path: root/test/lilv_test.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/lilv_test.c')
1 files changed, 970 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lilv_test.c b/test/lilv_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c1396a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/lilv_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
+/* Lilv Tests
+ * Copyright 2008-2011 David Robillard <>
+ * Copyright 2008 Krzysztof Foltman
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "lilv/lilv.h"
+#define TEST_PATH_MAX 1024
+static char bundle_dir_name[TEST_PATH_MAX];
+static char bundle_dir_uri[TEST_PATH_MAX];
+static char manifest_name[TEST_PATH_MAX];
+static char content_name[TEST_PATH_MAX];
+static LilvWorld world;
+int test_count = 0;
+int error_count = 0;
+ unlink(content_name);
+ unlink(manifest_name);
+ rmdir(bundle_dir_name);
+ strncpy(bundle_dir_name, getenv("HOME"), 900);
+ strcat(bundle_dir_name, "/.lv2/lilv-test.lv2");
+ sprintf(bundle_dir_uri, "file://%s/", bundle_dir_name);
+ sprintf(manifest_name, "%s/manifest.ttl", bundle_dir_name);
+ sprintf(content_name, "%s/plugin.ttl", bundle_dir_name);
+ delete_bundle();
+fatal_error(const char *err, const char *arg)
+ /* TODO: possibly change to vfprintf later */
+ fprintf(stderr, err, arg);
+ /* IMHO, the bundle should be left in place after an error, for possible investigation */
+ /* delete_bundle(); */
+ exit(1);
+write_file(const char *name, const char *content)
+ FILE* f = fopen(name, "w");
+ size_t len = strlen(content);
+ if (fwrite(content, 1, len, f) != len)
+ fatal_error("Cannot write file %s\n", name);
+ fclose(f);
+ world = lilv_world_new();
+ return world != NULL;
+ if (!init_world())
+ return 0;
+ lilv_world_load_all(world);
+ return 1;
+create_bundle(char *manifest, char *content)
+ if (mkdir(bundle_dir_name, 0700))
+ fatal_error("Cannot create directory %s\n", bundle_dir_name);
+ write_file(manifest_name, manifest);
+ write_file(content_name, content);
+start_bundle(char *manifest, char *content)
+ create_bundle(manifest, content);
+ return load_all_bundles();
+ if (world)
+ lilv_world_free(world);
+ world = NULL;
+ delete_bundle();
+#define TEST_CASE(name) { #name, test_##name }
+#define TEST_ASSERT(check) do {\
+ test_count++;\
+ if (!(check)) {\
+ error_count++;\
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failure at lilv_test.c:%d: %s\n", __LINE__, #check);\
+ }\
+} while (0)
+typedef int (*TestFunc)();
+struct TestCase {
+ const char *title;
+ TestFunc func;
+#define PREFIX_LINE "@prefix : <> .\n"
+#define PREFIX_LV2 "@prefix lv2: <> .\n"
+#define PREFIX_LV2EV "@prefix lv2ev: <> . \n"
+#define PREFIX_LV2UI "@prefix lv2ui: <> .\n"
+#define PREFIX_RDF "@prefix rdf: <> .\n"
+#define PREFIX_RDFS "@prefix rdfs: <> .\n"
+#define PREFIX_FOAF "@prefix foaf: <> .\n"
+#define PREFIX_DOAP "@prefix doap: <> .\n"
+#define PLUGIN_NAME(name) "doap:name \"" name "\""
+#define LICENSE_GPL "doap:license <>"
+static char *uris_plugin = "";
+static LilvValue plugin_uri_value, plugin2_uri_value;
+ plugin_uri_value = lilv_value_new_uri(world, uris_plugin);
+ plugin2_uri_value = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ TEST_ASSERT(plugin_uri_value);
+ TEST_ASSERT(plugin2_uri_value);
+ lilv_value_free(plugin2_uri_value);
+ lilv_value_free(plugin_uri_value);
+ plugin2_uri_value = NULL;
+ plugin_uri_value = NULL;
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_uri_to_path("file:///tmp/blah"), "/tmp/blah"));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_uri_to_path("file:/"));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_uri_to_path(""));
+ return 1;
+ if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; a lv2:CompressorPlugin ; "
+ PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
+ "lv2:port [ "
+ " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
+ " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; lv2:name \"Foo\" ; "
+ "] ."))
