path: root/mda.lv2/SubSynth.ttl
diff options
authorDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2012-03-28 04:27:34 +0000
committerDavid Robillard <d@drobilla.net>2012-03-28 04:27:34 +0000
commitb9b04f3e6f3930cdebef7339b1162b3c4235469f (patch)
treefba564a07e9c736c803d63007d3eba9896ef7170 /mda.lv2/SubSynth.ttl
parentbf7cde64866d735224a920e43f1e1c136c4895c0 (diff)
Mdala => MDA.
git-svn-id: http://svn.drobilla.net/lad/trunk/plugins/mda.lv2@4125 a436a847-0d15-0410-975c-d299462d15a1
Diffstat (limited to 'mda.lv2/SubSynth.ttl')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mda.lv2/SubSynth.ttl b/mda.lv2/SubSynth.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..576bc77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mda.lv2/SubSynth.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+@prefix doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> .
+@prefix lv2: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#> .
+@prefix mda: <http://drobilla.net/plugins/mda/> .
+@prefix param: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/parameters#> .
+@prefix pg: <http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/port-groups#> .
+@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
+@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
+ lv2:symbol "SubSynth" ;
+ doap:name "MDA SubSynth" ;
+ doap:shortdesc "Several low frequency enhancement methods" ;
+ doap:license <http://usefulinc.com/doap/licenses/gpl> ;
+ lv2:pluginProperty lv2:hardRTCapable ;
+ pg:mainInput mda:mainIn ;
+ pg:mainOutput mda:mainOut ;
+ rdfs:comment """More bass than you could ever need!
+Be aware that you may be adding low frequency content outside the range of your monitor speakers. To avoid clipping, follow with a limiter plug-in (this can also give some giant hip-hop drum sounds!).""" ;
+ lv2:port [
+ a lv2:InputPort ,
+ lv2:ControlPort ;
+ lv2:index 0 ;
+ lv2:name "Type" ;
+ lv2:symbol "type" ;
+ lv2:default 0 ;
+ lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
+ lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
+ lv2:portProperty lv2:enumeration ;
+ lv2:scalePoint [
+ rdf:value 0.0 ;
+ rdfs:label "Distort" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Takes the existing low frequencies, clips them to produce harmonics at a constant level, then filters out the higher harmonics. Has a similar effect to compressing the low frequencies."
+ ] , [
+ rdf:value 0.25 ;
+ rdfs:label "Divide" ;
+ rdfs:comment "As above, but works at an octave below the input frequency, like an octave divider guitar pedal."
+ ] , [
+ rdf:value 0.5 ;
+ rdfs:label "Invert" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Flips the phase of the low frequency signal once per cycle to add a smooth sub-octave. A simplified version of the classic Sub-Harmonic Synthesizer."
+ ] , [
+ rdf:value 0.75 ;
+ rdfs:label "Key Osc." ;
+ rdfs:comment """Adds a decaying "boom" - usually made with an oscillator before a noise gate keyed with the kick drum signal."""
+ ]
+ ] , [
+ a lv2:InputPort ,
+ lv2:ControlPort ;
+ lv2:index 1 ;
+ lv2:name "Level" ;
+ lv2:symbol "level" ;
+ lv2:default 0.3 ;
+ lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
+ lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
+ rdfs:comment "Amount of synthesized low frequency signal to be added"
+ ] , [
+ a lv2:InputPort ,
+ lv2:ControlPort ;
+ lv2:index 2 ;
+ lv2:name "Tune" ;
+ lv2:symbol "tune" ;
+ lv2:default 0.6 ;
+ lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
+ lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
+ rdfs:comment "Maximum frequency - keep as low as possible to reduce distortion. In Key Osc mode sets the oscillator frequency"
+ ] , [
+ a lv2:InputPort ,
+ lv2:ControlPort ;
+ lv2:index 3 ;
+ lv2:name "Dry Mix" ;
+ lv2:symbol "dry_mix" ;
+ lv2:default 1 ;
+ lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
+ lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
+ rdfs:comment "Reduces the level of the original signal"
+ ] , [
+ a lv2:InputPort ,
+ lv2:ControlPort ;
+ lv2:index 4 ;
+ lv2:name "Thresh" ;
+ lv2:symbol "thresh" ;
+ lv2:default 0.6 ;
+ lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
+ lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
+ rdfs:comment """Increase to "gate" the low frequency effect and stop unwanted background rumbling"""
+ ] , [
+ a lv2:InputPort ,
+ lv2:ControlPort ;
+ lv2:index 5 ;
+ lv2:name "Release" ;
+ lv2:symbol "release" ;
+ lv2:default 0.65 ;
+ lv2:minimum 0.0 ;
+ lv2:maximum 1.0 ;
+ lv2:designation param:release ;
+ rdfs:comment "Decay time in Key Osc mode"
+ ] , [
+ a lv2:InputPort ,
+ lv2:AudioPort ;
+ lv2:index 6 ;
+ lv2:symbol "left_in" ;
+ lv2:name "Left In" ;
+ lv2:designation pg:left ;
+ pg:group mda:mainIn
+ ] , [
+ a lv2:InputPort ,
+ lv2:AudioPort ;
+ lv2:index 7 ;
+ lv2:symbol "right_in" ;
+ lv2:name "Right In" ;
+ lv2:designation pg:right ;
+ pg:group mda:mainIn
+ ] , [
+ a lv2:OutputPort ,
+ lv2:AudioPort ;
+ lv2:index 8 ;
+ lv2:symbol "left_out" ;
+ lv2:name "Left Out" ;
+ lv2:designation pg:left ;
+ pg:group mda:mainOut
+ ] , [
+ a lv2:OutputPort ,
+ lv2:AudioPort ;
+ lv2:index 9 ;
+ lv2:symbol "right_out" ;
+ lv2:name "Right Out" ;
+ lv2:designation pg:right ;
+ pg:group mda:mainOut
+ ] .