diff options
-rwxr-xr-xwafbin0 -> 92501 bytes
3 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6e4dd4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+This software requires only Python to build.
+Like an auto* project, building has three phases:
+* Configure: ./waf configure [OPTIONS]
+ Example:
+ ./waf configure --prefix=/some/where --debug --strict
+ If --debug is not given, the flags from the environment variables
+ CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS will be used.
+ The default prefix is /usr/local
+* Build: ./waf [OPTIONS]
+ Example:
+ ./waf -j4
+* Install: ./waf install [OPTIONS]
+ The environment variable DESTDIR can be used to add any prefix to
+ the install paths (useful for packaging). Example:
+ DESTDIR=/home/drobilla/packages ./waf install
+*** IMPORTANT: You must use absolute paths everywhere
+Run './waf --help' for detailed option information.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e8790a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Waf utilities for easily building standard unixey packages/libraries
+# Licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING file for details.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 David Robillard
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Nedko Arnaudov
+import Configure
+import Options
+import Utils
+import misc
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from TaskGen import feature, before, after
+global g_is_child
+g_is_child = False
+# Only run autowaf hooks once (even if sub projects call several times)
+global g_step
+g_step = 0
+# Compute dependencies globally
+#import preproc
+#preproc.go_absolute = True
+@feature('cc', 'cxx')
+@before('apply_obj_vars_cc', 'apply_obj_vars_cxx')
+def include_config_h(self):
+ self.env.append_value('INC_PATHS', self.bld.srcnode)
+def set_options(opt):
+ "Add standard autowaf options if they havn't been added yet"
+ global g_step
+ if g_step > 0:
+ return
+ opt.tool_options('compiler_cc')
+ opt.tool_options('compiler_cxx')
+ opt.add_option('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='debug',
+ help="Build debuggable binaries [Default: False]")
+ opt.add_option('--strict', action='store_true', default=False, dest='strict',
+ help="Use strict compiler flags and show all warnings [Default: False]")
+ opt.add_option('--docs', action='store_true', default=False, dest='docs',
+ help="Build documentation - requires doxygen [Default: False]")
+ opt.add_option('--bundle', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help="Build a self-contained bundle [Default: False]")
+ opt.add_option('--bindir', type='string',
+ help="Executable programs [Default: PREFIX/bin]")
+ opt.add_option('--libdir', type='string',
+ help="Libraries [Default: PREFIX/lib]")
+ opt.add_option('--includedir', type='string',
+ help="Header files [Default: PREFIX/include]")
+ opt.add_option('--datadir', type='string',
+ help="Shared data [Default: PREFIX/share]")
+ opt.add_option('--configdir', type='string',
+ help="Configuration data [Default: PREFIX/etc]")
+ opt.add_option('--mandir', type='string',
+ help="Manual pages [Default: DATADIR/man]")
+ opt.add_option('--htmldir', type='string',
+ help="HTML documentation [Default: DATADIR/doc/PACKAGE]")
+ opt.add_option('--lv2-user', action='store_true', default=False, dest='lv2_user',
+ help="Install LV2 bundles to user-local location [Default: False]")
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ opt.add_option('--lv2dir', type='string',
+ help="LV2 bundles [Default: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2]")
+ else:
+ opt.add_option('--lv2dir', type='string',
+ help="LV2 bundles [Default: LIBDIR/lv2]")
+ g_step = 1
+def check_header(conf, name, define='', mandatory=False):
+ "Check for a header iff it hasn't been checked for yet"
+ if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS']) != dict:
+ conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS'] = {}
+ checked = conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS']
+ if not name in checked:
+ checked[name] = True
+ includes = '' # search default system include paths
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ includes = '/opt/local/include'
+ if define != '':
+ conf.check(header_name=name, includes=includes, define_name=define, mandatory=mandatory)
+ else:
+ conf.check(header_name=name, includes=includes, mandatory=mandatory)
+def nameify(name):
+ return name.replace('/', '_').replace('++', 'PP').replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')
+def check_pkg(conf, name, **args):
+ if not 'mandatory' in args:
+ args['mandatory'] = True
+ "Check for a package iff it hasn't been checked for yet"
+ var_name = 'HAVE_' + nameify(args['uselib_store'])
+ check = not var_name in conf.env
+ if not check and 'atleast_version' in args:
+ # Re-check if version is newer than previous check
+ checked_version = conf.env['VERSION_' + name]
+ if checked_version and checked_version < args['atleast_version']:
+ check = True;
+ if check:
+ conf.check_cfg(package=name, args="--cflags --libs", **args)
+ found = bool(conf.env[var_name])
+ if found:
+ conf.define(var_name, int(found))
+ if 'atleast_version' in args:
+ conf.env['VERSION_' + name] = args['atleast_version']
