path: root/doc/cpp
diff options
authorDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2018-06-16 10:26:47 -0400
committerDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2022-01-28 21:57:29 -0500
commit8b1ad067d9450b4c9c4384b6bf2859c70a6b0cce (patch)
tree2a5cc8b0031658a472c44b8fd8e95cb583d24fc7 /doc/cpp
parent3f74afa8c0e60a778566db975894044c67a3b386 (diff)
[WIP] Add C++ bindings
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/cpp')
16 files changed, 1358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/cpp/.clang-tidy b/doc/cpp/.clang-tidy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df126af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/.clang-tidy
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Checks: >
+ *,
+ -*-magic-numbers,
+ -*-named-parameter,
+ -*-non-private-member-variables-in-classes,
+ -*-uppercase-literal-suffix,
+ -altera-struct-pack-align,
+ -clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores,
+ -clang-analyzer-nullability.NullablePassedToNonnull,
+ -cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-array-to-pointer-decay,
+ -cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic,
+ -cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-vararg,
+ -fuchsia-default-argument*,
+ -fuchsia-multiple-inheritance,
+ -fuchsia-overloaded-operator,
+ -google-runtime-references,
+ -hicpp-no-array-decay,
+ -hicpp-signed-bitwise,
+ -hicpp-vararg,
+ -llvmlibc-*,
+ -modernize-use-trailing-return-type,
+ -readability-implicit-bool-conversion,
+WarningsAsErrors: '*'
+HeaderFilterRegex: '.*'
+FormatStyle: file
diff --git a/doc/cpp/Doxyfile.in b/doc/cpp/Doxyfile.in
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de0a8766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/Doxyfile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+PROJECT_BRIEF = "A lightweight library for RDF storage and serialisation"
+INPUT = @SERD_SRCDIR@/include \
+ @SERD_SRCDIR@/bindings/cpp/include
diff --git a/doc/cpp/api/meson.build b/doc/cpp/api/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33171d5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/api/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+cpp_serd_rst = custom_target(
+ 'Serd C++ API ReST Documentation',
+ command: [dox_to_sphinx,
+ '-l', 'cpp',
+ '-f', '@INPUT0@',
+ meson.current_build_dir()],
+ input: [cpp_index_xml] + cpp_rst_files,
+ output: 'serd.rst')
diff --git a/doc/cpp/cpp_facilities.rst b/doc/cpp/cpp_facilities.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53b8704d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/cpp_facilities.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+C++ Facilities
+.. default-domain:: cpp
+.. highlight:: cpp
+.. namespace:: serd
+String Views
+For performance reasons,
+most functions that take a string take a :type:`StringView`.
+This allows many types of string to be passed as an argument,
+and redundant string measurement to be avoided.
+:type:`StringView` works similarly to ``std::string_view`` (and will likely be removed when C++17 support is more widespread).
+A :type:`StringView` parameter will accept a string literal,
+dynamic C string,
+or a ``std::string`` as an argument.
+Note, however, that the constructor that takes only a ``const char*`` calls ``strlen`` to measure the string,
+so care should be taken to avoid this in performance-critical code if the string length is already known.
+Several places in the C API take or return a pointer that may be null.
+This is wrapped more safely in the C++ API as an :class:`Optional`.
+From a user perspective, :class:`Optional` works similarly to ``std::optional``,
+with pointer-like access operators and explicit boolean conversion enabling code like:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ if (optional_value) {
+ use_value(*optional_value);
+ }
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ if (optional_object) {
+ optional_object->do_something();
+ }
+The :class:`Optional` implementation is serd-specific,
+and takes advantage of the fact that the contained object is really just a "fancy pointer".
+This means that null can be used to represent an unset value,
+avoiding the space overhead of more general types like ``std::optional``.
+A pointer to the underlying C object can be retrieved with the :func:`~Optional::cobj` method,
+which will return null if the optional is unset.
diff --git a/doc/cpp/index.rst b/doc/cpp/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32ad97c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+.. include:: summary.rst
+This is the documentation for its C++ bindings,
+a thin header-only wrapper that provides more convenience and safety,
+with minimal overhead compared to using the C API directly.
