path: root/wscript
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wscript')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 443 deletions
diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
deleted file mode 100644
index e110d719..00000000
--- a/wscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os
-from waflib import Build, Logs, Options, Utils
-from waflib.extras import autowaf
-# Package version
-INGEN_VERSION = '0.5.1'
-# Mandatory waf variables
-APPNAME = 'ingen' # Package name for waf dist
-VERSION = INGEN_VERSION # Package version for waf dist
-top = '.' # Source directory
-out = 'build' # Build directory
-line_just = 47
-def options(ctx):
- ctx.load('compiler_cxx')
- ctx.load('python')
- ctx.load('lv2')
- ctx.recurse('src/gui')
- opt = ctx.configuration_options()
- opt.add_option('--data-dir', type='string', dest='datadir',
- help='ingen data install directory [default: PREFIX/share/ingen]')
- opt.add_option('--module-dir', type='string', dest='moduledir',
- help='ingen module install directory [default: PREFIX/lib/ingen]')
- ctx.add_flags(
- opt,
- {'no-gui': 'do not build GUI',
- 'no-client': 'do not build client library (or GUI)',
- 'no-jack': 'do not build jack backend (for ingen.lv2 only)',
- 'no-plugin': 'do not build ingen.lv2 plugin',
- 'no-python': 'do not install Python bindings',
- 'no-webkit': 'do not use webkit to display plugin documentation',
- 'no-socket': 'do not build Socket interface',
- 'debug-urids': 'print a trace of URI mapping',
- 'portaudio': 'build PortAudio backend'})
-def configure(conf):
- conf.load('compiler_cxx', cache=True)
- conf.load('lv2', cache=True)
- if not Options.options.no_python:
- conf.load('python', cache=True)
- conf.load('autowaf', cache=True)
- autowaf.set_cxx_lang(conf, 'c++11')
- if Options.options.strict:
- # Check for programs used by lint target
- conf.find_program("flake8", var="FLAKE8", mandatory=False)
- conf.find_program("clang-tidy", var="CLANG_TIDY", mandatory=False)
- conf.find_program("iwyu_tool", var="IWYU_TOOL", mandatory=False)
- if Options.options.ultra_strict:
- autowaf.add_compiler_flags(conf.env, 'cxx', {
- 'clang': [
- '-Wno-cast-align',
- '-Wno-cast-qual',
- '-Wno-documentation-unknown-command',
- '-Wno-exit-time-destructors',
- '-Wno-float-conversion',
- '-Wno-float-equal',
- '-Wno-format-nonliteral',
- '-Wno-global-constructors',
- '-Wno-implicit-float-conversion',
- '-Wno-implicit-int-conversion',
- '-Wno-nullability-extension',
- '-Wno-nullable-to-nonnull-conversion',
- '-Wno-padded',
- '-Wno-reserved-id-macro',
- '-Wno-shadow-field',
- '-Wno-shorten-64-to-32',
- '-Wno-sign-conversion',
- '-Wno-switch-enum',
- '-Wno-unreachable-code',
- '-Wno-unused-parameter',
- '-Wno-vla',
- '-Wno-vla-extension',
- '-Wno-weak-vtables',
- ],
- 'gcc': [
- '-Wno-cast-align',
- '-Wno-cast-qual',
- '-Wno-conditionally-supported',
- '-Wno-conversion',
- '-Wno-effc++',
- '-Wno-float-conversion',
- '-Wno-float-equal',
- '-Wno-format',
- '-Wno-format-nonliteral',
- '-Wno-multiple-inheritance',
- '-Wno-padded',
- '-Wno-sign-conversion',
- '-Wno-stack-protector',
- '-Wno-suggest-attribute=format',
- '-Wno-suggest-override',
- '-Wno-switch-enum',