+ return 0;
+ init_uris();
+ LilvValue uval = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValue sval = lilv_value_new_string(world, "Foo");
+ LilvValue ival = lilv_value_new_int(world, 42);
+ LilvValue fval = lilv_value_new_float(world, 1.6180);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_is_uri(uval));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_is_string(sval));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_is_int(ival));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_is_float(fval));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_value_is_literal(uval));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_is_literal(sval));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_is_literal(ival));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_is_literal(fval));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_uri(uval), ""));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(sval), "Foo"));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_as_int(ival) == 42);
+ TEST_ASSERT(fabs(lilv_value_as_float(fval) - 1.6180) < FLT_EPSILON);
+ char* tok = lilv_value_get_turtle_token(uval);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(tok, "<>"));
+ free(tok);
+ tok = lilv_value_get_turtle_token(sval);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(tok, "Foo"));
+ free(tok);
+ tok = lilv_value_get_turtle_token(ival);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(tok, "42"));
+ free(tok);
+ tok = lilv_value_get_turtle_token(fval);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strncmp(tok, "1.6180", 6));
+ free(tok);
+ LilvValue uval_e = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValue sval_e = lilv_value_new_string(world, "Foo");
+ LilvValue ival_e = lilv_value_new_int(world, 42);
+ LilvValue fval_e = lilv_value_new_float(world, 1.6180);
+ LilvValue uval_ne = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValue sval_ne = lilv_value_new_string(world, "Bar");
+ LilvValue ival_ne = lilv_value_new_int(world, 24);
+ LilvValue fval_ne = lilv_value_new_float(world, 3.14159);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_equals(uval, uval_e));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_equals(sval, sval_e));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_equals(ival, ival_e));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_equals(fval, fval_e));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_value_equals(uval, uval_ne));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_value_equals(sval, sval_ne));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_value_equals(ival, ival_ne));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_value_equals(fval, fval_ne));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_value_equals(uval, sval));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_value_equals(sval, ival));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_value_equals(ival, fval));
+ LilvValue uval_dup = lilv_value_duplicate(uval);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_equals(uval, uval_dup));
+ LilvValue ifval = lilv_value_new_float(world, 42.0);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_value_equals(ival, ifval));
+ lilv_value_free(ifval);
+ LilvValue nil = NULL;
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_value_equals(uval, nil));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_value_equals(nil, uval));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_equals(nil, nil));
+ LilvValue nil2 = lilv_value_duplicate(nil);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_equals(nil, nil2));
+ lilv_value_free(uval);
+ lilv_value_free(sval);
+ lilv_value_free(ival);
+ lilv_value_free(fval);
+ lilv_value_free(uval_e);
+ lilv_value_free(sval_e);
+ lilv_value_free(ival_e);
+ lilv_value_free(fval_e);
+ lilv_value_free(uval_ne);
+ lilv_value_free(sval_ne);
+ lilv_value_free(ival_ne);
+ lilv_value_free(fval_ne);
+ lilv_value_free(uval_dup);
+ lilv_value_free(nil2);
+ cleanup_uris();
+ return 1;
+static int discovery_plugin_found = 0;
+static void
+discovery_verify_plugin(LilvPlugin plugin)
+ LilvValue value = lilv_plugin_get_uri(plugin);
+ if (lilv_value_equals(value, plugin_uri_value)) {
+ LilvValue lib_uri = NULL;
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_value_equals(value, plugin2_uri_value));
+ discovery_plugin_found = 1;
+ lib_uri = lilv_plugin_get_library_uri(plugin);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lib_uri);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_is_uri(lib_uri));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_as_uri(lib_uri));
+ TEST_ASSERT(strstr(lilv_value_as_uri(lib_uri), ""));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_verify(plugin));
+ }
+ if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ;"
+ PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
+ "lv2:port [ a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ;"
+ " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; lv2:name \"bar\" ; ] ."))