+.. toctree::
+ using_serd
+ api/serdpp
+ api/serdpp_detail
+ api/serd
diff --git a/doc/cpp/meson.build b/doc/cpp/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f0d7b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+config = configuration_data()
+config.set('SERD_VERSION', meson.project_version())
+conf_py = configure_file(configuration: config,
+ input: files('../conf.py.in'),
+ output: 'conf.py')
+configure_file(copy: true,
+ input: files('../summary.rst'),
+ output: 'summary.rst')
+configure_file(copy: true, input: files('overview.cpp'), output: 'overview.cpp')
+executable('overview', files('overview.cpp'),
+ dependencies: [serd_dep, serdpp_dep])
+cpp_rst_files = files(
+ 'cpp_facilities.rst',
+ 'index.rst',
+ 'model.rst',
+ 'nodes.rst',
+ 'overview.rst',
+ 'reading_and_writing.rst',
+ 'statements.rst',
+ 'stream_processing.rst',
+ 'using_serd.rst',
+ 'world.rst',
+foreach f : cpp_rst_files
+ configure_file(copy: true, input: f, output: '@PLAINNAME@')
+docs = custom_target(
+ 'singlehtml C++ documentation for serd',
+ command: [sphinx_build, '-M', 'singlehtml',
+ meson.current_build_dir(), meson.current_build_dir(),
+ '-E', '-q', '-t', 'singlehtml'],
+ input: [cpp_rst_files, cpp_serd_rst, cpp_index_xml],
+ output: 'singlehtml',
+ build_by_default: true,
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: docdir / 'serd-0')
+docs = custom_target(
+ 'html C++ documentation for serd',
+ command: [sphinx_build, '-M', 'html',
+ meson.current_build_dir(), meson.current_build_dir(),
+ '-E', '-q', '-t', 'html'],
+ input: [cpp_rst_files, cpp_serd_rst, cpp_index_xml],
+ output: 'html',
+ build_by_default: true,
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: docdir / 'serd-0')
diff --git a/doc/cpp/model.rst b/doc/cpp/model.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22e47160
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/model.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+.. default-domain:: cpp
+.. highlight:: cpp
+.. namespace:: serd
+A :struct:`Model` is an indexed set of statements.
+A model can be used to store any set of data,
+from a few statements (for example, a protocol message),
+to an entire document,
+to a database with millions of statements.
+Constructing a model requires a world,
+and :type:`flags <ModelFlags>` which can be used to configure the model:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-new
+ :end-before: end model-new
+ :dedent: 2
+Combinations of flags can be used to enable different indices,
+or the storage of graphs and cursors.
+For example, to be able to quickly search by predicate,
+and store a cursor for each statement,
+the flag :enumerator:`ModelFlag::store_carets` and a :enumerator:`StatementOrder::PSO` index can be added like so:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin fancy-model-new
+ :end-before: end fancy-model-new
+ :dedent: 2
+Model Operations
+Models are value-like and can be copied and compared for equality:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-copy
+ :end-before: end model-copy
+ :dedent: 2
+The number of statements in a model can be accessed with the :func:`~Model::size` and :func:`~Model::empty` methods:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-size
+ :end-before: end model-size
+ :dedent: 2
+Destroying a model invalidates all nodes and statements within that model,
+so care should be taken to ensure that no dangling pointers are created.
+Adding Statements
+Statements can be added to the model by passing the nodes of the statement to :func:`~Model::insert`:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-add
+ :end-before: end model-add
+ :dedent: 2
+Alternatively, if you already have a statement (for example from another model),
+the overload that takes a :type:`StatementView` can be used instead.
+For example, the first statement in one model could be added to another like so:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-insert
+ :end-before: end model-insert
+ :dedent: 2
+An entire range of statements can be inserted at once by passing a range.
+For example, all statements in one model could be copied into another like so:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-add-range
+ :end-before: end model-add-range
+ :dedent: 2
+Note that this overload consumes its argument,
+so a copy must be made to insert a range without modifying the original.
+An iterator is a reference to a particular statement in a model.
+The :func:`~Model::begin` method returns an iterator to the first statement in the model,
+and :func:`~Model::end` returns a sentinel that is one past the last statement in the model:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-begin-end
+ :end-before: end model-begin-end
+ :dedent: 2
+Iterators can be advanced and compared manually:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin iter-next
+ :end-before: end iter-next
+ :dedent: 2
+However, they are more typically used automatically when iterating over a model:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-iteration
+ :end-before: end model-iteration
+ :dedent: 2
+It is often more convenient to work with ranges of statements,
+rather than iterators to individual statements.
+The simplest range,
+the range of all statements in the model,
+is returned by the :func:`~Model::begin()` method:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-all
+ :end-before: end model-all
+ :dedent: 2
+Iterating over this range will produce statements in GSPO or SPO order,
+which is the natural order for writing nicely abbreviated documents.
+In some more advanced cases,
+it is useful to iterate over a model in a specific order,
+for example to optimise an algorithm that performs several iterations at once.
+A range of all statements with a specific ordering can be had via the :func:`~Model::begin_ordered()` method:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-ordered
+ :end-before: end model-ordered
+ :dedent: 2
+Ranges work like immutable collections,
+and can be iterated over in the typical way:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin range-iteration
+ :end-before: end range-iteration
+ :dedent: 2
+Pattern Matching
+There are several model methods that can be used to quickly find statements in the model that match a pattern.