- '-Wno-unreachable-code',
- '-Wno-unused-parameter',
- '-Wno-useless-cast',
- '-Wno-vla',
- ],
- })
- conf.check_cxx(header_name='boost/intrusive/slist.hpp')
- conf.check_pkg('lv2 >= 1.16.0', uselib_store='LV2')
- conf.check_pkg('lilv-0 >= 0.21.5', uselib_store='LILV')
- conf.check_pkg('suil-0 >= 0.8.7', uselib_store='SUIL')
- conf.check_pkg('sratom-0 >= 0.4.6', uselib_store='SRATOM')
- conf.check_pkg('raul-1 >= 1.1.0', uselib_store='RAUL')
- conf.check_pkg('serd-0 >= 0.30.3', uselib_store='SERD', mandatory=False)
- conf.check_pkg('sord-0 >= 0.12.0', uselib_store='SORD', mandatory=False)
- conf.check_pkg('portaudio-2.0',
- uselib_store = 'PORTAUDIO',
- system = True,
- mandatory = False)
- conf.check_pkg('sigc++-2.0',
- uselib_store = 'SIGCPP',
- system = True,
- mandatory = False)
- conf.check_function('cxx', 'posix_memalign',
- defines = '_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L',
- header_name = 'stdlib.h',
- define_name = 'HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN',
- return_type = 'int',
- arg_types = 'void**,size_t,size_t',
- mandatory = False)
- conf.check_function('cxx', 'isatty',
- header_name = 'unistd.h',
- defines = '_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L',
- define_name = 'HAVE_ISATTY',
- return_type = 'int',
- arg_types = 'int',
- mandatory = False)
- conf.check_function('cxx', 'vasprintf',
- header_name = 'stdio.h',
- defines = '_GNU_SOURCE=1',
- define_name = 'HAVE_VASPRINTF',
- return_type = 'int',
- arg_types = 'char**,const char*,va_list',
- mandatory = False)
- conf.check(define_name = 'HAVE_LIBDL',
- lib = 'dl',
- mandatory = False)
- if not Options.options.no_socket:
- conf.check_function('cxx', 'socket',
- header_name = 'sys/socket.h',
- define_name = 'HAVE_SOCKET',
- return_type = 'int',
- arg_types = 'int,int,int',
- mandatory = False)
- if not Options.options.no_python:
- conf.check_python_version((2, 4, 0), mandatory=False)
- if not Options.options.no_plugin:
- conf.env.INGEN_BUILD_LV2 = 1
- if not Options.options.no_jack:
- conf.check_pkg('jack >= 0.120.0',
- uselib_store = 'JACK',
- system = True,
- mandatory = False)
- conf.check_function('cxx', 'jack_set_property',
- header_name = 'jack/metadata.h',
- define_name = 'HAVE_JACK_METADATA',
- uselib = 'JACK',
- return_type = 'int',
- arg_types = '''jack_client_t*,
- jack_uuid_t,
- const char*,
- const char*,
- const char*''',
- mandatory = False)
- conf.check_function('cxx', 'jack_port_rename',
- header_name = 'jack/jack.h',
- define_name = 'HAVE_JACK_PORT_RENAME',
- uselib = 'JACK',
- return_type = 'int',
- arg_types = 'jack_client_t*,jack_port_t*,const char*',
- mandatory = False)
- if Options.options.debug_urids:
- conf.define('INGEN_DEBUG_URIDS', 1)
- conf.env.INGEN_TEST_LINKFLAGS = []
- conf.env.INGEN_TEST_CXXFLAGS = []
- if conf.env.BUILD_TESTS:
- if not conf.env.NO_COVERAGE:
- conf.env.INGEN_TEST_CXXFLAGS += ['--coverage']
- conf.env.INGEN_TEST_LINKFLAGS += ['--coverage']
- conf.env.PTHREAD_CFLAGS = []
- conf.env.PTHREAD_LINKFLAGS = []
- if conf.check(cflags=['-pthread'], mandatory=False):
- conf.env.PTHREAD_CFLAGS = ['-pthread']
- if conf.check(linkflags=['-pthread'], mandatory=False):