+ return 0;
+ init_uris();
+ LilvPlugins plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugins_size(plugins) > 0);
+ LilvPlugin explug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
+ TEST_ASSERT(explug != NULL);
+ LilvPlugin explug2 = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin2_uri_value);
+ TEST_ASSERT(explug2 == NULL);
+ if (explug) {
+ LilvValue name = lilv_plugin_get_name(explug);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(name), "Test plugin"));
+ lilv_value_free(name);
+ }
+ discovery_plugin_found = 0;
+ LILV_FOREACH(plugins, i, plugins)
+ discovery_verify_plugin(lilv_plugins_get(plugins, i));
+ TEST_ASSERT(discovery_plugin_found);
+ plugins = NULL;
+ cleanup_uris();
+ return 1;
+ if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; "
+ PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
+ "lv2:port [ a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ;"
+ " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; lv2:name \"bar\" ] ."))
+ return 0;
+ init_uris();
+ LilvPlugins plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
+ LilvPlugin explug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
+ TEST_ASSERT(explug);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_verify(explug));
+ cleanup_uris();
+ return 1;
+ if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin . "))
+ return 0;
+ init_uris();
+ LilvPlugins plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
+ LilvPlugin explug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
+ TEST_ASSERT(explug);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_plugin_verify(explug));
+ cleanup_uris();
+ return 1;
+ if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; a lv2:CompressorPlugin ; "
+ PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
+ "lv2:port [ "
+ " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
+ " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; lv2:name \"Foo\" ; "
+ "] ."))
+ return 0;
+ init_uris();
+ LilvPluginClass plugin = lilv_world_get_plugin_class(world);
+ LilvPluginClasses classes = lilv_world_get_plugin_classes(world);
+ LilvPluginClasses children = lilv_plugin_class_get_children(plugin);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_class_get_parent_uri(plugin) == NULL);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_classes_size(classes) > lilv_plugin_classes_size(children));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(lilv_plugin_class_get_label(plugin)), "Plugin"));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(lilv_plugin_class_get_uri(plugin)),
+ ""));
+ LILV_FOREACH(plugin_classes, i, children) {
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_equals(
+ lilv_plugin_class_get_parent_uri(lilv_plugin_classes_get(children, i)),
+ lilv_plugin_class_get_uri(plugin)));
+ }
+ LilvValue some_uri = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_classes_get_by_uri(classes, some_uri) == NULL);
+ lilv_value_free(some_uri);
+ lilv_plugin_classes_free(children);
+ cleanup_uris();
+ return 1;
+ if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; a lv2:CompressorPlugin ; "
+ PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
+ "lv2:optionalFeature lv2:hardRTCapable ; "
+ "lv2:requiredFeature <> ; "
+ ":foo 1.6180 ; "
+ ":bar true ; "
+ ":baz false ; "
+ "doap:maintainer [ foaf:name \"David Robillard\" ; "
+ " foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:mbox <> ] ; "
+ "lv2:port [ "
+ " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
+ " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; lv2:name \"bar\" ; "
+ " lv2:minimum -1.0 ; lv2:maximum 1.0 ; lv2:default 0.5 "
+ "] , [ "
+ " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
+ " lv2:index 1 ; lv2:symbol \"bar\" ; lv2:name \"Baz\" ; "
+ " lv2:minimum -2.0 ; lv2:maximum 2.0 ; lv2:default 1.0 "
+ "] , [ "
+ " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:OutputPort ; "
+ " lv2:index 2 ; lv2:symbol \"latency\" ; lv2:name \"Latency\" ; "
+ " lv2:portProperty lv2:reportsLatency "
+ "] . \n"
+ ":thing doap:name \"Something else\" .\n"))
+ return 0;
+ init_uris();
+ LilvPlugins plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
+ LilvPlugin plug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
+ TEST_ASSERT(plug);
+ LilvPluginClass class = lilv_plugin_get_class(plug);
