path: root/bindings/python/serd.pyx
diff options
authorDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2020-06-21 18:50:55 +0200
committerDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2022-01-28 22:21:07 -0500
commitccbbd538d001ae4e17c86839b0583716e0dd3527 (patch)
tree5d55f82f617171bb34199484c21f7ec6c50f28d9 /bindings/python/serd.pyx
parentcb9bc60bfd95173ead26540714dc682842cad80b (diff)
[WIP] Add Python bindings
Diffstat (limited to 'bindings/python/serd.pyx')
1 files changed, 2470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/python/serd.pyx b/bindings/python/serd.pyx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..143705a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/serd.pyx
@@ -0,0 +1,2470 @@
+# cython: binding=True
+# cython: language_level=3
+# cython: warn.maybe_uninitialized=True
+# cython: warn.multiple_declarators=True
+# cython: warn.unused=True
+"""A lightweight library for working with RDF data."""
+import enum
+import errno
+import logging
+import cython
+from libc.stdint cimport int64_t, int32_t, int16_t, int8_t
+from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t, uint32_t, uint16_t, uint8_t
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+cdef extern from "stdarg.h":
+ ctypedef struct va_list:
+ pass
+cdef extern from "serd/serd.h":
+ ctypedef struct SerdWorld
+ ctypedef struct SerdNodes
+ ctypedef struct SerdStatement
+ ctypedef struct SerdCaret
+ ctypedef struct SerdEnv
+ ctypedef struct SerdModel
+ ctypedef struct SerdCursor
+ ctypedef struct SerdReader
+ ctypedef struct SerdWriter
+ ctypedef struct SerdSink
+ ctypedef enum SerdStatus: pass
+ ctypedef enum SerdSyntax: pass
+ ctypedef enum SerdStatementFlag: pass
+ ctypedef enum SerdDescribeFlag: pass
+ ctypedef enum SerdNodeType: pass
+ ctypedef enum SerdNodeFlags: pass
+ ctypedef enum SerdValueType: pass
+ ctypedef enum SerdField: pass
+ ctypedef enum SerdStatementOrder: pass
+ ctypedef enum SerdModelFlag: pass
+ ctypedef uint32_t SerdStatementFlags
+ ctypedef uint32_t SerdDescribeFlags
+ ctypedef uint32_t SerdModelFlags
+ ctypedef struct SerdNode
+ ctypedef struct SerdAllocator
+ ctypedef struct SerdStringView:
+ const char* buf;
+ size_t len;
+ ctypedef struct SerdBuffer:
+ SerdAllocator* allocator;
+ void* buf;
+ size_t len;
+ ctypedef struct SerdURIView:
+ SerdStringView scheme
+ SerdStringView authority
+ SerdStringView path_prefix
+ SerdStringView path
+ SerdStringView query
+ SerdStringView fragment
+ ctypedef union SerdValueData:
+ bint as_bool
+ double as_double
+ float as_float
+ int64_t as_long
+ int32_t as_int
+ int16_t as_short
+ int8_t as_byte
+ uint64_t as_ulong
+ uint32_t as_uint
+ uint16_t as_ushort
+ uint8_t as_ubyte
+ ctypedef struct SerdValue:
+ SerdValueType type;
+ SerdValueData data;
+ ctypedef enum SerdReaderFlag : pass
+ ctypedef uint32_t SerdReaderFlags
+ ctypedef enum SerdWriterFlag : pass
+ ctypedef uint32_t SerdWriterFlags
+ void serd_free(SerdAllocator* allocator, void* ptr);
+ # String Utilities
+ const char* serd_strerror(SerdStatus status);
+ # Base64
+ size_t serd_base64_encoded_length(size_t size, bint wrap_lines);
+ size_t serd_base64_decoded_size(size_t len);
+ bint serd_base64_encode(char* str,
+ const void* buf,
+ size_t size,
+ bint wrap_lines);
+ SerdStatus serd_base64_decode(void* buf,
+ size_t* size,
+ const char* str,
+ size_t len);
+ # Buffer
+ size_t serd_buffer_write(const void* buf,
+ size_t size,
+ size_t nmemb,
+ void* stream);
+ int serd_buffer_error(void* const stream);
+ int serd_buffer_close(void* const stream);
+ # I/O Function Types
+ ctypedef size_t (*SerdReadFunc)(void* buf,
+ size_t size,
+ size_t nmemb,
+ void* stream);
+ ctypedef size_t (*SerdWriteFunc)(const void* buf,
+ size_t size,
+ size_t nmemb,
+ void* stream);
+ ctypedef int (*SerdStreamErrorFunc)(void* stream);
+ ctypedef int (*SerdStreamCloseFunc)(void* stream);
+ # Syntax Utilities
+ SerdSyntax serd_syntax_by_name(const char* name);
+ SerdSyntax serd_guess_syntax(const char* filename);
+ bint serd_syntax_has_graphs(SerdSyntax syntax);
+ # URI
+ char* serd_parse_file_uri(const char* uri, char** hostname);
+ bint serd_uri_string_has_scheme(const char* utf8);
+ SerdStatus serd_parse_uri(const char* utf8, SerdURIView* out);
+ SerdURIView serd_resolve_uri(SerdURIView r, SerdURIView base);
+ size_t serd_write_uri(SerdURIView uri, SerdWriteFunc sink, void* stream);
+ # Node
+ SerdNode* serd_node_from_syntax(SerdAllocator* allocator,
+ const char* str,
+ SerdSyntax syntax,
+ SerdEnv* env);
+ char* serd_node_to_syntax(SerdAllocator* allocator,
+ const SerdNode* node,
+ SerdSyntax syntax,
+ const SerdEnv* env);
+ SerdNode* serd_new_token(SerdAllocator* allocator, SerdNodeType type, SerdStringView string);
+ SerdNode* serd_new_string(SerdAllocator* allocator, SerdStringView string);
+ SerdNode* serd_new_uri(SerdAllocator* allocator, SerdURIView uri);
+ SerdNode* serd_new_file_uri(SerdAllocator* allocator, SerdStringView path, SerdStringView hostname);
+ SerdNode* serd_new_literal(SerdAllocator* allocator,
+ SerdStringView string,
+ SerdNodeFlags flags,
+ SerdStringView meta);
+ SerdNode* serd_new_value(SerdAllocator* allocator, SerdValue value);
+ SerdNode* serd_new_decimal(SerdAllocator* allocator, double d);
+ SerdNode* serd_new_integer(SerdAllocator* allocator, int64_t i);
+ SerdNode* serd_new_base64(SerdAllocator* allocator, const void* buf, size_t size);
+ bint serd_get_boolean(const SerdNode* node);
+ double serd_get_double(const SerdNode* node);
+ float serd_get_float(const SerdNode* node);
+ int64_t serd_get_integer(const SerdNode* node);
+ SerdNode* serd_node_copy(SerdAllocator* allocator, const SerdNode* node);
+ void serd_node_free(SerdAllocator* allocator, SerdNode* node);
+ SerdNodeType serd_node_type(const SerdNode* node);
+ const char* serd_node_string(const SerdNode* node);
+ size_t serd_node_length(const SerdNode* node);
+ SerdStringView serd_node_string_view(const SerdNode* node);
+ SerdURIView serd_node_uri_view(const SerdNode* node);
+ const SerdNode* serd_node_datatype(const SerdNode* node);
+ const SerdNode* serd_node_language(const SerdNode* node);
+ bint serd_node_equals(const SerdNode* a, const SerdNode* b);
+ int serd_node_compare(const SerdNode* a, const SerdNode* b);
+ # Event
+ ctypedef enum SerdEventType: pass
+ ctypedef struct SerdBaseEvent:
+ SerdEventType type;
+ const SerdNode* uri;
+ ctypedef struct SerdPrefixEvent:
+ SerdEventType type;
+ const SerdNode* name;
+ const SerdNode* uri;
+ ctypedef struct SerdStatementEvent:
+ SerdEventType type;
+ SerdStatementFlags flags;
+ const SerdStatement* statement;
+ ctypedef struct SerdEndEvent:
+ SerdEventType type;
+ const SerdNode* node;
+ ctypedef union SerdEvent:
+ SerdEventType type;
+ SerdBaseEvent base;
+ SerdPrefixEvent prefix;
+ SerdStatementEvent statement;
+ SerdEndEvent end;
+ ctypedef SerdStatus (*SerdEventFunc)(void* handle, const SerdEvent* event);
+ # World
+ SerdWorld* serd_world_new(SerdAllocator* allocator);
+ void serd_world_free(SerdWorld* world);
+ SerdNodes* serd_world_nodes(SerdWorld* world);
+ const SerdNode* serd_world_get_blank(SerdWorld* world);
+ SerdAllocator* serd_world_allocator(const SerdWorld* world);
+ # TODO: logging
+ ctypedef enum SerdLogLevel: pass
+ cdef struct SerdLogField:
+ const char* key;
+ const char* value;
+ cdef struct SerdLogEntry:
+ const char* domain;
+ const SerdLogField* fields;
+ const char* fmt;
+ va_list* args;
+ SerdLogLevel level;
+ size_t n_fields;
+ ctypedef SerdStatus (*SerdLogFunc)(void* handle, const SerdLogEntry* entry);
+ # SerdStatus serd_quiet_error_func(void* handle, const SerdLogEntry* entry);
+ # const char* serd_log_entry_get_field(const SerdLogEntry* entry,
+ # const char* key);
+ void serd_world_set_log_func(SerdWorld* world,
+ SerdLogFunc log_func,
+ void* handle);
+ # SerdStatus serd_world_vlogf(const SerdWorld* world,
+ # const char* domain,
+ # SerdLogLevel level,
+ # size_t n_fields,
+ # const SerdLogField* fields,
+ # const char* fmt,
+ # va_list args);
+ SerdStatus serd_world_logf(const SerdWorld* world,
+ const char* domain,
+ SerdLogLevel level,
+ size_t n_fields,
+ const SerdLogField* fields,
+ const char* fmt,
+ ...);
+ # Environment
+ SerdEnv* serd_env_new(const SerdWorld* world, const SerdStringView base_uri);
+ SerdEnv* serd_env_copy(SerdAllocator* allocator, const SerdEnv* env);
+ bint serd_env_equals(const SerdEnv* a, const SerdEnv* b);
+ void serd_env_free(SerdEnv* env);
+ const SerdNode* serd_env_base_uri(SerdEnv* env)
+ SerdStatus serd_env_set_base_uri(SerdEnv* env, SerdStringView uri);
+ SerdStatus serd_env_set_prefix(SerdEnv* env,