+The simplest is :func:`~Model::ask` which checks if there is any matching statement:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-ask
+ :end-before: end model-ask
+ :dedent: 2
+To access the unknown fields,
+an iterator to the matching statement can be found with :func:`~Model::find` instead:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-find
+ :end-before: end model-find
+ :dedent: 2
+Similar to :func:`~Model::ask`,
+:func:`~Model::count` can be used to count the number of matching statements:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-count
+ :end-before: end model-count
+ :dedent: 2
+To iterate over matching statements,
+:func:`~Model::find` can be used,
+which returns a cursor that will visit only statements that match the pattern:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-range
+ :end-before: end model-range
+ :dedent: 2
+A model can contain several indices that use different orderings to support different kinds of queries.
+For good performance,
+there should be an index where the least significant fields in the ordering correspond to wildcards in the pattern
+(or, in other words, one where the most significant fields in the ordering correspond to nodes given in the pattern).
+The table below lists the indices that best support a kind of pattern,
+where a "?" represents a wildcard.
+| Pattern | Good Indices |
+| s p o | Any |
+| s p ? | SPO, PSO |
+| s ? o | SOP, OSP |
+| s ? ? | SPO, SOP |
+| ? p o | POS, OPS |
+| ? p ? | POS, PSO |
+| ? ? o | OSP, OPS |
+| ? ? ? | Any |
+If graphs are enabled,
+then statements are indexed both with and without the graph fields,
+so queries with and without a graph wildcard will have similar performance.
+Since indices take up space and slow down insertion,
+it is best to enable the fewest indices possible that cover the queries that will be performed.
+For example,
+an applications might enable just SPO and OPS order,
+because they always search for specific subjects or objects,
+but never for just a predicate without specifying any other field.
+Getting Values
+Sometimes you are only interested in a single node,
+and it is cumbersome to first search for a statement and then get the node from it.
+A more convenient way is to use the :func:`~Model::get` method.
+To get a value, specify a pattern where exactly one of the subject, predicate, and object is a wildcard.
+If a statement matches, then the node that "fills" the wildcard will be returned:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-get
+ :end-before: end model-get
+ :dedent: 2
+If multiple statements match the pattern,
+then the matching node from an arbitrary statement is returned.
+It is an error to specify more than one wildcard, excluding the graph.
+The similar :func:`~Model::get_statement` instead returns the matching statement:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-get-statement
+ :end-before: end model-get-statement
+ :dedent: 2
+Erasing Statements
+Individual statements can be erased with :func:`~Model::erase`,
+which takes an iterator:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-erase
+ :end-before: end model-erase
+ :dedent: 2
+There is also an overload that takes a range and erases all statements in that range:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-erase-range
+ :end-before: end model-erase-range
+ :dedent: 2
+Erasing statements from a model invalidates all iterators to that model.
diff --git a/doc/cpp/nodes.rst b/doc/cpp/nodes.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c59bbd0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/nodes.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+.. default-domain:: cpp
+.. highlight:: cpp
+.. namespace:: serd
+Nodes are the basic building blocks of data.
+Nodes are essentially strings,
+but also have a :enum:`type <NodeType>`,
+and optionally either a datatype or a language.
+In the abstract, a node is either a literal, a URI, or blank.
+Serd also has a type for variable nodes,
+which are used for some features but not present in RDF data.
+Several convenient construction functions are provided that return nodes:
+- :func:`make_token`
+- :func:`make_uri`
+- :func:`make_file_uri`
+- :func:`make_literal`
+- :func:`make_boolean`
+- :func:`make_decimal`
+- :func:`make_double`
+- :func:`make_float`
+- :func:`make_integer`
+- :func:`make_base64`
+The datatype or language of a node can be retrieved with :func:`~NodeWrapper::datatype` or :func:`~NodeWrapper::language`, respectively.
+Note that only literals can have a datatype or language,
+but never both at once.
diff --git a/doc/cpp/overview.cpp b/doc/cpp/overview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63c4f690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/overview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+ Copyright 2021 David Robillard <d@drobilla.net>
+ Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ Example code that is included in the documentation. Code in the
+ documentation is included from here rather than written inline so that it can
+ be tested and avoid rotting. The code here doesn't make much sense, but is
+ written such that it at least compiles and will run without crashing.