+ LilvValue class_uri = lilv_plugin_class_get_uri(class);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(class_uri),
+ ""));
+ LilvValue plug_bundle_uri = lilv_plugin_get_bundle_uri(plug);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(plug_bundle_uri), bundle_dir_uri));
+ LilvValues data_uris = lilv_plugin_get_data_uris(plug);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(data_uris) == 2);
+ char* manifest_uri = (char*)malloc(TEST_PATH_MAX);
+ char* data_uri = (char*)malloc(TEST_PATH_MAX);
+ snprintf(manifest_uri, TEST_PATH_MAX, "%s%s",
+ lilv_value_as_string(plug_bundle_uri), "manifest.ttl");
+ snprintf(data_uri, TEST_PATH_MAX, "%s%s",
+ lilv_value_as_string(plug_bundle_uri), "plugin.ttl");
+ LilvValue manifest_uri_val = lilv_value_new_uri(world, manifest_uri);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_contains(data_uris, manifest_uri_val));
+ lilv_value_free(manifest_uri_val);
+ LilvValue data_uri_val = lilv_value_new_uri(world, data_uri);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_contains(data_uris, data_uri_val));
+ lilv_value_free(data_uri_val);
+ free(manifest_uri);
+ free(data_uri);
+ float mins[1];
+ float maxs[1];
+ float defs[1];
+ lilv_plugin_get_port_ranges_float(plug, mins, maxs, defs);
+ TEST_ASSERT(mins[0] == -1.0f);
+ TEST_ASSERT(maxs[0] == 1.0f);
+ TEST_ASSERT(defs[0] == 0.5f);
+ LilvValue audio_class = lilv_value_new_uri(world,
+ "");
+ LilvValue control_class = lilv_value_new_uri(world,
+ "");
+ LilvValue in_class = lilv_value_new_uri(world,
+ "");
+ LilvValue out_class = lilv_value_new_uri(world,
+ "");
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, control_class, NULL) == 3);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, audio_class, NULL) == 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, in_class, NULL) == 2);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, out_class, NULL) == 1);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, control_class, in_class, NULL) == 2);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, control_class, out_class, NULL) == 1);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, audio_class, in_class, NULL) == 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, audio_class, out_class, NULL) == 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_has_latency(plug));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_latency_port_index(plug) == 2);
+ LilvValue rt_feature = lilv_value_new_uri(world,
+ "");
+ LilvValue event_feature = lilv_value_new_uri(world,
+ "");
+ LilvValue pretend_feature = lilv_value_new_uri(world,
+ "");
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_has_feature(plug, rt_feature));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_has_feature(plug, event_feature));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_plugin_has_feature(plug, pretend_feature));
+ lilv_value_free(rt_feature);
+ lilv_value_free(event_feature);
+ lilv_value_free(pretend_feature);
+ LilvValues supported = lilv_plugin_get_supported_features(plug);
+ LilvValues required = lilv_plugin_get_required_features(plug);
+ LilvValues optional = lilv_plugin_get_optional_features(plug);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(supported) == 2);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(required) == 1);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(optional) == 1);
+ lilv_values_free(supported);
+ lilv_values_free(required);
+ lilv_values_free(optional);
+ LilvValue foo_p = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValues foos = lilv_plugin_get_value(plug, foo_p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(foos) == 1);
+ TEST_ASSERT(fabs(lilv_value_as_float(lilv_values_get_first(foos)) - 1.6180) < FLT_EPSILON);
+ lilv_value_free(foo_p);
+ lilv_values_free(foos);
+ LilvValue bar_p = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValues bars = lilv_plugin_get_value(plug, bar_p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(bars) == 1);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_as_bool(lilv_values_get_first(bars)) == true);
+ lilv_value_free(bar_p);
+ lilv_values_free(bars);
+ LilvValue baz_p = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValues bazs = lilv_plugin_get_value(plug, baz_p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(bazs) == 1);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_as_bool(lilv_values_get_first(bazs)) == false);