+ SerdStringView name,
+ SerdStringView uri);
+ SerdNode* serd_env_expand_node(const SerdEnv* env, const SerdNode* node);
+ void serd_env_write_prefixes(const SerdEnv* env, const SerdSink* sink);
+ # Inserter
+ SerdSink* serd_inserter_new(SerdModel* model,
+ const SerdNode* default_graph);
+ # Statement
+ SerdStatement* serd_statement_new(SerdAllocator* allocator,
+ const SerdNode* s,
+ const SerdNode* p,
+ const SerdNode* o,
+ const SerdNode* g,
+ const SerdCaret* caret);
+ SerdStatement* serd_statement_copy(SerdAllocator* allocator,
+ const SerdStatement* statement);
+ void serd_statement_free(SerdAllocator* allocator,
+ SerdStatement* statement);
+ const SerdNode* serd_statement_node(const SerdStatement* statement,
+ SerdField field);
+ const SerdNode* serd_statement_subject(const SerdStatement* statement);
+ const SerdNode* serd_statement_predicate(const SerdStatement* statement);
+ const SerdNode* serd_statement_object(const SerdStatement* statement);
+ const SerdNode* serd_statement_graph(const SerdStatement* statement);
+ const SerdCaret* serd_statement_caret(const SerdStatement* statement);
+ bint serd_statement_equals(const SerdStatement* a, const SerdStatement* b);
+ bint serd_statement_matches(const SerdStatement* statement,
+ const SerdNode* subject,
+ const SerdNode* predicate,
+ const SerdNode* object,
+ const SerdNode* graph);
+ # Iter
+ SerdCursor* serd_cursor_copy(SerdAllocator* allocator,
+ const SerdCursor* cursor);
+ const SerdStatement* serd_cursor_get(const SerdCursor* cursor);
+ SerdStatus serd_cursor_advance(SerdCursor* cursor);
+ bint serd_cursor_is_end(const SerdCursor* lhs);
+ bint serd_cursor_equals(const SerdCursor* lhs, const SerdCursor* rhs);
+ void serd_cursor_free(SerdCursor* cursor);
+ # Range
+ SerdStatus serd_describe_range(const SerdCursor* range,
+ const SerdSink* sink,
+ SerdDescribeFlags flags);
+ # Sink
+ ctypedef void (*SerdFreeFunc)(void* ptr);
+ SerdSink* serd_sink_new(const SerdWorld* world,
+ void* handle,
+ SerdEventFunc event_func,
+ SerdFreeFunc free_handle);
+ void serd_sink_free(SerdSink* sink);
+ SerdStatus serd_sink_set_event_func(SerdSink* sink,
+ SerdEventFunc event_func);
+ SerdStatus serd_sink_write_event(const SerdSink* sink,
+ const SerdEvent* event);
+ SerdStatus serd_sink_write_base(const SerdSink* sink,
+ const SerdNode* uri);
+ SerdStatus serd_sink_write_prefix(const SerdSink* sink,
+ const SerdNode* name,
+ const SerdNode* uri);
+ SerdStatus serd_sink_write_statement(const SerdSink* sink,
+ SerdStatementFlags flags,
+ const SerdStatement* statement);
+ SerdStatus serd_sink_write(const SerdSink* sink,
+ SerdStatementFlags flags,
+ const SerdNode* subject,
+ const SerdNode* predicate,
+ const SerdNode* object,
+ const SerdNode* graph);
+ SerdStatus serd_sink_write_end(const SerdSink* sink, const SerdNode* node);
+ # Stream Processing
+ SerdSink* serd_canon_new(const SerdSink* target);
+ SerdSink* serd_filter_new(const SerdSink* target,
+ const SerdNode* subject,
+ const SerdNode* predicate,
+ const SerdNode* object,
+ const SerdNode* graph);
+ # Input Streams
+ ctypedef struct SerdInputStream:
+ void* stream;
+ SerdReadFunc read;
+ SerdStreamErrorFunc error;
+ SerdStreamCloseFunc close;
+ SerdInputStream serd_open_input_stream(SerdReadFunc read_func,
+ SerdStreamErrorFunc error_func,
+ SerdStreamCloseFunc close_func,
+ void* stream);
+ SerdInputStream serd_open_input_string(const char** position);
+ SerdInputStream serd_open_input_file(const char* path);
+ SerdStatus serd_close_input(SerdInputStream* input);
+ # Reader
+ SerdReader* serd_reader_new(SerdWorld* world,
+ SerdSyntax syntax,
+ SerdReaderFlags flags,
+ SerdEnv* env,
+ const SerdSink* sink,
+ size_t stack_size);
+ SerdStatus serd_reader_start(SerdReader* reader,
+ SerdInputStream* input,
+ const SerdNode* input_name,
+ size_t block_size);
+ SerdStatus serd_reader_read_chunk(SerdReader* reader);
+ SerdStatus serd_reader_read_document(SerdReader* reader);
+ SerdStatus serd_reader_finish(SerdReader* reader);
+ void serd_reader_free(SerdReader* reader);
+ # Output Streams
+ ctypedef struct SerdOutputStream:
+ void* stream;
+ SerdWriteFunc write;
+ SerdStreamCloseFunc close;
+ SerdOutputStream serd_open_output_stream(SerdWriteFunc write_func,
+ SerdStreamCloseFunc close_func,
+ void* stream);
+ SerdOutputStream serd_open_output_buffer(SerdBuffer* buffer);
+ SerdOutputStream serd_open_output_file(const char* path);
+ SerdStatus serd_close_output(SerdOutputStream* output);
+ # Writer
+ SerdWriter* serd_writer_new(SerdWorld* world,
+ SerdSyntax syntax,
+ SerdWriterFlags flags,
+ SerdEnv* env,
+ SerdOutputStream* output,
+ size_t block_size);
+ void serd_writer_free(SerdWriter* writer);
+ const SerdSink* serd_writer_sink(SerdWriter* writer);
+ SerdStatus serd_writer_set_base_uri(SerdWriter* writer,
+ const SerdNode* uri);
+ SerdStatus serd_writer_set_root_uri(SerdWriter* writer,
+ SerdStringView uri);
+ SerdStatus serd_writer_finish(SerdWriter* writer);
+ # Model
+ SerdModel* serd_model_new(SerdWorld* world,
+ SerdStatementOrder default_order,
+ SerdModelFlags flags);
+ SerdModel* serd_model_copy(SerdAllocator* allocator, const SerdModel* model);
+ bint serd_model_equals(const SerdModel* a, const SerdModel* b);
+ void serd_model_free(SerdModel* model);
+ SerdWorld* serd_model_world(SerdModel* model);
+ SerdStatementOrder serd_model_default_order(const SerdModel* model);
+ SerdModelFlags serd_model_flags(const SerdModel* model);
+ size_t serd_model_size(const SerdModel* model);
+ bint serd_model_empty(const SerdModel* model);
+ SerdCursor* serd_model_begin(const SerdModel* model);
+ const SerdCursor* serd_model_end(const SerdModel* model);
+ SerdCursor* serd_model_begin_ordered(const SerdModel* model,
+ SerdStatementOrder order);
+ SerdStatus serd_model_add_index(SerdModel* model, SerdStatementOrder order);
+ SerdStatus serd_model_drop_index(SerdModel* model, SerdStatementOrder order);
+ SerdCursor* serd_model_ordered(const SerdModel* model,
+ const SerdStatementOrder order);
+ SerdCursor* serd_model_find(const SerdModel* model,
+ const SerdNode* s,
+ const SerdNode* p,
+ const SerdNode* o,
+ const SerdNode* g);
+ const SerdNode* serd_model_get(const SerdModel* model,
+ const SerdNode* s,
+ const SerdNode* p,
+ const SerdNode* o,
+ const SerdNode* g);
+ const SerdStatement* serd_model_get_statement(const SerdModel* model,
+ const SerdNode* s,
+ const SerdNode* p,
+ const SerdNode* o,
+ const SerdNode* g);
+ bint serd_model_ask(const SerdModel* model,
+ const SerdNode* s,
+ const SerdNode* p,
+ const SerdNode* o,
+ const SerdNode* g);
+ size_t serd_model_count(const SerdModel* model,
+ const SerdNode* s,
+ const SerdNode* p,
+ const SerdNode* o,
+ const SerdNode* g);
+ SerdStatus serd_model_add(SerdModel* model,
+ const SerdNode* s,
+ const SerdNode* p,
+ const SerdNode* o,
+ const SerdNode* g);
+ SerdStatus serd_model_insert(SerdModel* model,
+ const SerdStatement* statement);
+ SerdStatus serd_model_insert_statements(SerdModel* model, SerdCursor* range);
+ SerdStatus serd_model_insert_statements(SerdModel* model, SerdCursor* cursor);
+ SerdStatus serd_model_erase(SerdModel* model, SerdCursor* cursor);
+ SerdStatus serd_model_erase_statements(SerdModel* model, SerdCursor* cursor);
+ SerdStatus serd_model_clear(SerdModel* model);
+ SerdStatus serd_validate(const SerdModel* model);
+ # Caret
+ SerdCaret* serd_caret_new(SerdAllocator* allocator,
+ const SerdNode* name,
+ unsigned line,
+ unsigned col);
+ SerdCaret* serd_caret_copy(SerdAllocator* allocator,
+ const SerdCaret* caret);
+ void serd_caret_free(SerdAllocator* allocator, SerdCaret* caret);
+ bint serd_caret_equals(const SerdCaret* lhs, const SerdCaret* rhs);
+ const SerdNode* serd_caret_name(const SerdCaret* caret);
+ unsigned serd_caret_line(const SerdCaret* caret);
+ unsigned serd_caret_column(const SerdCaret* caret);
+cdef SerdValue _value(v):
+ cdef SerdValue value
+ if isinstance(v, bool):
+ value.type = <SerdValueType>1 # SERD_BOOL
+ value.data.as_bool = <bint>v
+ return value
+ if isinstance(v, float):
+ value.type = <SerdValueType>2 # SERD_DOUBLE
+ value.data.as_double = v
+ return value
+ if isinstance(v, int):
+ if v < -9223372036854775808 or v > 9223372036854775807:
+ raise ValueError("Integer out of range for xsd:long: %s" % v)
+ value.type = <SerdValueType>4 # SERD_LONG
+ value.data.as_long = v
+ return value
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported value type %s" % type(v))
+cdef SerdStringView _empty_string = SerdStringView("", 0)
+class Status(enum.IntEnum):
+ """Return status code."""
