook or
+;; window-numbering-assign-func.
+;; For instance, to always assign the calculator window the number 9, add the
+;; following to your .emacs:
+;; (setq window-numbering-assign-func
+;; (lambda () (when (equal (buffer-name) "*Calculator*") 9)))
+;;; Changes Log:
+;; 2013-03-23 (1.1.2)
+;; Fix numbering in terminal mode with menu bar visible.
+;; Add face for window number. (thanks to Chen Bin)
+;; 2008-04-11 (1.1.1)
+;; Added possibility to delete window with prefix arg.
+;; Cleaned up code and migrated to `defcustom'.
+;; 2007-02-18 (1.1)
+;; Added window-numbering-before-hook, window-numbering-assign-func.
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(push "^No window numbered .$" debug-ignored-errors)
+(defgroup window-numbering nil
+ "Numbered window shortcuts"
+ :group 'convenience)
+(defcustom window-numbering-auto-assign-0-to-minibuffer t
+ "*If non-nil, `window-numbering-mode' assigns 0 to the minibuffer if active."
+ :group 'window-numbering
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Off" nil)
+ (const :tag "On" t)))
+(defcustom window-numbering-before-hook nil
+ "*Hook called before `window-numbering-mode' starts assigning numbers.
+The number of windows that will be numbered is passed as a parameter.
+Use `window-numbering-assign' to manually assign some of them a number.
+If you want to assign a number to just one buffer, use
+`window-numbering-assign-func' instead."
+ :group 'window-numbering
+ :type 'hook)
+(defcustom window-numbering-assign-func nil
+ "*Function called for each window by `window-numbering-mode'.
+This is called before automatic assignment begins. The function should
+return a number to have it assigned to the current-window, nil otherwise."
+ :group 'window-numbering
+ :type 'function)
+(defconst window-numbering-mode-line-position 1
+ "The position in the mode-line `window-numbering-mode' displays the number.")
+(defface window-numbering-face '()
+ "Face used for the number in the mode-line."
+ :group 'window-numbering)
+(defvar window-numbering-table nil
+ "table -> (window vector . number table)")
+(defun select-window-by-number (i &optional arg)
+ "Select window given number I by `window-numbering-mode'.
+If prefix ARG is given, delete the window instead of selecting it."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((windows (car (gethash (selected-frame) window-numbering-table)))
+ window)
+ (if (and (>= i 0) (< i 10)
+ (setq window (aref windows i)))
+ (if arg
+ (delete-window window)
+ (select-window window))
+ (error "No window numbered %s" i))))
+;; define interactive functions for keymap
+(dotimes (i 10)
+ (eval `(defun ,(intern (format "select-window-%s" i)) (&optional arg)
+ ,(format "Select the window with number %i." i)
+ (interactive "P")
+ (select-window-by-number ,i arg))))
+(defun window-numbering-calculate-left (windows)
+ (let ((i 9) left)
+ (while (>= i 0)
+ (let ((window (aref windows i)))
+ (unless window
+ (push (% (1+ i) 10) left)))
+ (decf i))
+ left))
+(defvar window-numbering-windows nil
+ "A vector listing the window for each number.")
+(defvar window-numbering-numbers
+ "A hash map containing each window's number.")
+(defvar window-numbering-left
+ "A list of unused window numbers.")
+(defun window-numbering-assign (window &optional number)
+ (if number
+ (if (aref window-numbering-windows number)
+ (progn (message "Number %s assigned to two buffers (%s and %s)"
+ number window (aref window-numbering-windows number))
+ nil)
+ (setf (aref window-numbering-windows number) window)
+ (puthash window number window-numbering-numbers)
+ (setq window-numbering-left (delq number window-numbering-left))
+ t)
+ ;; else default adding
+ (when window-numbering-left
+ (unless (gethash window window-numbering-numbers)
+ (let ((number (car window-numbering-left)))
+ (window-numbering-assign window number)
+ number)))))
+(defun window-numbering-update ()
+ "Update the window numbering for the current frame.