+ lilv_value_free(baz_p);
+ lilv_values_free(bazs);
+ LilvValue author_name = lilv_plugin_get_author_name(plug);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(author_name), "David Robillard"));
+ lilv_value_free(author_name);
+ LilvValue author_email = lilv_plugin_get_author_email(plug);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(author_email), ""));
+ lilv_value_free(author_email);
+ LilvValue author_homepage = lilv_plugin_get_author_homepage(plug);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(author_homepage), ""));
+ lilv_value_free(author_homepage);
+ LilvValue thing_uri = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValue name_p = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValues thing_names = lilv_plugin_get_value_for_subject(plug, thing_uri, name_p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(thing_names) == 1);
+ LilvValue thing_name = lilv_values_get_first(thing_names);
+ TEST_ASSERT(thing_name);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_is_string(thing_name));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(thing_name), "Something else"));
+ LilvUIs uis = lilv_plugin_get_uis(plug);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_uis_size(uis) == 0);
+ lilv_uis_free(uis);
+ lilv_values_free(thing_names);
+ lilv_value_free(thing_uri);
+ lilv_value_free(name_p);
+ lilv_value_free(control_class);
+ lilv_value_free(audio_class);
+ lilv_value_free(in_class);
+ lilv_value_free(out_class);
+ cleanup_uris();
+ return 1;
+ if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; "
+ PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
+ "doap:homepage <> ; "
+ "lv2:port [ "
+ " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
+ " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; "
+ " lv2:name \"store\" ; "
+ " lv2:name \"dépanneur\"@fr-ca ; lv2:name \"épicerie\"@fr-fr ; "
+ " lv2:name \"tienda\"@es ; "
+ " lv2:portProperty lv2:integer ; "
+ " lv2:minimum -1.0 ; lv2:maximum 1.0 ; lv2:default 0.5 ; "
+ " lv2:scalePoint [ rdfs:label \"Sin\"; rdf:value 3 ] ; "
+ " lv2:scalePoint [ rdfs:label \"Cos\"; rdf:value 4 ] "
+ "] , [\n"
+ " a lv2:EventPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
+ " lv2:index 1 ; lv2:symbol \"event_in\" ; "
+ " lv2:name \"Event Input\" ; "
+ " lv2ev:supportsEvent <> "
+ "] ."))
+ return 0;
+ init_uris();
+ LilvPlugins plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
+ LilvPlugin plug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
+ TEST_ASSERT(plug);
+ LilvValue psym = lilv_value_new_string(world, "foo");
+ LilvPort p = lilv_plugin_get_port_by_index(plug, 0);
+ LilvPort p2 = lilv_plugin_get_port_by_symbol(plug, psym);
+ lilv_value_free(psym);
+ TEST_ASSERT(p == p2);
+ LilvValue nopsym = lilv_value_new_string(world, "thisaintnoportfoo");
+ LilvPort p3 = lilv_plugin_get_port_by_symbol(plug, nopsym);
+ lilv_value_free(nopsym);
+ LilvValue audio_class = lilv_value_new_uri(world,
+ "");
+ LilvValue control_class = lilv_value_new_uri(world,
+ "");
+ LilvValue in_class = lilv_value_new_uri(world,
+ "");
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(lilv_port_get_classes(plug, p)) == 2);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports(plug) == 2);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_port_is_a(plug, p, control_class));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_port_is_a(plug, p, in_class));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_port_is_a(plug, p, audio_class));
+ LilvValues port_properties = lilv_port_get_properties(plug, p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(port_properties) == 1);
+ lilv_values_free(port_properties);
+ // Untranslated name (current locale is set to "C" in main)
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(lilv_port_get_symbol(plug, p)), "foo"));
+ LilvValue name = lilv_port_get_name(plug, p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(name), "store"));
+ lilv_value_free(name);
+ // Exact language match
+ setenv("LANG", "fr_FR", 1);
+ name = lilv_port_get_name(plug, p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(name), "épicerie"));
+ lilv_value_free(name);
+ // Exact language match (with charset suffix)
+ setenv("LANG", "fr_CA.utf8", 1);