+ SUCCESS = 0, # Success
+ FAILURE = 1, # Non-fatal failure
+ UNKNOWN_ERROR = 2, # Unknown error
+ NO_DATA = 3, # Missing input
+ OVERFLOW = 4, # Insufficient space
+ BAD_ALLOC = 5, # Memory allocation failed
+ BAD_ARG = 6, # Invalid argument
+ BAD_CALL = 7, # Invalid call
+ BAD_CURIE = 8, # Invalid CURIE or unknown namespace prefix
+ BAD_CURSOR = 9, # Use of invalidated cursor
+ BAD_EVENT = 10, # Invalid event in stream
+ BAD_INDEX = 11, # No optimal model index available
+ BAD_LABEL = 12, # Encountered clashing blank node label
+ BAD_LITERAL = 13, # Invalid literal
+ BAD_PATTERN = 14, # Invalid statement pattern
+ BAD_READ = 15, # Error reading from file
+ BAD_STACK = 16, # Stack overflow
+ BAD_SYNTAX = 17, # Invalid syntax
+ BAD_TEXT = 18, # Invalid text encoding
+ BAD_URI = 19, # Invalid or unresolved URI
+ BAD_WRITE = 20, # Error writing to file
+ BAD_DATA = 21, # Invalid data
+class Syntax(enum.IntEnum):
+ """RDF syntax type."""
+ EMPTY = 0 # Empty syntax (suppress input or output)
+ TURTLE = 1 # Terse triples http://www.w3.org/TR/turtle
+ NTRIPLES = 2 # Flat triples http://www.w3.org/TR/n-triples/
+ NQUADS = 3 # Flat quads http://www.w3.org/TR/n-quads/
+ TRIG = 4 # Terse quads http://www.w3.org/TR/trig/
+class StatementFlags(enum.IntFlag):
+ """Flags indicating inline abbreviation information for a statement."""
+ EMPTY_S = 1 << 0 # Empty blank node subject
+ ANON_S = 1 << 1 # Start of anonymous subject
+ ANON_O = 1 << 2 # Start of anonymous object
+ LIST_S = 1 << 3 # Start of list subject
+ LIST_O = 1 << 4 # Start of list object
+ TERSE_S = 1 << 5 # Terse serialisation of new subject
+ TERSE_O = 1 << 6 # Terse serialisation of new object
+class DescribeFlags(enum.IntFlag):
+ """Flags that control the style of a model serialisation."""
+ NO_INLINE_OBJECTS = 1 << 0 # Disable object inlining
+class NodeType(enum.IntEnum):
+ """Type of a node
+ An RDF node, in the abstract sense, can be either a resource, literal, or a
+ blank. This type is more precise, because syntactically there are two ways
+ to refer to a resource (by URI or CURIE). Serd also has support for
+ variable nodes to support some features, which are not RDF nodes.
+ There are also two ways to refer to a blank node in syntax (by ID or
+ anonymously), but this is handled by statement flags rather than distinct
+ node types.
+ """
+ LITERAL = 1 # Literal value
+ URI = 2 # URI (absolute or relative)
+ BLANK = 3 # Blank node
+ VARIABLE = 4 # Variable node
+class NodeFlag(enum.IntEnum):
+ """Flags that describe the details of a node."""
+ IS_LONG = 1u << 0u # Literal node should be triple-quoted
+ HAS_DATATYPE = 1u << 1u # Literal node has datatype
+ HAS_LANGUAGE = 1u << 2u # Literal node has language
+class Field(enum.IntEnum):
+ """Index of a statement in a field."""
+ SUBJECT = 0 # Subject
+ PREDICATE = 1 # Predicate ("key")
+ OBJECT = 2 # Object ("value")
+ GRAPH = 3 # Graph ("context")
+class StatementOrder(enum.IntEnum):
+ """Statement ordering."""
+ SPO = 0 # Subject, Predicate, Object
+ SOP = 1 # Subject, Object, Predicate
+ OPS = 2 # Object, Predicate, Subject
+ OSP = 3 # Object, Subject, Predicate
+ PSO = 4 # Predicate, Subject, Object
+ POS = 5 # Predicate, Object, Subject
+ GSPO = 6 # Graph, Subject, Predicate, Object
+ GSOP = 7 # Graph, Subject, Object, Predicate
+ GOPS = 8 # Graph, Object, Predicate, Subject
+ GOSP = 9 # Graph, Object, Subject, Predicate
+ GPSO = 10 # Graph, Predicate, Subject, Object
+ GPOS = 11 # Graph, Predicate, Object, Subject
+class ModelFlags(enum.IntFlag):
+ """Flags that control model storage and indexing."""
+ STORE_GRAPHS = 1 << 0 # Support multiple graphs in model
+ STORE_CARETS = 1 << 1 # Store original caret of statements
+class ReaderFlags(enum.IntFlag):
+ """Reader support options."""
+ READ_LAX = 1 << 0 # Tolerate invalid input where possible
+ READ_VARIABLES = 1 << 1 # Support variable nodes
+class WriterFlags(enum.IntFlag):
+ """Writer style options.
+ These flags allow more precise control of writer output style. Note that
+ some options are only supported for some syntaxes, for example, NTriples
+ does not support abbreviation and is always ASCII.
+ """
+ WRITE_ASCII = 1 << 0 # Escape all non-ASCII characters
+ WRITE_TERSE = 1 << 1 # Write terser output without newlines
+ WRITE_LAX = 1 << 2 # Tolerate lossy output
+class EventType(enum.IntEnum):
+ """The type of a :class:`serd.Event`."""
+ BASE = 1
+ PREFIX = 2
+ END = 4
+# Private Python Bindings Utilities
+cdef SerdNode* _unwrap_node(node: Node):
+ if node is None:
+ return NULL
+ elif type(node) == Node:
+ return (<Node>node)._ptr
+ raise TypeError("Expected Node, got %s" % type(node))
+def _uri_from_param(param) -> Node:
+ if isinstance(param, type("")):
+ return uri(param)
+ elif isinstance(param, Node) and (<Node>param).type() == NodeType.URI:
+ return param
+ raise TypeError("Expected string or URI node, got %s" % type(param))
+def _blank_from_param(param) -> Node:
+ if isinstance(param, type("")):
+ return blank(param)
+ elif isinstance(param, Node) and (<Node>param).type() == NodeType.BLANK:
+ return param
+ raise TypeError("Expected string or blank node, got %s" % type(param))
+def _tocstr(s: str):
+ return s.encode('utf-8')
+def _string_view(s: str):
+ encoded = s.encode('utf-8')
+ return SerdStringView(encoded, len(encoded)) # FIXME: len?
+def _fromcstr(const char* s):
+ return s.decode('utf-8')
+# Public Python API Utilities
+class Namespace:
+ """Namespace prefix.
+ Use attribute syntax to easily create URIs within this namespace, for
+ example::
+ >>> world = lilv.World()
+ >>> ns = Namespace(world, "http://example.org/")
+ >>> print(ns.foo)
+ http://example.org/foo
+ """
+ def __init__(self, prefix):
+ self.prefix = str(_uri_from_param(prefix))
+ def __add__(self, suffix: str):
+ return uri(self.prefix + suffix)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if type(other) == Namespace:
+ return self.prefix == other.prefix
+ elif type(other) == str:
+ return self.prefix == other
+ elif type(other) == Node:
+ return other.type() == NodeType.URI and other == self.prefix
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.prefix
+ def __getattr__(self, suffix: str):
+ return uri(self.prefix + suffix)
+ def __getitem__(self, suffix: str):
+ return uri(self.prefix + suffix)
+ def name(self, uri):
+ uri = _uri_from_param(uri)
+ if uri is not None and str(uri).startswith(self.prefix):
+ return str(uri)[len(self.prefix):]
+ return None
+# String Utilities
+def strerror(status: Status) -> str:
+ """Return a string describing a status code."""
+ return _fromcstr(serd_strerror(status))
+# Base64
+# def base64_encode(const unsigned char[:] data, wrap_lines=False) -> str:
+# """Encode `data` to base64.