+#include "serd/serd.hpp"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <iostream>
+#if defined(__clang__)
+# pragma clang diagnostic push
+# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma GCC diagnostic push
+# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
+# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-but-set-variable"
+using namespace serd; // NOLINT(google-build-using-namespace)
+static void
+ // begin statement-new
+ Statement triple{make_uri("http://example.org/drobilla"), // Subject
+ make_uri("http://example.org/firstName"), // Predicate
+ make_string("David")}; // Object
+ // end statement-new
+ // begin statement-new-graph
+ Statement quad{make_uri("http://example.org/drobilla"), // Subject
+ make_uri("http://example.org/firstName"), // Predicate
+ make_string("David"), // Object
+ make_uri("http://example.org/userData")}; // Graph
+ // end statement-new-graph
+ // begin statement-new-cursor
+ Node file{make_uri("file:///tmp/userdata.ttl")};
+ Statement triple2{make_uri("http://example.org/drobilla"), // Subject
+ make_uri("http://example.org/firstName"), // Predicate
+ make_string("David"), // Object
+ Caret{file, 4, 27}}; // Caret
+ // end statement-new-cursor
+ // begin statement-new-graph-cursor
+ Statement quad2{make_uri("http://example.org/drobilla"), // Subject
+ make_uri("http://example.org/firstName"), // Predicate
+ make_string("David"), // Object
+ make_uri("http://example.org/userData"), // Graph
+ Caret{file, 4, 27}}; // Caret
+ // end statement-new-graph-cursor
+static void
+ Node ss{make_uri("http://example.org/s")};
+ Node sp{make_uri("http://example.org/p")};
+ Node so{make_uri("http://example.org/o")};
+ Statement statement{ss, sp, so};
+ // begin get-subject
+ NodeView s = statement.node(Field::subject);
+ // end get-subject
+ // begin get-pog
+ NodeView p = statement.predicate();
+ NodeView o = statement.object();
+ Optional<NodeView> g = statement.graph();
+ // end get-pog
+ // begin get-caret
+ Optional<CaretView> c = statement.caret();
+ // end get-caret
+static void
+ Node ss{make_uri("http://example.org/s")};
+ Node sp{make_uri("http://example.org/p")};
+ Node so{make_uri("http://example.org/o")};
+ Statement statement1{ss, sp, so};
+ Statement statement2{ss, sp, so};
+ // begin statement-equals
+ if (statement1 == statement2) {
+ std::cout << "Match" << std::endl;
+ }
+ // end statement-equals
+ const Statement& statement = statement1;
+ // begin statement-matches
+ if (statement.matches({}, make_uri("http://example.org/name"), {})) {
+ std::cout << statement.subject() << " has name " << statement.object()
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ // end statement-matches
+static void
+ // begin world-new
+ World world;
+ // end world-new
+ // begin get-blank
+ Node blank = world.get_blank();
+ // end get-blank
+static void
+ World world;
+ // begin model-new
+ Model model{world, StatementOrder::SPO, {}};
+ // end model-new
+ // begin fancy-model-new
+ Model fancy_model{world, StatementOrder::SPO, ModelFlag::store_carets};
+ fancy_model.add_index(StatementOrder::PSO);
+ // end fancy-model-new
+ // begin model-copy
+ Model copy{model};
+ assert(copy == model);
+ copy = fancy_model;
+ assert(copy == fancy_model);
+ // end model-copy
+ // begin model-size
+ if (model.empty()) {
+ std::cout << "Model is empty" << std::endl;
+ } else if (model.size() > 9000) {
+ std::cout << "Model has over 9000 statements" << std::endl;
+ }
+ // end model-size
+ // begin model-add
+ Node s{make_uri("http://example.org/thing")};
+ Node p{make_uri("http://example.org/name")};
+ Node o{make_string("Thing")};
+ model.insert(s, p, o);
+ // end model-add
+ Model other_model{model};
+ // begin model-insert
+ model.insert(*other_model.begin());
+ // end model-insert
+ // begin model-add-range
+ model.insert_statements(other_model.begin());
+ // end model-add-range
+ // begin model-begin-end
+ Cursor i = model.begin();
+ if (i == model.end()) {
+ std::cout << "Model is empty" << std::endl;
+ } else {
+ std::cout << "First statement subject: " << i->subject() << std::endl;
+ }
+ // end model-begin-end
+ // begin iter-next
+ if (++i != model.end()) {
+ std::cout << "Second statement subject: " << i->subject() << std::endl;
+ }
+ // end iter-next
+ // begin model-iteration
+ for (const StatementView& statement : model) {
+ std::cout << "Model statement subject: " << statement.subject()
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ // end model-iteration
+ // begin model-all
+ Cursor all = model.begin();
+ // end model-all
+ // begin model-ordered
+ Cursor ordered = model.begin_ordered(StatementOrder::OPS);
+ // end model-ordered
+ // begin range-iteration
+ // FIXME
+ // for (const StatementView& statement : all) {
+ // std::cout << "Cursor statement subject: " << statement.subject()
+ // << std::endl;