+ name = lilv_port_get_name(plug, p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(name), "dépanneur"));
+ lilv_value_free(name);
+ // Partial language match (choose value translated for different country)
+ setenv("LANG", "fr_BE", 1);
+ name = lilv_port_get_name(plug, p);
+ TEST_ASSERT((!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(name), "dépanneur"))
+ ||(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(name), "épicerie")));
+ lilv_value_free(name);
+ // Partial language match (choose country-less language tagged value)
+ setenv("LANG", "es_MX", 1);
+ name = lilv_port_get_name(plug, p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(name), "tienda"));
+ lilv_value_free(name);
+ setenv("LANG", "C", 1); // Reset locale
+ LilvScalePoints points = lilv_port_get_scale_points(plug, p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_scale_points_size(points) == 2);
+ LilvIter sp_iter = lilv_scale_points_begin(points);
+ LilvScalePoint sp0 = lilv_scale_points_get(points, sp_iter);
+ lilv_scale_points_next(points, sp_iter);
+ LilvScalePoint sp1 = lilv_scale_points_get(points, sp_iter);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(lilv_scale_point_get_label(sp0)), "Sin"));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_as_float(lilv_scale_point_get_value(sp0)) == 3);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(lilv_scale_point_get_label(sp1)), "Cos"));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_as_float(lilv_scale_point_get_value(sp1)) == 4);
+ LilvValue homepage_p = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValues homepages = lilv_plugin_get_value(plug, homepage_p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(homepages) == 1);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(lilv_values_get_first(homepages)),
+ ""));
+ LilvValue min, max, def;
+ lilv_port_get_range(plug, p, &def, &min, &max);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_as_float(def) == 0.5);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_as_float(min) == -1.0);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_as_float(max) == 1.0);
+ LilvValue integer_prop = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValue toggled_prop = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_port_has_property(plug, p, integer_prop));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_port_has_property(plug, p, toggled_prop));
+ LilvPort ep = lilv_plugin_get_port_by_index(plug, 1);
+ LilvValue event_type = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValue event_type_2 = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_port_supports_event(plug, ep, event_type));
+ TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_port_supports_event(plug, ep, event_type_2));
+ LilvValue name_p = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValues names = lilv_port_get_value(plug, p, name_p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(names) == 1);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(lilv_values_get_first(names)),
+ "store"));
+ lilv_values_free(names);
+ LilvValue true_val = lilv_value_new_bool(world, true);
+ LilvValue false_val = lilv_value_new_bool(world, false);
+ lilv_world_set_option(world, LILV_OPTION_FILTER_LANG, false_val);
+ names = lilv_port_get_value(plug, p, name_p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(names) == 4);
+ lilv_values_free(names);
+ lilv_world_set_option(world, LILV_OPTION_FILTER_LANG, true_val);
+ lilv_value_free(false_val);
+ lilv_value_free(true_val);
+ names = lilv_port_get_value(plug, ep, name_p);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(names) == 1);
+ TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_value_as_string(lilv_values_get_first(names)),
+ "Event Input"));
+ lilv_values_free(names);
+ lilv_value_free(name_p);
+ lilv_value_free(integer_prop);
+ lilv_value_free(toggled_prop);
+ lilv_value_free(event_type);
+ lilv_value_free(event_type_2);
+ lilv_value_free(min);
+ lilv_value_free(max);
+ lilv_value_free(def);
+ lilv_value_free(homepage_p);
+ lilv_values_free(homepages);
+ lilv_scale_points_free(points);
+ lilv_value_free(control_class);
+ lilv_value_free(audio_class);
+ lilv_value_free(in_class);
+ cleanup_uris();
+ return 1;
+ if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
+ ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; a lv2:CompressorPlugin ; "
+ PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
+ "lv2:optionalFeature lv2:hardRTCapable ; "
+ "lv2:requiredFeature <> ; "
+ "lv2ui:ui :ui , :ui2 , :ui3 , :ui4 ; "
+ "doap:maintainer [ foaf:name \"David Robillard\" ; "
+ " foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:mbox <> ] ; "
+ "lv2:port [ "
+ " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
+ " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; lv2:name \"bar\" ; "
+ " lv2:minimum -1.0 ; lv2:maximum 1.0 ; lv2:default 0.5 "
+ "] , [ "
+ " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
+ " lv2:index 1 ; lv2:symbol \"bar\" ; lv2:name \"Baz\" ; "
+ " lv2:minimum -2.0 ; lv2:maximum 2.0 ; lv2:default 1.0 "
+ "] , [ "
+ " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:OutputPort ; "
+ " lv2:index 2 ; lv2:symbol \"latency\" ; lv2:name \"Latency\" ; "
+ " lv2:portProperty lv2:reportsLatency "
+ "] .\n"
+ ":ui a lv2ui:GtkUI ; "
+ " lv2ui:requiredFeature lv2ui:makeResident ; "
+ " lv2ui:binary <> ; "
+ " lv2ui:optionalFeature lv2ui:ext_presets . "
+ ":ui2 a lv2ui:GtkUI ; lv2ui:binary <> . "
+ ":ui3 a lv2ui:GtkUI ; lv2ui:binary <> . "
+ ":ui4 a lv2ui:GtkUI ; lv2ui:binary <> . "))
+ return 0;
+ init_uris();
+ LilvPlugins plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
+ LilvPlugin plug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
+ TEST_ASSERT(plug);
+ LilvUIs uis = lilv_plugin_get_uis(plug);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_uis_size(uis) == 4);
+ LilvUI ui0 = lilv_uis_get(uis, lilv_uis_begin(uis));
+ LilvValue ui_uri = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValue ui2_uri = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValue ui3_uri = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvValue noui_uri = lilv_value_new_uri(world, "");
+ LilvUI ui0_2 = lilv_uis_get_by_uri(uis, ui_uri);
+ TEST_ASSERT(ui0 == ui0_2);
+ LilvUI ui2 = lilv_uis_get_by_uri(uis, ui2_uri);
+ TEST_ASSERT(ui2 != ui0);
+ LilvUI ui3 = lilv_uis_get_by_uri(uis, ui3_uri);
+ TEST_ASSERT(ui3 != ui0);
+ LilvUI noui = lilv_uis_get_by_uri(uis, noui_uri);
+ TEST_ASSERT(noui == NULL);
+ LilvValues classes = lilv_ui_get_classes(ui0);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_values_size(classes) == 1);
+ LilvValue ui_class_uri = lilv_value_new_uri(world,
+ "");
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_equals(lilv_values_get_first(classes), ui_class_uri));
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_ui_is_a(ui0, ui_class_uri));
+ LilvValue plug_bundle_uri = lilv_plugin_get_bundle_uri(plug);
+ LilvValue ui_bundle_uri = lilv_ui_get_bundle_uri(ui0);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_equals(plug_bundle_uri, ui_bundle_uri));
+ char* ui_binary_uri_str = (char*)malloc(TEST_PATH_MAX);
+ snprintf(ui_binary_uri_str, TEST_PATH_MAX, "%s%s",
+ lilv_value_as_string(plug_bundle_uri), "");
+ LilvValue ui_binary_uri = lilv_ui_get_binary_uri(ui0);
+ LilvValue expected_uri = lilv_value_new_uri(world, ui_binary_uri_str);
+ TEST_ASSERT(lilv_value_equals(expected_uri, ui_binary_uri));
+ free(ui_binary_uri_str);
+ lilv_value_free(ui_class_uri);
+ lilv_value_free(ui_uri);
+ lilv_value_free(ui2_uri);
+ lilv_value_free(ui3_uri);
+ lilv_value_free(noui_uri);
+ lilv_value_free(expected_uri);
+ lilv_uis_free(uis);
+ cleanup_uris();
+ return 1;
+/* add tests here */
+static struct TestCase tests[] = {
+ TEST_CASE(utils),
+ TEST_CASE(value),
+ TEST_CASE(verify),
+ TEST_CASE(no_verify),
+ TEST_CASE(discovery),
+ TEST_CASE(classes),
+ TEST_CASE(plugin),
+ TEST_CASE(port),
+ TEST_CASE(ui),
+ { NULL, NULL }
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; tests[i].title; i++) {
+ printf("*** Test %s\n", tests[i].title);
+ if (!tests[i].func()) {
+ printf("\nTest failed\n");
+ /* test case that wasn't able to be executed at all counts as 1 test + 1 error */
+ error_count++;
+ test_count++;
+ }
+ unload_bundle();
+ cleanup();
+ }
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ if (argc != 1) {
+ printf("Syntax: %s\n", argv[0]);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ setenv("LANG", "C", 1);
+ init_tests();
+ run_tests();
+ cleanup();
+ printf("\n*** Test Results: %d tests, %d errors\n\n", test_count, error_count);
+ return error_count ? 1 : 0;