+# Args:
+# data: Array of arbitrary bytes to encode.
+# wrap_lines: Wrap lines at 76 characters to conform to RFC 2045.
+# Returns:
+# A string encoded in base64 format.
+# """
+# size = len(data)
+# length = serd_base64_encoded_length(size, wrap_lines)
+# result = bytes(length)
+# serd_base64_encode(result, &data[0], size, wrap_lines)
+# return result.decode("utf-8")
+# def base64_decode(string: str) -> bytes:
+# """Decode `string` from base64."""
+# length = len(string)
+# size = serd_base64_decoded_size(length)
+# result = cython.view.array(shape=(size,), itemsize=1, format="c")
+# actual_size = <size_t>0
+# cdef unsigned char[::1] result_view = result
+# serd_base64_decode(&result_view[0], &actual_size, _tocstr(string), length)
+# assert actual_size <= size
+# return bytes(result[0 : actual_size])
+# Syntax Utilities
+def syntax_by_name(name: str) -> Syntax:
+ """Get a syntax by name.
+ Case-insensitive, supports "Turtle", "NTriples", "NQuads", and "TriG".
+ Returns:
+ A syntax, or Syntax.EMPTY if the name is not recognized.
+ """
+ return Syntax(serd_syntax_by_name(_tocstr(name)))
+def guess_syntax(filename: str) -> Syntax:
+ """Guess a syntax from a filename.
+ This uses the file extension to guess the syntax of a file.
+ Returns:
+ A syntax, or Syntax.EMPTY if the name is not recognized.
+ """
+ return Syntax(serd_guess_syntax(_tocstr(filename)))
+def syntax_has_graphs(syntax: Syntax) -> bool:
+ """Return whether a syntax can represent multiple graphs.
+ Returns:
+ True for Syntax.NQUADS and Syntax.TRIG, False otherwise.
+ """
+ return serd_syntax_has_graphs(syntax)
+# World
+cdef class World:
+ """Global library state."""
+ cdef SerdWorld* _ptr
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self._ptr = serd_world_new(NULL)
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ serd_world_free(self._ptr)
+ self._ptr = NULL
+ def get_blank(self) -> Node:
+ """Return a unique blank node."""
+ return Node._wrap(serd_world_get_blank(self._ptr))
+ def load(
+ self,
+ path: str,
+ syntax: Syntax = Syntax.TURTLE,
+ reader_flags: ReaderFlags = ReaderFlags(0),
+ model_flags: ModelFlags = ModelFlags(0),
+ stack_size: int = 4096,
+ ) -> Model:
+ """Load a model from a file and return it."""
+ base_uri = file_uri(path)
+ env = Env(self, base_uri)
+ model = Model(self, StatementOrder.SPO, model_flags)
+ inserter = model.inserter(env)
+ input_stream = FileInput(path)
+ reader = Reader(self, syntax, reader_flags, env, inserter, stack_size)
+ st = reader.start(input_stream, base_uri)
+ _ensure_success(st, "Failed to open file {}".format(path))
+ st = reader.read_document()
+ _ensure_success(st, "Failed to read file {}".format(path))
+ st = reader.finish()
+ _ensure_success(st, "Failed to finish reading file {}".format(path))
+ return model
+ def loads(
+ self,
+ s: str,
+ base_uri: Node = None,
+ syntax: Syntax = Syntax.TURTLE,
+ reader_flags: ReaderFlags = ReaderFlags(0),
+ model_flags: ModelFlags = ModelFlags(0),
+ stack_size: int = 4096,
+ ) -> Model:
+ """Load a model from a string and return it."""
+ env = Env(self, base_uri)
+ model = Model(self, StatementOrder.SPO, model_flags)
+ inserter = model.inserter(env)
+ input_stream = StringInput(s)
+ reader = Reader(self, syntax, reader_flags, env, inserter, stack_size)
+ st = reader.start(input_stream)
+ _ensure_success(st, "Failed to start reading string")
+ st = reader.read_document()
+ _ensure_success(st, "Failed to read string")
+ st = reader.finish()
+ _ensure_success(st, "Failed to finish reading string")
+ return model
+ def dump(
+ self,
+ model: Model,
+ path: str,
+ syntax: Syntax = Syntax.TURTLE,
+ writer_flags: WriterFlags = WriterFlags(0),
+ serialisation_flags: DescribeFlags = DescribeFlags(0),
+ env: Env = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Write a model to a file."""
+ if env is None:
+ env = Env(self, file_uri(path))
+ output_stream = FileOutput(filename=path)
+ writer = Writer(self, syntax, writer_flags, env, output_stream)
+ st = model.all().write(writer.sink(), serialisation_flags)
+ writer.finish()
+ output_stream.close()
+ _ensure_success(st, "Failed to write model")
+ def dumps(
+ self,
+ model: Model,
+ syntax: Syntax = Syntax.TURTLE,
+ writer_flags: WriterFlags = WriterFlags(0),
+ serialisation_flags: DescribeFlags = DescribeFlags(0),
+ env: Env = None,
+ ) -> str:
+ """Write a model to a string and return it."""
+ if env is None:
+ env = Env(self)
+ output_stream = StringOutput()
+ writer = Writer(self, syntax, writer_flags, env, output_stream)
+ st = model.all().write(writer.sink(), serialisation_flags)
+ writer.finish()
+ _ensure_success(st, "Failed to write model")
+ output_stream.close()
+ return output_stream.output()
+cdef class Node:
+ """An RDF node."""
+ cdef SerdNode* _ptr
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef Node _manage(SerdNode* ptr):
+ if ptr is NULL:
+ return None
+ cdef Node wrapper = Node.__new__(Node)
+ wrapper._ptr = ptr
+ return wrapper
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef Node _wrap(const SerdNode* ptr):
+ if ptr is NULL:
+ return None
+ cdef SerdNode* copy = serd_node_copy(NULL, ptr)
+ if not copy:
+ return None
+ cdef Node wrapper = Node.__new__(Node)
+ wrapper._ptr = copy
+ return wrapper
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_syntax(string: str,
+ syntax: Syntax = Syntax.TURTLE,
+ env: Env = None):
+ """Return a new node created from a string.
+ The string must be a single node in the given syntax, as returned by
+ :meth:`serd.Node.to_syntax`.
+ """
+ cenv = env._ptr if env is not None else NULL
+ return Node._manage(serd_node_from_syntax(NULL,
+ _tocstr(string),
+ Syntax.TURTLE,
+ cenv))
+ def __init__(self, v):
+ if isinstance(v, str):
+ value_view = _string_view(v)
+ self._ptr = serd_new_string(NULL, value_view)
+ elif isinstance(v, bool):
+ self._ptr = serd_new_value(NULL, _value(v))
+ elif isinstance(v, int):
+ if v < -9223372036854775808 or v > 9223372036854775807:
+ int_string = str(v)
+ self._ptr = serd_new_literal(NULL,
+ _string_view(int_string),
+ <SerdNodeFlags>2, # SERD_HAS_DATATYPE
+ _string_view("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"))
+ else:
+ self._ptr = serd_new_integer(NULL, v);
+ else:
+ self._ptr = serd_new_value(NULL, _value(v))
+ assert self._ptr
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ if self._ptr is not NULL:
+ serd_node_free(NULL, self._ptr)
+ self._ptr = NULL
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return (hash(self.type()) ^
+ hash(str(self)) ^
+ hash(self.datatype()) ^
+ hash(self.language()))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return _fromcstr(serd_node_string(self._ptr))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ assert self._ptr is not NULL
+ if self.type() == NodeType.LITERAL:
+ datatype = self.datatype()
+ language = self.language()
+ if datatype is None and language is None:
+ return 'serd.string("{}")'.format(self)
+ elif language is not None:
+ return 'serd.plain_literal("{}", "{}")'.format(
+ self, self.language())
+ elif datatype == "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean":
+ return 'serd.boolean({})'.format(
+ "True" if self == "true" else "False")
+ return 'serd.typed_literal("{}", "{}")'.format(
+ self, self.datatype())
+ if self.type() == NodeType.URI:
+ return 'serd.uri("{}")'.format(self)
+ if self.type() == NodeType.BLANK:
+ return 'serd.blank("{}")'.format(self)
+ if self.type() == NodeType.VARIABLE:
+ return 'serd.variable("{}")'.format(self)
+ raise NotImplementedError("Unknown node type {}".format(self.type()))
+ def __len__(self):
+ if self._ptr:
+ return serd_node_length(self._ptr)
+ return 0
+ def __eq__(self, rhs):
+ if rhs is None:
+ return False
+ elif type(rhs) == Node:
+ return serd_node_equals(self._ptr, (<Node>rhs)._ptr)
+ else:
+ return str(self) == rhs
+ def __lt__(self, rhs: Node):
+ return serd_node_compare(self._ptr, rhs._ptr) < 0
+ def __le__(self, rhs: Node):
+ return serd_node_compare(self._ptr, rhs._ptr) <= 0
+ def string_view(self):
+ return serd_node_string_view(self._ptr)
+ def type(self) -> NodeType:
+ """Return the type of this node.
+ This returns the fundamental "kind" of the node, for example
+ NodeType.URI or NodeType.LITERAL. Note that this is different than the
+ optional datatype URI of a literal node, which, for example, states
+ that a literal is an integer or a double.
+ """
+ assert self._ptr
+ return NodeType(serd_node_type(self._ptr))
+ def datatype(self) -> Node:
+ """Return the datatype of this literal, or None.
+ The returned node is always a URI, typically something like
+ `serd.uri("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal")`.
+ """
+ return Node._wrap(serd_node_datatype(self._ptr))
+ def language(self) -> Node:
+ """Return the language of this literal, or None.