+Optional parameter PREASSIGNED-WINDOWS is a hashmap already mapping some
+windows to numbers."
+ (setq window-numbering-windows (make-vector 10 nil)
+ window-numbering-numbers (make-hash-table :size 10)
+ window-numbering-left
+ (window-numbering-calculate-left window-numbering-windows))
+ (puthash (selected-frame)
+ (cons window-numbering-windows window-numbering-numbers)
+ window-numbering-table)
+ (when (and window-numbering-auto-assign-0-to-minibuffer
+ (active-minibuffer-window))
+ (window-numbering-assign (active-minibuffer-window) 0))
+ (let ((windows (window-list nil 0 (frame-first-window))))
+ (run-hook-with-args 'window-numbering-before-hook windows)
+ (when window-numbering-assign-func
+ (mapc `(lambda (window)
+ (with-selected-window window
+ (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
+ (let ((num (funcall ,window-numbering-assign-func)))
+ (when num
+ (window-numbering-assign window num))))))
+ windows))
+ (dolist (window windows)
+ (window-numbering-assign window))))
+(defun window-numbering-get-number-string (&optional window)
+ (let ((s (int-to-string (window-numbering-get-number window))))
+ (propertize s 'face 'window-numbering-face)))
+(defun window-numbering-get-number (&optional window)
+ (gethash (or window (selected-window))
+ (cdr (gethash (selected-frame) window-numbering-table))))
+(defvar window-numbering-keymap
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map "\M-0" 'select-window-0)
+ (define-key map "\M-1" 'select-window-1)
+ (define-key map "\M-2" 'select-window-2)
+ (define-key map "\M-3" 'select-window-3)
+ (define-key map "\M-4" 'select-window-4)
+ (define-key map "\M-5" 'select-window-5)
+ (define-key map "\M-6" 'select-window-6)
+ (define-key map "\M-7" 'select-window-7)
+ (define-key map "\M-8" 'select-window-8)
+ (define-key map "\M-9" 'select-window-9)
+ map)
+ "Keymap used in by `window-numbering-mode'.")
+(define-minor-mode window-numbering-mode
+ "A minor mode that assigns a number to each window."
+ nil nil window-numbering-keymap :global t
+ (if window-numbering-mode
+ (unless window-numbering-table
+ (save-excursion
+ (setq window-numbering-table (make-hash-table :size 16))
+ (window-numbering-install-mode-line)
+ (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook
+ 'window-numbering-update)
+ (dolist (frame (frame-list))
+ (select-frame frame)
+ (window-numbering-update))))
+ (window-numbering-clear-mode-line)
+ (remove-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook
+ 'window-numbering-update)
+ (setq window-numbering-table nil)))
+(defun window-numbering-install-mode-line (&optional position)
+ "Install the window number from `window-numbering-mode' to the mode-line."
+ (let ((mode-line (default-value 'mode-line-format))
+ (res))
+ (dotimes (i (min (or position window-numbering-mode-line-position)
+ (length mode-line)))
+ (push (car mode-line) res)
+ (pop mode-line))
+ (push '(:eval (window-numbering-get-number-string)) res)
+ (while mode-line
+ (push (car mode-line) res)
+ (pop mode-line))
+ (setq-default mode-line-format (nreverse res)))
+ (force-mode-line-update t))
+(defun window-numbering-clear-mode-line ()
+ "Remove the window number of `window-numbering-mode' from the mode-line."
+ (let ((mode-line (default-value 'mode-line-format))
+ (res))
+ (while mode-line
+ (let ((item (car mode-line)))
+ (unless (equal item '(:eval (window-numbering-get-number-string)))
+ (push item res)))
+ (pop mode-line))
+ (setq-default mode-line-format (nreverse res)))
+ (force-mode-line-update t))
+(provide 'window-numbering)
+;;; window-numbering.el ends here