+ else:
+ conf.undefine(var_name)
+ if args['mandatory'] == True:
+ conf.fatal("Required package " + name + " not found")
+def configure(conf):
+ global g_step
+ if g_step > 1:
+ return
+ def append_cxx_flags(vals):
+ conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', vals.split())
+ conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', vals.split())
+ display_header('Global Configuration')
+ conf.check_tool('misc')
+ conf.check_tool('compiler_cc')
+ conf.check_tool('compiler_cxx')
+ conf.env['DOCS'] =
+ conf.env['DEBUG'] = Options.options.debug
+ conf.env['STRICT'] = Options.options.strict
+ conf.env['PREFIX'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(conf.env['PREFIX'])))
+ if Options.options.bundle:
+ conf.env['BUNDLE'] = True
+ conf.define('BUNDLE', 1)
+ conf.env['BINDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX']
+ conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Headers')
+ conf.env['LIBDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Libraries')
+ conf.env['DATADIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Resources')
+ conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Resources/Documentation')
+ conf.env['MANDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Resources/Man')
+ conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'PlugIns')
+ else:
+ conf.env['BUNDLE'] = False
+ if Options.options.bindir:
+ conf.env['BINDIR'] = Options.options.bindir
+ else:
+ conf.env['BINDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'bin')
+ if Options.options.includedir:
+ conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = Options.options.includedir
+ else:
+ conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'include')
+ if Options.options.libdir:
+ conf.env['LIBDIR'] = Options.options.libdir
+ else:
+ conf.env['LIBDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'lib')
+ if Options.options.datadir:
+ conf.env['DATADIR'] = Options.options.datadir
+ else:
+ conf.env['DATADIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'share')
+ if Options.options.configdir:
+ conf.env['CONFIGDIR'] = Options.options.configdir
+ else:
+ conf.env['CONFIGDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'etc')
+ if Options.options.htmldir:
+ conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = Options.options.htmldir
+ else:
+ conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['DATADIR'], 'doc', Utils.g_module.APPNAME)
+ if Options.options.mandir:
+ conf.env['MANDIR'] = Options.options.mandir
+ else:
+ conf.env['MANDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['DATADIR'], 'man')
+ if Options.options.lv2dir:
+ conf.env['LV2DIR'] = Options.options.lv2dir
+ else:
+ if Options.options.lv2_user:
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2')
+ else:
+ conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.lv2')
+ else:
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ conf.env['LV2DIR'] = '/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2'
+ else:
+ conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['LIBDIR'], 'lv2')
+ conf.env['BINDIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['BINDIR'])
+ conf.env['LIBDIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['LIBDIR'])
+ conf.env['DATADIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['DATADIR'])
+ conf.env['CONFIGDIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['CONFIGDIR'])
+ conf.env['LV2DIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['LV2DIR'])
+ if
+ doxygen = conf.find_program('doxygen')
+ if not doxygen:
+ conf.fatal("Doxygen is required to build documentation, configure without --docs")
+ dot = conf.find_program('dot')
+ if not dot:
+ conf.fatal("Graphviz (dot) is required to build documentation, configure without --docs")
+ if Options.options.debug:
+ conf.env['CCFLAGS'] = [ '-O0', '-g' ]
+ conf.env['CXXFLAGS'] = [ '-O0', '-g' ]
+ else:
+ append_cxx_flags('-DNDEBUG')
+ if Options.options.strict:
+ conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', [ '-std=c99', '-pedantic' ])
+ conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', [ '-ansi', '-Woverloaded-virtual', '-Wnon-virtual-dtor'])
+ append_cxx_flags('-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter')
+ append_cxx_flags('-fPIC -DPIC -fshow-column')
+ display_msg(conf, "Install prefix", conf.env['PREFIX'])
+ display_msg(conf, "Debuggable build", str(conf.env['DEBUG']))
+ display_msg(conf, "Strict compiler flags", str(conf.env['STRICT']))
+ display_msg(conf, "Build documentation", str(conf.env['DOCS']))
+ print
+ g_step = 2
+def set_local_lib(conf, name, has_objects):
+ conf.define('HAVE_' + nameify(name.upper()), 1)
+ if has_objects:
+ if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS']) != dict:
+ conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'] = {}
+ conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'][name.lower()] = True
+ else:
+ if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS']) != dict:
+ conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'] = {}
+ conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'][name.lower()] = True
+def use_lib(bld, obj, libs):
+ abssrcdir = os.path.abspath('.')