+ The returned node is always a string, typically something like
+ `serd.string("en")`.
+ """
+ return Node._wrap(serd_node_language(self._ptr))
+ def to_syntax(self,
+ syntax: Syntax = Syntax.TURTLE,
+ env: Env = None) -> str:
+ """Return a string representation of this node in a syntax.
+ The returned string represents that node as if written as an object in
+ the given syntax, without any extra quoting or punctuation. The syntax
+ should be either TURTLE or NTRIPLES (the others are redundant). Note
+ that namespaced (CURIE) nodes and relative URIs can not be expressed in
+ NTriples.
+ Passing the returned string to Node.from_syntax() will produce a node
+ equivalent to this one.
+ """
+ cenv = env._ptr if env is not None else NULL
+ cstr = serd_node_to_syntax(NULL, self._ptr, syntax, cenv)
+ result = _fromcstr(cstr)
+ serd_free(NULL, cstr)
+ return result
+# Node constructors
+def string(s: str) -> Node:
+ s_view = _string_view(s)
+ return Node._manage(serd_new_string(NULL, s_view))
+def plain_literal(s: str, lang: str = None) -> Node:
+ s_view = _string_view(s)
+ if lang is not None:
+ s_view = _string_view(s)
+ lang_view = _string_view(lang)
+ return Node._manage(serd_new_literal(NULL, s_view, NodeFlag.HAS_LANGUAGE, lang_view))
+ else:
+ s_view = _string_view(s)
+ return Node._manage(serd_new_string(NULL, s_view))
+def typed_literal(s: str, datatype) -> Node:
+ s_view = _string_view(s)
+ datatype_node = _uri_from_param(datatype)
+ if type(datatype_node) == Node:
+ datatype_uri_view = datatype_node.string_view()
+ return Node._manage(serd_new_literal(NULL, s_view, NodeFlag.HAS_DATATYPE, datatype_uri_view))
+ return None
+def blank(s: str) -> Node:
+ s_view = _string_view(s)
+ return Node._manage(serd_new_token(NULL, NodeType.BLANK, s_view))
+def uri(s: str) -> Node:
+ s_view = _string_view(s)
+ return Node._manage(serd_new_token(NULL, NodeType.URI, s_view))
+def file_uri(path: str, hostname: str = "") -> Node:
+ path_view = _string_view(path)
+ hostname_view = _string_view(hostname)
+ return Node._manage(serd_new_file_uri(NULL, path_view, hostname_view))
+def decimal(
+ d: float,
+) -> Node:
+ return Node._manage(serd_new_decimal(NULL, d))
+def double(d: double) -> Node:
+ return Node._manage(serd_new_value(NULL, _value(d)))
+def integer(i: int) -> Node:
+ return Node._manage(serd_new_integer(NULL, i))
+def boolean(b: bool) -> Node:
+ return Node._manage(serd_new_value(NULL, _value(b)))
+def base64(const unsigned char[:] buf) -> Node:
+ return Node._manage(serd_new_base64(NULL, &buf[0], len(buf)))
+def variable(s: str) -> Node:
+ s_view = _string_view(s)
+ return Node._manage(serd_new_token(NULL, NodeType.VARIABLE, s_view))
+cdef class Env:
+ """Lexical environment for abbreviating and expanding URIs."""
+ cdef SerdEnv* _ptr
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef Env _manage(SerdEnv* ptr):
+ if ptr is NULL:
+ return None
+ cdef Env wrapper = Env.__new__(Node)
+ wrapper._ptr = ptr
+ return wrapper
+ def __init__(self, world: World, arg=None):
+ assert world is not None
+ assert type(world) == World
+ if arg is None:
+ self._ptr = serd_env_new(world._ptr, _empty_string)
+ elif type(arg) == Env:
+ self._ptr = serd_env_copy(serd_world_allocator(world._ptr),
+ (<Env>arg)._ptr)
+ elif type(arg) == Node:
+ arg_view = arg.string_view()
+ self._ptr = serd_env_new(world._ptr, arg_view)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Bad argument type for Env(): %s" % type(arg))
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ serd_env_free(self._ptr)
+ self._ptr = NULL
+ def __eq__(self, rhs):
+ return type(rhs) == Env and serd_env_equals(self._ptr, (<Env>rhs)._ptr)
+ def base_uri(self) -> Node:
+ """Return the current base URI."""
+ return Node._wrap(serd_env_base_uri(self._ptr))
+ def set_base_uri(self, uri) -> Status:
+ """Set the current base URI."""
+ if uri is None:
+ return Status(serd_env_set_base_uri(self._ptr, _empty_string))
+ uri_view = _uri_from_param(uri).string_view()
+ return Status(serd_env_set_base_uri(self._ptr, uri_view))
+ def set_prefix(self, name, uri: Node) -> Status:
+ """Set a namespace prefix.
+ A namespace prefix is used to expand CURIE nodes, for example, with the
+ prefix "xsd" set to "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", "xsd:decimal"
+ will expand to "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal".
+ """
+ name_node = string(name) if type(name) == str else name
+ name_view = name_node.string_view()
+ uri_view = uri.string_view()
+ assert type(name_node) == Node
+ return Status(serd_env_set_prefix(self._ptr, name_view, uri_view))
+ def expand(self, node: Node) -> Node:
+ """Expand `node`, transforming CURIEs into URIs
+ If `node` is a relative URI reference, it is expanded to a full URI if
+ possible. If `node` is a literal, its datatype is expanded if
+ necessary. If `node` is a CURIE, it is expanded to a full URI if
+ possible.
+ Returns None if `node` can not be expanded.
+ """
+ return Node._manage(serd_env_expand_node(self._ptr, node._ptr))
+class ReadContext(object):
+ """Context manager for a scoped read."""
+ def __init__(self, reader, source):
+ self.reader = reader
+ self.source = source
+ def __enter__(self):
+ _ensure_success(self.reader.start(self.source),
+ "Failed to start reading")
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback) -> None:
+ _ensure_success(self.reader.finish(), "Failed to finish reading")
+ def read_chunk(self) -> None:
+ """Read a single "chunk" of data during an incremental read.
+ This function will read a single top level description, and return.
+ This may be a directive, statement, or several statements; essentially
+ it reads until a '.' is encountered. This is particularly useful for
+ reading directly from a pipe or socket.
+ """
+ _ensure_success(self.reader.read_chunk(), "Failed to read chunk")
+ def read_document(self) -> None:
+ """Read a complete document from the source.
+ This function will continue pulling from the source until a complete
+ document has been read. Note that this may block when used with
+ streams, for incremental reading use serd_reader_read_chunk().
+ """
+ _ensure_success(self.reader.read_document(), "Failed to read document")
+cdef class Reader:
+ """Streaming parser that reads a text stream and writes to a sink.
+ .. py:function:: serd.Reader(world: serd.World, syntax: serd.Syntax, flags: serd.ReaderFlags, env: serd.Env, sink, stack_size: int = 4096)
+ Construct a new reader.
+ The `sink` can be either a :class:`serd.Sink`, a built-in sink (for
+ example, from :meth:`serd.Writer.sink()` or :meth:`serd.Model.inserter`),
+ or a function that takes a :class:`serd.Event` and returns a
+ :class:`serd.Status`.
+ """
+ cdef SerdReader* _ptr
+ # cdef __ByteSource _byte_source
+ cdef _SinkBase _sink
+ cdef object _callback
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef Reader _manage(SerdReader* ptr):
+ if ptr is NULL:
+ return None
+ cdef Reader wrapper = Reader.__new__(Reader)
+ wrapper._ptr = ptr
+ return wrapper
+ def __init__(self,
+ world: World,
+ syntax: Syntax,
+ flags: ReaderFlags,
+ env: Env,
+ sink,
+ stack_size: int = 4096):
+ if isinstance(sink, _SinkBase):
+ self._sink = sink
+ else:
+ self._callback = sink
+ self._sink = Sink(world, func=self._callback)
+ assert isinstance(self._sink, _SinkBase)
+ assert self._sink._cptr is not NULL
+ self._ptr = serd_reader_new(world._ptr,
+ syntax,
+ flags,
+ env._ptr,
+ (<_SinkBase>self._sink)._cptr,
+ stack_size)
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ serd_reader_free(self._ptr)
+ self._ptr = NULL
+ def start(self,
+ input_stream: InputStream,
+ input_name: Node = None,
+ block_size: int = 1) -> Status:
+ """Prepare to read from an input stream."""
+ return Status(serd_reader_start(
+ self._ptr,
+ &input_stream._stream,
+ input_name._ptr if input_name is not None else NULL,
+ block_size))
+ def read_chunk(self) -> Status:
+ """Read a single "chunk" of data during an incremental read.
+ This function will read a single top level description, and return.
+ This may be a directive, statement, or several statements; essentially
+ it reads until a '.' is encountered. This is particularly useful for
+ reading directly from a pipe or socket.
+ """
+ return Status(serd_reader_read_chunk(self._ptr))
+ def read_document(self) -> Status:
+ """Read a complete document from the source.
+ This function will continue pulling from the source until a complete
+ document has been read. Note that this may block when used with
+ streams, for incremental reading use serd_reader_read_chunk().
+ """
+ return Status(serd_reader_read_document(self._ptr))
+ def finish(self) -> Status:
+ """Finish reading from the source.
+ This should be called before starting to read from another source.
+ Finish reading from the source.
+ """
+ return Status(serd_reader_finish(self._ptr))
+ def open(self, input_stream) -> ReadContext:
+ """Return a scoped read context."""
+ return ReadContext(self, input_stream)
+cdef class InputStream:
+ """A source for bytes that provides text input.