- if not (conf.env.DEST_OS == 'darwin' and conf.env.CXX_NAME == 'clang'):
- conf.env.PTHREAD_LINKFLAGS += ['-pthread']
- if conf.check(linkflags=['-lpthread'], mandatory=False):
- conf.env.PTHREAD_LINKFLAGS += ['-lpthread']
- conf.define('INGEN_SHARED', 1)
- if conf.env.HAVE_SIGCPP and not Options.options.no_client:
- conf.env.INGEN_BUILD_CLIENT = 1
- else:
- Options.options.no_gui = True
- if not Options.options.no_gui:
- conf.recurse('src/gui')
- conf.define('INGEN_DATA_DIR', os.path.join(conf.env.DATADIR, 'ingen'))
- conf.define('INGEN_MODULE_DIR', conf.env.LIBDIR)
- conf.define('INGEN_BUNDLE_DIR', os.path.join(conf.env.LV2DIR, 'ingen.lv2'))
- autowaf.set_lib_env(conf, 'ingen', INGEN_VERSION)
- conf.run_env.append_unique('XDG_DATA_DIRS', [str(conf.path.get_bld())])
- for i in ['src', 'modules']:
- conf.run_env.append_unique(autowaf.lib_path_name, [str(conf.build_path(i))])
- for i in ['src/client', 'src/server', 'src/gui']:
- conf.run_env.append_unique('INGEN_MODULE_PATH', [str(conf.build_path(i))])
- conf.write_config_header('ingen_config.h', remove=False)
- autowaf.display_summary(
- conf,
- {'GUI': bool(conf.env.INGEN_BUILD_GUI),
- 'HTML plugin doc support': bool(conf.env.HAVE_WEBKIT),
- 'PortAudio driver': bool(conf.env.HAVE_PORTAUDIO),
- 'Jack driver': bool(conf.env.HAVE_JACK),
- 'Jack metadata support': conf.is_defined('HAVE_JACK_METADATA'),
- 'LV2 plugin driver': bool(conf.env.INGEN_BUILD_LV2),
- 'LV2 bundle': conf.env.INGEN_BUNDLE_DIR,
- 'LV2 plugin support': bool(conf.env.HAVE_LILV),
- 'Socket interface': conf.is_defined('HAVE_SOCKET')})
-unit_tests = ['tst_FilePath']
-def build(bld):
- opts = Options.options
- opts.datadir = opts.datadir or bld.env.PREFIX + 'share'
- opts.moduledir = opts.moduledir or bld.env.PREFIX + 'lib/ingen'
- # Headers
- for i in ['', 'client']:
- bld.install_files('${INCLUDEDIR}/ingen/%s' % i,
- bld.path.ant_glob('ingen/%s/*' % i))
- # Python modules
- if bld.env.PYTHONDIR:
- bld.install_files('${PYTHONDIR}/', 'scripts/')
- # Modules
- bld.recurse('src')
- bld.recurse('src/server')
- if bld.env.INGEN_BUILD_CLIENT:
- bld.recurse('src/client')
- if bld.env.INGEN_BUILD_GUI:
- bld.recurse('src/gui')
- # Program
- bld(features = 'c cxx cxxprogram',
- source = 'src/ingen/ingen.cpp',
- target = 'ingen',
- includes = ['.', 'include'],
- use = 'libingen',
- install_path = '${BINDIR}')
- # Test program
- if bld.env.BUILD_TESTS:
- for i in ['ingen_test', 'ingen_bench'] + unit_tests:
- bld(features = 'cxx cxxprogram',
- source = 'tests/%s.cpp' % i,
- target = 'tests/%s' % i,
- includes = ['.', 'include'],
- use = 'libingen',
- install_path = '',
- cxxflags = bld.env.INGEN_TEST_CXXFLAGS,
- linkflags = bld.env.INGEN_TEST_LINKFLAGS)
- bld.install_files('${DATADIR}/applications', 'src/ingen/ingen.desktop')
- bld.install_files('${BINDIR}', 'scripts/ingenish', chmod=Utils.O755)
- bld.install_files('${BINDIR}', 'scripts/ingenams', chmod=Utils.O755)
- # Code documentation
- autowaf.build_dox(bld, 'INGEN', INGEN_VERSION, top, out)
- # Ontology documentation
- if bld.env.DOCS:
- bld(rule=' ${SRC} ${TGT} -i -p ingen --copy-style --list-email --list-page',
- source = 'bundles/ingen.lv2/ingen.ttl',
- target = 'ingen.lv2/ingen.html')