+ // }
+ // end range-iteration
+ // begin model-ask
+ Node rdf_type = make_uri("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type");
+ if (model.ask({}, rdf_type, {}, {})) {
+ std::cout << "Model contains a type statement" << std::endl;
+ }
+ // end model-ask
+ // Add a statement so that the searching examples below work
+ Node inst{make_uri("http://example.org/i")};
+ Node type{make_uri("http://example.org/T")};
+ model.insert(inst, rdf_type, type);
+ // begin model-find
+ Model::Range it = model.find({}, rdf_type, {});
+ NodeView instance = it.begin()->subject();
+ // end model-find
+ // begin model-count
+ size_t n = model.count(instance, rdf_type, {});
+ std::cout << "Instance has " << n << " types" << std::endl;
+ // end model-count
+ // begin model-range
+ for (const StatementView& statement : model.find(instance, rdf_type, {})) {
+ std::cout << "Instance has type " << statement.object() << std::endl;
+ }
+ // end model-range
+ // begin model-get
+ Optional<NodeView> t = model.get(instance, rdf_type, {});
+ if (t) {
+ std::cout << "Instance has type " << *t << std::endl;
+ }
+ // end model-get
+ // begin model-get-statement
+ Optional<StatementView> ts = model.get_statement(instance, rdf_type, {});
+ if (ts) {
+ std::cout << "Instance " << ts->subject() << " has type " << ts->object()
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ // end model-get-statement
+ // begin model-erase
+ Model::Range itype = model.find({}, rdf_type, {});
+ model.erase(itype.begin());
+ // end model-erase
+ // begin model-erase-range
+ // FIXME
+ // Model::Range all_types = model.find({}, rdf_type, {});
+ // model.erase_statements(all_types);
+ // end model-erase-range
+static void
+ World world;
+ // begin env-new
+ Node base = make_file_uri("/some/file.ttl");
+ Env env{world, base};
+ // end env-new
+ // begin env-set-prefix
+ env.set_prefix("rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#");
+ // end env-set-prefix
+ // begin byte-sink-new
+ OutputStream out = serd::open_output_file("/tmp/eg.ttl");
+ // end byte-sink-new
+ // begin writer-new
+ Writer writer{world, serd::Syntax::Turtle, {}, env, out};
+ // end writer-new
+ // begin reader-new
+ Reader reader{world, Syntax::Turtle, {}, env, writer.sink(), 4096};
+ // end reader-new
+ // begin read-document
+ Status st = reader.read_document();
+ if (st != Status::success) {
+ std::cout << "Error reading document: " << strerror(st) << std::endl;
+ }
+ // end read-document
+ // begin byte-sink-close
+ // out.close();
+ // end byte-sink-close
+ // begin inserter-new
+ Model model{world, StatementOrder::SPO, {}};
+ SinkWrapper<SerdSink> inserter = make_inserter(model);
+ // end inserter-new
+ // begin model-reader-new
+ Reader model_reader{world, Syntax::Turtle, {}, env, inserter, 4096};
+ st = model_reader.read_document();
+ if (st != Status::success) {
+ std::cout << "Error loading model: " << strerror(st) << std::endl;
+ }
+ // end model-reader-new
+ // begin write-range
+ // FIXME
+ // model.all().write(writer.sink(), {});
+ // end write-range
+ // begin canon-new
+ SinkWrapper<SerdSink> canon = make_canon(world, inserter, {});
+ // end canon-new
+ Node rdf_type = make_uri("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type");
+ // begin filter-new
+ SinkWrapper<SerdSink> filter = make_filter(world,
+ inserter, // Target
+ {}, // Subject
+ rdf_type, // Predicate
+ {}, // Object
+ {}, // Graph
+ true); // Inclusive
+ // end filter-new
+ statements();
+ statements_accessing_fields();
+ statements_comparison();
+ world();
+ model();
+ reading_writing();
+ return 0;
+#if defined(__clang__)
+# pragma clang diagnostic pop
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
diff --git a/doc/cpp/overview.rst b/doc/cpp/overview.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..763620e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/overview.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+.. default-domain:: cpp
+.. highlight:: cpp
+.. namespace:: serd
+The serd C++ API is declared in ``serd.hpp``:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ #include <serd/serd.hpp>
+An application using serd first creates a :doc:`api/serd_world`,
+which represents an instance of serd and is used to manage "global" facilities like logging.
+The rest of the API declares objects that can be used together in different ways.
+They can be broadly placed into four categories:
+ A :doc:`api/serd_node` is the basic building block of data,
+ 3 or 4 nodes together make a :doc:`api/serd_statement`.
+ All data is expressed in this form.
+ Objects stream data to each other via :doc:`api/serd_sink`,
+ which is an abstract interface that receives :doc:`api/serd_event`.
+ An event is essentially a statement,
+ but there are a few additional event types that reflect context changes and support pretty-printing.