+ This is only a base class, use StringInput or FileInput instead.
+ """
+ cdef SerdInputStream _stream
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ serd_close_input(&self._stream)
+cdef class StringInput(InputStream):
+ """A byte source for text input that reads from a string."""
+ cdef const char* _position
+ cdef bytes _bytes
+ def __init__(self, string: str):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._bytes = string.encode('utf-8')
+ self._position = self._bytes
+ self._stream = serd_open_input_string(&self._position)
+cdef class FileInput(InputStream):
+ """A byte source for text input that reads from a file."""
+ def __init__(self, filename: str):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._stream = serd_open_input_file(_tocstr(filename))
+# cdef class ByteSink:
+# """A sink for bytes that receives text output."""
+# cdef SerdByteSink* _ptr
+# def __dealloc__(self):
+# serd_byte_sink_free(self._ptr)
+# self._ptr = NULL
+# def flush(self) -> None:
+# """Flush any pending output to the underlying stream."""
+# serd_byte_sink_flush(self._ptr)
+# def close(self) -> None:
+# """Close sink, including the underlying file if necessary."""
+# serd_byte_sink_close(self._ptr)
+# cdef class FileSink(ByteSink):
+# """A sink for bytes that writes text output to a file."""
+# def __init__(self,
+# filename: str,
+# block_size: int = 4096):
+# super().__init__()
+# self._ptr = serd_byte_sink_new_filename(_tocstr(filename),
+# block_size)
+# if self._ptr is NULL:
+# raise OSError(errno, strerror(errno), filename)
+# cdef class StringSink(ByteSink):
+# cdef SerdBuffer _buffer
+# def __dealloc__(self):
+# serd_free(NULL, self._buffer.buf)
+# self._buffer.buf = NULL
+# self._buffer.len = 0
+# # super().__dealloc__(self)
+# def __init__(self):
+# super().__init__()
+# self._buffer.buf = NULL
+# self._buffer.len = 0
+# self._ptr = serd_byte_sink_new_buffer(&self._buffer)
+# def output(self) -> str:
+# """Finish writing to this string sink and return the output."""
+# self.flush()
+# self.close()
+# return _fromcstr(<char*>self._buffer.buf)
+cdef class OutputStream:
+ """An output stream that receives bytes.
+ This is only a base class, use StringOutput or FileOutput instead.
+ """
+ cdef SerdOutputStream _stream
+ def close(self):
+ serd_close_output(&self._stream)
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ self.close()
+cdef class StringOutput(OutputStream):
+ cdef SerdBuffer _buffer
+ """An output stream that writes to a string."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._stream = serd_open_output_buffer(&self._buffer)
+ def close(self):
+ super().close()
+ def output(self) -> str:
+ return _fromcstr(<const char*>self._buffer.buf)
+cdef class FileOutput(OutputStream):
+ """An output stream that writes to a file."""
+ def __init__(self, filename: str):
+ super().__init__()
+ self._stream = serd_open_output_file(_tocstr(filename))
+cdef class Writer:
+ """Streaming writer that emits text as it receives events."""
+ cdef SerdWriter* _ptr
+ def __init__(self,
+ world: World,
+ syntax: Syntax,
+ flags: WriterFlags,
+ env: Env,
+ output_stream: OutputStream,
+ block_size: int = 1):
+ self._ptr = serd_writer_new(
+ world._ptr,
+ syntax,
+ flags,
+ env._ptr if env is not None else NULL,
+ &output_stream._stream,
+ block_size
+ )
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ serd_writer_free(self._ptr)
+ self._ptr = NULL
+ def sink(self) -> SinkView:
+ """Return a sink interface that emits statements via this writer."""
+ return SinkView._wrap(serd_writer_sink(self._ptr))
+ def set_base_uri(self, uri: Node) -> Status:
+ """Set the current output base URI, and emit a directive if applicable.
+ """
+ return Status(serd_writer_set_base_uri(self._ptr, uri._ptr))
+ def set_root_uri(self, uri: str) -> Status:
+ """Set the current root URI.
+ The root URI should be a prefix of the base URI. The path of the root
+ URI is the highest path any relative up-reference can refer to. For
+ example, with root <file:///foo/root> and base <file:///foo/root/base>,
+ <file:///foo/root> will be written as <../>, but <file:///foo> will be
+ written non-relatively as <file:///foo>. If the root is not explicitly
+ set, it defaults to the base URI, so no up-references will be created
+ at all.
+ """
+ return Status(serd_writer_set_root_uri(self._ptr, _string_view(uri)))
+ def finish(self) -> Status:
+ """Finish a write.
+ This flushes any pending output, for example terminating punctuation,
+ so that the output is a complete document.
+ """
+ return Status(serd_writer_finish(self._ptr))
+class SerdError(RuntimeError):
+ """An exception thrown by serd."""
+ def __init__(self, status: Status, message: str):
+ super().__init__("%s (%s)" % (message, strerror(status)))
+ self.status = status
+def _ensure_success(status: Status, message: str):
+ if status != Status.SUCCESS:
+ raise SerdError(status, message)
+cdef class Model:
+ """An indexed set of statements."""
+ cdef SerdModel* _ptr
+ cdef World _world
+ def __cinit__(self,
+ world: World,
+ default_order: StatementOrder = StatementOrder.SPO,
+ flags: ModelFlags = ModelFlags(0),
+ model: Model = None):
+ if model is not None:
+ self._world = world
+ self._ptr = serd_model_copy(NULL, model._ptr)
+ else:
+ assert type(default_order) == StatementOrder
+ assert type(flags) == ModelFlags or type(flags) == int
+ self._world = world
+ self._ptr = serd_model_new(world._ptr, default_order, flags)
+ # FIXME: ?
+ serd_model_add_index(self._ptr, StatementOrder.OPS)
+ serd_model_add_index(self._ptr, StatementOrder.GSPO)
+ serd_model_add_index(self._ptr, StatementOrder.GOPS)
+ # elif type(flags) == ModelFlags:
+ # self._world = world
+ # self._ptr = serd_model_new(world._ptr, default_order, flags)
+ # else:
+ # raise TypeError("Bad arguments for Model()")
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ serd_model_free(self._ptr)
+ self._world = None
+ self._ptr = NULL
+ def __eq__(self, rhs):
+ return (type(rhs) == Model and
+ serd_model_equals(self._ptr, (<Model>rhs)._ptr))
+ def __len__(self):
+ return self.size()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ if self.size() == 0:
+ return self._end()
+ return Cursor._manage(serd_model_begin(self._ptr))
+ def __contains__(self, statement):
+ return self._find(Statement._from_param(statement)) != self._end()
+ def __delitem__(self, statement):
+ i = self._find(statement)
+ if i is not None:
+ self.erase(i)
+ def __add__(self: Model, statement_param):
+ statement = Statement._from_param(statement_param)
+ status = serd_model_insert(self._ptr, (<Statement>statement)._ptr)
+ _ensure_success(status, "Failed to insert statement")
+ return self
+ def world(self) -> World:
+ """Get the world associated with this model."""
+ return self._world
+ def clear(self) -> None:
+ """Remove everything from this model."""
+ return serd_model_clear(self._ptr)
+ def copy(self) -> Model:
+ """Return a deep copy of this model."""
+ return Model(self._world, self.default_order(), self.flags(), self)
+ def default_order(self) -> StatementOrder:
+ """Get the default statement order of this model."""
+ return StatementOrder(serd_model_default_order(self._ptr))
+ def flags(self) -> ModelFlags:
+ """Get the flags enabled on this model."""
+ return ModelFlags(serd_model_flags(self._ptr))
+ def size(self) -> int:
+ """Return the number of statements stored in this model."""
+ return serd_model_size(self._ptr)
+ def empty(self) -> bool:
+ """Return true iff there are no statements in this model."""
+ return serd_model_empty(self._ptr)
+ def inserter(self, env: Env, default_graph: Node = None) -> Sink:
+ """Return a sink that will insert into this model when written to."""
+ return Sink._manage(serd_inserter_new(
+ self._ptr, _unwrap_node(default_graph)
+ ))
+ def insert(self, arg) -> None:
+ """Insert a statement into this model."""
+ if type(arg) == Cursor:
+ return Status(serd_model_insert(
+ self._ptr, serd_cursor_get((<Cursor>arg)._ptr)))
+ statement = Statement._from_param(arg)
+ st = serd_model_insert(self._ptr, (<Statement>statement)._ptr)
+ _ensure_success(st, "Failed to insert statement")
+ def insert_statements(self, range: Cursor) -> None:
+ """Insert a range of statements into this model."""
+ st = serd_model_insert_statements(self._ptr, range._ptr)
+ if st != Status.SUCCESS and st != Status.FAILURE:
+ raise SerdError(st, "Failed to insert statement")
+ def erase(self, arg) -> Status:
+ """Erase a statement from the model.
+ The argument can be a statement, tuple of nodes, or a cursor.
+ """
+ if type(arg) == Cursor:
+ # TODO: Check for end
+ _ensure_success(
+ serd_model_erase(self._ptr, (<Cursor>arg)._ptr),
+ "Failed to erase range")
+ elif type(arg) == Statement:
+ i = self._find(arg)
+ if i == self._end():
+ raise ValueError("serd.Model.erase(): statement not in model")
+ self.erase(i)
+ elif type(arg) == tuple:
+ self.erase(Statement._from_param(arg))
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Bad argument type for Model.erase: %s" % type(arg))
+ def erase_statements(self, cursor: Cursor) -> Status:
+ """Erase a range of statements from the model."""