+ libs_list = libs.split()
+ for l in libs_list:
+ in_headers = l.lower() in bld.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS']
+ in_libs = l.lower() in bld.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS']
+ if in_libs:
+ if hasattr(obj, 'uselib_local'):
+ obj.uselib_local += ' lib' + l.lower() + ' '
+ else:
+ obj.uselib_local = 'lib' + l.lower() + ' '
+ if in_headers or in_libs:
+ inc_flag = '-iquote ' + os.path.join(abssrcdir, l.lower())
+ for f in ['CCFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS']:
+ if not inc_flag in bld.env[f]:
+ bld.env.append_value(f, inc_flag)
+ else:
+ if hasattr(obj, 'uselib'):
+ obj.uselib += ' ' + l
+ else:
+ obj.uselib = l
+def display_header(title):
+ Utils.pprint('BOLD', title)
+def display_msg(conf, msg, status = None, color = None):
+ color = 'CYAN'
+ if type(status) == bool and status or status == "True":
+ color = 'GREEN'
+ elif type(status) == bool and not status or status == "False":
+ color = 'YELLOW'
+ Utils.pprint('BOLD', "%s :" % msg.ljust(conf.line_just), sep='')
+ Utils.pprint(color, status)
+def link_flags(env, lib):
+ return ' '.join(map(lambda x: env['LIB_ST'] % x, env['LIB_' + lib]))
+def compile_flags(env, lib):
+ return ' '.join(map(lambda x: env['CPPPATH_ST'] % x, env['CPPPATH_' + lib]))
+def set_recursive():
+ global g_is_child
+ g_is_child = True
+def is_child():
+ global g_is_child
+ return g_is_child
+# Pkg-config file
+def build_pc(bld, name, version, libs):
+ '''Build a pkg-config file for a library.
+ name -- uppercase variable name (e.g. 'SOMENAME')
+ version -- version string (e.g. '1.2.3')
+ libs -- string/list of dependencies (e.g. 'LIBFOO GLIB')
+ '''
+ obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst')
+ obj.source = name.lower() + ''
+ = name.lower() + '.pc'
+ obj.install_path = '${PREFIX}/${LIBDIRNAME}/pkgconfig'
+ pkg_prefix = bld.env['PREFIX']
+ if pkg_prefix[-1] == '/':
+ pkg_prefix = pkg_prefix[:-1]
+ obj.dict = {
+ 'prefix' : pkg_prefix,
+ 'exec_prefix' : '${prefix}',
+ 'libdir' : '${prefix}/' + bld.env['LIBDIRNAME'],
+ 'includedir' : '${prefix}/include',
+ name + '_VERSION' : version,
+ }
+ if type(libs) != list:
+ libs = libs.split()
+ for i in libs:
+ obj.dict[i + '_LIBS'] = link_flags(bld.env, i)
+ obj.dict[i + '_CFLAGS'] = compile_flags(bld.env, i)
+# Doxygen API documentation
+def build_dox(bld, name, version, srcdir, blddir):
+ if not bld.env['DOCS']:
+ return
+ obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst')
+ obj.source = 'doc/'
+ = 'doc/reference.doxygen'
+ if is_child():
+ src_dir = os.path.join(srcdir, name.lower())
+ doc_dir = os.path.join(blddir, 'default', name.lower(), 'doc')
+ else:
+ src_dir = srcdir
+ doc_dir = os.path.join(blddir, 'default', 'doc')
+ obj.dict = {
+ name + '_VERSION' : version,
+ name + '_SRCDIR' : os.path.abspath(src_dir),
+ name + '_DOC_DIR' : os.path.abspath(doc_dir)
+ }
+ obj.install_path = ''
+ out1 = bld.new_task_gen('command-output')
+ out1.dependencies = [obj]
+ out1.stdout = '/doc/doxygen.out'
+ out1.stdin = '/doc/reference.doxygen' # whatever..