+ Some objects both act as a sink and send data to another sink,
+ which allow them to be inserted in a data `pipeline` to process the data as it streams through.
+ For example,
+ a :doc:`api/serd_canon` converts literals to canonical form,
+ and a :doc:`api/serd_filter` filters statements that match (or do not match) some pattern.
+ The syntactic context at a particular point is represented by an :doc:`api/serd_env`.
+ This stores the base URI and set of namespace prefixes,
+ which are used to expand relative and abbreviated URIs.
+Reading and Writing
+ Reading and writing data is performed using a :doc:`api/serd_reader`,
+ which reads text and emits data to a sink,
+ and a :doc:`api/serd_writer`,
+ which is a sink that writes the incoming data as text.
+ Both work in a streaming fashion so that large documents can be pretty-printed,
+ translated,
+ or otherwise processed quickly using only a small amount of memory.
+ A set of statements can be stored in memory as a :doc:`api/serd_model`.
+ A model acts as a collection of statements,
+ and provides most of the interface expected for a standard C++ collection.
+ There are also several query methods which search for statements quickly,
+ provided an appropriate index is enabled.
+ Data can be loaded into a model via an :doc:`api/serd_inserter`,
+ which is a sink that inserts incoming statements into a model.
+The sink interface acts as a generic connection which can be used to build custom data processing pipelines.
+For example,
+a simple pipeline to read a document, filter out some statements, and write the result to a new file,
+would look something like:
+.. image:: ../_static/writer_pipeline.svg
+Here, event streams are shown as a dashed line, and a solid line represents explicit use of an object.
+In other words, dashed lines represent connections via the abstract :doc:`api/serd_sink` interface.
+In this case both reader and writer are using the same environment,
+so the output document will have the same abbreviations as the input.
+It is also possible to use different environments,
+for example to set additional namespace prefixes to further abbreviate the document.
+Similarly, a document could be loaded into a model with canonical literals using a pipeline like:
+.. image:: ../_static/model_pipeline.svg
+Many other useful pipelines can be built from the objects included in serd,
+and applications can implement custom sinks if those are not sufficient.
+The remainder of this overview gives a bottom-up introduction to the API,
+with links to the complete reference where further detail can be found.
diff --git a/doc/cpp/reading_and_writing.rst b/doc/cpp/reading_and_writing.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..893e6f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/reading_and_writing.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+Reading and Writing
+.. default-domain:: cpp
+.. highlight:: cpp
+.. namespace:: serd
+Reading and writing documents in a textual syntax is handled by the :struct:`Reader` and :struct:`Writer`, respectively.
+Serd is designed around a concept of event streams,
+so the reader or writer can be at the beginning or end of a "pipeline" of stream processors.
+This allows large documents to be processed quickly in an "online" fashion,
+while requiring only a small constant amount of memory.
+If you are familiar with XML,
+this is roughly analogous to SAX.
+A common setup is to simply connect a reader directly to a writer.
+This can be used for things like pretty-printing,
+or converting a document from one syntax to another.
+This can be done by passing the sink returned by the writer's :func:`~Writer::sink` method to the :class:`~Reader` constructor.
+First though,
+an environment needs to be set up in order to write a document.
+This defines the base URI and any namespace prefixes,
+which are used to resolve any relative URIs or prefixed names by the reader,
+and to abbreviate the output by the writer.
+In most cases, the base URI should simply be the URI of the file being written.
+For example:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin env-new
+ :end-before: end env-new
+ :dedent: 2
+Namespace prefixes can also be defined for any vocabularies used:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin env-set-prefix
+ :end-before: end env-set-prefix
+ :dedent: 2
+The reader will set any additional prefixes from the document as they are encountered.
+We now have an environment set up for the contents of our document,
+but still need to specify where to write it.
+This is done by creating an :struct:`OutputStream`,
+which is a generic interface that can be set up to write to a file,
+a buffer in memory,
+or a custom function that can be used to write output anywhere.
+In this case, we will write to the file we set up as the base URI:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin byte-sink-new
+ :end-before: end byte-sink-new
+ :dedent: 2
+The second argument is the page size in bytes,
+so I/O will be performed in chunks for better performance.
+The value used here, 4096, is a typical filesystem block size that should perform well on most machines.
+With an environment and byte sink ready,
+the writer can now be created:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin writer-new
+ :end-before: end writer-new
+ :dedent: 2
+Output is written by feeding statements and other events to the sink returned by the writer's :func:`~Writer::sink` method.
+:struct:`Sink` is the generic interface for anything that can consume data streams.
+Many objects provide the same interface to do various things with the data,
+but in this case we will send data directly to the writer:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin reader-new
+ :end-before: end reader-new
+ :dedent: 2
+The third argument of the reader constructor takes a bitwise ``OR`` of :enum:`ReaderFlag` flags that can be used to configure the reader.