+ _ensure_success(
+ serd_model_erase_statements(self._ptr, cursor._ptr),
+ "Failed to erase range")
+ # def begin(self) -> _Iter:
+ # return _Iter._manage(serd_model_begin(self._ptr))
+ def _end(self) -> Cursor:
+ return Cursor._wrap(serd_model_end(self._ptr))
+ def all(self) -> Cursor:
+ """Return a range of all statements in the model in SPO order."""
+ return Cursor._manage(serd_model_begin(self._ptr))
+ def ordered(self, order: StatementOrder) -> Cursor:
+ """Return a range of all statements in the model in a given order."""
+ return Cursor._manage(serd_model_begin_ordered(self._ptr, order))
+ # FIXME: ?
+ def _find(self, statement) -> Cursor:
+ statement = Statement._from_param(statement)
+ s = statement.subject()
+ p = statement.predicate()
+ o = statement.object()
+ g = statement.graph()
+ c_iter = serd_model_find(
+ self._ptr,
+ _unwrap_node(s),
+ _unwrap_node(p),
+ _unwrap_node(o),
+ _unwrap_node(g)
+ )
+ return Cursor._manage(c_iter) if c_iter else self._end()
+ def find(self,
+ subject: Node = None,
+ predicate: Node = None,
+ object: Node = None,
+ graph: Node = None) -> Cursor:
+ """Search for statements that match a pattern.
+ Returns a cursor that points to the first match, or the end if no
+ matches were found.
+ """
+ return Cursor._wrap(
+ serd_model_find(
+ self._ptr,
+ _unwrap_node(subject),
+ _unwrap_node(predicate),
+ _unwrap_node(object),
+ _unwrap_node(graph)
+ )
+ )
+ def get(self,
+ subject: Node = None,
+ predicate: Node = None,
+ object: Node = None,
+ graph: Node = None) -> Node:
+ """Search for a single node that matches a pattern.
+ Exactly one of ``subject``, ``predicate``, or ``object`` must be
+ ``None``. This function is mainly useful for predicates that only have
+ one value.
+ Returns the first matching node, or ``None`` if no matches are found.
+ """
+ return Node._wrap(
+ serd_model_get(
+ self._ptr,
+ _unwrap_node(subject),
+ _unwrap_node(predicate),
+ _unwrap_node(object),
+ _unwrap_node(graph)
+ )
+ )
+ def ask(self, s: Node, p: Node, o: Node, g: Node = None) -> bool:
+ """Return true iff the model contains a statement matching a pattern.
+ None can be used as a wildcard which matches any node.
+ """
+ return serd_model_ask(
+ self._ptr,
+ _unwrap_node(s),
+ _unwrap_node(p),
+ _unwrap_node(o),
+ _unwrap_node(g)
+ )
+ def count(self, s: Node, p: Node, o: Node, g: Node = None) -> int:
+ """Return the number of statements in the model that match a pattern.
+ None can be used as a wildcard which matches any node.
+ """
+ return serd_model_count(
+ self._ptr,
+ _unwrap_node(s),
+ _unwrap_node(p),
+ _unwrap_node(o),
+ _unwrap_node(g)
+ )
+# cdef class Inserter:
+# """A statement sink that inserts into a model."""
+# cdef SerdInserter* _ptr
+# @staticmethod
+# cdef Inserter _manage(SerdInserter* ptr):
+# if ptr is NULL:
+# return None
+# cdef Inserter wrapper = Inserter.__new__(Inserter)
+# wrapper._ptr = ptr
+# return wrapper
+# def __init__(self, model: Model, env: Env, default_graph: Node = None):
+# self._ptr = serd_inserter_new(
+# model._ptr, env._ptr, _unwrap_node(default_graph)
+# )
+# def __dealloc__(self):
+# serd_inserter_free(self._ptr)
+# self._ptr = NULL
+# def sink(self) -> SinkView:
+# return SinkView._wrap(serd_inserter_get_sink(self._ptr))
+cdef class Statement:
+ """An RDF statement.
+ .. py:function:: serd.serd.Statement(subject: serd.Node, predicate: serd.Node, object: serd.Node, graph: serd.Node = None, caret: serd.Caret = None)
+ Construct a new statement.
+ """
+ cdef SerdStatement* _ptr
+ cdef Node _subject
+ cdef Node _predicate
+ cdef Node _object
+ cdef Node _graph
+ cdef Caret _caret
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef Statement _manage(SerdStatement* ptr):
+ if ptr is NULL:
+ return None
+ cdef Statement wrapper = Statement.__new__(Statement)
+ wrapper._ptr = ptr
+ return wrapper
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef Statement _wrap(const SerdStatement* ptr):
+ if ptr is NULL:
+ return None
+ cdef Statement wrapper = Statement.__new__(Statement)
+ wrapper._subject = Node._wrap(serd_statement_subject(ptr))
+ wrapper._predicate = Node._wrap(serd_statement_predicate(ptr))
+ wrapper._object = Node._wrap(serd_statement_object(ptr))
+ wrapper._graph = Node._wrap(serd_statement_graph(ptr))
+ wrapper._caret = Caret._wrap(serd_statement_caret(ptr))
+ wrapper._ptr = serd_statement_new(
+ _unwrap_node(wrapper._subject),
+ _unwrap_node(wrapper._predicate),
+ _unwrap_node(wrapper._object),
+ _unwrap_node(wrapper._graph),
+ (<Caret>wrapper._caret)._ptr if wrapper._caret is not None else NULL)
+ return wrapper
+ @staticmethod
+ def _from_param(obj):
+ if type(obj) == Statement:
+ return obj
+ if type(obj) == tuple:
+ if len(obj) != 3 and len(obj) != 4:
+ raise ValueError("Bad number of statement fields")
+ for i in range(len(obj)):
+ if type(obj[i]) != Node:
+ raise TypeError("Bad type for statement field %d" % i)
+ g = obj[3] if len(obj) == 4 else None
+ return Statement(obj[0], obj[1], obj[2], g)
+ raise TypeError("Bad argument type for Statement: %s" % type(obj))
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ subject: Node,
+ predicate: Node,
+ object: Node,
+ graph: Node = None,
+ caret: Caret = None,
+ ):
+ self._subject = <Node>subject
+ self._predicate = <Node>predicate
+ self._object = <Node>object
+ self._graph = <Node>graph
+ self._caret = <Caret>caret
+ self._ptr = serd_statement_new(
+ _unwrap_node(self._subject),
+ _unwrap_node(self._predicate),
+ _unwrap_node(self._object),
+ _unwrap_node(self._graph),
+ (<Caret>self._caret)._ptr if self._caret is not None else NULL,
+ )
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ serd_statement_free(NULL, self._ptr)
+ self._ptr = NULL
+ def __getitem__(self, field):
+ if field < 0 or field > 3 or (field == 3 and self.graph() is None):
+ raise IndexError(field)
+ return self.node(field)
+ def __eq__(self, rhs):
+ return type(rhs) == Statement and serd_statement_equals(
+ self._ptr, (<Statement>rhs)._ptr
+ )
+ def __str__(self):
+ result = " ".join(
+ [
+ self.subject().to_syntax(),
+ self.predicate().to_syntax(),
+ self.object().to_syntax(),
+ ]
+ )
+ if serd_statement_graph(self._ptr) is not NULL:
+ result += " " + self.graph().to_syntax()
+ return result
+ def __repr__(self):
+ args = [repr(self.subject()),
+ repr(self.predicate()),
+ repr(self.object())]
+ if self.graph() is not None:
+ args += [repr(self.graph())]
+ if serd_statement_caret(self._ptr):
+ args += [repr(self.caret())]
+ return "serd.Statement({})".format(", ".join(args))
+ def matches(self, s: Node, p: Node, o: Node, g: Node = None):
+ """Return true iff this statement matches the given pattern.
+ Nodes match if they are equivalent, or if one of them is NULL. The
+ statement matches if every node matches.
+ """
+ return serd_statement_matches(
+ self._ptr,
+ s._ptr if s is not None else NULL,
+ p._ptr if p is not None else NULL,
+ o._ptr if o is not None else NULL,
+ g._ptr if g is not None else NULL,
+ )
+ def node(self, field: Field) -> Node:
+ """Return a node in this statement."""
+ assert field >= Field.SUBJECT and field <= Field.GRAPH
+ return Node._wrap(serd_statement_node(self._ptr, field))
+ def subject(self) -> Node:
+ """Return the subject node of this statement."""
+ return Node._wrap(serd_statement_subject(self._ptr))
+ def predicate(self) -> Node:
+ """Return the predicate node of this statement."""
+ return Node._wrap(serd_statement_predicate(self._ptr))
+ def object(self) -> Node:
+ """Return the object node in this statement."""
+ return Node._wrap(serd_statement_object(self._ptr))
+ def graph(self) -> Node:
+ """Return the graph node in this statement."""
+ return Node._wrap(serd_statement_graph(self._ptr))
+ def caret(self) -> Caret:
+ """Return the file location this statement came from, or None."""
+ return Caret._wrap(serd_statement_caret(self._ptr))
+cdef class Cursor:
+ """A range of statements in a model.
+ This class is iterable so it can be used like a collection. For example,
+ :meth:`serd.Model.all()` returns a range, so all the statements in a model
+ can be printed like so::
+ for statement in model.all():
+ print(statement)
+ A range is "truthy" if it is non-empty.