+ out1.command = 'doxygen'
+ out1.argv = [os.path.abspath(doc_dir) + '/reference.doxygen']
+ out1.command_is_external = True
+# Version code file generation
+def build_version_files(header_path, source_path, domain, major, minor, micro):
+ header_path = os.path.abspath(header_path)
+ source_path = os.path.abspath(source_path)
+ text = "int " + domain + "_major_version = " + str(major) + ";\n"
+ text += "int " + domain + "_minor_version = " + str(minor) + ";\n"
+ text += "int " + domain + "_micro_version = " + str(micro) + ";\n"
+ try:
+ o = file(source_path, 'w')
+ o.write(text)
+ o.close()
+ except IOError:
+ print "Could not open", source_path, " for writing\n"
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ text = "#ifndef __" + domain + "_version_h__\n"
+ text += "#define __" + domain + "_version_h__\n"
+ text += "extern const char* " + domain + "_revision;\n"
+ text += "extern int " + domain + "_major_version;\n"
+ text += "extern int " + domain + "_minor_version;\n"
+ text += "extern int " + domain + "_micro_version;\n"
+ text += "#endif /* __" + domain + "_version_h__ */\n"
+ try:
+ o = file(header_path, 'w')
+ o.write(text)
+ o.close()
+ except IOError:
+ print "Could not open", header_path, " for writing\n"
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ return None
+def run_tests(ctx, appname, tests):
+ orig_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ failures = 0
+ base = '..'
+ top_level = os.path.abspath(ctx.curdir) != os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
+ if top_level:
+ os.chdir('./build/default/' + appname)
+ base = '../..'
+ else:
+ os.chdir('./build/default')
+ lcov = True
+ lcov_log = open('lcov.log', 'w')
+ try:
+ # Clear coverage data
+'lcov -d ./src -z'.split(),
+ stdout=lcov_log, stderr=lcov_log)
+ except:
+ lcov = False
+ print "Failed to run lcov, no coverage report will be generated"
+ # Run all tests
+ for i in tests:
+ print
+ Utils.pprint('BOLD', 'Running %s test %s' % (appname, i))
+ if == 0:
+ Utils.pprint('GREEN', 'Passed %s %s' % (appname, i))
+ else:
+ failures += 1
+ Utils.pprint('RED', 'Failed %s %s' % (appname, i))
+ if lcov:
+ # Generate coverage data
+ coverage_lcov = open('coverage.lcov', 'w')
+'lcov -c -d ./src -d ./test -b ' + base).split(),
+ stdout=coverage_lcov, stderr=lcov_log)
+ coverage_lcov.close()
+ # Strip out unwanted stuff
+ coverage_stripped_lcov = open('coverage-stripped.lcov', 'w')
+'lcov --remove coverage.lcov *boost* c++*'.split(),
+ stdout=coverage_stripped_lcov, stderr=lcov_log)
+ coverage_stripped_lcov.close()
+ # Generate HTML coverage output
+ if not os.path.isdir('./coverage'):
+ os.makedirs('./coverage')
+'genhtml -o coverage coverage-stripped.lcov'.split(),
+ stdout=lcov_log, stderr=lcov_log)
+ lcov_log.close()
+ print
+ Utils.pprint('BOLD', 'Summary:', sep=''),
+ if failures == 0:
+ Utils.pprint('GREEN', 'All ' + appname + ' tests passed')
+ else:
+ Utils.pprint('RED', str(failures) + ' ' + appname + ' test(s) failed')
+ Utils.pprint('BOLD', 'Coverage:', sep='')
+ print os.path.abspath('coverage/index.html')
+ os.chdir(orig_dir)
+def shutdown():
+ # This isn't really correct (for packaging), but people asking is annoying
+ if Options.commands['install']:
+ try: os.popen("/sbin/ldconfig")
+ except: pass
diff --git a/waf b/waf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..85a737c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/waf
Binary files differ