+In this case no flags are given,
+but for example,
+passing ``ReaderFlag::lax | ReaderFlag::relative`` would enable lax mode and preserve relative URIs in the input.
+Now that we have a reader that is set up to directly push its output to a writer,
+we can finally process the document:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin read-document
+ :end-before: end read-document
+ :dedent: 2
+Alternatively, one "chunk" of input can be read at a time with :func:`~Reader::read_chunk`.
+A "chunk" is generally one top-level description of a resource,
+including any anonymous blank nodes in its description,
+but this depends on the syntax and the structure of the document being read.
+The reader pushes events to its sink as input is read,
+so in this scenario the data should now have been re-written by the writer
+(assuming no error occurred).
+To finish and ensure that a complete document has been read and written,
+:func:`~Reader::finish` can be called followed by :func:`~Writer::finish`.
+However these will be automatically called on destruction if necessary,
+so if the reader and writer are no longer required they can simply be destroyed.
+Finally, closing the byte sink will flush and close the output file,
+so it is ready to be read again later.
+Similar to the reader and writer,
+this can be done explicitly by calling its :func:`~OutputStream::close` method,
+or implicitly by destroying the byte sink if it is no longer needed:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin byte-sink-close
+ :end-before: end byte-sink-close
+ :dedent: 2
+Reading into a Model
+A document can be loaded into a model by setting up a reader that pushes data to a model `inserter` rather than a writer:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin inserter-new
+ :end-before: end inserter-new
+ :dedent: 2
+The process of reading the document is the same as above,
+only the sink is different:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin model-reader-new
+ :end-before: end model-reader-new
+ :dedent: 2
+ Writing a Model
+ ---------------
+ A model, or parts of a model, can be written by writing the desired range using its :func:`Range::write` method:
+ .. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin write-range
+ :end-before: end write-range
+ :dedent: 2
+ By default,
+ this writes the range in chunks suited to pretty-printing with anonymous blank nodes (like "[ ... ]" in Turtle or TriG).
+ The flag :enumerator:`SerialisationFlag::no_inline_objects` can be given to instead write the range in a simple SPO order,
+ which can be useful in other situations because it is faster and emits statements in strictly increasing order.
diff --git a/doc/cpp/statements.rst b/doc/cpp/statements.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a77c8050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/statements.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+.. default-domain:: cpp
+.. highlight:: cpp
+.. namespace:: serd
+A :struct:`Statement` is a tuple of either 3 or 4 nodes:
+the `subject`, `predicate`, `object`, and optional `graph`.
+Statements declare that a subject has some property.
+The predicate identifies the property,
+and the object is its value on the subject.
+A statement can be thought of as a very simple machine-readable sentence.
+The subject and object are as in natural language,
+and the predicate is something like a verb, but more general.
+For example, we could make a statement in English about your intrepid author:
+ drobilla has the first name "David"
+We can break this statement into 3 pieces like so:
+.. list-table::
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Subject
+ - Predicate
+ - Object
+ * - drobilla
+ - has the first name
+ - "David"
+To make a :class:`Statement` out of this, we need to define some URIs.
+In RDF, the subject and predicate must be *resources* with an identifier
+(for example, neither can be a string).
+Conventionally, predicate names do not start with "has" or similar words,
+since that would be redundant in this context.
+So, we assume that ``http://example.org/drobilla`` is the URI for drobilla,
+and that ``http://example.org/firstName`` has been defined somewhere to be
+a property with the appropriate meaning,
+and can make an equivalent :class:`Statement`:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin statement-new
+ :end-before: end statement-new
+ :dedent: 2
+Statements also have an additional field, the graph,
+which is used to group statements together.
+For example, this can be used to store the document where statements originated,
+or to keep schema data separate from application data.
+A statement with a graph can be constructed by passing the graph as the fourth parameter:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin statement-new-graph
+ :end-before: end statement-new-graph
+ :dedent: 2
+Finally, a :class:`Caret` may also be passed which records a position in the file that the statement was loaded from.
+This is typically used for printing useful error messages.
+The cursor is considered metadata and not part of the statement itself,
+for example,
+it is not considered in equality comparison.
+Typically, the cursor will be automatically set by a reader,
+but a statement with a cursor can be constructed manually by passing the cursor as the last parameter:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin statement-new-cursor
+ :end-before: end statement-new-cursor
+ :dedent: 2
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin statement-new-graph-cursor
+ :end-before: end statement-new-graph-cursor
+ :dedent: 2
+Accessing Fields
+Statement fields can be accessed with the :func:`~StatementWrapper::node` method, for example:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin get-subject
+ :end-before: end get-subject
+ :dedent: 2
+Alternatively, an accessor function is provided for each field:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin get-pog
+ :end-before: end get-pog
+ :dedent: 2
+Every statement has a subject, predicate, and object,
+but the graph is optional.