+ """
+ cdef SerdCursor* _ptr
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef _manage(SerdCursor* ptr):
+ if ptr is NULL:
+ return None
+ cdef Cursor wrapper = Cursor.__new__(Cursor)
+ wrapper._ptr = ptr
+ return wrapper
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef _wrap(const SerdCursor* ptr):
+ return Cursor._manage(serd_cursor_copy(NULL, ptr))
+ def __init__(self, range: Cursor):
+ assert type(range) == Cursor
+ self._ptr = serd_cursor_copy(NULL, (<Cursor>range)._ptr)
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ serd_cursor_free(self._ptr)
+ self._ptr = NULL
+ def __bool__(self):
+ return not self.empty()
+ def __eq__(self, rhs):
+ return type(rhs) == Cursor and serd_cursor_equals(self._ptr, (<Cursor>rhs)._ptr)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ # if self.empty():
+ # return Cursor._end()
+ # return _Iter._wrap(serd_cursor_begin(self._ptr))
+ def __next__(self):
+ """Move to and return the next item."""
+ if serd_cursor_is_end(self._ptr):
+ raise StopIteration
+ item = serd_cursor_get(self._ptr)
+ # status = serd_cursor_advance(self._ptr)
+ # if status > 1:
+ # raise StopIteration
+ # # if status != 0:
+ # # print("STOP ITERATION: {}".format(status))
+ # # raise StopIteration
+ # # else:
+ # # print("GOOD ITERATION")
+ # item = serd_cursor_get(self._ptr)
+ serd_cursor_advance(self._ptr)
+ return Statement._wrap(item)
+ # def front(self) -> Statement:
+ # """Return the first statement in this range, or None."""
+ # return Statement._wrap(serd_cursor_front(self._ptr))
+ def empty(self) -> bool:
+ """Return true iff there are no statements in this range."""
+ return serd_cursor_is_end(self._ptr)
+ def write(self, sink: _SinkBase, flags: DescribeFlags) -> Status:
+ """Write this range to `sink`.
+ The serialisation style can be controlled with `flags`. The default is
+ to write statements in an order suited for pretty-printing with Turtle
+ or TriG with as many objects written inline as possible. If
+ `DescribeFlags.NO_INLINE_OBJECTS` is given, a simple sorted stream is
+ written instead, which is significantly faster since no searching is
+ required, but can result in ugly output for Turtle or Trig.
+ """
+ return Status(serd_describe_range(self._ptr, sink._cptr, flags))
+cdef class Caret:
+ """The origin of a statement in a document."""
+ cdef SerdCaret* _ptr
+ cdef Node _name_node
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef Caret _wrap(const SerdCaret* ptr):
+ if ptr is NULL:
+ return None
+ name_node = Node._wrap(serd_caret_name(ptr))
+ cdef SerdCaret* copy = serd_caret_new(NULL,
+ name_node._ptr,
+ serd_caret_line(ptr),
+ serd_caret_column(ptr));
+ cdef Caret wrapper = Caret.__new__(Caret)
+ wrapper._ptr = copy
+ wrapper._name_node = name_node
+ return wrapper
+ def __init__(self, name, line: uint = 1, col: uint = 0):
+ if type(name) == Node:
+ self._name_node = name
+ self._ptr = serd_caret_new(NULL, self._name_node._ptr, line, col)
+ elif type(name) == str:
+ self._name_node = string(name)
+ self._ptr = serd_caret_new(NULL, self._name_node._ptr, line, col)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Bad name argument type for Caret(): %s" % type(name))
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ serd_caret_free(NULL, self._ptr)
+ self._ptr = NULL
+ self._name_node = None
+ def __eq__(self, rhs):
+ return (type(rhs) == Caret and
+ serd_caret_equals(self._ptr, (<Caret>rhs)._ptr))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "{}:{}:{}".format(self._name_node, self.line(), self.column())
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "serd.Caret({})".format(
+ ", ".join([repr(self._name_node), str(self.line()), str(self.column())]))
+ def name(self) -> Node:
+ """Return the document name.
+ This is typically a file URI, but may be a descriptive string node for
+ statements that originate from strings or streams.
+ """
+ return self._name_node
+ def line(self) -> int:
+ """Return the one-relative line number in the document."""
+ return serd_caret_line(self._ptr)
+ def column(self) -> int:
+ """Return the zero-relative column number in the line."""
+ return serd_caret_column(self._ptr)
+cdef class Event:
+ """An event in a data stream.
+ Streams of data are represented as a series of events. Events represent
+ everything that can occur in an RDF document, and are used to plumb
+ together different components. For example, when parsing a document, a
+ reader emits a stream of events which can be sent to a writer to rewrite
+ the document, or to an inserter to build a model in memory.
+ """
+ cdef SerdEvent* _ptr
+ cdef SerdEventType _type
+ cdef Node _name
+ cdef Node _uri
+ cdef SerdStatementFlags _flags
+ cdef Statement _statement
+ cdef Node _node
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef Event _wrap(const SerdEvent* ptr):
+ event = Event()
+ event._type = ptr.type
+ if event._type == EventType.BASE:
+ base_event = <const SerdBaseEvent*>ptr
+ event._uri = Node._wrap(base_event.uri)
+ elif event._type == EventType.PREFIX:
+ prefix_event = <const SerdPrefixEvent*>ptr
+ event._name = Node._wrap(prefix_event.name)
+ event._uri = Node._wrap(prefix_event.uri)
+ elif event._type == EventType.STATEMENT:
+ statement_event = <const SerdStatementEvent*>ptr
+ event._flags = StatementFlags(statement_event.flags)
+ event._statement = Statement._wrap(statement_event.statement)
+ elif event._type == EventType.END:
+ end_event = <const SerdEndEvent*>ptr
+ event._node = Node._wrap(end_event.node)
+ else:
+ return None
+ return event
+ @staticmethod
+ def base(base_uri):
+ """Return an event that sets the base URI."""
+ event = Event()
+ event._type = EventType.BASE
+ event._uri = _uri_from_param(base_uri)
+ return event
+ @staticmethod
+ def prefix(name, namespace_uri):
+ """Return an event that sets a namespace prefix."""
+ event = Event()
+ event._type = EventType.PREFIX
+ event._name = string(name)
+ event._uri = _uri_from_param(namespace_uri)
+ return event
+ @staticmethod
+ def statement(statement, flags: StatementFlags = StatementFlags(0)):
+ """Return an event that represents a statement."""
+ assert type(statement) == Statement
+ event = Event()
+ event._type = EventType.STATEMENT
+ event._statement = Statement._from_param(statement)
+ event._flags = StatementFlags(flags)
+ return event
+ @staticmethod
+ def end(node):
+ """Return an event that ends an anonymous node description."""
+ event = Event()
+ event._type = EventType.END
+ event._node = _blank_from_param(node)
+ return event
+ def __eq__(self, rhs):
+ if type(rhs) != Event:
+ return False
+ other = <Event>rhs
+ if self._type != other._type:
+ return False
+ elif self._type == EventType.BASE:
+ return self._uri == other._uri
+ elif self._type == EventType.PREFIX:
+ return (self._name, self._uri) == (other._name, other._uri)
+ elif self._type == EventType.STATEMENT:
+ return (self._statement, self._flags) == (other._statement, other._flags)
+ elif self._type == EventType.END:
+ return self._node == other._node
+ return False
+ def __repr__(self):
+ def flags_repr(flags):
+ active = []
+ for f in [StatementFlags.EMPTY_S,
+ StatementFlags.ANON_S,
+ StatementFlags.ANON_O,
+ StatementFlags.LIST_S,
+ StatementFlags.LIST_O,
+ StatementFlags.TERSE_S,
+ StatementFlags.TERSE_O]:
+ if flags & f:
+ active += ['serd.' + str(f)]
+ return ' | '.join(active)
+ if self._type == EventType.BASE:
+ return 'serd.Event.base("%s")' % self._uri
+ elif self._type == EventType.PREFIX:
+ return 'serd.Event.prefix("%s", "%s")' % (self._name, self._uri)
+ elif self._type == EventType.STATEMENT:
+ result = 'serd.Event.statement(%s' % repr(self._statement)
+ if self._flags:
+ result += ', %s' % flags_repr(self._flags)
+ return result + ')'
+ elif self._type == EventType.END:
+ return 'serd.Event.end(%s)' % repr(self._node)
+ return "None"
+cdef class _SinkBase:
+ cdef const SerdSink* _cptr
+cdef class SinkView(_SinkBase):
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef SinkView _wrap(const SerdSink* cptr):
+ if cptr is NULL:
+ return None
+ cdef SinkView wrapper = SinkView.__new__(SinkView)
+ wrapper._cptr = cptr
+ return wrapper
+cdef class Sink(_SinkBase):
+ cdef SerdSink* _ptr
+ cdef Env _env
+ cdef object _func
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef Sink _manage(SerdSink* ptr):
+ if ptr is NULL:
+ return None
+ cdef Sink wrapper = Sink.__new__(Sink)
+ wrapper._cptr = ptr
+ wrapper._ptr = ptr
+ return wrapper
+ def __init__(self: Sink, world: World, func: callable = None):
+ if func is not None:
+ self._env = Env(world)
+ self._func = func
+ self._ptr = serd_sink_new(world._ptr, <void*>self, Sink._c_on_event, NULL)
+ self._cptr = self._ptr
+ # TODO: get_env?
+ else:
+ self._env = Env(world)
+ self._func = None
+ self._ptr = serd_sink_new(world._ptr, <void*>self, Sink._c_on_event, NULL)
+ self._cptr = self._ptr
+ # TODO: get_env?
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ serd_sink_free(self._ptr)
+ self._ptr = NULL
+ self._cptr = NULL
+ def on_event(self, event: Event) -> Status:
+ return Status.SUCCESS
+ def __call__(self, event: Event) -> Status:
+ return self._func(event) if self._func is not None else Status.SUCCESS
+ @staticmethod
+ cdef SerdStatus _c_on_event(void* handle, const SerdEvent* event):
+ self = <Sink>handle
+ result = self.__call__(Event._wrap(event))
+ assert result is None or type(result) == Status
+ return result if result is not None else Status.SUCCESS