- # Man page
- bld.install_files('${MANDIR}/man1', 'doc/ingen.1')
- # Icons
- icon_dir = os.path.join(bld.env.DATADIR, 'icons', 'hicolor')
- icon_sizes = [16, 22, 24, 32, 48, 64, 128, 256]
- for s in icon_sizes:
- d = '%dx%d' % (s, s)
- bld.install_as(
- os.path.join(icon_dir, d, 'apps', 'ingen.png'),
- os.path.join('icons', d, 'ingen.png'))
- bld.install_as(
- os.path.join(icon_dir, 'scalable', 'apps', 'ingen.svg'),
- os.path.join('icons', 'scalable', 'ingen.svg'))
- bld.install_files('${LV2DIR}/ingen.lv2/',
- bld.path.ant_glob('bundles/ingen.lv2/*'))
- # Install template graph bundles
- for c in ['Stereo', 'Mono']:
- for t in ['Effect', 'Instrument']:
- bundle = '%s%s.ingen' % (c, t)
- bld.install_files('${LV2DIR}/%s/' % bundle,
- bld.path.ant_glob('bundles/%s/*' % bundle))
- bld.add_post_fun(autowaf.run_ldconfig)
-class LintContext(Build.BuildContext):
- fun = cmd = 'lint'
-def lint(ctx):
- "checks code for style issues"
- import subprocess
- import sys
- st = 0
- if "FLAKE8" in ctx.env:
-"Running flake8")
- for i in ["src/client/wscript",
- "src/gui/wscript",
- "src/server/wscript",
- "src/wscript",
- "scripts/",
- "scripts/ingenish",
- "scripts/ingenams",
- "wscript"]:
- st +=[ctx.env.FLAKE8[0],
- "--ignore", "E221,W504,E251,E501",
- i])
- else:
- Logs.warn("Not running flake8")
- if "CLANG_TIDY" in ctx.env and "clang" in ctx.env.CXX[0]:
-"Running clang-tidy")
- import json
- with open('build/compile_commands.json', 'r') as db:
- commands = json.load(db)
- files = [c['file'] for c in commands]
- for step_files in zip(*(iter(files),) *
- procs = []
- for f in step_files:
- cmd = [ctx.env.CLANG_TIDY[0], '--quiet', '-p=.', f]
- procs += [subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd='build')]
- for proc in procs:
- proc.communicate()
- st += proc.returncode
- else:
- Logs.warn("Not running clang-tidy")
- if "IWYU_TOOL" in ctx.env:
-"Running include-what-you-use")
- cmd = [ctx.env.IWYU_TOOL[0], "-o", "clang", "-p", "build"]
- output = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8')
- if 'error: ' in output:
- sys.stdout.write(output)
- st += 1
- else:
- Logs.warn("Not running include-what-you-use")
- if st != 0:
- Logs.warn("Lint checks failed")
- sys.exit(st)
-def upload_docs(ctx):
- # Ontology documentation
- os.system('rsync -avz -e ssh bundles/ingen.lv2/ingen.ttl')
- os.system('rsync -avz -e ssh build/ingen.lv2/ingen.html')
- os.system('rsync -avz -e ssh build/ingen.lv2/style.css')
- # Doxygen documentation
- os.system('rsync -ravz --delete -e ssh build/doc/html/*')
-def test(tst):
- with'unit') as check:
- for i in unit_tests:
- check(['./tests/' + i])
- with'integration') as check:
- empty = tst.src_path('tests/empty.ingen')
- empty_main = os.path.join(empty, 'main.ttl')
- for i in tst.path.ant_glob('tests/*.ttl'):
- base = os.path.basename(i.abspath().replace('.ttl', ''))
- # Run test
- check(['./tests/ingen_test',
- '--load', empty,
- '--execute', os.path.relpath(i.abspath(), os.getcwd())])
- # Check undo output for changes
- check.file_equals(empty_main, base + '.undo.ingen/main.ttl')
- # Check redo output for changes
- check.file_equals(base + '.out.ingen/main.ttl',
- base + '.redo.ingen/main.ttl')