+The caret is also optional,
+and can be accessed with the :func:`~StatementWrapper::caret` method:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin get-caret
+ :end-before: end get-caret
+ :dedent: 2
+Two statements can be compared with the equals operator:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin statement-equals
+ :end-before: end statement-equals
+ :dedent: 2
+Statements are equal if all four corresponding pairs of nodes are equal.
+The cursor is considered metadata, and is ignored for comparison.
+It is also possible to match statements against a pattern with the :func:`~StatementWrapper::matches` method,
+where empty parameters act as wildcards:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin statement-matches
+ :end-before: end statement-matches
+ :dedent: 2
diff --git a/doc/cpp/stream_processing.rst b/doc/cpp/stream_processing.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39265287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/stream_processing.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Stream Processing
+.. default-domain:: cpp
+.. highlight:: cpp
+.. namespace:: serd
+The above examples show how a document can be either written to a file or loaded into a model,
+simply by changing the sink that the data is written to.
+There are also sinks that filter or transform the data before passing it on to another sink,
+which can be used to build more advanced pipelines with several processing stages.
+Canonical Literals
+A `canon` is a stream processor that converts literals with supported XSD datatypes into canonical form.
+For example, this will rewrite an xsd:decimal literal like ".10" as "0.1".
+A canon can be constructed by passing the "target" sink that the transformed statements should be written to,
+for example:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin canon-new
+ :end-before: end canon-new
+ :dedent: 2
+The last argument is a bitwise ``OR`` of :enum:`CanonFlag` flags.
+For example, :enumerator:`CanonFlag::lax` will tolerate and pass through invalid literals,
+which can be useful for cleaning up questionabe data as much as possible without losing any information.
+Filtering Statements
+A `filter` is a stream processor that filters statements based on a pattern.
+It can be configured in either inclusive or exclusive mode,
+which passes through only statements that match or don't match the pattern,
+A filter can be constructed by passing the target sink,
+the statement pattern as individual nodes,
+and an inclusive flag.
+For example, all statements with predicate ``rdf:type`` could be filtered out when loading a model:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin filter-new
+ :end-before: end filter-new
+ :dedent: 2
+If ``false`` is passed for the last parameter instead,
+then the filter operates in exclusive mode and will instead insert only statements with predicate ``rdf:type``.
diff --git a/doc/cpp/using_serd.rst b/doc/cpp/using_serd.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee9112ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/using_serd.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Using Serd
+.. toctree::
+ overview
+ cpp_facilities
+ nodes
+ statements
+ world
+ model
+ reading_and_writing
+ stream_processing
diff --git a/doc/cpp/world.rst b/doc/cpp/world.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6736485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/world.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+.. default-domain:: cpp
+.. highlight:: cpp
+.. namespace:: serd
+So far, we have only used nodes and statements,
+which are simple independent objects.
+Higher-level facilities in Serd require a :struct:`World`,
+which represents the global library state.
+A program typically uses just one world,
+which can be constructed with no arguments:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin world-new
+ :end-before: end world-new
+ :dedent: 2
+All "global" library state is handled explicitly via the world.
+Serd does not contain any static mutable data,
+allowing it to be used concurrently in several parts of a program,
+for example in plugins.
+If multiple worlds *are* used in a single program,
+they must never be mixed:
+objects "inside" one world can not be used with objects inside another.
+Note that the world is not a database,
+it only manages a small amount of library state for things like configuration and logging.
+Generating Blanks
+Blank nodes, or simply "blanks",
+are used for resources that do not have URIs.
+Unlike URIs, they are not global identifiers,
+and only have meaning within their local context (for example, a document).
+The world provides a method for automatically generating unique blank identifiers:
+.. literalinclude:: overview.cpp
+ :start-after: begin get-blank
+ :end-before: end get-blank
+ :dedent: 2
diff --git a/doc/cpp/xml/meson.build b/doc/cpp/xml/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afc187d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/cpp/xml/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+doxygen = find_program('doxygen')
+cpp_doxygen_input = []
+foreach h : cpp_headers
+ cpp_doxygen_input += ['..' / h]
+config = configuration_data()
+config.set('SERD_SRCDIR', serd_src_root)
+config.set('DOX_OUTPUT', meson.current_build_dir() / '..')
+cpp_doxyfile = configure_file(configuration: config,
+ input: files('../Doxyfile.in'),
+ output: 'Doxyfile')
+cpp_index_xml = custom_target('serd-cpp-index.xml',
+ command: [doxygen, '@INPUT0@'],
+ input: [cpp_doxyfile] + cpp_header_files,
+ output: 'index.xml')